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Homosexual Hate Speech
Wednesday, October 25th, 2006
Part One of Two on the Growing ‘Gay’ Threat to Freedom
It’s still a free country…well, at least mostly free (for those fortunate enough to make it out of their mother’s womb alive or who don’t live in strong “gay agenda” states like California). Houston-area small business owners Todd and Sabrina Farber are free not to do work for a couple of men who proudly embrace homosexual behavior, which the Farbers regard as sinful and deeply offensive. And homosexuals like Michael Lord are free not to do business with the Farbers, and to tell others not to as well.
But notice how that’s not good enough for some pro-“gay” activists; they think what the Farbers did by exercising their freedoms should be illegal. The truth is, many homosexual and “transgender” advocates are quite willing to place their “rights” (read: demands for government-enforced acceptance of their lifestyle) above the freedoms of religion, association and conscience of others.
There can be no doubt that the expansion of “sexual orientation” (pro-homosexuality) laws will result in the steady loss of freedom for those committed to defending healthy, Biblical sexual mores. As with the struggle over abortion, this Titanic battle between competing rights will not go away. Any American who is committed to preserving religious freedom in this great nation should understand the need for repealing all “sexual orientation” laws, lest we face a future like Britain’s where the state is arresting Christians for alleged “homophobic” behavior, which includes passing out Biblical tracts at a “gay” festival.
If such an Orwellian nightmare can happen in the land that gave Western Civilization the Magna Carta, it could happen in the good ol’ USA.
The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
What part of not “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion do pro-homosexual advocates and lawyers not understand? Tomorrow we will discuss a Michigan case in which a radical homosexual activist says it should have been illegal for a Catholic girls school to dismiss an employee who proudly revealed her lesbian relationship in defiance of ancient Catholic teachings.
Stay vigilant. We will not sit back and allow the (In)Tolerance Brigade to steal away our God-given American freedoms in the name of “gay rights.” –Peter LaBarbera, AFT
The following is excerpted from Christian Landscaper Won’t Soil Hands with Work for ‘Gay’ Clients, published Oct 21, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:
…Todd and Sabrina Farber have owned and operated The Garden Guy since 1991 and, like other landscape contractors, use the Internet to show the quality of their past work and to solicit future business.
The Garden Guy was just one of the landscaping businesses Michael Lord and Gary Lackey, a homosexual couple who has been together for nine years, requested bids from earlier this week for the new home they’re building in Houston Heights. Lord said he found The Garden Guy through an Internet search and liked the “before and after” pictures on the website.
“We sent e-mails to several local landscaping companies asking for quotes. Garden Guy called Michael back saying they would like to bid,” Lackey told the Houston Voice. Lord called the company Wednesday morning to set up an appointment.
“Michael was asked if ‘his wife would be home’ when the consultation would take place. He brushed it off, but when he was asked again if his wife would be joining, Michael said, ‘No, but my partner Gary will be.’
“Michael set up the appointment, but a few minutes later we got the e-mail.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Christian Persecution, Current State Law, Homosexual Hate Speech, News, Pending Legislation, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, September 21st, 2006
From Lawrence Keitz Pleads Guilty to E-Threat against IFI, by Peter LaBarbera, published Sept 21, 2006, by Illinois Family Institute:
Homosexual Lawrence Keitz of Chicago pled guilty yesterday to a disorderly conduct charge stemming from his 2005 e-mail threat against Illinos Family Institute in which he vowed to “burn every one of your [g-d] damned churches down” and “fight till my last breath to see that you people are destroyed.”
Under a plea agreement, Keitz received “court supervision” for the crime, which allows him to escape jail time for the offense–a Class C misdemeanor carrying a maximum 30-day jail sentence–provided he does not engage in similar harassing behaviors in the next year.
Under the agreement approved by Dupage County Judge Cary B. Pierce, Keitz agreed to stay away from IFI’s offices and staff in Glen Ellyn, pay a fine and write a letter of apology to Illinois Family Institute within 60 days. If he does not repeat the threats, ultimately he will have the opportunity to have the record of his guilty plea expunged so that he has no permanent criminal record.
Keitz, an employee of the PappaGeorge/Haymes Ltd. architectual firm in Chicago, used his work e-mail address to send the following threatening note to IFI on July 13, 2005 (this is cleaned up for publication; our edits are in brackets; astericks were his):
—–Original Message—–
From: Lawrence Keitz [mailto:lkeitz@pappageorgehaymes.com]
Posted At: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 12:55 PM Posted To:
Conversation: Leave us the F**k alone
Subject: Leave us the F**k alone
I am a gay citizen of this country.
You get the f**k out of my countery [sic] and leave me alone or I will burn every one of your [g-d] damned churches down. Shove your [g-d] up your own [a–]! I will fight till my last breath to see that you people are destroyed. F**k off!
Assistant States Attorney Jeff Muntz, who prosecuted the case, said that a previous charge against Keitz for “harassment by electronic communication” had been dropped.
Pray for Keitz
Representing Illinois Family Institute at the hearing, I introduced myself to Keitz, shook his hand and told him that we do not hate him.
Keitz, a white male wearing a pony tail who appeared to be in his late 20’s, replied that it was “hard to tell” from IFI’s website.
Please pray for Lawrence Keitz and all the pro-homosexual activists who regularly attack IFI and other family groups–sometimes viciously or even illegally (as in this case). Because we oppose homosexuality as a matter of principle and reject “gayness” as a core identity, they label us as “haters,” and, strangely, justify their ugly attacks by citing our policies and beliefs.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in AFT In the News, Christian Persecution, Homosexual Hate Speech, News |
Friday, September 15th, 2006
By Peter LaBarbera
Christians are called “haters,” “bigots,” “homophobes,” and worse simply for proclaiming God’s Word to homosexuals (for the best defense of Christian orthodoxy on homosexuality, see Rob Gagnon’s brilliant website). As believers, our most fervent hope and prayer is that those tempted to embrace homosexual attractions would recognize that they are not inherently “gay” and find spiritual healing and salvation through the resurrected Christ — an intent which, while offensive to those not inclined to hear, cannot fairly be described as “hatred.”
Many men and women who once considered themselves “gay” or “lesbian” have embraced the path of change and overcome the pull of homosexuality in their lives. See Stephen Bennett’s heartwarming story HERE and Linda Jernigan’s wonderful testimony HERE. Some people have changed through secular therapy (see NARTH’s website), but it seems the more typical story in the United States is people overcoming homosexuality with the help of God through Jesus Christ.
Perhaps the citation below of a radical Islamic book’s prescription for treating homosexuals (dropping them from a building and then stoning them) will shed light on the superiority of Biblical “tough love” (oppose sinful behavior while extending forgiveness through Christ). We at Americans For Truth condemn in no uncertain terms all violence and hatred directed at homosexuals. The same God who rescues people from bondage to any number of sinful inclinations can rescue those who are caught up in homosexuality–and has countless times, despite the vain efforts of fanatical “gay” activists like Wayne Besen who strive to show that “sexual orientation” (an unbiblical construct) is unchangeable.
While contemplating what this Islamic book recommends, consider also the contemptuous and ridiculous statement of Rosie O’Donnell, who said on ABC’s The View on the anniversary of 9/11:
“Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam…”
The following is excerpted from Official OK with Islamic law in Netherlands, published Sept 13, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:
…As WND reported in 2004, [Netherlands’ Justice Minister Piet Hein] Donner hasn’t always been open to every aspect of Muslim culture.
He joined with [Dutch Integration Minister Rita] Verdonk in banning a Muslim book [”The Way of the Muslim”] distributed by the Dutch Lel Tawheed mosque condoning the stoning of homosexuals, female circumcision and the beating of wives.
“Gay people should be thrown head first off high buildings and if not killed on hitting the ground, they should be then stoned to death,” says a book titled “The Way of the Muslim.”
Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, E - Praying for the Lost, Homosexual Hate Speech, News, Rosie O'Donnell, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Monday, September 11th, 2006
Excerpted from Wayne’s World, by Mike Adams, published Sept 10, 2006, on Townhall.com:
…I used to think Georgia Tech was one of the best schools in America…
Since they decided to (at least try to) become a “university” not just an “institute of technology,” Tech has been spending a lot of time on tolerance and diversity issues. With speech codes – and, now, even talk of a Queer Resource Center – they have managed to attract a lot of Atlanta’s leftist activists as students.
But, recently, these leftists have gone a little too far. After implementing an unconstitutional speech code, they were sued by two conservative plaintiffs. Georgia Tech lost the suit, which was argued in federal court by David French of the Alliance Defense Fund. Since that speech code was removed, the public has been getting a good look at the fanaticism of these Georgia Tech leftists. They’ve become their own worst enemies and they aren’t even aware of it.
As you read the following internet comments – in response to the Georgia Tech loss in the speech code lawsuit – remember that they are coming exclusively from Georgia Tech students and alumni. If you aren’t already worried about the state of higher education in America, you should be:
Continue reading at Townhall…
Posted in Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Homosexual Hate Speech, Universities & Colleges |
Friday, September 8th, 2006
NAPERVILLE, Illinois—Americans for Truth is asking Fox News Channel to be “fair and balanced” by giving $10,000 to a conservative group to match its donation to a homosexual journalists’ organization whose leader recently compared pro-family critics of homosexuality to “white supremacists.”
In a letter sent today to Fox News Channel President Roger Ailes—following FOX’s $10,000 sponsorship gift to the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) annual convention—AFT President Peter LaBarbera wrote:
“FOX News cannot claim to be ‘fair and balanced’ in its coverage of homosexuality while providing large grants to a special interest group like the [NLGJA] that demonizes religious conservatives and, worse, seeks to influence the media nationwide to exclude conservative critics of the homosexual political/cultural agenda from gay-related stories.
“A balancing grant to AFT or a like-minded pro-family organization would signal that Fox News Channel is committed to living up to its credo and not taking sides in the Culture War. It would also … show respect for the tens of millions of Americans who do not deserve to be likened to the KKK simply for adhering to historic Judeo-Christian beliefs.”
The NLGJA bills itself as merely a professional organization for journalists, yet over the years its members have repeatedly suggested that covering “both sides” of homosexuality-related issues is like quoting the KKK on stories about race—a preposterous analogy especially considering that African Americans poll stronger against “gay marriage” than whites.
NLGJA National President Eric Hegedus repeats the spurious white supremacist comparison on the NLGJA’s website:
“How appropriate is it to quote interviewees whose ideas could be considered homophobic? … Certainly, news organizations have written extensively about white supremacists and other hate groups… But I doubt that any journalist is adding them to a source contact list for bringing “balance” to future stories about reparations, interracial marriage, the Holocaust or immigration. That same ethic needs to extend to LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender] coverage, too.”
Wal-Mart Corporation is also listed among the $10,000 sponsors of the NLGJA convention, which began yesterday and runs through the weekend in Miami.
Posted in Activists, FOX News, Homosexual Hate Speech, Media Promotion, News, NLGJA, Wal-Mart (PRIDE) |
Saturday, September 2nd, 2006
The following nasty message, sent to us from the Americans for Truth website, reminds me of Chicago Tribune columnist and blogger Eric Zorn’s variation of Godwin’s Law: that the first person in a debate to call his opponent a Nazi automatically loses the argument.–Peter L.:
From: Jebus Crust [mailto:csjordal@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 2:44 PM
To: americansfortruth@comcast.net
Subject: [AFT Web Site] Intolerant Fools you are.
Seig Heil!! This is where it starts. You are a hateful, bigoted, ignorant, intolerant nuttchugger. I am a parent of two sons and I am sad that I have to tell them that evil, hateful people like you exist. This is one of the thousands of reasons I am Atheist. Get a life [f–kwad]. You are probably a closet Homo. Your groups [sic] homophobia makes me sick. The blood is on your hands when a hate crime is commited by one of your members. Go [F—] Yourself you hateful, bigoted, ignorant Christian Fundy [Ass—-].
PS Why can you not Live and let Live? Why? What are you afraid of?
Posted in Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, News |
Sunday, August 27th, 2006
Excerpted from Why Homosexuals Should Not Adopt or Teach Children,by Mike Adams, published Aug 24, 2006, on Townhall.com:
…Several years ago, I began writing columns questioning the so-called gay rights movement. I prefer to call it the “gay privileges” movement because gays are not presently deprived of anything that is rightfully theirs. A gay man has the same right I have to marry a woman. His waiver of that actual right does not allow him to substitute another “right” he deems more suitable to his needs.
At the time I decided to express such criticism of the gay agenda, I was not fully opposed to gay adoption. Nor was I absolutely opposed to hiring gay grammar school teachers. My criticism of the gay agenda was narrower than it is today and the tone of my criticism was far more subdued. That all changed when the homosexual rights crowd started to circulate some of my early columns.
Frequently, the criticism would come en masse from gay groups who would post my columns on PRIDE websites or chat rooms at universities like UNC-Greensboro, which is also known as UNC-Gonorrhea. They would work themselves into a fury over my well-reasoned essays and then respond with a flurry of obscenities unfit for reproduction in this column.
Before long, readers identifying themselves as “gay” were threatening to cut off my genitalia, burn my children, rape my wife, and, just to top it all off, kill me, too. Good thing these readers were all “gay.” Otherwise, they might not be so happy.
So, of course, I took the time to survey a number of other conservative columnists to find out where most of their profane and threatening hate mail comes from. The answer is always the same: Without hesitation, they all say it comes from the “gay” community.
…One of their more recent stunts was to get together on a gay website to hatch a plan to destroy my marriage. Actually, they started their plan on one of the Transgendered websites. Since the Transgendered people are so angry, I suppose they are technically classified as “gay,” too.
The first step of their plan to destroy my marriage was to concoct a false story that I once committed adultery. For the record, I have never cheated on my wife. I did, however, attempt to cheat on my wife one time. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get past Ms. Coulter’s bodyguard.
Continue reading at Townhall…
Posted in GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Parenting |
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