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Physical Health
Monday, November 23rd, 2009
 Star Parker, founder and president of CURE, says legalizing homosexual "marriage" is like offering a glass of wine to a drunk.
Folks, I wish more conservative leaders: a) understood the truth about government-celebrated homosexuality as Star Parker does; b) had the guts to take a strong public stand on the issue like the column below. We encourage you to check out Star’s organization, CURE (Coalition for Urban Renewal and Education) at www.urbancure.org. — Peter LaBarbera
Parker writes (emphasis and web links added):
Sodom in the nation’s capital
There is a centrality of the traditional family to the American dream of opportunity and a centrality of family breakdown to poverty
At a time when our country is sick, it shouldn’t surprise that one our sickest places is our nation’s capital.
The poverty rate of Washington, D.C., almost 20 percent, is one of the highest in the nation. Its child poverty rate is the nation’s highest..
D.C.’s public school system, with a graduation rate of less than 50 percent, is one of the worst in the country.
According to D.C.’s HIV/AIDS office, three percent of the local population has HIV or AIDS. The Administrator of this office notes that this HIV/AIDS incidence is “…higher than West Africa…on par with Uganda and some parts of Kenya.” And the principal way that HIV is transmitted continues to be through male homosexual activity.
Amidst this dismal picture, the D.C .City Council, perhaps on the theory that serving up another glass of wine is the way to help a drunk, is scheduled to vote on December 1 to legalize same-sex “marriage” in America’s capital city.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, African-American, Biblical Truth, Government Promotion, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, News, Physical Health, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
The Washington Blade (above) was the leading newspaper for homosexuals in the United States. It reported a lot of bad news about the realities of the homosexual lifestyle to those practicing that behavior. The Blade, Southern Voice, a homosexual newspaper in Atlanta, and other “gay” newspapers closed their doors Monday when the nation’s largest homosexual publishing company, Window Media LLC, shut down.
The following is reprinted from American Family Association’s news service, OneNewsNow [you can listen to Charlie Butts’ audio report by going to the ONN site and clicking the “Hear Report” button at the upper right; also, ONN offers a very useful daily NewsBrief email and topical Web Alert service]:
Newspapers reach end of story
Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow – 11/18/2009
Several homosexual newspapers have closed their doors.
Employees of the Southern Voice in Atlanta and the Washington Blade, among other homosexual newspapers, arrived for work to find the doors locked and a note on the door explaining their jobs no longer existed on account of bankruptcy. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality says he is not surprised by the closings.
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Posted in AFT In the News, Health & Science, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), News, Physical Health |
Tuesday, October 27th, 2009
Editor’s’ Note: Brian Camenker of MassResistance informs me that Kevin Jennings — President Obama’s controversial appointment to head up the administration’s “Safe Schools” efforts at the Department of Education — gave the keynote speech at the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) conference that includes the notorious “Fistgate” workshop, below. Ultimately, Jennings as GLSEN’s Executive Director was responsible for overseeing this travesty — for which he never strongly apologized. He should have been banned from working with schoolchildren because of it (and for allowing a “youth” panel on “queer sex” in the first place). That is, if liberal educationists and the media truly cared as much about kids as they do about advancing trendy agendas. Instead, Jennings has been promoted to one of the highest positions in the world of education. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
P.S. Why would parents entrust their children to adults who proudly call themselves and their sexual agenda “queer”? And are we surprised that such a movement actually has spawned groups built around such vile perversions as “fisting”?
[WARNING: Very Graphic Sexual Language; sex acts and perversions described just as they were in group conversations between adults and underage youth at the GLSEN-sponsored conference in Boston in 2000]
“What’s Fisting?”: That’s the question that a teenager asked an adult at a Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN)-sponsored conference at Tufts University in Boston in 2000. (GLSEN was founded by Kevin Jennings, President Obama’s pick to head up the “Safe Schools” wing at the Department of Education.) What followed from this perverse question was a detailed explanation of this disgusting perversion, including “how-to” advise on how to “fist” (hand/arm-anal and -vaginal penetration) “correctly.” At left is the logo of the Chicago group MAFIA, Mid-America Fists in Action, Inc., a homosexual club that holds “fisting parties” for men into this vile and dangerous perversion. (MAFIA holds “fisting” parties every year at Chicago’s International Mr. Leather.)
TAKE ACTION: Kevin Jennings wants to use schools to “promote homosexuality.” His group has repeatedly exposed children to harmful and promiscuous “gay” sexual behaviors and exhibited a recklessness toward youth that should disqualify him and GLSEN from working in any school anywhere. Call your Congressman and Senators (202-224-3121) and urge them to call for the withdrawal of Jennings as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education for Safe and Drug-Free Schools. Also call or write President Obama (202-456-1414) and Education Secretary Arne Duncan (arne.duncan@ed.gov; 202-401-3000) and urge them not to reward Jennings and GLSEN with this influential appointment.
The following affidavit is reprinted from the Lambda Report newsletter (April 2000), published by Peter LaBarbera, which preceded Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. On April 18, 2000, Scott Whiteman submitted an affidavit, excerpted below, describing the March 25 conference of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in Boston to the Hon. Martha Coakley, District Attorney for Middlesex County, Mass.
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Posted in BDSM, Boston, Fistgate-GLSEN, Gay Culture, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homosexual Activist History, Kevin Jennings, Massachusetts, News, Physical Health |
Friday, October 9th, 2009
See this WorldNetDaily article for background: “Allstate terminates manager over homosexuality column”
Barber is the keynote speaker at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s fund-raising banquet outside Chicago on Saturday, Oct 24. An AFTAH Board Member and former professional heavyweight boxer, Barber is currently Director for Cultural Studies at Liberty Counsel. Sign up to hear Matt at the AFTAH banquet by using the “Online Banquet Sign-up” link at www.americansfortruth.com/donate/ (discount rates for students and pastors).
‘Intolerance’ Will Not Be Tolerated
Reprinted from: http://across.co.nz/IntoleranceNotTolerated.html
By J. Matt Barber
We were in elementary school — morning recess by the jungle gym. My buddy Kyle presided over the ceremony. I was the groom and Karen Smith was the blushing bride. The mock wedding lasted about three minutes. The mock marriage lasted about half-a-day. Oh, I was faithful — until Christina McCarroll caught my wandering eye during Math class. Of course we weren’t really married — we were fourth graders – but we sure had fun pretending.
Flash forward about twenty-five years — San Francisco, CA — An activist Mayor, Gavin Newsom, taunts the State’s voters and defies both the rule of law and the sanctity of marriage as he cons thousands of “same-sex couples,” including the corpulent Queen of crass herself, Rosie O’Donnell, into taking part in a number of mock weddings held in San Francisco’s City Hall. Of course they weren’t really married — but they sure seemed to have fun pretending.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Born that Way?, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homosexual Activist History, News, Physical Health, Promiscuity, Reorientation Therapy, Sexual Revolution |
Friday, October 2nd, 2009
It’s time for Education Secretary Arne Duncan and ‘Safe Schools’ Deputy Kevin Jennings to go for elevating their radical social agendas above the safety, innocence and education of children
TAKE ACTION: Call and write your U.S. Congressman and Senators and urge them to push for the replacement of Education Secretary Arne Duncan (below, right) and Kevin Jennings (left), the Obama appointee put in charge of “Safe and Drug Free Schools.” Jennings — who raised money for Obama’s election — is an embarrassment to the whole notion of “safe schools,” and is on record advocating the outright “promotion” of homosexuality to schoolchildren K-12. (Homosexual behavior is hardly “safe,” as evidenced by the disproportionately high incidence of sexually-transmitted diseases among homosexuals.) Jennings must go, as should Sec. Duncan for ignoring the appeals of countless American parents outraged at the promotion of his aggressively anti-Christian bigot who presided over the “Fistgate” scandal and used a predatory homosexual seduction of one of his sophomore students to confirm the victimized boy as “gay.” Call/write Congress at: 202-224-3121; 202-225-3121; www.congress.org.
The following article is reprinted from Illinois Family Institute:
Help Oust Kevin Jennings — ‘School Safety Czar’
By Laurie Higgins, Illinois Family Institute, Sept. 30, 2009
The indefensible decision of [Education Secretary] Arne Duncan to appoint radical homosexual activist and founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), Kevin Jennings, to the position of Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools is finally generating the public opposition it deserves.
Criticism of Jennings is coming from multiple sources all over the country. From small and large pro-family organizations to the Washington Times to Sean Hannity — all are calling for Jennings to resign or be terminated. Now is the time to act. Call or email your representatives and senators to politely demand the ousting of Kevin Jennings who is at least as unsuitable and controversial an appointment as the former “Green Czar” Van Jones was.
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Posted in Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Day of Silence, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Fistgate, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual History, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexual Rape, Kevin Jennings, Mental Health, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Obama, Physical Health |
Friday, September 4th, 2009
So why won’t the government move to close down “gay” sex clubs and teach about the special dangers of homosexual sex in schools?
Close down the gay sex clubs? Homosexual sex is dangerous — the CDC says “gay” and “bi” men are 50 times more likely than other groups to have HIV. And yet homosexual sex clubs flourish across the country. At left is Steamworks, a Chicago homosexual bathhouse where men go for anonymous sex with other men. This is a photo taken at the 2005 “Market Days” street fair, at which Steamworks advertises itself like any other business. Why doesn’t the government move to close down such perversion centers as public health hazards, given the overwhelming evidence of the dangers of male homosexual sex?
So much for gay “equality.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — the U.S. government agency tasked with guarding Americans’ health — has finally put a number on the massively increased HIV risk associated with “men who have sex with men” (MSM): “gay” and “bi” men are 50 times more likely to have HIV. This does not mean that the Obama administration, like the Bush administration before it, will take some tough, politically incorrect steps necessary to prevent AIDS — like closing down homosexual bathhouses and gay (male) sex clubs in major cities, and educating teenagers on the hugely disproportionate health risks associated with homosexual sex. The relentless pandering by federal, state and local governments to “gay” activists even as these same agencies fight diseases specifically linked to homosexual sex is one of the greatest public policy follies of our time — indeed, of history itself.
The issue in this ongoing “culture war” is not the cause of homosexual “orientation” — or merely the legality of “same-sex marriage.” It’s homosexual behavior itself — and whether government should promote it or discourage it, or be neutral. I say discourage it, since the evidence keeps pouring in that conduct which has been proscribed as immoral down through centuries of Judeo-Christian tradition is also highly dangerous. Now if the CDC will only stop blabbering on about “homophobia” and start telling the truth — that the rectum is not a sexual organ, after all, and that we must take tough measures against “gay” promiscuity — America will become a healthier place. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com
The following is excerpted from the homosexual newspaper Washington Blade:
Gay, Bi Men 50 Times More Likely to Have HIV
CDC reports hard data at National HIV Prevention Conference
By DYANA BAGBY, Washington Blade
Aug. 28, 2009
ATLANTA — Gay and bisexual men account for half of new HIV infections in the U.S. and have AIDS at a rate more than 50 times greater than other groups, according to Centers for Disease Control & Prevention data presented at the National HIV Prevention Conference this week in Atlanta.
Dr. Amy Lansky of the CDC presented research at the Aug. 24 plenary in which the CDC estimated in the U.S. there were 692.2 new HIV cases in 2007 per 100,000 men who have sex with men.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bathhouses, Biblical Truth, Bisexuality, Government Promotion, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Physical Health, Sodomy, STDs, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Too Much Tolerance |
Thursday, August 27th, 2009
Say No to Taxpayer-Funded “Tranny-Care”: No American citizen should be forced to pay for body-disfiguring “sex-change” operations with his or her tax dollars. In this photo, the (biological) woman at right — her healthy breasts surgically removed to match her desired “male” identity — marches in a Boston “transgender pride” parade. Urge your Congressman and Senators (202-224-3121) to oppose Obama-care, which will end up funding abortions and these hideous “trans” mutilations. Photo courtesy MassResistance.
Folks, take a look at the shocking photo at left and the Idaho Statesman article sent our way by conservative blogger Clayton Cramer — about a transsexual prisoner who received a state-funded “sex-change” operation. I agree with Gary Glenn of American Family Association of Michigan about the absurdity of how words are twisted to accommodate the “trans” agenda.
Glenn remarks:
“One of the both most inane and insidious aspects of the ‘transgender’ issue is the mainstream media’s depiction of delusion as if it were reality…
“She cut off her own testicles.”
“She amputated the tip of her penis.”
These reporters must either have mush for brains or, in rare cases, feel like total idiots for being forced to report something so obviously inane.
But this is a delusion that the opposition will compel us all by force of law to treat as reality. And subsidize with our tax dollars.
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Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), E - Praying for the Lost, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Terms, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Post-modernism/relativism, Promoting Gender Confusion, Sex-change Operations, Too Much Tolerance |
Friday, August 21st, 2009
Health risks, self-harm far greater among bisexuals compared to straights
From the Bi Health Summit’s website’s report on its conference in Chicago Friday, Aug. 14 (emphasis added):
Research presented by Cheryl Dobinson, MA, and Stewart Landers, JD, MCP, from their two separate studies was remarkably similar. Bisexuals reported suffering from depression and anxiety in higher rates than heterosexuals or lesbians and gay men. In terms of attempting or thinking of attempting suicide, bisexual men were 7 times higher, while gay men were 4 times higher, than straight men; bisexual women were 6 times higher, while lesbian women were 4 times higher, than straight women. An Australian study revealed that middle-aged bi women were 24 times more likely to engage in self harm, like cutting, than straight women, as a coping mechanism.
Dobinson’s research revealed that only 26% of bisexuals did not experience child sexual abuse. I’ll be getting more information on violence, domestic violence, and physical or sexual abuse, since she whizzed through a lot of that information and I don’t wish to misquote her findings.
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Posted in Bisexuality, Chicago, Health & Science, Health Care, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Meccas, Lesbianism, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Suicide |

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