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Mental Health
Friday, February 8th, 2008
Rush Limbaugh cites Americans For Truth; honoree’s book touts ‘consensual slavery’; LaBarbera calls on DNC to demand return of contribution
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force “Leather Leadership Award” honoree Guy Baldwin is the “co”-author (with “a grateful slave”) of “Slavecraft: Roadmaps for Erotic Servitude; Principles, Skills and Tools.” The book advocates “consensual slavery.” Will the DNC demand a return of its at least $2,500 donation to the Task Force, whose “Creating Change” conference in Detroit honors Baldwin? Or is the party that overwhelmingly receives the most support from African Americans comfortable with the idea of celebrating and sexualizing “slavery”? This is one form of deviant play-acting that mocks Black descendants of REAL slaves whose servitude was certainly not “consensual,” and trivializes an awful chapter in America’s history. You can listen to the AFA ‘One News Now’ report on the DNC-sadomasochism story by click HERE and then clicking “Hear Report.”
Well, folks, the Party of Perversion is at it again. This time the DNC (Democratic National Committee) — as a member of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s (NGLTF) “Leadership Council” (Advocate’s Circle) — gave at least $2,500 to the Task Force, whose “Creating Change” conference in Detroit is presenting its “Leather Leadership Award” to Guy Baldwin, an advocate of “erotic” and “consensual slavery.” How sick is that?
We at Americans For Truth call on the DNC to demand their money back from the NGLTF — or they are complicit with the homosexual Task Force in glorifying this disgusting, sadomasochistic perversion that belittles the forced suffering of African Americans under slavery.
The following story from our good friends at American Family Association’s One News Now — based on our initial story about 2008 Creating Change — was mentioned by Rush Limbaughon the air today. More posts on the Task Force’s über-deviant “Creating Change” conference will follow. — Peter LaBarbera
CONTACT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: through their website: www.democrats.org/page/s/contact, or by calling 202-863-8000 or 877-336-7200.
LISTEN ONLINE: You can listen to the AFA ‘One News Now’ report on the DNC-sadomasochism story by click HERE and then clicking “Hear Report.”
One News Now reports:
Jeff Johnson – OneNewsNow – 2/7/2008 10:00:00 AM
The 20th annual meeting of the nation’s second most powerful homosexual activist group is welcoming some new participants — and a very recognizable sponsor.
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is holding its annual “Creating Change” conference in Detroit this week. Its sponsors claim to have trained more than 30,000 activists since 1988. Peter LaBarbera with Americans for Truth About Homosexuality has reported on the event in the past. “It’s essentially a grassroots training conference for homosexual, bisexual, transgender — and now, it turns out — sadomasochistic activists,” says LaBarbera.
The event originally focused on homosexuals, but has expanded to include individuals who are convinced that they were born into the wrong sex. The event’s handbook even addresses “transgender restroom etiquette.”
“It says that, ‘Each of us can decide for ourselves in which bathroom we belong,'” LaBarbera points out. “And, so, I mean, this movement is now getting so crazy that they can choose their own gender and then the restroom that matches that.”
And LaBarbera says he is not sure if he is more surprised by one of the sponsors of the event or by one of the activists who will be honored. “It’s incredible to me,” he continues. “But the Democratic Party is endorsing an event where they’re actually presenting an award for sadomasochism.”
A sponsorship acknowledgement notes that the Democratic National Committee gave at least $2,500 to help pay for the event. The recipient of the “Leather Leadership Award” is Guy Baldwin, a psychotherapist who has successfully lobbied against treating sadomasochism as a mental health problem.
Posted in Authors & Journalists, Celebrities, Health & Science, Leather, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Public Indecency |
Tuesday, February 5th, 2008
Creating Change or Creating Confusion? (This is a woman.) Radical author Patrick Califia embodies the “transgender” chaos at the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force’s annual activists’ “Creating Change” conference, to be held in Detroit Feb. 6-10. The biologically female Califia once considered herself a butch lesbian, but then opted for a “female-to-male” transgender identity, ending up as a self-described “gay man” — which would make her a ‘gay man trapped in a lesbian’s body.’ In order to minimize “transphobic situations,” the Task Force is warning Creating Change attendees that “a person’s external appearance may not match their internal gender identity.”
Folks, it simply doesn’t get any loonier on the Left than the National Lesbian & Gay Task Force’s annual “Creating Change” conference for grassroots LGBTIQQ (which I think stands for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and Questioning” — but it’s hard to keep track). This year’s “Creating Change” event is being held in Detroit Feb. 6-10 [2009].
How loony, you ask? Well, on page 17 of this year’s Creating Change program is this advisory piece on “Transgender Etiquette,” as the Task Force endeavors to snuff out “transphobia” within its activist ranks. If you gathered 20 witty foes of homosexuality in a room and instructed them to make up something to embarrass the “gay” movement, they couldn’t come up with anything this bizarre. And yet, Creating Change is a serious affair — funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Ford Foundation alike — where sexual revolutionaries learn how to work the political system to break down America’s traditional sexual and gender norms.
Reading the notice below, is it any wonder that when the Homosexual ‘Task Force’ comes to town, simple “Male/Female” restrooms won’t do? We’ll have more on Creating Change in future posts.–Peter LaBarbera
This is reprinted verbatim from the online Creating Change program, with our emphasis added in bold:
Adapted from The 2002 Portland Creating Change™ Host Committee
There are many transgender people at Creating Change™. To be inclusive and improve the quality of life for transgender people here, please read and act upon the following.
Please do not assume anyone’s gender, even people you may have met in the past. A person’s external appearance may not match their internal gender identity. You cannot know the gender or sex of someone by their physical body, voice, appearance or mannerisms. Pay attention to a person’s purposeful gender expression. We consider it polite to ask: “What pronoun do you prefer?” or “How do you identify?” before using pronouns or gendered words for anyone. When you are unsure of a person’s gender identity and you don’t have an opportunity to ask someone what words they prefer, try using that person’s name or gender-neutral phrases like “the person in the red shirt,” instead of “that woman or man.”
One way of acknowledging transgender people’s needs is to designate restrooms gender neutral. In bathrooms, many transgender people face harassment that can lead to anything from deep discomfort to arrest or death. Regardless of what bathroom you are in, please let everyone pee in peace. Each of us can decide for ourselves in which bathroom we belong.
Please listen to transgender people’s needs and stories when they are volunteered; yet please respect people’s privacy and boundaries and do not ask unnecessary questions. Educate yourself through books, web sites, and transgender workshops. Then please join the many hardworking allies who are working to respond appropriately to transphobic situations. Respectful allies, who learn from and with transgender people and then educate others, are important for successful transgender liberation.
Thank you for your help and have a great conference!
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), 06 - Queer, E - Praying for the Lost, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Health & Science, Mental Health, News, Task Force |
Thursday, January 24th, 2008
We apologize: we initially posted to the wrong CWA interview in our initial post:
Click HERE to listen to Concerned Women for America’s online interview yesterday between Matt Barber and Robert Knight. Less than a week after Reuters drew national attention to a study about an outbreak of the deadly MRSA staph infection among homosexuals engaging in risky behavior, follow-up articles started appearing that seemed to downplay the findings, attack the researchers and demonize pro-family groups that commented on it. Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues, and Knight, Director of the Media Research Center’s Culture and Media Institute, discuss these often-used tactics by radical homosexuals to avoid inconvenient truths. You can also go HERE to CWA’s website to listen to or download the interview.
Barber did a previous interview with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, which you can listen to by clicking HERE, or by connecting from this page on the CWA website.
Posted in Activists, Bathhouses, Crystal Methamphetamine, Gay Culture, Government Promotion, Homosexual Quotes, HRC, Media Promotion, Mental Health, News, Physical Health |
Friday, January 18th, 2008
‘Lady Liberty’ writes the following through the Americans For Truth website. There is a big problem with this confused soul’s thesis: MRSA is reportedly spreading among homosexual men in the very cities — San Francisco, New York, Boston and Los Angeles — that are the most “tolerant” and accepting of homosexuality:
Americans For Truth Is Causing Resistant Staph
You are causing the staph infection. If you would allow gay men to not be shamed to have anonymous relations in the cover of dark, and allow them to form marriages, it would reduce the number of these diseases. Shockingly enough, this would lower the risk to you in the long run. It is your sickening hate that is taking people’s lives, and America hates your guts for it!!!!! It would not be shocking to learn that covert operatives such as your evil, are planting these germs. What goes around comes around. You are so unimaginably, inherently EVIL!
Posted in E - Praying for the Lost, Homosexual Hate Speech, Mental Health, News, Physical Health |
Thursday, January 17th, 2008
ACLU’s homosexual Executive Director, Anthony Romero. Read the ACLU’s outrageous, pro-bathroom-sex legal brief here: http://www.aclu.org/pdfs/freespeech/craig_v_minnesota_acluamicus.pdf.
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, could any of us on the Right make up something this nutty, this extreme? The ACLU is defending DEVIANT SEX IN PUBLIC BATHROOMS as a “privacy right.” This was too much even for lefty MSNBC “Countdown” host Keith Olbermann, who makes a living slamming conservatives. Here’s a paragraph from their amicus brief in the Larry Craig case (emphasis added):
Sex is a constitutionally protected liberty interest. … Thus, the government may make sex a crime only where it has a constitutionally sufficient justification for doing so. … [cites the Supreme Court’s 2003 Lawrence v. Texas decision striking down Texas’ sodomy law]. The government does not have a constitutionally sufficient justification for making private sex a crime. … It follows that an invitation to have private sex is constitutionally protected and may not be made a crime. … This is so even where the proposition occurs in a public place, whether in a bar or in a restroom.
Activists courts are the tool that the Left has used to advance what pro-family attorney Jan LaRue calls America’s “unholy trinity”: abortion-on-demand, pornography, and homosexuality. If killing one’s unborn child (with his or her own, separate DNA) can be justified as a “privacy” right; if owning or buying even child pornography can be defended as a First Amendment “right,” then hey, why not homosexual perversion in bathroom stalls?
We know enough about the ACLU to assert that even if a homosexual activist (Anthony Romero) were not running the organization, it would have joined this case. “Sexual freedom” is the Libertine Left’s new clarion call to legalize and expand the “rights” of even the most outlandish perversions: sadomasochistic house parties; the hetero “swingers community”; the “right” of sex businesses to set up shop in your neighborhood; “polyamory” (multiple-partner “marriage,” anyone?); and, yes, even public bathroom sex.
Can you picture the liberal protesters chanting: “FREE LARRY CRAIG”!! “FREE LARRY CRAIG”!!
Wackiness aside, if America’s modern history has taught us anything, it is to take the Left’s legal gambits and cultural aggression seriously. Using the courts, the ACLU lawyers and their comrades in the Homosexual, Radical Feminist (Abortion) and Porn Lobbies are destroying America, in the name of freedom.
Think about that later this year when you vote for our next U.S. President, who will pick the nation’s highest-level judges. God help us.
P.S. Click HERE for a great piece on the ACLU’s folly by Brenda Zurita of CWA’s Beverly LaHaye Institute.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in ACLU - Gay & Lesbian Project, Court Decisions & Judges, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Government Promotion, Homosexual Quotes, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? |
Wednesday, January 16th, 2008
And the Punch Line Is …
Will the ACLU’s bathroom-sex agenda stall?
By Brenda Zurita
Reprinted with permission from CWA’s Beverly LaHaye Institute, Jan. 16, 2008
Due to the current Hollywood writer’s strike, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has jumped in to fill the gap existing in late-night monologues and sit-coms. If only that were true there might be a joke in there somewhere.
Alas, the title refers to a brief filed by the ACLU in the Larry Craig case in Minnesota. Yes, the senator of the “wide stance” fame has a new defense argument, courtesy of the ACLU.
The Associated Press reported that the ACLU is arguing there is an expectation of privacy when people have sex in public bathrooms.
Hmmm, when I enter a public bathroom I have the expectation of toilet paper being in the stall, not a sex encounter. And privacy in a public bathroom is at a minimum. The gap around the door frame and the open space between the dividers and the floor and ceiling provide only a modicum of coverage. Not exactly a rendezvous spot for randy patrons expecting privacy. It does however make an excellent place for exhibitionists to meet.
Imagine taking your child to a public restroom and hearing two people engaging in a sex act six inches away. Again, due to the construction of the average public restroom stall, there is little that is private. Having an expectation of privacy there is laughable. And what about the expectation of people using the restroom for what is was intended and not being subjected to sex acts?
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), ACLU - Gay & Lesbian Project, Court Decisions & Judges, Current State Law, Equality of Maryland, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Government Promotion, Mental Health, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Saturday, December 22nd, 2007
“Transgender” confusion and perversion — such as the anti-Christian, drag-queen mock “nuns” who make up the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — follow in the footsteps of the homosexual variety. In Massachusetts, a very confused female student who considers herself a “gay male” is suing for the “right” to use the men’s locker room. The local newspaper uses the pronoun “his,” bowing to the female student’s (current) “gender identity.”
By J. Matt Barber, Concerned Women for America
Talk radio host Michael Savage doesn’t mince words. He often says that “liberalism is a mental disorder.” He’s right. Liberal ideology and political correctness, infused with public policy, begets social insanity.
Case in point: A recent report on a popular homosexual “news” site declares, “A transgendered student says he is the victim of discrimination at a small Massachusetts community college because he is biologically female.”
Say what? “He” is “female”? Welcome to PC-ville. Come for the oxymoron, stay for the cognitive dissonance.
In other news, “French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte says he is the victim of discrimination because he is biologically Bob from Detroit.”
Apparently, this clearly confused 20-year-old woman who “presents as a male and wears male clothing” is upset that Northern Essex Community College in Haverhill, Massachusetts, will not allow her to undress, shower or otherwise cavort with the fellows in the men’s locker room. She’s reportedly filed an “affirmative action complaint” against the school.
Even Haverhill’s local newspaper, the Eagle-Tribune, plays along, saying that she was “denied the use of the men’s locker room … because of his female anatomy.”
“His female anatomy”!?
Okay, wait a minute. … Is this one of those, “it depends on what the meaning of the word ‘his’ is” moments?
But it gets worse. The paper goes on to explain that this young woman – er, man … whatever – actually identifies as a “gay male.” It explains that her, “public unveiling as a transgender gay male happened as an adult two years ago. His designation means he has a female body, but identifies as a male and is sexually attracted to men.”
Geeze-oh-Pete! My head hurts. Can this be for real? How can any newspaper that wants to be taken seriously report this with a straight face? A “gay” man trapped in a woman’s body? And all this time I thought they were just straight gals in Dockers and flannel. When I was a kid we called them “tomboys.” They were great fun to play softball with, but they still had to shower with the rest of the girls. What unenlightened bigots we were back then. ….
Click HERE to read the rest of Barber’s column, “A Gay Man Trapped in a Woman’s Body and Other Nonsense.”
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), GenderPAC, Mental Health, News, Physical Health |
Friday, November 16th, 2007
Convicted homosexual possessor of child pornography and confessed “boy lover” Nelson Garcia (see www.wikisposure.com/NG) spews lies and hate against Americans For Truth founder Peter LaBarbera. Garcia didn’t like our recent fundraising appeal. This is Garcia’s mug shot from the New York sex crimes database.
Dear Americans For Truth Readers,
When you are in the business of fighting a sin-based movement, you come under attack from some pretty wicked and unsavory forces. We’re used to that here at AFTAH. But when a “boy-loving” homosexual militant who has been convicted of possessing child pornography comes after you with lies and hateful accusations, we put that in a special category. After our appeal Wednesday for financial help, a homosexual activist operating under his “NG Blog” attacked me and Americans For Truth with a lie-filled post accusing us of “groveling for money.”
Turns out that “NG Blog” is run by one Nelson Garcia, a New York City homosexual who was convicted of possessing child pornography. Garcia is also a confessed “boy lover.” (See http://www.wikisposure.com/NG.) ‘Boy-lover’ is the twisted “gay” slang term used by the pederasty group NAMBLA, the “North American Man/Boy Love Association — which, by the way, once marched in big-city “Gay Pride” parades.
Thanks to the good people at the Wikisposure Project — a branch of the Perverted-Justice Foundation, which exposes internet predators and pedophiles — Garcia’s secret is out. Here is part of Wiksposure’s post (http://www.wikisposure.com/NG) on our pedophile nemesis (emphasis added):
Nelson Garcia, aka NG, nlsngrc, and ng1260, would like the world to believe that he is merely an online gay activist. However, the reality is that he’s a pedophile, and one who has been convicted of sex crimes. He has admitted to being a boylover, although he has not expressed his preferred AoA [Age of Attraction].
A regular poster on BoyBliss and Boylover.net, Garcia was arrested and charged following a series of online chats with an undercover police officer from New Hampshire. During the course of those conversations, Garcia transmitted pornographic images of pre-pubescent boys who were engaged in sexual acts. He was sentenced to one year incarceration with no possibility of early release and was ordered to register as a level one sex offender with the New York State Sex Offender Registry.
Currently Garcia spends most of his online time blogging as a gay activist, but it should not be forgotten that he is truly a boylover pedophile. [NOTE: we have removed the disturbing pedophile links from this excerpt; they can be found at http://www.wikisposure.com/NG.]
Talk about audacity: Garcia continues to advocate against laws restricting child pornography on his radical “NG Blog.” Moreover, he slanders pro-family advocates with outright lies, like calling me “Porno Pete” and parents rights advocate David Parker a “child abuser.” How sick is that?
Garcia is also part of the homosexual blogging community. We’ll see after Garcia’s “boy-loving” criminal record becomes well-known how “tolerant” other “gay” bloggers will be of this unrepentant apologist for NAMBLA’s agenda –who doesn’t seem to have learned much from being busted on child porn charges. We’ll have more on Nelson Garcia in future posts at www.americansfortruth.org. — Peter LaBarbera
P.S. Go HERE for more information on the anti-pedophile Wikisposure Project, including how to donate to this worthy effort.
TAKE ACTION: Please help Americans for Truth protect children from the promotion of homosexuality with your tax-deductible donation of $100 or more (go to www.americansfortruth.org/donate/), or whatever you can give. Thank you to all those who have already given! See below if you would also like to order our banquet video.
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Excellent teaching tool for young people who are being brainwashed to accept homosexuality!
To order a complete DVD (or CD) of both ex-lesbian Charlene Cothran’s and parental rights hero David Parker’s outstanding talks at the recent Americans For Truth banquet, make an online donation of at least $25 postpaid to Americans For Truth (please use the online form to specify ‘2007 Banquet DVD’. You can substitute an audio CD but you must request this specifically.
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Posted in Activists, Authors & Journalists, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexual Quotes, Mental Health, NAMBLA, New York, News, Youth and School Related Organizations |

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