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On May 11, 2013, I spoke at a pro-family rally and posed the question, “Do you fear God or man?” on the issue of homosexual “marriage–which, of course, is not truly marriage in the eyes of our Creator. The rally was sponsored by Illinois Family Institute and was held outside of (Republican) State Rep. Jim Durkin’s district office in Western Springs, Illinois. At the time, Rep. Durkin was undecided on a pending homosexual “marriage” bill but he ended up voting “No.” The bill ultimately passed the Democrat-dominated Illinois General Assembly and was signed into law by Gov. Pat Quinn (D). It goes into effect June 1, although unnatural “gay marriages” are already allowed in Chicago and surrounding Cook County due to legal action. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [Watch this on YouTube here: http://youtu.be/Y4t3bzYkc0c]
“For young gay men…[the] urge for sex is strong, compulsive and obsessive. It dominates conscious thought with lustful fantasies which society does not grant expression without censure and judgement. For many gay men, a salient goal of life is to fulfill their sex fantasies and achieve some sort of intimacy with other men. …We seek intrigue and danger in our sexual netherworld. The threat of HIV infection may even nurture these yearnings. The greater the danger, the greater the thrill. Our masculine ideal is of strong, fearless men willing to inflict pain, aloof to suffering, and undaunted by sin. Virility is immortal, masculinity ever powerful and everlasting…Though the reality is often ugly, scarred, sordid and stupid, we willingly cower in the presence of that ersatz ideal, submit to its potency, genuflecting and suckling at the font of another man’s virility while scorning our own. Sometimes the power is fully consummated. I daresay there isn’t a gay man of 50 who doesn’t know of at least one friend murdered at the hands of a ‘trick’ [sexual hook-up]…Yet, as we survive each anonymous act, we only move farther away from the goal. We find no intimacy, fulfill no male ideal, and only confirm our deep-seated self-loathing….” –Garey Lambert, homosexual writer, “AIDS activist,” and editor of [homosexual newspaper] Baltimore Alternative, 1993
Ad for homosexual FLEX bathhouse in Atlanta–where men go for anonymous deviant sexual encounters with other men. (We’ve blocked the address and web site.) It is telling that such de facto perversion centers thrive in Atlanta, home to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control–which, though tasked with fighting the spread of HIV, refuses to push for closure of sex businesses that encourage “gay” hyper-promiscuity. The late homosexual writer Garey Lambert described how and why “gay” men are compulsively drawn to reckless, anonymous sexual encounters, which can be dangerous and even lethal. He wrote, “I daresay there isn’t a gay man of 50 who doesn’t know of at least one friend murdered at the hands of a [sexual] ‘trick.'”
[Warning: graphic language]
There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.
This is the side of homosexualism that the secular-minded chattering classes–in their zeal to normalize sodomy as an innocuous identity and mere “orientation”–choose to avoid. Below is a verbatim reprinting of a column written two decades ago in the now-defunct homosexual newspaper, The Baltimore Alternative. I recently rediscovered this in the Americans For Truth archives. It is dated “1993” but the copy of the article does not give the month and date (we will attempt to find that). The writer is the late Garey Lambert, an “AIDS activist” and former editor at the Alternative, who died of AIDS at age 49 in 1996. This piece is a fascinating look into the the “consuming depravity” of homosexualism, to quote Pastor Ralph Ovadal–and of the overpowering lustful quests that motivate “men who have sex with men,” and which in all too many cases drive them to an early grave.
Reading the essay, I am reminded of how, even as much as AFTAH tries to convey the debauched, confused and destructive reality of homosexuality, we have only skimmed the surface. What is at work here is a type of indulged sexual addiction I have difficulty understanding. Let the astonishing words below sink in; obviously, “gay” men are endangered more by their own obsessive sexual pursuits with strangers than by any kind of anti-homosexual “hate” violence:
“I daresay there isn’t a gay man of 50 who doesn’t know of at least one friend murdered at the hands of a ‘trick’ [sexual hook-up] .“
Writings like this expose the “enslavement” (Lambert’s word) of male homosexual lust–and the same-sex desperation that seems to result from libidinous young men pursuing the wrong answer to their own masculinity crisis. LGBT ideologues will attempt to explain away Lambert’s observations–or claim they are made obsolete by the “domestication” of homosexuality (e.g., same-sex “marriage”). But he describes a root problem–emotional and spiritual–that cannot be cured by politics, or “pride.” (Note Lambert’s obligatory attempt to blame “society” and “parents” for the plight of homosexuals and the proper judgment of homosexuality as abnormal and wrong.)
Not Natural, Not Healthy: Homosexual doctor Stephen Goldstone–author of this “medical handbook” about homosexual sex– is an expert on the bodily trauma and diseases that result from the violent act of rectal sodomy.
WARNING: Description of homosexual perversion
Can you handle the truth about homo-sex? Most people can’t, because it is brutal (literally) and repulsive. Here is a quotation from Dr. Stephen Goldstone, an open homosexual and author of The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex. Dr. Goldstone is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine and an expert on “gay men’s health” and “anorectal disorders,” according to the (“gay”-affirming) Physicians Research Network [see their bio of Goldstone HERE]. This item is reprinted from 1999 issue of Lambda Report, the print predecessor to Americans For Truth.
As I wrote back then, “keep in mind that Goldstone is a ‘sex positive’ homosexuality advocate who dedicates his book to his [male] lover, Bruce.” Also, it seems obvious but it needs to be said: anal sex is also high-risk if practiced by heterosexuals [see this British web article and this interesting piece, “Women Are Having Anal Sex for All the Wrong Reasons”]. Tragically, pornography is helping to “mainstream” this destructive vice — which in saner times was described (by English jurist William Blackstone) as the “infamous crime against nature” — and “a subject the very mention of which is a disgrace to human nature.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Dr. Goldstone writes (emphasis is authors):
“Just as your internal sphincter muscle involuntarily relaxes when feces enter your rectum, it involuntarily contracts when a penis or other object attempts to enter from the outside…An anal tear can occur during the initial phase of anal sex precisely because your partner pushes his penis through a closed sphincter. Think of his penis as a battering ram, one for which your internal sphincter is no match.”
Dr. Stephen Goldstone
–Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men, (Dell: New York, 1999), p. 4.
The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is radically pro-homosexual in its ideology, but the data it produces on the extraordinary health risks of homosexual sex make a strong case for discouraging immoral “gay, lesbian, and bisexual” behaviors.
By Peter LaBarbera
WARNING: graphic descriptions of homosexual perversions
Here is Part Two of our 2014 Resolutions for Christians Fighting the Homosexual/Transgender Lobby. Part One — link to it HERE — included the following:
Decide Whether You are with God or Against Him
Apply the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test” (S3T) — substitute another sexual sin for “gay” and see if it makes sense. [This was by far the most popular based on the feedback we received! – Editor]
Get Off the Sidelines and Start Speaking Out!
Publicize Ex-”Gays” — the “Greatest Story Never Told” (by the Media)
Reject LGBT Hate-Slurs (“Bigot, Hater and Homophobe”)
6) Jesus Judged Sin, So You Can, Too (and You’re Judging Behavior): Regarding judging, first remember that we judge BAD BEHAVIORS all the time. It’s OK to judge! – as long as you’re not a sanctimonious, hypocritical jerk violating your own judgments and lacking God’s love and grace toward sinners. “But who am I to judge people who happen to be gay”? you ask. Answer: you are a follower of God, who reveals righteousness in His Word, the Bible. Besides, nobody just “happens to be gay” – and nowhere in the Bible is homosexuality recognized as a personal “identity” (see Point 7). The evil genius of the “gay” movement is that it turned a changeable sin into a proud, personal identity — one often embraced due to difficult or dysfunctional environmental circumstances in one’s childhood (including predatory sex abuse). Bottom line: God calls us to make right judgments on sin. The Secular- and Religious Left scream, “Judge Not!” but Jesus preached forgiveness of sin through humble repentance, such as when He told the adulteress, “Go and sin no more.” If Jesus didn’t approve of making righteous judgments, why did He praise John the Baptist as the greatest man every born – the same John the Baptist who publicly preached repentance from sin and even called out King Herod for his sexual sin? [See this interesting essay on King Herod and John the Baptist.] And isn’t it odd that the same pro-LGBT critics who scold us for judging “gays” JUDGE Bible-believing Christians all the time?! Here’s a terrific video by Frank Turek — a Christian who has suffered in the corporate world for opposing homosexual “marriage” — on proper “judging.”
7) Sodomy and Homosexual Behaviors Are Worthy of Judgment: Homosexuality is about “what people do,” not “who they are” (hence the existence of ex-“gays”; see point 4 in Part One). Perhaps you are ignorant of just how high-risk unnatural homosexual behaviors are: did you know that:
A “gay” doctor, Stephen Goldstone, described homosexual sodomy this way: “Think of his penis as a battering ram, one for which your internal sphincter is no match.”
The book HIV Essentials, written by “world renowned [HIV] experts,” reports, “The incidence of anal cancer in gay men is approximately 80 times that of the general population.”
Homosexual activist Jack Hart writes that “some practices common among gays – especially rimming [oral-anal perversion] and anal intercourse – are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”
Bisexual men (including secretly homosexual men on the “down low”) are the main conduit for HIV to women in America — yet if a bisexual man transmits HIV to his girlfriend or wife, the CDC misleadingly classifies that as a “heterosexual” transmission;
Many lesbians mimic male homosexuals by engaging in anal perversions like “rimming” and “fisting” — and/or inserting “sex toys” like dildos (fake penises) into their partner’s anus (or vagina). Deviance begets deviance, and the godless “invent ways of doing evil” (Romans 1:30). Moreover, many lesbians report having sex with men.
This cover is from the 1991 version of Jack Hart’s “Gay Sex” manual — which contains some verbiage regarding sex between men and boys (pedophilia) that was subsequently removed from the later version of the book published in 1998.
Warning: Homosexual Perversion Described
AFTAH has cited this quote before by homosexual writer Jack Hart. Here it is in a stand-alone post for easy searching on the web. From his book Gay Sex: A Manual for Men who Love Men [a future pose will reprint Hart’s entry on “rimming”]:
“Sexually Transmitted Disease
“(An illness commonly spread by sexual activity also known as STD, venereal disease, or VD.)
“Many sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) occur more often among gay men than in the general population. Several factors contribute to this difference: Gay men have the opportunity to engage in sex with more people than do most heterosexual men, and some practices common among gays–especially rimming [oral-anal perversion*] and anal intercourse–are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease….”
*Hart describes “rimming” in his item on this repulsive homosexual sex act as follows: “Orally stimulating, exploring, and massaging a partner’s anus with the tongue, scientifically known as anilingus.” AFTAH will post his full (and horrifying) entry on “Rimming” shortly.
Source: Hart, Jack, Gay Sex: A Manual for Men who Love Men (Revised & Updated, Second edition, October 1998). Published by Alyson Books (Los Angeles, New York), pages 194, 212-213.
Graph provided by CDC indicates rising syphilis infections among homosexual and bisexual men. The politically correct CDC blames “homophobia” and “stigma,” in part, for the disproportionate homosexual disease rate. But the CDC also recommends frequent screenings for syphilis and other STDs for “men who have sex with men” — especially those “who have multiple or anonymous partners,” or practice homosexual sex in conjunction with illegal drugs like meth. Click to enlarge.
A new fact sheet put out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports a “troubling rise in syphilis infections among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM).” The federal health agency reports that MSM “account for three quarters (75 percent) of all primary and secondary syphilis cases.”
The CDC Fact Sheet, “Reported STDs in the United States: 2012 Data for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis,” states:
“Trend data show that men who have sex with men
(MSM)* account for three quarters (75 percent) of all
primary and secondary syphilis cases. Primary and
secondary syphilis are the most infectious stages of the
disease, and if not adequately treated, can lead to visual
impairment and stroke. Syphilis infection can also place
a person at increased risk for acquiring or transmitting
HIV infection. Surveillance data from several major cities
throughout the country indicate that an average of four
in 10 MSM with syphilis are also infected with HIV.”
The CDC reports an 11.1 percent rise in primary and secondary cases of syphilis from 2011 to 2012, with 15,667 reported cases in 2012. It states that the “rate increase was solely among men, particularly gay and bisexual men.”
As is typically the case, the (very pro-homosexual) CDC cites factors like “homophobia” and “stigma” to attempt to explain the high homosexual syphilis rates. The Fact Sheet states:
“Although a number of individual risk behaviors (such as higher numbers of lifetime sex partners or unprotected sex) contribute to disparities in the sexual health of MSM, other social and cultural factors may also play a role. For example, MSM with lower economic status may have limited access to health care and therefore may be particularly vulnerable to poorer health outcomes compared to other men. Complex issues like homophobia and stigma can also make it difficult for gay and bisexual men to seek appropriate care and treatment.”
Nevertheless, the CDC Fact Sheet’s own “Screening Recommendations” for homosexual and bisexual men point to high-risk practices among MSM, including sex with “multiple or anonymous partners” and having “gay” sex in conjunction with illicit drugs, as more salient factors behind the high STD rates:
Screening at least once a year for syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV for all sexually active gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM). MSM who have multiple or anonymous partners should be screened more frequently for STDs (i.e., at 3-to-6 month intervals). In addition, MSM who have sex in conjunction with illicit drug use (particularly methamphetamine use) or whose sex partners participate in these activities should be screened more frequently.
WARNING: Graphic language describing the reality of lesbian and male homosexual sodomies
One of the things I most appreciated about Phil Robertson’s comments to the snoots at GQ was the manner in which he colorfully pointed out the anatomical absurdity of homosex. (WARNING: please read no further if you are a child, pietist, or are easily offended.) Like a red-neck version of Elijah (who may well have been considered a redneck himself circa 9th century BC) mocking the prophets of Baal and the potty habits of their pathetic god (1 Kings 18:27), the bearded one dared to compare the desirability of a certain female body part to its closest correspondent in males.
Various “dildos” including gigantic fake penises and “fisting” dildos (mimicking the grotesque “gay” sexual perversion in which a man inserts his hand and forearm up the rectum of his “partner”) — for sale in a San Francisco Castro district sex store called, “Does Your Mother Know?” (We suspect not.) Eric Holmberg argues that critics of homosexualism need to find ways to discuss the realities of “homosex” itself and its destructive, disease-causing consequences. Note: some lesbian and hetero sadomasochists also practice a version of “fisting.” Photo: AFTAH. Click to enlarge.
In so doing Robertson pushed back against one of the key strategies of the architects of the LGBTQ putsch: that is to take the “sex” out of “homosexuality” – to redefine it as a simple orientation (like being left-handed) and disconnect it as much as possible from what people actually do to each other in bed (or in a bathroom or the bushes). For proof of this simply read After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s (Doubleday: New York, 1989) – the seminal book by homosexual, and Harvard educated, activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. See, for example, page 178:
“In the early stages of the campaign, the public should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex per se should be downplayed, and the issue of gay rights reduced, as far as possible, to an abstract social question,” Kirk and Madsen write in a section in After the Ball titled, “Strategy: Persuasion, not Invasion.”
Christians and anyone else concerned about the normalization of homosexuality and other perversions of God’s design for gender and sexual behavior should shake off the shackles of Newspeak and begin to graciously but firmly – using irony and shock where necessary – join Robertson in pushing back against this agenda. We need to make like Elijah and point out the absurdities inherent in the practice of homosex; how the wages of sin will not only surely be spiritual death, but can lead to physical sickness and death as well.
Three simple points I like to make, in order of increasing shock factor:
1. According to one peer-reviewed [1997] study done towards the end of the 20th century, the life expectancy for the average 20-year-old gay or bisexual man [assessing “vital statistics data … obtained for a large Canadian urban centre from 1987 to 1992”] was 8 to 21 years less than his heterosexual counterpart. (See the International Journal of Epidemiology.) Here [in 2001] the authors actually condemn as “homophobic” anyone who dares to point to their research as evidence that homosexuality carries with it certain inherent health risks. And yet they in no way deny the statistical evidence their research has uncovered. (This is one of the best examples of “professing to be wise and remaining fools” I have ever stumbled upon.) [Editor’s Note: Life expectancy for homosexual men is now much longer compared to when the original IJE study was done in 1997 — due mainly to AIDS antiretroviral drugs. Nevertheless, “men who have sex with men” (MSM) remain at the epicenter of the HIV/AIDS epidemic,” said a CDC specialist describing a Fact Sheet assessing 2010 infections and published by the CDC earlier this year. Read the original 1997 Canadian study on “gay” and bisexual men’s lifespan HERE and the authors’ short 2001 response (referenced by Holmberg above) to conservatives who used their data to criticize pro-homosexual activism HERE.]
United States, European Union use foreign aid to pressure small Caribbean nation to make pro-homosexual change
Folks, this is a well-done video by the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, which is co-sponsoring a pro-family conference in the capital of Kingston tomorrow. Jamaica is being pressured — by pro-homosexual forces worldwide (including the United States, which supports the main LGBT group in the country) — to rescind its laws against homosexual behavior. I will be speaking for AFTAH at tomorrow’s event, titled “International Law and the Welfare of the Family.” The U.K.-based Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship (affiliated with Christian Concern) is the other co-sponsor. I cannot help but think that millions of American young people — and their parents! — would benefit greatly by watching this 55-minute video. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth