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Physical Health
Friday, July 13th, 2007
By Peter LaBarbera
The following are two e-mail reports and analyses from Matt Barber of CWA, who attended yesterday’s Senate hearings on the confirmation of Dr. James Holsinger for U.S. Surgeon General. We agree with Matt’s assessment: while we are disappointed that Dr. Holsinger did not forthrightly defend his 1991 paper laying out how homosexual behaviors are unnatural and unhealthy — he did not fully recant his previous views as the media (including FOX News’ Brit Hume) are inferring and reporting in their coverage. (Here is Lifesite.net’s story on the hearing.)
Dodging questions and providing artful non-answers is an old Washington pastime. Also, it should be noted that since Dr. Holsinger’s nomination became news, his Bush administration handlers have sought to distance themselves from his 1991 paper (see our story on an ABC report about his nomination). Just as the Bush administration failed to strongly defend Gen. Peter Pace when he said homosexual acts are immoral, they now are running from Holsinger’s opposition to homosexual behavior.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing if the nominee for the nation’s top doctor actually looked Sen. Kennedy in the face and laid out the truth about the health hazards of homosexual behavior? He could start with the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) June report that finds, “MSM [men who have sex with men] accounted for 71% of all HIV infections among male adults and adolescents in 2005.” Sadly, that won’t happen in this administration.
Matt Barber e-mail July 13 to pro-family leaders:
I want to clarify my previous assessment of the hearing so there’s no confusion. Holsinger was definitely slipping and sliding all over the place. He came across as a regular Washington insider. In his 1991 paper he stood firm in his position. In the hearing he completely abandoned that firm stance by giving a bunch of non-answers and playing dodge ball… (Not at all impressive). I hope I didn’t give the impression I was defending his performance or his current position on homosexuality (which now nobody except for Dr. Holsinger apparently knows), because I definitely wasn’t. I was very much hoping he would display courage and stand firm on his prior position (which happens to be the correct position). He didn’t. And yes, his non-answers could be construed as “disavowing” his previous stance. But I think the MSM [mainstream media], including Fox, have grossly exaggerated his statement. They’re reporting what they wanted to hear, not what he actually said.
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Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Government Promotion, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, Pro-Homosexual Media |
Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

The leftist National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is attacking Surgeon General nominee Dr. James Holsinger’s because the church he founded believes in helping “gays” leave the homosexual lifestyle.

By Peter LaBarbera
Dear AFTAH Reader,
The pro-homosexuality Left is working hard to take down another good Christian man — this time it’s Dr. James Holsinger, President Bush’s nominee for U.S. Surgeon General. Holsinger’s first confirmation hurdle is tomorrow, July 12th, when he appears before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension (HELP) Committee. Enclosed is the text of an “Action Alert” from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) — a far-left organization that promotes a reckless “sexual freedom” agenda harmful to youth. Some helpful background links:
TAKE ACTION: Please do the opposite of the the homosexual “Task Force” says below and voice your support for Dr. Holsinger. Call the Congressional Switchboard tomorrow morning at 202-224-3121 or go to www.congress.org and e-mail both of your U.S. Senators — especially if they are on the Senate HELP Committee (see list at bottom). Ask them to use their influence to:
- Defend Dr. Holsinger’s right to receive a fair hearing and a vote by the full Senate on his confirmation (a veteran Capitol Hill source told us that nominees are rarely rejected by committee); and
- Speak out against the un-American idea of PUNISHING a nominee for government service because he or she is a committed Christian.
Lastly, send an e-mail to or call (202-224-5754) Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) — a medical doctor and respected pro-family advocate who sits on the Senate HELP Committee. Ask Sen. Coburn to represent the vast majority of Americans who do not want to see Dr. Holsinger get “Borked” simply for being a faithful Christian, or because of the church he belongs to.
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Posted in Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, Government Promotion, Health & Science, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, Task Force, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Monday, June 11th, 2007
Holsinger and Ex-Gay Community Attacked by Gay Groups
News Advisory: June 11, 2007
Contact: Regina Griggs, Director, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX); 703-360-2225 PFOX@pfox.org http://www.pfox.org/
Washington DC -– Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) today condemned the bigoted remarks by gay activists being made about the new Surgeon General nominee. Gay rights groups are attacking Dr. James Hoslinger’s nomination because his church is inclusive of ex-gays and he supports the right to self-determination regarding one’s sexual attraction.
Ex-gays and Americans who support the right to self-determination of same-sex attraction are routinely ridiculed by the very people who claim to be victims themselves. “Gay activists lobby to be included in tolerance policies, hate crimes and employment non-discrimination legislation, but work hard to deny ex-gays the right to the same treatment,” said Regina Griggs, executive director of PFOX. “This demonstrates how far the gay rights movement has moved from self-described victims to proactive perpetrators.”
“Ex-gays should not have to be closeted for fear of others’ negative reactions or disapproval,” Griggs said. “They do not think something is wrong with them because they chose to fulfill their heterosexual potential. We need to ensure the safety, inclusion, and respect of former homosexuals in all realms of society, but especially by the medical and mental health communities starting at the highest levels.”
“As a medical doctor, it seems Dr. Holsinger is aware that contrary to distortions by gay activists, no professional medical or mental health associations deny the right of any individual to seek support in resolving unwanted same-sex attractions.” Griggs said. “Indeed, these associations adhere to a code of ethics which call for their members to support the client’s right of self-determination.”
“Americans need to face the growing issue of bigotry perpetrated upon ex-gays and their supporters. Gay activists cannot claim sympathy as victims when they attack ex-gays for political purposes of their own,” said Griggs. “Tolerance is not a one-way street. All individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions deserve the right to self-determination and happiness based on their own needs, and not the political inconvenience of others.”
To view a sample of hate against former homosexuals, see http://www.pfox.org/downloads/HRC%20hates.pdf
A copy of this press release is online at http://pfox.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=191#191
PFOX leads the nation in providing outreach, education, and public awareness in support of families and the ex-gay community. They can be reached via their website at http://www.pfox.org/
Posted in Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Quotes, Media Promotion, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Friday, June 8th, 2007
TAKE ACTION: Help counter the pro-homosexual lobby’s smear campaign attempting to “Bork” Dr. James Holsinger, President Bush’s nominee for U.S. Surgeon General. Here’s how:
- Call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 or write them (http://www.congress.org/) and politely urge them to support Dr. James Holsinger, Jr. as Surgeon General; the members of the Senate Health Committee, which will first consider Holsinger, can be found HERE (e-mail the committee at: help_comments@help.senate.gov) — but Holsinger’s nomination will likely be voted on by the whole Senate, so tell your Senators to use their influence to insure that he is treated fairly;
- Thank the White House (202-456-1111 or -1414; e-mail: comments@whitehouse.gov; www.whitehouse.gov/contact) and urge the President to stand by Dr. Holsinger and not to be swayed by the pro-homosexual lobby’s distortions and anti-Christian bigotry;
- Tell your friends to support Dr. Holsinger with a quick e-mail or call.
Click HERE TO READ DR. HOLSINGER’S 1991 PAPER, “PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF MALE HOMOSEXUALITY,” which liberal, pro-homosexual groups are distorting to discredit him.
Dear Americans For Truth Reader,
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, anti-Christian homosexual activists and their liberal allies are out again in force to take down another good man — Dr. James Holsinger, Jr., President Bush’s nominee for U.S. Surgeon General — who happens to agree with the ancient Judeo-Christian moral understanding of homosexual practice as unnatural, unhealthy and wrong.
The ABC report below is Orwellian in its framing of the campaign against Dr. Holsinger — a Christian medical doctor (cardiologist) who also holds a doctorate in anatomy and physiology. Holsinger is being vilified because he wrote in 1991 that male homosexual sex practices are unhealthy, and because he believes that men and women can abandon homosexuality.
The ABC report below — which includes a politically correct quote by the spokesman for the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) — implies that Holsinger’s writings, such as his 1991 paper, “Pathophysiology of Male Homosexuality,” are obsolete and way outside of the scientific mainstream. Hello… Has there been some change in human anatomy (perhaps some hyperactive “evolutionary” mutation in the last 16 years) that suddenly makes rectal sex between men natural and good for the human body?
Please take a few minutes to read Dr. Holsinger’s 1991 paper, reprinted on our website. It was written for a United Methodist Church committee studying homosexuality. See for yourself if the paper has the ring of extremism. Here’s an excerpt:
From the perspective of pathology and pathophysiology, the varied sexual practices of homosexual men have resulted in a diverse and expanded concept of sexually transmitted disease and associated trauma. “Four general groups of conditions may be encountered in homosexually active men: classical sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, infections with chlamydia trachomatis, syphilis, herpes simplex infections, genital warts, pubic lice, scabies); enteric diseases (infections with hig gel la species, Campylobacter jejuni, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis non-A, non-B, and cytomegalovirus); trauma (fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, foreign bodies, rectosigmoid tears, allergic proctitis, penile edema, chemical sinusitis, inhaled nitrite burns, and sexual assault of the male patient); and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)” (Owen, 1985).
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Posted in ABC, BDSM, Candidates & Elected Officials, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Health & Science, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Quotes, HRC, Media Promotion, Methodist, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, Pro-Homosexual Media, Religious Leaders, Task Force, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Truth Wins Out |
Thursday, June 7th, 2007
Prepared for the
Committee to Study Homosexuality of The United Methodist Church
by James W. Holsinger Jr., M.D.
Committee Member
January 14, 1991
[Note: click HERE for a PDF copy of this paper, and HERE for the (liberally biased) June 7, 2007 ABC News report on Dr. Holsinger quoting June Reinisch, director emeritus of the Kinsey Institute, strongly criticizing this paper as “unscientific.”]
During the course of the meetings of the Committee to Study Homosexuality, biology has come to mean the nonpsychological causation of homosexuality. However, biology also means “the division of physical science which deals with organized beings or animals and plants, their morphology, physiology, origin, and distribution” (Oxford English Dictionary, 1971). I believe that we must seriously consider the scientific disciplines of anatomy (structure or morphology), physiology (function), pathology (abnormal anatomy), and pathophysiology (abnormal function). Not to do so would simply fail to be true to our charge as a committee.
There is absolute consensus in the scientific community concerning the structure and function of the human alimentary [pertaining to the digestive tract] and reproductive systems. These two systems are absolutely separate since the human does not possess a cloaca. Reproduction can occur only by utilizing the reproductive system, requiring both the female ovum (egg) and the male sperm. Ova are fertilized naturally in the fallopian tubes of women following sexual intercourse by the sperm which transits through the vagina and uterus following release from the penis. Although artificial methods are available and used, the anatomy and physiology of humans have resulted in a natural means for conception.
The structure and function of the male and female human reproductive systems are fully complementary. Anatomically he vagina is designed to receive the penis. It is lined with squamous epithelium and is surrounded by a muscular tube intended for penile intromission. The rectum, on the other hand, is lined with a delicate mucosal surface and a single layer of columnar epithelium intenuea primarily for the reabsorption of water and electrolytes. The rectum is incapable of mechanical protection against abrasion and severe damage to the colonic mucosa can result if objects that are large, sharp, or pointed are inserted into the rectum (Agnew, 1986).
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Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, Government Promotion, News, Physical Health, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Thursday, May 31st, 2007
Truth in labeling from one comic book vender at IML 2006.
Graphic photos below with offensive depictions of real-life homosexual depravities
By Peter LaBarbera
1) MOST IMPORTANT: Contact Hilton Hotels Corporation World Headquarters in Beverly Hills, California, and Hilton CEO Stephen Bollenback (stephen_bollenbach@hilton.com; 310-278-4321) and politely express your dismay that Hilton would allow its good name to be associated with the sadistic sexual perversion-fest known as “International Mr. Leather.” If you feel so led, tell them that you will certainly never stay at the Palmer House Hilton — who would knowing that disgusting homosexual orgies have gone on in their rooms? — and you also will not be staying at other Hilton hotels while this deviant association continues.
I also spoke with a nice Hilton HQ executive, Trina Owens (trina_owens@hilton.com; 901-374-5041), to whom you can also express your concerns over Hilton promoting perversion. Here’s the full contact information: Hilton World Headquarters, CEO: Stephen Bollenbach: Fax: 310-205-7655; phone 310-278-4321), Brand Performance & Franchise Development, 9336 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills , CA 90210; Development Hotline: 800-286-0645; or call 1-800-HILTONS.
Sign reads: “Due to the entire hotel being reserved for a private convention [International Mr. Leather], all hotel facilities are closed to the general public until Tuesday, May 29th. Thank you for your cooperation. The Palmer House Hilton.”
2) Write or call Palmer House Hilton General Manager Peter Lynn (peter_lynn@hilton.com); phone 312-726-7500 (ask for Peter Lynn’s office); ask him how they sterilize their rooms after the perverse IML orgies, and express your outrage that they would profit off this sadism spectacle through 2009. Fax: 312-917-1707; 17 East Monroe Street, Chicago , Illinois , United States 60603.
3) From now on, book your hotel through www.cleanhotels.com (hotels that are porn-free), so you can rest easy knowing that you are not rewarding the pornography industry through your stay.
The following are photos — there are others that we could not publish — from the “vendor fair” at International Mr. Leather 2006 and 2007, held on Memorial Day weekend (both years) at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago. The photos were taken by this writer, walking through the IML vendor fair, which was open to the public:

Man gets tied up in IML 2006.

This man at IML 2006 was bound and gagged and bounced around with bunny ears on from one Palmer House room to another, to satisfy some twisted fetish.

Diaper fetish. The “orientation” of this grown man in a diaper and sucking on a baby pacifier is “infantilism.” He was photographed in the lobby of the Palmer House Hilton at IML 2006.
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Posted in Bathhouses, BDSM, Chicago, Gay Culture, Health & Science, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, Miller Beer, News, Physical Health, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Thursday, May 24th, 2007
Associated Press reports:
Gay men remain banned for life from donating blood, the government said Wednesday, leaving in place — for now — a 1983 prohibition meant to prevent the spread of HIV through transfusions.
The Food and Drug Administration reiterated its long-standing policy on its Web site Wednesday, more than a year after the Red Cross and two other blood groups criticized the policy as “medically and scientifically unwarranted.”
“I am disappointed, I must confess,” said Dr. Celso Bianco, executive vice president of America’s Blood Centers, whose members provide nearly half the nation’s blood supply.
Before giving blood, all men are asked if they have had sex, even once, with another man since 1977. Those who say they have are permanently banned from donating. The FDA said those men are at increased risk of infection by HIV that can be transmitted to others by blood transfusion.
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Posted in Government Promotion, Health & Science, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials |
Monday, May 14th, 2007
By Peter LaBarbera
Publicity shot for Brokeback Mountain: not appropriate for adults, much less for young kids in the classroom
WARNING: offensive descriptions of unnatural acts that should NEVER be promoted to children
CHICAGO (AP) – A girl and her grandparents have sued the Chicago Board of Education, alleging that a substitute teacher showed the R-rated film “Brokeback Mountain” in class.
The lawsuit claims that Jessica Turner, 12, suffered psychological distress after viewing the movie in her 8th grade class at Ashburn Community Elementary School last year….
Alas, more corruption of youth at the hands of pro-homosexual activists. The movement that once asked just to be left alone is now pushing homosexuality on middle school students. In Chicago, a substitute teacher — no doubt a liberal “change agent” hell-bent on advancing her version of “tolerance and diversity” — showed the homosexual propaganda film “Brokeback Mountain” to her 8th-grade class (see full story below). Now the school is facing a $500,000 lawsuit. Let’s hope and pray that Jessica Turner’s grandparents prevail and that their legal action sends an expensive lesson to liberal educators nationwide — one that future Tolerance Tyrants (like Ms. Buford) seeking to manipulate young minds cannot ignore.
But that’s just one abuse in a single school. The leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, through its publication “Teaching Tolerance,” is now advocating the formation of student homosexual clubs (innocently called “Gay/Straight Alliances”) in middle schools. Yes, that’s right: we’re talking pre-pubescent and pubescent boys and girls in grades six through nine, depending on the school. We will have more on that outrage later.
I saw Brokeback Mountain in the theater because I had to. It is a highly effective propaganda film well-suited to exploit today’s widespread confusion over “sexual orientation” and “same-sex love.” The film is about two male cowboys who “fall in love,” and features a sudden sodomitic encounter in a tent that is, well, let’s just say, biological and medical fantasy. The film, of course, seeks to advance the fiction that “gay” romantic love is just like the normal variety except with different genders. But that ignores, for one thing, the terrible damage that sodomy (i.e., anal sex) exacts on the body. That’s why many male initiates into homosexual sex get high on drugs or alcohol first — to dull the pain (and the shame) of this unnatural and sinful behavior.
If Brokeback were honest, one of the guys involved in the scene depicting the crime against nature (how sodomy was once regarded back when men were men) would be howling in pain louder than a coyote, rather than just rolling over and going to sleep. But, hey, we wouldn’t want to spoil the cultural elites’ pro-“gay” party by telling Americans about the pain and consequences stemming from homosexual behavior, would we?
It’s sort of like how many schools nowadays teach kids about HIV/AIDS without mentioning the “inconvenient truth” that this awful disease in America is strongly linked to “men who have sex with men” (MSM). (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that through 2006, “MSM account for approximately 45% of newly reported HIV/AIDS diagnoses and nearly 54% of cumulative AIDS diagnoses.”)
Predictably, in Brokeback, one of the male lovers is savagely murdered by homosexual-hating hetero cowboys — another lesson I’m sure the militant Chicago teacher wanted to impress on her captive audience: if you disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, you are a “hater” and mean-spirited “homophobe.” Never mind that the vast majority of people who oppose homosexual behavior do not hate people but merely agree with God about harmful and changeable behaviors that do not define a person; and decent people are rightfully outraged at the idea of promoting this dangerous homosexual lifestyle to impressionable children.
TAKE ACTION: If you are an adult, dedicate yourself to educating the young people in your sphere of influence about the truth about homosexuality. Tell them about former homosexuals like Charlene Cothran and Steve Bennett. Visit NARTH’s (National Association for Research and Therapy on Homosexuality) excellent website. Show them Professor Rob Gagnon’s site, which ably refutes the nefarious “gay theology” that seeks to negate the Bible’s clear proscriptions against homosexual acts.
We have no choice but to be aggressive with the truth, because our foes are so aggressive in promoting their lies — even to innocent kids in the classroom. I’m afraid that in our society, even children brought up well by moral-minded parents will have drunk some of the pro-“gay” Kool-Aid by the time they reach adulthood — so saturated is our culture with politically correct, activist nonsense on this issue.
Here’s the May 13 AP story on Brokeback Mountain being shown to 8th-graders in Chicago:
Lawsuit over Brokeback Mountain in Class
CHICAGO (AP) – A girl and her grandparents have sued the Chicago Board of Education, alleging that a substitute teacher showed the R-rated film “Brokeback Mountain” in class.
The lawsuit claims that Jessica Turner, 12, suffered psychological distress after viewing the movie in her 8th grade class at Ashburn Community Elementary School last year.
The film, which won three Oscars, depicts two cowboys who conceal their homosexual affair.
Turner and her grandparents, Kenneth and LaVerne Richardson, are seeking around $500,000 in damages.
“It is very important to me that my children not be exposed to this,” said Kenneth Richardson, Turner’s guardian. “The teacher knew she was not supposed to do this.”
According to the lawsuit filed Friday in Cook County Circuit Court, the video was shown without permission from the students’ parents and guardians.
The lawsuit also names Ashburn Principal Jewel Diaz and a substitute teacher, referred to as “Ms. Buford.”
The substitute asked a student to shut the classroom door at the West Side school, saying: “What happens in Ms. Buford’s class stays in Ms. Buford’s class,” according to the lawsuit.
Richardson said his granddaughter was traumatized by the movie and had to undergo psychological treatment and counseling.
In 2005, Richardson complained to school administrators about reading material that he said included curse words.
“This was the last straw,” he said. “I feel the lawsuit was necessary because of the warning I had already given them on the literature they were giving out to children to read. I told them it was against our faith.”
Messages left over the weekend with CPS officials were not immediately returned.
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Celebrities, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Movies, News, Physical Health, Sex-Ed Curriculum, Youth and School Related Organizations |

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