
Dismantling the ‘Pro-Gay’ Belief Structure Piece by Piece – Sharon Kass

Thursday, September 29th, 2016
Homosexualism is not "equal" to natural heterosexuality in marriage.

Not Equal: Homosexualism is not “equal” to natural heterosexuality in marriage. This is an online ad for a Chicago “gay” bathhouse, Steamworks, that facilitates anonymous sodomies between men. Note that it targets college boys on Spring break. See 2015 AFTAH article HERE. Steamworks and other bathhouses catering to “gay” male mega-promiscuity operate in big cities across North America and Europe. Click on graphic to enlarge.

By Sharon Kass, September 21, 2016

Belief in the normality and even the goodness of homosexuality and “transgender”-ism is not only false but absurd.  Yet many people, both self-considered “sophisticates” and others, now embrace this belief.  Those who know the real facts need not only effort but method in order to persuade our fellow citizens.

Some thoughts:

  • People vary in their innate thinking tendencies.  Drawing on the Myers-Briggs personality typology, one finds these differences:  concrete fact versus abstract thought, sentiment versus logic, one-right-answer versus multiple-valuable-answers.  Different people must be appealed to in different ways.
  • Many people currently understand that a single dramatic event can cause emotional trauma and distortions in thoughts, feeling, and behavior, but not so many grasp the fact that sustained emotional neglect by important figures, especially in early childhood, can bring about the same things.  Thus, basic information on psychodynamic developmental psychology must be presented.

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‘Gay’ Log Cabin Republicans Despise GOP’s Pro-Family Platform – So Why Is Newt Gingrich Helping Them Raise Money?

Wednesday, September 28th, 2016

AFTAH to AFA’s One News Now: Log Cabinites are homosexual activists first, Republicans second

twitter_gingrich_log_cabin_republicans_dinner_9-28-16The following is reprinted from American Family Association’s “One News Now” online news source:

GOP seeks ‘big tent’ but who props it up?

By Charlie Butts (, September 28, 2016 |

With just weeks to go before Election Day, a pro-family advocate is questioning the Republican Party’s affiliation with a homosexual group.

Newt Gingrich is set to speak tonight, September 28, at a fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans. The pro-homosexual group is meeting in Washington, D.C., where the keynote speaker is the former Speaker of the House.

Peter LaBarbera, who heads Americans for Truth, recalls that Log Cabin president Gregory Angelo publicly expressed anger this summer over the socially conservative platform approved by the Republican Party.

In a July press release, Angelo complained that the GOP “passed the most anti-LGBT platform in the party’s 162-year history,” citing “opposition to marriage equality” and “nonsense about bathrooms.”

LaBarbera says it’s a fair question why Gingrich is helping an organization raise money that’s attacking the Republican Party’s conservative beliefs.

“I think this is the fallacy of the big tent,” says LaBarbera. “The Log Cabin Republicans are homosexual activists first, Republican second.”

The more the GOP reaches out to homosexual Republicans, he warns, “the more they alienate their massive Christian, conservative, grassroots base.”

LaBarbera says the Log Cabin Republicans report [in 2008] only 20,000 members nationwide, meaning Gingrich and others risk offending millions of conservative Americans [for a tiny amount of votes].


Related AFTAH articles:

Et tu, Newt? AFTAH Chides Gingrich for Speaking at Homosexual ‘Log Cabin Republicans’ Dinner-Fundraiser

(2008): “Homosexual Group ‘Log Cabin Republicans’ Has a Measly 20,000 Members Nationwide”

Brent Bozell Slams Presidential Debate Moderator Lester Holt’s Bias Against Donald Trump

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

“Lester Holt failed in his role as a moderator. Period,” says prominent media critic

I completely agree with Brent Bozell III, founder and president of the conservative Media Research Center, on NBC journalist Lester Holt’s egregious bias in moderating the first Trump-Clinton presidential debate last night. Stuff like this is why everyday Americans distrust the liberal media as much or more than they distrust politicians. You can read more on Holt’s lopsided performance here. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH  [click to enlarge graphic]



Transcription of the above tweet by Brent Bozell:

Here is my official full statement on tonight’s #debate moderated by Lester Holt. #TTT16 [MRC campaign confronting media bias in election coverage: “Tell the Truth 20116]

MRC’s Brent Bozell slams NBC’s Lester Holt’s performance as debate moderator:

“Lester Hold clearly heard the cries of his colleagues in the liberal media to be tough on Trump and ease up on Hillary loud and clear. Holt continually challenged, fact-checked, and interrupted Trump and not once challenged Hillary. Holt pounded Trump repeatedly on the birth certificate controversy, his position on Iraq, his tax returns, and whether or not Hillary looked presidential. Where were the quesions on the Clinton Foundation or Benghazi or her email server? These are the questions that drive right to the heart of whether Hillary is ready to be president and yet viewers tuning in heard nothing about these important issues. Lester Holt failed in his role as a moderator. Period.”

Linda Harvey on U.S. Civil Rights Commission ‘Peaceful Coexistence’ Report: ‘The Left to Christians: Your Turn in the Closet’

Monday, September 26th, 2016

USCCR chairman Martin Castro says “religious freedom” and “religious liberty” are “code words” for “discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy”

Linda Harvey of Mission America is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning on the destructive impact of homosexualism and transsexualism on America's youth.

Truth Teller: Linda Harvey of Mission America is the keynote speaker at AFTAH’s annual dinner-banquet Friday, Oct. 28 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church, in Bensenville, IL. Full banquet details HERE.

Folks, here is another excellent column by our AFTAH 2016 banquet keynoter, Linda Harvey of Ohio-based Mission America. Click the banner ad above for full details on the dinner-banquet Friday, October 28 (only $25 per person). This column was first published by WND. To read all of Linda’s WND columns, go here.


The Left to Christians: Your Turn in the Closet

By Linda Harvey, 9-20-16

They want us to believe it’s “peaceful coexistence.” Others call it an unjust declaration of war.

The federal U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) just published a scandalous report that scorns authentic Christian faith and recommends severe restrictions of its full expression by American citizens – expression protected by the First Amendment.

The report, “Peaceful Coexistence: Reconciling Nondiscrimination Principles with Civil Rights” [get PDF here], is another Washington agency telling Christians it’s their turn in the closet. Now that homosexuals and transvestites are “out,” their desires, plans, demands and delusions take priority.

Religious exemptions, the commission report contends, “infringe” on civil rights. But hold on. Commission Chairman Martin Castro in this report unlawfully equates “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” demands to legally established U.S civil rights. Actual U.S. civil rights law bars discrimination about race, color, religion, sex, national origin and disability status.

No law designates homosexuality and gender confusion as federally protected civil rights. Just like the disguise of a “drag queen,” the rationale for much of this report is a lie.

States that have foolishly passed homosexual and gender rebellion “non-discrimination” laws have their own civil rights agencies. Let those states invent bogus recommendations to further restrict citizens’ concerns over the mandatory embrace of “LGBT” behaviors, ramping up the use of law as a weapon to fine Christians, get them fired, or close their businesses.

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Trump, RNC Sell ‘LGBTQ For Trump’ T-shirts – Trump Includes Homosexuals in His Child Care Plan

Sunday, September 25th, 2016

A Republican Party first in pro-homosexual/-transgender outreach — Party of family values?


Sodomy Shirts — Brought to You by the RNC: “LGBTQ for Trump” t-shirts are being sold online as a joint project of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and the Republican National Committee. To read more on Trump’s past support for homosexual activism, go HERE. To read where Hillary Clinton stands on homosexualism and transsexualism, go HERE. And to see a video of Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson supporting homosexual “marriage,” go HERE.

By Peter LaBarbera

There are many Republicans in high places who are trying to remold the GOP into a “gay”-affirming party–sort of a “Democrat-lite” party on homosexuality and transgenderism. Donald Trump could be their ticket: the liberal New York Times reports that Trump’s accepting views on homosexuality set him apart from past GOP standard bearers.

So we were not shocked to learn that the Republican National Committee (RNC) is joining with Donald Trump to market “LGBTQ for Trump” t-shirts. Trump and the RNC are calling his “gay”-rainbow apparel “Trump Pride Men’s Tees.” The move comes after Trump shocked social conservatives by giving a primetime speaking spot at the Republican National Convention to homosexual businessman and “gay” advocate Peter Thiel.

In another development, the Trump campaign announced that its child care plan will cover homosexuals. The proposal would provide a series of government benefits and incentives for parents using child care, including tax deductions for child care expenses and a requirement that employers offer six weeks of paid maternity leave.

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Mat Staver: ACLU Files Hail Mary Request for Attorney’s Fees on Kim Davis Case

Saturday, September 24th, 2016
Kim Davis.

Kim Davis.

The following is a September 20, 2016 press release from Liberty Counsel:

ASHLAND, KY – The ACLU has filed yesterday a “Hail Mary” request for attorney’s fees in the case of Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who won her fight for religious freedom after a federal judge issued an order dismissing all three 2015 marriage license lawsuits against her. U.S. Judge David Bunning dismissed in their entirety, Miller v. Davis, Ermold v. Davis and Yates v. Davis, which brought to an end the trial proceedings against her arising from the 2015 Obergefell decision. At the request of Liberty Counsel on behalf of Kim Davis, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals had previously dismissed the pending appeals.

Despite the ACLU’s attempt to continue the case against Kim Davis and assess damages against her, the federal district court dismissed the case, closed the files and ordered all the pending cases to be removed from the docket.

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Et tu, Newt? AFTAH Chides Gingrich for Speaking at Homosexual ‘Log Cabin Republicans’ Dinner-Fundraiser

Friday, September 23rd, 2016


By Peter LaBarbera

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is scheduled to speak at the annual fundraising dinner for the Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) this Wednesday, September 28. LCR has a long history of promoting homosexualism in the GOP and opposing most of the pro-family planks on “gay” issues that Gingrich supports.

LCR supports homosexual “marriage” and strongly opposes a federal constitutional amendment preserving marriage as between a man and a woman. On July 12, just after the GOP Platform Committee passed a conservative, pro-family platform, LCR president Gregory Angelo sent out a press release/money pitch blasting the Committee:

“There’s no way to sugar-coat this: I’m mad as hell — and I know you are, too.

“Moments ago, the Republican Party passed the most anti-LGBT Platform in the Party’s 162-year history.

“Opposition to marriage equality, nonsense about bathrooms, an endorsement of the debunked psychological practice of “pray the gay away” — it’s all in there.”

I will translate Angelo’s “gay”-activist-speak: he’s furious that the GOP:

  1. opposes homosexuality-based “marriage”;
  2. opposes men who live as “women” using public women’s restrooms inhabited by ladies and girls (note that many cross-dressing men, like this Idaho “transgender” miscreant voyeur with a video camera, still say they are sexually attracted to females); and
  3. opposes laws banning sex-confused minors (including victims of child sexual abuse) from seeking pro-heterosexual-change therapy. (Note Angelo’s “pray away the gay” mockery of Christians who seek God’s help in overcoming the sinful pull of homosexuality; I assume here that most Republicans still support the notion that God answers prayers and helps people overcome besetting sins.)

Surely, Newt Gingrich agrees with those three GOP Platform points that made Angelo “mad as hell”–yet Gingrich is lending his conservative name to Angelo’s socially-left LGBT Republican organization that mocks Bible-believing Christians. Why?

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VIDEO: Paul Lopez – Ex-‘Transwoman’ – Detransitioning ‘Lynna’ and Reclaiming His Male Self – ‘New Life, New Look’

Thursday, September 22nd, 2016

This amazing couple is returning to their God-given male and female identities after years of trying to “transition” to the opposite sex

“Life isn’t about me, it’s about others.” — Paul Lopez, “detransitioning” ex-transsexual


From Lies to Truth: Paul Lopez in his old, gender-confused life as “Lynna” (left) with Maritza Cummings (then calling herself “Mark”), back in 2015 before they each began “detransitioning”–i.e., reversing their unnatural “gender transitions” to return to their God-given biological sex. See the 2015 video here. To read the uplifting story of ex-“transman” Maritza, who is detransitioning back to her natural female self, go here. Paul and Maritza are married. And watch the video below to see where Paul is today in his healthy transformation.

[Click here to go straight to video below]

Dear Readers,

I was so touched watching this YouTube video (h/t Daniel Erline) of “detransitioning” Paul Lopez cleaning out his apartment of all the female clothes and wigs worn by his former, false “transwoman” self, “Lynna.” Paul and his wife, Maritza Cummings–a former female-to-male “transgender” activist who is also detransitioning–have drawn the attention of the “gay” press for coming out against the gender-transitioning process. [See this 2014 article about Maritza in the homosexual magazine The Advocate when she still was going by the name Mark Angelo Cummings.]

Embracing unnatural “gender identities” is all the rage these days — especially since the media/pop culture frenzy over Bruce (“Caitlyn”) Jenner. Political correctness has overtaken reason as societal elites recklessly promote gender confusion (rebellion) and body-disfiguring hormone therapies and surgeries–like healthy breast removal–even to impressionable teens and young adults. They’re even using drugs to “suppress puberty” for pre-teens so the child can “explore the gender identity he or she feels is the correct one”! Utter madness.

What the media are definitely not inclined to report are the wholesome stories of ex-“trans” people like Paul and Maritza who are returning to sanity, most, it seems, with the help of God. Yes, Jesus Christ is the world’s greatest change agent, and thanks to alternative media millions of people can see how He is working in people’s lives–despite the Orwellian oppression of LGBTQ-affirming groupthink. For decades homosexual activists have loved to talk about “visibility”: “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” was one “gay” activist slogan. But now that tactic is boomeranging on them as people come out of false, disordered and self-obsessed LGBTQ identities.

Believe me, the last thing Big Gay/Big Trans Inc activists like GLAAD want is this kind of visibility: the return to normalcy.  (Rule for the Left: all “coming out” stories are good–except when people come out of homosexual and transsexual deviance.)

Note Paul’s common sense observations about the difference between men’s and women’s bodies (shoe size, panties, etc.). How dare we confirm minor children–whose minds and bodies are not even fully developed–in the dangerous world of drug-induced and surgical “gender transition”! If you’re too busy to watch all 15 minutes of the video, skip ahead to around the 13:00 mark, where Paul observes that what undergirds gender transitioning is hatred of self. Check back to AFTAH as we’ll be bringing you other heart-warming stories like this in the days and months ahead. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; @PeterLaBarbera; AFTAH Facebook Page


Here’s Paul’s description of the video:

Hi I’m Paul and I used to be a transwoman, that I am no longer. Thanks to God, grace and the unconditional love of a good woman, my Maritza. (Published Sept. 12, 2016)

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