Homosexual Hate

Homosexual Activists Pressure PayPal to Drop AFTAH and other Family Organizations as ‘Hate’ Groups

Thursday, September 15th, 2011

Help defend AFTAH against latest example of homo-fascism

Click on graphic to enlarge. Homosexual web activist website "All Out" lobbies PayPal to drop AFTAH and other pro-family groups as alleged "anti-LGBT extremists." The petition reads, "PayPal must act immediately to shut down their accounts and ban all sites that promote anti-LGBT hate."

TAKE ACTION NOW: a new homosexual web campaign is urging the internet payment company PayPal to drop AFTAH and other pro-family organizations as so-called “extremists” that “promote anti-LGBT hate.” Please help defend Americans For Truth from being dropped by PayPal in response to this anti-Christian pressure campaign.

1) Go to PayPal’s website and make a much-needed gift to AFTAH to support our work. Or do so through the AFTAH website at www.americansfortruth.com/donate/. Mail a check to AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.

2) Write or call PayPal and urge them to STAND FOR FREEDOM and NOT give in to this intolerant pressure campaign by homosexual activists; use PayPal’s online “Comment Card” HERE, or post a note to the PayPal blog.  Or use their Contact Page HERE (note, the latter seems to favor comments by people holding a PayPal account).  Here is the Contact Page for PayPal’s parent company, e-BAY Inc.

Please THANK PayPal for initially siding with religious freedom so far [as reported HERE by the homosexual website Pink News] and not abruptly caving to All Out’s demands.  Urge them NOT to punish Christian and pro-family advocates – which could potentially alienate millions of potential PayPal customers.

3) Also, sign the LifeSiteNews petition to PayPal defending AFTAH and other pro-family targets by going here: http://www.profamilyfreedom.net/

4) Send this message to your friends and contact list to educate them on the anti-Christian and censorious nature of the homosexual movement. “Gay” activists no longer want “Tolerance”; now they want Dominance even if it means smearing pro-family people as “haters” and destroying our cherished religious freedoms.  


By Peter LaBarbera

Dear AFTAH Reader,

Every day brings more evidence that the Homosexual Lobby is all about kicking pro-morality people (mostly committed Christians) who disagree with homosexual behavior OUT of the public square. More and more observers are seeing this for what it is: homo-fascism. Last week we learned of a homosexual web campaign called “All Out” that is targeting the payment service company PayPal for doing business with Americans For Truth and nine other groups — which it smears as “extremists” who “promote anti-LGBT “hate.” Here is the wording of their All Out petition:

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Help AFTAH Shine the Light of Truth into the Darkness

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

A Special Appeal by Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans For Truth

Walt Heyer, here shown as he is today living as a man, is helping gender-confused men and women avoid the mistake he made of undergoing "gender reassignment surgery." AFTAH's four-part interview with Walt greatly expanded awareness of his ministry.

Dear AFTAH Supporter,

In this David-and-Goliath fight against the Homosexual Lobby – which is 1,000 times better funded and organized than the ragtag band of pro-family warriors fighting the normalization of homosexuality —  you might wonder if supporting an organization like Americans For Truth really does any good.  You bet it does!  Please read below for two examples of how YOUR gifts to AFTAH make a big difference.



1.  Make you gift of $250, $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can give to www.americansfortruth.com/donate/, or mail your check to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522

2.  Sign up for our dinner-banquet Saturday, Oct. 15th – at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL — featuring revered Moody senior pastor Dr. Erwin Lutzer.  Tickets are just $10/person (and $20/person at the door).  Buy 5 tickets ($50) or 10 tickets ($100) for your friends and family so they too can attend this exciting Truth Telling event!  (RSVP to americansfortruth@gmail.com.) 

3.  Send this e-mail to your network of family, friends and co-workers, introduce them to AFTAH,  and ask them to consider supporting our life-changing work; 

4.  Pray for AFTAH as we prepare for some big changes that will lay the foundation for the long-term health of our VITAL ministry.


Transsexuals Need Christ, NOT “Sex Change” Surgery

Recently I had the pleasure of doing an in-depth, four-part radio interview with Walt Heyer, a Christian man and FORMER transsexual who once lived as a “woman” named “Laura” (see before-and-after photos above).  Walt had the Gender Reassignment Surgery – yes, the one that makes men wince at the mere thought of it.  (It is frequently called a “sex-change” operation even though, as Walt stresses, a person cannot change their biological sex.)

Walt discovered too late that finally “becoming Laura,” as it were, through a body-disfiguring operation didn’t solve his severe “gender” problem.  But thank God he ultimately DID find healing through the grace of the Lord — who labored through faithful and loving Christians who stood by Walt and helped restore him to the man he was created to be.  Now Walt has dedicated the rest of his life to helping others avoid this awful surgery and the “sex-change regret” that he had; instead, he directs them to the healthy CHANGE available through Jesus Christ.

Walt Heyer as “Laura,” his former fantasy-female identity. Heyer underwent radical “gender reassignment surgery” but now warns others not to undergo the disfiguring operation.

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Correcting ‘Gay’ Activist Lies about Allstate’s Unjust Firing of Matt Barber

Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

Illinois Department of Employment Security document affirming that Matt Barber was NOT fired for misconduct at Allstate Insurance Co. It states that Allstate fired Barber "because AN OUTSIDE ORGANIZATION HAD COMPLAINED ABOUT AN ARTICLE HE HAD WRITTEN WHILE ON HIS OWN TIME." Click on graphic to enlarge.

By Peter LaBarbera

Below is a longer version of an article I posted in Facebook responding to homosexual activist Alvin McEwen, who repeated an oft-used bit of “gay” misinformation about Allstate’s 2005 firing of pro-family advocate Matt Barber. (Barber sits on the Americans For Truth Board, is Associate Dean at Liberty University School of Law, and is Director of Cultural Affairs for the Liberty Counsel.) Alvin is a bitter fellow who — although purporting to factually correct alleged pro-family falsehoods — regularly dishes them out himself (go HERE to see him viciously slander me as “Porno Pete”). In posting a response to an AFA column by pro-family writer Jerry Newcombe (reprinted at bottom), McEwen writes:

Sorry but Mr. Newcombe is inaccurate about one part. Matt Barber used his company’s computer AND identified himself as an employee of the company [Allstate] in his column. That’s why he was fired.

Funny how I heard these same spurious “talking points” about Matt Barber’s firing from the mouth of Rick Garcia — formerly Illinois’ top homosexual activist before he was ousted by Equality Illinois. We were on a Chicago TV news program together and I was making the point that conservative Christians are now more likely to lose their jobs or face punishment on the job than homosexuals.

Of course, had Matt been a homosexual activist who was abruptly terminated after writing a column on his own time about “gay pride,” the liberal/”gay” outrage would have been through the roof — and Alvin would not be repeating Allstate’s misleading corporate “spin” as he does above.

Following is my correction of Alvin McEwen’s erroneous and tendentious “correction”:

Matt Barber is a good friend of mine, a Christian man of high integrity, and a Board Member for my organization, Americans For Truth. As one living in Illinois who was intricately familiar with Matt’s case, I want to set the record “straight” here and correct the lies that homosexual activists like Alvin McEwen repeatedly spew about his unjust firing.

Homosexual activist Alvin McEwen pushes a lie about the abrupt firing of Matt Barber by Allstate.

Barber was fired after writing a column (which was published by conservative websites) against the homosexual agenda — on his home computer, on a Saturday. He did NOT identify himself as an employee of Allstate, but a third-party blog publisher did so by mistake. A staffer with the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign then “reported” Barber’s web article to Allstate’s HR depart, and Matt immediately was called in on a Friday afternoon. Ironically, he was told that Allstate “celebrates diversity,” and that his (traditional) values did not reflect those of Allstate. Barber was suspended and informed that he likely would be fired for writing the column. He was then escorted by Allstate security guards off the corporate grounds. Monday morning, Barber was canned over the telephone.

The Illinois Department of Employment Security [see graphic above] investigated the firing and found Barber innocent of misconduct; IDES made this judgment (emphasis theirs): “The claimant was discharged from ALLSTATE INS. CO. because AN OUTSIDE ORGANIZATION HAD COMPLAINED ABOUT AN ARTICLE HE HAD WRITTEN WHILE ON HIS OWN TIME.”

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Bradley Dean Sues Rachel Maddow and MSNBC for $50 Million for Falsely Claiming he Wants to Kill Homosexuals

Saturday, August 13th, 2011
Larry Klayman (left) and Bradlee Dean (right), announce their $50 mllion lawsuit against Rachel Maddow and MSNBC.

The following link is to a July 27, 2011 press conference in New York City announcing a lawsuit against lesbian MSNBC host Rachel Maddow for falsely implying that Bradlee Dean, founder of You Can Run But You Cannot Hide, a Minnesota-based Christian ministry — favored killing homosexuals. Dean’s attorney is well-known conservative Larry Klayman.

Following the video is a press release for the event:

To watch the video on YouTube go here: youtube:http://youtu.be/qkHmXxyACUk]


Suit Prays for Damages in Excess of $50 Million for Slander and False Light

(New York, New York). Tomorrow, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International, Inc., a foundation dedicated to restoring morality and values in the nation’s youth, will sue MSNBC, Rachel Maddow and others who defamed its founder, Bradlee Dean. A press conference will be held to announce the suit at the above location at 11 am on July 27 at the Midtown Executive Club (NY Press Club)

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Ex-Gay Greg Quinlan Defends Marcus Bachmann’s Right to Counsel Unhappy Homosexuals

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Assails homosexual hate group Truth Wins out and “gay” lobby’s harassment of ex-gays

The following is reprinted from PFOX’s (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays) website. Greg Quinlan was a presenter at both AFTAH Truth Academies:

I Am a Man

By Greg Quinlan

Why have gay activists instigated media attention over ex-gays and the husband of Presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann?

Apparently, Mr. Bachmann, who has a PhD in clinical psychology, operates several counseling centers which also offer services to homosexual clients seeking to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions.  But because even one ex-gay proves that homosexual behavior is not innate or immutable, the gay lobby’s fear of their former members results in false claims and attacks aimed at preventing homosexuals from exercising their right to self-determination. They cannot bear to have even one homosexual leave homosexuality, hence their outrage at Dr. Bachmann.

I know because I am ex-gay myself.  I suffer more harassment as a former homosexual than I ever did as an out and proud homosexual.

The ex-gay community includes thousands of former homosexuals like myself who benefited from counseling.  We did not choose our homosexual feelings, but we did exercise our right to seek help to change those feelings.  As a registered nurse, I saw hundreds of gay men die of AIDS before I finally left the gay lifestyle.

Contrary to the myths being generated by outraged homosexuals, counseling for unwanted same-sex attractions is not prohibited by any medical association.  Unhappy homosexuals are not children in need of parental permission and can freely choose their own therapeutic treatment just like anyone else.

The Bachmann incident demonstrates that as homosexuals gain more civil rights, heterosexuals are losing theirs.  Because gays are a wealthy and politically powerful minority, they claim access to media attention, political power and corporate influence that middle America does not have.

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ABC Hit-Piece Targets Michele Bachmann and Ex-Gay Change

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

AFTAH in the News: ABC uses homosexual activist’s mocking slogan, “Pray Away the Gay”

Ex-lesbian Janet Boynes was shown in the ABC piece by investigative reporter Brian Ross, but he did not "investigate" her story of leaving lesbianism with God's help.

Folks, it sure didn’t take long for the liberal media to go into Christian-bashing mode against GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). Watch this almost comically biased hit-piece by ABC’s Brian Ross — featuring the militantly anti-Christian homosexual organization Truth Wins Out. (TWO denies the reality that people can leave homosexuality behind; I call them “Focus on the Failures” because their nonsensical argument seems to be that since many practicing “gays” fail in their quest to change, transformation away from homosexuality is a myth.)

Incredibly, ABC even went so far as to title its piece “Pray Away the Gay at Bachmann Clinic?” — recycling TWO founder Wayne Besen’s mocking and bigoted attack-slogan for the idea that people can overcome homosexual desires through faith in God. Shouldn’t it have occurred to Ross to sit down with and interview a SUCCESSFUL former homosexual like Janet Boynes, who:

  1. lives near Minneapolis, where the Bachmanns’ counseling clinic is located;
  2. was mentioned in the story — the undercover TWO “investigative reporter” ominously cites a copy of Janet’s book, “Called Out,” endorsed by Dr. Bachmann;
  3. is a happy FORMER lesbian who endeavors to help others out of homosexuality, and who credits God for the power to change?  

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AFTAH Interview with Dr. Judith Reisman – Part Three

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Dr. Judith Reisman

Here is Part Three of our interview [click HERE to listen] with Dr. Judith Reisman,  now a Visiting Professor of Law at Liberty University’s School of Law. This interview, which delves deeper into the twisted “research” of perverted pioneering sexologist Alfred Kinsey, aired June 18, 2011. Reisman’s website is www.DrJudithReisman.com; her most recent book, Sexual Sabotage, is available through WorldNetDaily (for which Judith has written extensively). Reisman’s book Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences — discussed at length in this interview — is available through Amazon.com. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Reisman discuss how Indiana University’s “Kinsey Institute” should be investigated by lawmakers and government officials due to Kinsey’s now-exposed and shockingly fraudulent “science” — including his working partnership with child molesters to gather “orgasm” “data.”

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Do not use Real Player.  It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

6-18-11, Dr. Judith Reisman

AFTAH Interview with Dr. Judith Reisman – Part Two – Calls Kinsey a ‘Sadomasochistic Pedophile’

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

"SPEED OF PRE-ADOLESCENT ORGASM" -- Table 32 from Alfred Kinsey's sick, pedophile "research" in his widely-celebrated 1948 work, "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" (this table appears on page 178). Click on graphic to enlarge.

Part Two of my interview with Dr. Judith Reisman [click HERE to listen], who has been the chief pro-family advocate exposing the “monster” Alfred Kinsey, father of the “sexology” movement. Liberals who revere Kinsey would recoil at the term “monster” (and “pervert”), but what kind of “scientist” presides over (and participates in, according to Reisman) the time of “orgasms” of “pre-adolescents” ? (See Table 32 from Kinsey’s celebrated 1948 work, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.”) Reisman calls Kinsey a “pervert and a predator,” and says he fits the profile of one who was molested — based on his habit of “torturing himself” (abusing his genitalia) starting as a boy. Reisman goes on to say that Kinsey “fits the profile of a sadomasochistic pedophile … (pederast).” Reisman says that childhood sexual trauma or abuse is at the root of most cases of homosexuality: “We’re talking about very damaged folks who’ve gone through terrible experiences, and they transmit that onward.” Her latest book, “Sexual Sabotage,” and a previous book, “Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences,” are available through WorldNetDaily books. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Do not use Real Player.  It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 

Judith Reisman

6-11-11, Dr. Judith Reisman

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