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Massive Reuters poll finds only 41 percent support ‘gay marriage’
Pro-family citizens march in Washington, D.C., to uphold marriage as one-man, one-woman. If the Republican Party wants to gain minority voters, perhaps it should strengthen, not weaken, it’s pro-natural-marriage advocacy and speak out against the “gay” activist proposition that compares rights based on homosexuality to real civil rights.
The following is excepted from Accuracy in Media; click HERE for the full story:
More Dishonest Coverage from the Pro-Homosexual Media
By Cliff Kincaid, March 29, 2013
A big news story came out of Tuesday’s March for Marriage demonstration in Washington, D.C. But it didn’t make “news” in the major media. As one who covered the event, it was significant that there were so many members of minority groups. This was not a mostly white crowd. In addition to the presence of black, Hispanic and Asian supporters of traditional marriage, there were some notable Democrats, such as New York State Senator Ruben Díaz, and he let people know he was several minorities in one.
“I’m Puerto Rican,” he said. “I’m black, with kinky hair. I am a Democrat and I am a senator. I’m against abortion. I’m against same-sex marriage, and I won the last election with 89 percent of the vote.”
J.C. Derrick of World magazine has a good analysis of how the major media, led by The Washington Post, virtually ignored the March for Marriage. But unless you actually see what happened on the ground, as the thousands of traditional marriage supporters held their demonstration, you would miss the true significance of how dishonest the media’s coverage of this issue has become.
The March for Marriage went by the Supreme Court before returning to the National Mall location where the rally was held. The group has posted a video of excerpts of the major speeches.
Ken McIntyre of the Heritage Foundation wrote a dispatch, with pictures: “Marching for Marriage—and Children.”John Burger of the Catholic World Reportestimated the crowd at 10,000. Based on attendance at several rallies in the nation’s capital, I put the crowd size at about 5,000.
Díaz, the New York state senator, led an all-night vigil for the rally of 32 buses filled with Pentecostal ministers and members of the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization.
He was the only Democratic state senator in 2011 to cast a “No” vote on the homosexual marriage bill in New York State and he was the only lawmaker to rise to speak against it. “God, not Albany, has settled the definition of marriage, a long time ago,” Díaz said.
Reporters sound like “gay” activists at homosexual journalists fundraiser in New York City
Contessa Brewer of MSNBC says giving fair coverage to opponents of homosexuality would be like giving “fair coverage for racists.”
By Peter LaBarbera
NEW YORK CITY — MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer said at a “gay journalists” fundraiser Thursday that for the media to give fair coverage to “the other side” of the homosexual rights debate — pro-family advocates who oppose homosexuality — would be like giving “fair coverage for racists.”
“You know what’s so funny about this? When we’re talking about racism, nobody ever says, ‘Do you think there’s fair coverage for racists?’” Brewer said.
Asserting that opposition to homosexuality is objectively “wrong,” Brewer said, “I think that there’s a difference between being objective and being fair. And sometimes wrong is wrong, and the right thing to do is say when it’s wrong.”
Brewer made the comments in a short interview with this writer at the annual fundraising event for the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA). I attended the “Headlines and Headliners benefit” as a critical observer along with Cliff Kincaid of the conservative group America’s Survival.
Brewer, NBC “Today Show” host Matt Lauer, Today Show co-host Natalie Morales, “CBS This Morning” co-host Gayle King and other major media TV media personalities attended the NLGJA fundraiser and lauded the homosexual group’s work. Morales, who hosted the event. told this writer in an interview that homosexual rights is “a new civil rights movement.” In her speech to about 300 attendees, she celebrated the advances of the LGBT movement (including same-sex “marriage”) and applauded the NLGJA, now in its 18th year. Noting the media’s key role in the propelling “gay” rights forward, Morales said, “”We’re all united in this cause.”
Among the sponsoring news corporations at the NLGJA fundraiser were: NBC Universal (lead sponsor); CBS News, CNN, Fox News, The New York Times; Bloomberg News, Buzzfeed; and Newsday. The NLGJA raised $75,000 from the event, according to its website.
Following is a verbatim transcript of this writer’s interview with Brewer, taken from a video of it shot by Kincaid:
Q: I’m Peter LaBarbera with Americans For Truth…. We’re sort of on the other side of the issue. We’re for traditional marriage and so forth….My question is: for some in the media, are you afraid that there’s not fair coverage for the other side – [that] now it’s veering so far the other way… that sometimes there’s a tendency to—
Contessa Brewer:— You know what’s so funny about this? When we’re talking about racism, nobody ever says, ‘Do you think there’s fair coverage for racists?’ That’s my feeling about the matter. I think that there’s a difference between being objective and being fair. And sometimes wrong is wrong, and the right thing to do is say when it’s wrong.
LaBarbera: A lot of Christians, for example, think that racism is a sin, but they also think tht homosexuality [is a sin]–
Brewer: –You know what I say? I grew up as the daughter of a Baptist preacher, and you know what my answer always is? If you think it’s wrong, then don’t do it. Thank you. [she walks away]
Republicans will never “out-gay” the Democrats in pandering to a Sin Movement…
Sen. Rob Portman’s emotional conversion to the homosexual “marriage” cause — which he justified as supporting his homosexual son — plays into the liberal media and “gay” activist narrative that same-sex “marriage” is inevitable.
By Peter LaBarbera for Americans For Truth
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush – it seems everyone is embracing oxymoronic homosexual “marriage” these days, or so the liberal media would have us believe. Promoting sexual perversion in the name of “civil rights” is the trendy and “cool” thing to do. If you’ve heard it once you’ve heard it a hundred times: today’s youth (and we all know how wise and experienced they are) are overwhelming pro-“gay marriage” — so it is “inevitable.”
Even CPAC, the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, is getting in the game: last week it allowed the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) to sponsor an entire panel (“Rainbow on the Right”) devoted to homosexuals’ “inclusion” in the conservative movement. Sounding more like a Washington Post “conservative” than a real one, panelist and Post columnist Jennifer Rubin reportedly exclaimed at the panel how anti-homosexual-“marriage” Republicans “cannot be at war with America on the issues of fairness and equality.“ (Prominent opponents of the Homosexual Lobby were excluded from the CPAC-CEI panel.)
In the midst of the CPAC gathering, news broke that Sen. Portman had flip-flopped on homosexual “marriage” because his 21-year-old son Will is a homosexual. Thus Portman succumbed to the emotionalism and illogic that dominate post-Christian America. Employing some awful theology, he kicked God to the curb — as is becoming habit in a land that increasingly mocks its own national motto, “In God We Trust.”
Here is a dose of Politically Incorrect truth: homosexual behavior is sinful (read: always wrong in the eyes of God), unnatural, destructive and yet – thankfully – changeable. To become homosexual-affirming because someone you love announces he or she is homosexual is the antithesis of “tough love.” It’s like telling a loved one who is has a drug problem: “I love you so much that I’m going to send you a five ounces of cocaine every month, because that’s how much I care.”
An imperfect analogy, perhaps, but Portman’s tragic defection and moral weakness play right into the Left’s ubiquitous narrative that same-sex “marriage” is unstoppable. Don’t buy it. In politics and life, only death and taxes are inevitable. Remember that radical feminists used to say that the abortion debate was “settled”; now they’re losing that cultural battle for hearts and minds.
It’s time to get beyond defensive, naive and just plain bad thinking in the face of aggressive and deceitful homosexual activism…
Homosexual activists like Dan Savage — creator of the vile “Santorum.com” website mocking and “redefining” former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum — get a free pass in the pro-“gay” media, while Christian pro-family groups like AFTAH are labeled “hate groups” by the same media. Too many pro-family advocates are still defensive about fighting this expanding evil in our midst — which now directly threatens Americans’ cherished freedom of conscience. Click on graphic to enlarge but be forewarned: it is vulgar and exceedingly nasty.
Today we begin a 20-part AFTAH series offering resolutions for “Culture Warriors” and everyday Americans who oppose the highly organized and well-funded LGBT agenda. For you novices out there, ‘LGBT’ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender – the modern sin movement built around the affirmation of deviant (homosexual) sex and gender confusion.
Each day, AFTAH will publish an essay explicating a “resolution” that addresses a bad intellectual habit or “gay” talking point that many well-intended Americans have fallen for — e.g., indulging in the false guilt that is aggressively cultivated by our adversaries. We will expose the lies, leftist tactics and erroneous thinking that are at the root of people’s ideological and spiritual compromise in the face of ardent “gay” activism.
What follows is a rough list of our resolutions for the New Year. There will be some overlap, but each entry stands alone as an answer to erroneous thinking that buys into homosexual activist canards. Please pass them on to your friends, family members, and co-workers; they are intended for anyone who is worn down by society’s ubiquitous “gay”-affirming propaganda. Let’s face it: we all are affected by media manipulation on the homosexual issue and need to get back to confidently defending what’s right.
Editor’s Note regarding AFTAH’s Christian rhetoric: Americans For Truth is an openly Christian organization, perhaps more so than most pro-family groups. So we do use Scripture and even mention Jesus Christ in our work. However, the moral and practical principles we espouse are generally universal and have wide appeal — even for the agnostic who is moral-minded and recognizes that homosexuality is unnatural and should not be encouraged by governmental and cultural elites. AFTAH is supported by people of all religions and no religion, and we welcome anybody who agrees with our mission of returning to wholesome sexuality in (real, man-woman) marriage.
I hope you benefit from AFTAH’s resolutions. This list can be expanded upon, so we invite you to send us your own ideas; send your e-mail to: americansfortruth@gmail.com. May the Lord help you to speak out boldly for the Truth — in genuine, God-fearing love — in 2013! – Peter LaBarbera, www.AFTAH.org
20 Resolutions for Pro-Family Advocates Battling the Homosexual-Transgender Agenda in 2013
1) Get OFF the defense, and back on offense – (get rid of that false guilt and incapacitating ambivalence; YOU are defending Truth; homosexual activists are promoting immorality, self-deception and lies).
2) Follow God and not man (shore up your biblical beliefs) – do you fear God or the reaction of people?
3) “Question Authority”: Don’t trust elites – even “conservatives” — on the homosexual issue (e.g., Newt Gingrich’s recent capitulation urging a GOP accommodation on “marriage equality”). [See Numbers 9 and 12.]
4) Get back to the BEHAVIOR and its consequences (try Googling “MSM [men who have sex with men], CDC [the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], HIV” or “MSM, CDC, Syphilis”…)
“Homophobia” is routinely used to describe opposition to homosexuality and the “gay” movement.
Needless to say, we at AFTAH are pleased that the Associated Press has dispensed with the use of the pejorative term “homophobia” in its official and influential Style Book. “Homophobia” is usually employed by pro-“gay” advocates to denigrate sincere and well-meaning opponents of homosexuality as irrational bigots.
Predictably, homosexual activists like John Aravosis — the very types who routinely smear pro-family advocates like this writer (and organizations like the Boy Scouts) as “homophobes” — are disappointed with AP’s decision.
We at Americans For Truth, like our peers in the pro-family, conservative movement who stand in principled and faith-based opposition to the LGBT political and cultural agenda, do not “fear” homosexuals. We simply disagree profoundly with the normalization of homosexual behavior and the elevation of homosexuality and “gay” identity to “civil rights” status.
Of course, there are people who do fear homosexuals, but there are also people who fear conservative Christians. So isn’t it odd that “homophobia” (and “Islamophobia”) became mainstreamed in America’s media-driven lexicon, while “Christian-phobia” did not? (And now transgender activists, piggybacking off the semantic success of their homosexual allies, are pushing the equally dubious “transphobia” to advance their agenda.)
You could easily fill ten large books with examples of abuses of the tendentious term “homophobia” and its derivative, “homophobe,” in the same-sex debate. Advocates of homosexuality and foes of biblical sexual morality would never allow themselves to be categorized and caricatured as “phobes” — our friend John Biver posits the Secular Left as “morality-phobia”HERE — yet they pretend that somehow “homophobia” objectively describes opposition to homosexuality. That’s because to far too many homosexual advocates, the end justifies the means, and the “gay” cause advances when its critics are cynically and falsely cast as hateful and fearful creeps.
We will have more on this story. For now, it is gratifying to see AP make a move toward neutrality, objectivity and fairness in its coverage of homosexuality. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
The Associated Press has nixed “homophobia,” “ethnic cleansing,” and a number of other terms from its Style Book in recent months.
The online Style Book now says that “-phobia,” “an irrational, uncontrollable fear, often a form of mental illness” should not be used “in political or social contexts,” including “homophobia” and “Islamophobia.” It also calls “ethnic cleansing” a “euphemism,” and says the AP “does not use ‘ethnic cleansing’ on its own. It must be enclosed in quotes, attributed and explained.”
“Ethnic cleansing is a euphemism for pretty violent activities, a phobia is a psychiatric or medical term for a severe mental disorder. Those terms have been used quite a bit in the past, and we don’t feel that’s quite accurate,” AP Deputy Standards Editor Dave Minthorn told POLITICO.
“When you break down ‘ethnic cleansing,’ it’s a cover for terrible violent activities. It’s a term we certainly don’t want to propagate,”Minthorn continued. “Homophobia especially — it’s just off the mark. It’s ascribing a mental disability to someone, and suggests a knowledge that we don’t have. It seems inaccurate. Instead, we would use something more neutral: anti-gay, or some such, if we had reason to believe that was the case.”
“We want to be precise and accurate and neutral in our phrasing,” he said.
The changes made to the online Style Book will appear in next year’s printed edition.
Imagine if anti-FRC gunman Floyd Corkins had been a conservative, and sought to terrorize a “gay” or left-wing organization. The media outrage would be much greater, say MRC’s Brent Bozell.
The following is excerpted from an article published by Media Research Center August 16, 2012:
NBC And CBS Aiding and Abetting Anti-Conservative Hatred
Completely Omit LGBT Activist Gunman’s Motive
ALEXANDRIA, VA – Late yesterday morning [Aug. 15], an armed LGBT activist allegedly opened fire at the Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters in Washington, DC with the intent to kill FRC staffers. He was subdued by a heroic FRC security officer who was shot in the arm by the alleged gunman. The FBI has classified the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism.
Neither NBC Nightly News nor CBS Evening News produced a full story on the FRC shooting, instead committing only 17 and 20 seconds respectively for anchor briefs that omitted the shooter’s motive. Only ABC World News produced a full report on this politically motivated act of violence.
Sources say the gunman walked into the FRC and said, “It’s not about you, it’s about the policy” and shot the guard. The FRC’s mission statement reads, in part, “FRC shapes public debate and formulates public policy that values human life and upholds the institutions of marriage and family.” [It was soon learned that the suspect, Floyd Corkins, had volunteered at the D.C. Center for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Community.]
The NBC and CBS omissions are merely the latest in a long pattern of the liberal media minimizing or spinning acts of hate and violence perpetrated by liberals. …
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts:
The liberal media have repeatedly and deliberately turned a blind eye to the violent, hateful culture of liberalism, particularly their vicious attacks against those who advocate traditional Christian values and conservative principles. We saw it during their deceptive, romanticized coverage of Occupy Wall Street. We saw it again during their sneering, anti-Christian coverage of the Chick-fil-A controversy. And now we’re seeing it through NBC’s and CBS’s dismissive coverage of this senseless shooting at the FRC, which the FBI has classified as an act of domestic terrorism.
Bradlee Dean addressing the Minnesota legislature.
AFTAH Editor’s Note: Liberal activist and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is an open lesbian. To view the MRC-TV video report on her and MSNBC’s malicious distortion of Bradlee Dean’s words — to falsely insinuate that he favors executing homosexuals — view the clip at the bottom of this story.
By Bradlee Dean
NBC is again showing its antipathy for journalism and the First Amendment. Their utter disdain for truth and equity is showcased in a pathetic apology made by e-mail April 3rd for airing a carefully-edited audio version of a 911 call placed by Florida neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, who shot Trayvon Martin to death in February:
“During our investigation it became evident that there was an error made in the production process that we deeply regret,” NBC News said in Tuesday’s statement. “We will be taking the necessary steps to prevent this from happening in the future and apologize to our viewers.”
NBC’s edited version of 911 call:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.
Actual 911 call unedited:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he white, black or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
This is a lot more than a simple “error on the production process.” This is a purposeful omission to batter-ram NBC’s agenda on the American people.
It’s rare when I agree with (pro-homosexual-“marriage”) Chris Matthews, the fast-talking host of the MSNBC program “Hardball” — but here he hits the nail on the head. At a March 24 book signing in Framingham, Mass., Matthews was “ambushed” by video-camera-wielding activists with the pro-homosexual, leftist group Faithful America. They badgered him about having Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, on as a repeat guest on “Hardball.” Here’s Matthews’ response [more commentary after the video]:
Silencing “hate”?
Needless to say, Faithful America justifies its blacklisting campaign against Perkins on the basis of Family Research Council being (mis)labeled a “hate group” — by fellow left-wingers at GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) and the Southern Poverty Law Center. [See Faithful America’s Youtube comments HERE.] Perkins is a good man who ably and articulately defends the historic Judeo-Christian sexual and marriage ethic, for which he is rewarded with the usual vitriol by embittered homosexual activists and bloggers. Anyone who has seen Perkins debate on TV can see he is not “hateful” in the least — nor is the respected family organization FRC (where I once worked as a cultural analyst).
Do you see what is happening? The intellectual cowards on the Left — puffed up by a compliant media and suffused with enough “gay pride” and arrogance to presume that their aberrant sexual/gender ideology has NO LEGITIMATE OPPOSITION — are busier than ever trying to bully the media into joining their “Pro-Gay-Only” crusade. It is despicable, but worse: it is a grave threat to American liberty. Because when the media en masse kowtow to censorious activists — a road on which they are quite far along with the Homosexual Lobby — accountability, reason and fairness are jettisoned, paving the way for ever more reckless and extreme pressure campaigns against the dreaded “haters.” (That would be you, me and just about anyone who takes a public stand against homosexual behavior or “gay” agenda goals like same-sex “marriage.”)