Homosexual Blogs

Nobody Hates Like the ‘Gay’ Left, No. 127 — Infantile ‘Joe.My.God’ Blog Post Attacks AFTAH

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

The “queer” bloggers are losing it, and that’s saying something because it’s a dubious proposition that they ever had “it” to begin with. Check out this particularly nasty and childish post by Joe Jervis, a homosexual activist who runs a godless blog called “Joe.My.God.” Jervis’ post is entitled, “Peter LaBarbera Wants To Have Sweaty Mansex With Every Single One Of You.” Here’s some of Joe’s riveting prose:

Petey…honey….give it up. Just come out already. Yes, yes…you may be hideously unattractive to the vast majority of sighted gay men, but if we can put a man on the moon, we can put a man on you. Yes, even you. If it comes to it, I’ll even kick in for a hooker. But I get to take pictures.

You get it, right? Want to really insult a Christian conservative or anyone committed to fighting that “gay” agenda that homosexual activists cannot seem to locate? Well, accuse him or her of being a … homosexual! Or even worse, an ugly homosexual! Or is this merely a case of the thief who thinks everybody steals, as Joe Nicolosi of NARTH told me a long time ago? No further comment necessary, except to indict the “gay” blogosphere in general — as this angry, lost soul won the award for Best LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Blog at the 2007 Weblog Awards (as reported by fellow “Jeebus”-hater Pam Spaulding HERE).

The closest I will get to being an accessory to masochism is giving you this link to the Joe.My.God blog so you can find the piece if you want to read it. — Peter LaBarbera

Here Comes the Hate — Homosexuals Upset at Cancelled ‘Pig Sex’ Orgy Take out Anger on Americans For Truth

Monday, January 19th, 2009

joe_my_god_blogger.jpg P.R. NIGHTMARE: “Joe” of the homosexual activist blog “Joe. My. God” (at left) wants to make it more difficult for Americans For Truth to expose twisted homosexual events like the sadomasochistic, über-perverse Mid-America Leather Weekend currently (and annually) hosted by the Washington Plaza Hotel (call them 202-842-1300) in D.C.  After AFTAH’s exposé led to the cancellation of a related homosexual “pig sex” orgy scheduled for the nearby Doubletree Hotel Washington, homosexual activists whined about the timing and location of the orgy, and how it hurts the image of the “gay rights” movement — but few condemned the perversion-fest altogether. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, a prominent homosexual group, celebrates sadomasochism with its annual “Leather Leadership Award.”

In the wake of Americans For Truth about Homosexuality’s successful campaign to stop a sadistic homosexual “pig sex” orgy at the Doubletree Hotel Washington, just blocks from the White House, one homosexual blogger is urging followers to “out” AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera to stymie our attempts to expose perverse homosexual events and celebrations.

Apparently fearing that LaBarbera is observing the perversions at the “Mid-Atlantic Leather” (MAL) event currently being hosted by the Washington Plaza Hotel (phone: 202-842-1300), Joe of the “Joe. My. God” blog wrote:

Again, please take a good look at LaBarbera’s photo at the top of this post if you are in DC. Print it out, pass it around, put in on flyers. Do not let him photograph you or your friends. If you see him, announce his presence LOUDLY to everybody around you. Alert the conference organizers and hotel security immediately. Take HIS photo and email it from your phone to me here at JoeMyGod@gmail.com and I’ll put it up at once so everybody knows his outfit and which direction his comb-over hangs today.

Joe’s post shows the hypocrisy of “gay” activists who, despite all the talk about about being “out and proud,” understand that the average American would be shocked and put off by the excesses of their movement — so they try to hide them. Back in the day when Americans For Truth attempted to expose the extreme agendas promoted at the annual conferences of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, staffers policing the event would routinely expel our writers. The Task Force, by the way, promotes the acceptance of sadomasochism, giving out an annual “Leather Leadership Award.”

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Tyrants of Tolerance Go After Obama for Inaugural Choice Rick Warren

Friday, December 19th, 2008

Aberrant-sex activists demonize affable mega-church pastor as “homophobe” because he supported Prop 8

warren_obama_mccain.jpgBy blasting Obama for choosing Rick Warren as an Inaugural speaker — and demonizing Warren as a “homophobe” because he supported Prop 8 — homosexual activists are showing the world just how empty their “tolerance” ideology really is. Click on photo to enlarge.

Here’s an outstanding release from Pastor Bryan Fischer with the Idaho Values Alliance, an affiliate of American Family Association. Poor Barack Obama: he’s promised the world to one of the most demanding and unreasonable special interest movements on the planet. Imagine blasting the gregarious Warren as a “homophobe” because he supported Prop 8 in California. (Note the incredibly elastic, ever-expanding definition of homophobia.) Our favorite lesbian blog-stremist Pam Spaulding chastises Warren for his “sad bigotry” HERE and hits Warren for “bigotry, small-mindedness and downright ignorance” (Pam and friends know a thing or two about small-mindedness).

We agree with Bryan about the vaguely threatening nature of this quote by the hypocritical Joe Solmonese, head of the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign:

Bizarrely, Solomonese says that Warren has “repeated the Religious Right’s big lie that supporters of equality for gay Americans are out to silence pastors.” He appears blind to the obvious fact that that’s exactly what he is trying to do here – put a muzzle on one of America’s leading pastors, proving that it’s hardly a lie at all.

Ominously, Solomonese told Politico, “There is a lot of energy and there’s a lot of anger and I think people are wanting to direct it somewhere.” If that sounds like a threat to you, I won’t disagree.

Also, note that Tolerant Joe embodies the evil nexus of the abortion and homosexuality movements: “Solmonese is the former Chief Executive Officer of EMILY’s List, where he oversaw one of the nation’s prominent pro-choice [read: pro-abortion] Democratic political action committees” (Wikipedia).

People are finally waking up to the truth: that the homosexual activist lobby is to tolerance and diversity what Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is to honest government. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

Below is the Idaho Values Alliance release (write them at contact@idahovaluesalliance.com):

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Transgendered Twirlers, ‘Porno Pete’ — and Why AFTAH Does Not Allow Comments on this Website

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

wayne_besen.jpgProfessional Homosexual Agitator Wayne Besen of the comically named “Truth Wins Out” specializes in smearing Christian groups like AFTAH and ex-homosexual leaders like Greg Quinlan.

By Peter LaBarbera

We received an e-mail about yesterday’s piece on the first-ever homosexual band in the Inaugural Parade from Alonzo, a homosexual advocate who — although passionate about his beliefs — always remains civil.

By the way, and for the record, AFTAH does not allow comments to be posted on our website precisely because of the sheer viciousness, vulgarity and ad hominem, hate-filled attacks that characterize so many messages against us from pro-homosexual activists. Responding to the lies and smears would take all of our time. Uncivil homosexual activists would love that.

Porno Pete?

As veteran AFTAH readers know, one of the favorite, ongoing “queer” lies against me is that I am a secret homosexual or, worse, a covert aficionado of (unspeakably evil and revolting) homosexual S&M and pornography. Hence the nasty slam against me concocted by homosexual spinmeister Wayne Besen: “Porno Pete.” (I suppose if you use the logic of ‘Wayne’s World,’ someone who exposes abortionists secretly yearns to slaughter innocents in the womb — and Wayne himself, who monitors and exposes allegedly fraudulent “ex-gays” through his comically named Truth Wins Out — is a closeted fundamentalist Christian who TiVos every episode of “The 700 Club” while pretending to fight for Queer Liberation.)

Yep, aside from the murderous Islamic jihadists, it seems nobody hates (or lies) like the Left, and nobody on the Left hates like the homosexual militants. If you doubt me on this, take a detour into Loony Liberal Land for a few minutes and read the comments responding to one of Besen’s attacks on me and Americans For Truth. In another piece, mean-spirited even by Besen-esque standards, the Professional Homosexual Agitator (PHA) goes after ex-homosexual Greg Quinlan for getting divorced — exploiting Quinlan’s family tragedy without knowing the facts of the situation, his personal hatred for Greg oozing from sentence after sentence.

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Hateful Homosexual Spin Machine Ramps up Against Brett VanAsdlen

Monday, May 12th, 2008


Will “gay” militants sacrifice Brett VanAsdlen to advance their agenda?

TAKE ACTION: 1) E-mail or call Champaign Co., Illinois State’s Attorney Julia Rietz and ask her to drop the government’s one-sided felony “hate crimes” prosecution against 18-year-old student-athlete Brett VanAsdlen. Email: jrietz1@gmail.com or statesatty@co.champaign.il.us

2) Listen to CWA’s online audio interview on the trumped-up VanAsdlen “hate crime” case with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, Bob Knight of the Culture and Media Institute and CWA’s Matt Barber. Click HERE for the AFTAH link or HERE to listen online:


By Peter LaBarbera

I sent homosexual activist blogger Tim Kincaid this note after reading his latest fulmination on the pages of Box Turtle Bulletin (the first paragraph of which we’ve reprinted below):

“[T]hanks for your nasty little piece on [Box Turtle Bulletin], Tim. Par for the course. The issue isn’t David Duke (whose website I only saw for the first time Friday) or Ted Pike (no, I wouldn’t use the phrase “Jewish media” [as Pike does]) but whether this kid, [Brett VanAsdlen], is being railroaded. If you called me a “breeder” and then we got in an argument ending in you pushing me down (perhaps after I aggressively got in your face after you hurled your insult), NO, I definitely would not want you to face a felony “hate crimes” charge. It’s ridiculous — especially if accounts are true that the prosecution has already dropped the aggravated battery charge [against VanAsdlen].”

I cited Ted Pike in my original article on this case because, as one who has crusaded against “hate crimes” laws, Pike was the first to bring the VanAsdlen story to national attention (in a mass email) — not because I agree with the thrust of his website (or Duke’s). Like most evangelicals, I abhor anti-Semitism and in fact am quite the hawk on defending Israel. I also decry racism and, of course, white nationalism, “white pride,” etc.

In their continuing effort to steal the legacy of the real civil rights movement, homosexual activists and their allies posit an analogy between racism and “homophobia” — their smear term of choice to denigrate traditionalists. It is a deeply flawed comparison: what does unchangeable skin color and ethnicity have to do with aberrant, immoral and changeable sexual behavior?

Nothing, unless you can produce an ex-African American.

janet_boynes_headshot.jpgMoreover, the homosexualists are in the uncomfortable position of making actual descendants of slaves — like Pastor Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church and ex-lesbian Janet Boynes (pictured at right) — the target of their opprobrium. Men and women of color (like Crystal Dixon, a Black woman who recently was suspended from the University of Toledo after publicly making points similar to these) are mere “religious anti-gay bigots,” according to the homo-fundamentalists’ warped formulations.

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