
Daily Kos Writers: Left Wing Is Ascendant in Today’s Democratic Party

Sunday, July 17th, 2016

Conservative and moderate Democrats are rapidly losing strength in the Party of John F. Kennedy and Harry Truman

Would Harry S Truman recognize what has become of his Democratic Party?

Would Harry S Truman recognize what has become of his Democratic Party?

The following is an excerpt from the leftist (and occasionally hateful and nasty) website, Daily Kos. The piece is titled, “The Unmistakable Lesson of the Sanders Campaign: The Left Wing Is Ascendant in the Democratic Party, ” by Chris Bowers and Matt Kerbel. The writers are authors of a new book, Next Generation Netroots: Realignment and the Rise of the Internet Left.” This is not exactly news, but it’s interesting to hear leftists describe how they are taking over the Democratic Party. Obviously, the Democrats’ and Obama’s embrace of All Things “Gay” & :Transgender” is a big part of that leftward drift. —@PeterLaBarbera, AFTAH:

From Daily Kos, July 13, 2016

The progressive left–fueled by an increasingly liberal Democratic rank and file and a well-coordinated network of maturing netroots groups and established progressive issue advocacy organizations–is ascendant in the Democratic Party. The competitiveness of the Sanders campaign was shocking to the political world because, generally speaking, it did not recognize this ascendancy was underway. However, if they had been paying attention, the signs were all there, years beforehand.

Increasingly liberal Democratic rank and file

Over the past decade and a half, the Democratic rank and file has become much more liberal. The trend has been so pronounced that Democrats have transitioned from being a party dominated by self-identified moderates to one dominated by self-identified liberals. As we write in Next Generation Netroots:

Not long ago, self-identi?ed liberals were a small minority of all Democratic self-identi?ers. At the start of the previous decade, not only were moderate Democrats a clear plurality within the Democratic coalition, there were almost as many self-identi?ed conservative Democrats as there were self-identi?ed liberal Democrats. According to Gallup, liberals in 2000 constituted a mere 29% of rank-and-?le Democrats, barely edging out conservatives (25%) while being swamped by moderates, who made up 44% of the party base. The share of liberals began to rise in 2003 and has been increasing ever since. By 2007, liberals had caught up to moderates, and in 2011 surpassed them. In 2014, fully 44% of Democrats were self-described liberals, while only 36% claimed to be moderates. At 19%, conservative Democrats have become an endangered species.

Liberals are not only increasing as a percentage of Democrats, they also far more likely to turn out to vote in Democratic primaries than moderates and conservatives, thus increasing their influence beyond their numbers. As Harry Enten wrote for back in April, liberals made up 46% of Demcoratic primary voters in 2008, and an astonishing 61% in 2016:

Moderate and conservative voters, meanwhile, are a much smaller part of the Democratic primary vote than they were eight years ago. In 2008, they made up 54 percent of primary voters in the states that have voted so far this year. That’s down 15 percentage points and generally matches the decline of self-identified moderate and conservative Democrats we’ve seen in national surveys.

What’s more, as Enten notes, this trend toward an increasingly liberal Democratic Party is likely to continue, as “it’s the youngest Democrats who are more likely to identify as ‘very liberal.'” [read the full article HERE]

Affidavit & Video: Cross-dressing Transgender Voyeur Shauna Smith – Who Shot Video of Woman Undressing at Idaho Target Store – Says It Was Like Viewing Porn

Saturday, July 16th, 2016
Transgender Target Voyeur - "Shauna Smith," aka Sean Patrick Smith.

Transgender Target Voyeur – “Shauna Smith,” aka Sean Patrick Smith, admitted to shooting a secret video of a young woman undressing in an Idaho Target store changing room (while he was dressed as a woman himself). In a police affidavit, Smith said he videotaped women like the Target victim undressing for the “same reason men go online to look at pornography”; see PDF of affidavit here.  Click on photo to enlarge.

“The defendant [Sean Patrick Smith aka Shauna Smith] eventually admitted to me that she [he] had made videos in the past of women undressing. The defendant told me that she [he] makes these videos for the ‘same reason men go online to look at pornography’. The defendant told me that she [he] finds the videos sexually gratifying.”–affidavit of probable cause against accused transgender Target voyeur Shauna Smith

The following is the text of the police affidavit of probably cause for the arrest of suspected Idaho transgender voyeur “Shauna Smith,” whose birth name is Sean Patrick Smith. Go here to view a PDF of the actual affidavit, courtesy of East Idaho News, [Note: bolded emphasis is ours, and we have put in brackets the pronouns that fit Smith’s actual biological sex as opposed to his confused transgender identity; a video of Smith’s court appearance–from jail–follows after the jump]:


Affidavit of Probable Cause for Warrantless Arrest under I.C.R. 5

Detective Zeb Graham, the undersigned peace officer, being first duly sworn, deposes and states under oath as follows:

1. I am a duly qualified and acting peace officer for Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office.

2. I have probable cause to believe the above-identified defendant committed the offense(s) of Video Voyeurism (FELONY)(IC 18-6609).

3. The facts upon which I rely in believing there is probable cause that the above defendant. _ _ committed the above offense(s) On July 11, 2016, Deputy P. Sagers responded to a report of a disturbance that took place at Target (a large retail store), city of Ammon, Bonneville County, ID. An 18-year old female, M.R., reported to Deputy Sagers that while she was trying on swimwear in a fitting room at Target, someone in the adjacent fitting room was video recording or taking photographs of her with an Apple Phone i by holding the phone over top of the barrier between the rooms.

The victim’s mother, T.R., confronted the suspect, who immediately fled on foot. Both M.R. and T.R. described the suspect as a white male who was wearing a dress and a blonde wig. A witness, T.M, observed the suspect get into a vehicle and leave area. This vehicle is registered to the defendant. On July 12, 2016, I contacted the defendant’s roommate, L.B., who told me that her [roommate] is a transgender male who identifies as a female, Shauna Smith. I showed L.B. surveillance still photos of the suspect from [Target], and L.B. identified the suspect’s clothing as that of the defendant’s [sic].

I contacted the defendant on July 12, 2016. I interviewed the defendant. The defendant eventually admitted to me that she [he] had made videos in the past of women undressing. The defendant told me that she [he] makes these videos for the ‘same reason men go online to look at pornography’. The defendant told me that she [he] finds the videos sexually gratifying. The defendant asked me to unlock her [his] Apple iPhone and look at the camera roll. I looked at the camera roll and observed a video of a young adult female undressing in a changing room at what appears to be Target. The defendant admitted to me that this video was recorded at Target.

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Thomasson: New California Education Law Means Schools Will Train Children to Be LGBT Advocates

Friday, July 15th, 2016
Homosexual "Heroes" for Toddlers? California's new LGBT school law will ensure that young students receive one-sided "histories" of homosexual activists like Harvey Milk.

Homosexual Role Models for Grade Schoolers? California’s new LGBT school law will ensure that young students receive one-sided “histories” of homosexual activists like Harvey Milk–a promiscuous “gay” militant who demonized pro-family opponents of homosexuality, and as a man in his thirties had a live-in sexual relationship with a teenage boy, Jack Galen McKinley. This children’s picture book about Milk is advertised as being appropriate for children ages 4-8.

The following is a release by, and its director, my friend Randy Thomasson. This is precisely where homosexual activists want to take their agenda across the country–incrementally, of course, so as not to create a backlash.@Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Randy Thomasson writes:

California Government Schools Now Officially Perverse –
New education frameworks will train children to become activists for ‘LGBT’

If you don’t want your children to engage in homosexuality or transsexuality or learn to trample religious freedom and the moral values of others, you’ll want to plan now how you can permanently exit the government schools.

Why, you ask? Because California’s K-12 public schools are now officially perverse. On July 14, the Democrat-controlled state Board of Education approved pro-homosexuality-bisexuality-transsexuality curriculum to go into new textbooks teaching children that “LGBT” is good, natural, and maybe even for them.

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

The new social studies framework addresses LGBT topics starting in second grade, in content related to stories of diverse families, including those with LGBT parents and children.

In fourth grade, the content includes the march of gay rights from the 1950s to the 2015 Supreme Court decision supporting same-sex marriage.

Then, in 11th grade, instruction focuses on gay rights and identity…

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Save the Date – Friday, October 28 – AFTAH Banquet Featuring Linda Harvey – ‘Selling Gender Deviance to America’s Youth’

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

Even minors are seeking body-disfiguring operations–as “progressives” promote gender confusion to kids

Linda Harvey of Mission America is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning on the destructive impact of homosexualism and transsexualism on America's youth.

Linda Harvey of Mission America is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning of the destructive impact of the homosexual and transgender agenda on America’s youth. Harvey is the keynote speaker at the annual AFTAH dinner-banquet on Friday, October 28, at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, IL. She is speaking on: “How the Gay and Transgender Lobbies Are Selling Gender Deviance & Body Mutilation to America’s Youth.” The banquet is just $25/person or a Table of 10 for $250; pay online HERE or send your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.

Note:  Pay at the Door: doors open at 5:00 PM, Friday, Oct. 28 and dinner will be served at 6:30. Linda’s presentation begins at 7:30.  Tickets are just $25 and you can pay at the door. See Basic Info below.

Hey all, please reserve the date of Friday, October 28, 2016 for AFTAH’s annual Chicagoland banquet. This year we’re very excited to have as our keynote speaker my good friend, Linda Harvey–the founder of Mission America, a WND columnist, and one of the world’s leading pro-family experts on the aggressive agenda to corrupt youth with homosexualism and transsexualism.

On Friday, Oct. 28 we will have our annual dinner-banquet, only at a different location than usual: Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, Illinois, pastored by my friend John Kirkwood. Linda will lead an in-depth discussion on radical transgender youth activism. Doors will open at 5:00 pm and our dinner will be served around 6:30. We will have a Q&A period after Linda’s talk, which has this theme:

“How the Gay and Transgender Lobbies Are Selling Gender Deviance & Body Mutilation to America’s Youth.”

The AFTAH dinner-banquet event costs just $25 but if you are able, please consider buying a Table of 10 for $250.   You can sign up online using our special banquet sign-up form HERE. Or mail your check to:

PO Box 5522
Naperville, IL 60567-5522

NOTE: If you cannot make the banquet, please send a gift to AFTAH anyway to help us fight the anti-Christian, anti-freedom, pro-corrupt-the-children Homosexual-Transgender Lobby: give online HERE.


Basic Facts:

What:  Annual Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) Dinner-Banquet fundraiser

When:  Friday, October 28, 2016; doors open at 5:00; dinner served at 6:30

Who:  Linda Harvey, founder of the Christian, pro-family group Mission America and columnist

Where:  Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, IL (near Route 83 and I-290). Address: Grace-Gospel Fellowship, 4 North 220 Route 83 (Frontage Road), Bensenville, IL 60106; church phone: (630) 834-0550. The church is a red barn-like building with abortion-victim crosses in the yard: it is on the west side of Rt. 83, about a mile north of I-290. In Google Maps, the church is listed as “Grace Gospel Center.”  Park behind the church and enter through the lower level. 

Cost:  Just $25 per person or $250 for a Table of 10; pay online using our Banquet Form, or mail your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522  [to give a general donation to AFTAH, go here]

Questions?  Write Brad Wallace at; call him at 312-324-3787. Or write AFTAH at


About the Table of 10: we also encourage YOU to help Americans For Truth by purchasing a Table of 10–just $250 for the dinner-banquet. Even if you can’t fill your entire table, you will help us fill those spots with students and others who otherwise couldn’t afford to come.

AFTAH annual banquets are special. Ask anyone who’s been to one! They are not about celebrity but are  highly informative and ALWAYS focused mainly on the mission of educating people about homosexualism and transsexualism. You won’t want to miss this exciting opportunity to learn from and interact with a modern-day pro-family hero, Linda Harvey.

In an age of utter confusion and sexual/gender anarchy, Truth is even more precious and we must defend it vigorously. Please save these days and make it a point to be there! @Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [an important P.S. on “Why We Fight” after jump]

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Tony Perkins: Republican Party Platform Solidly Pro-Life and Pro-Family

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016

“Reaffirming support for marriage between one man and one woman was a key victory of the platform, and affirming the traditional family — which is where, as social science clearly shows, children thrive best.”

“Mad As Hell”: That’s how homosexual Republican Greg Angelo of the LGBT activist group Log Cabin Republicans reacted to the Republican Party platform committee’s adoption of a solidly pro-family and pro-life platform. But Angelo has plenty to cheer about with the GOP’s doormat response to President Obama’s imposition of a radically pro-homosexual and pro-transgender agenda on America.

The following is reprinted from the July 13, 2016 newsletter of Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council Action Update:

The GOP Platform: Solid, Conservative

Republicans now have a platform to stand on, a solidly conservative platform. The GOP platform committee met for two days with 112 delegates from every state and territory and came to a consensus, a conservative consensus for the principles of the Grand Old Party. There was lively discussion on a number of issues ranging from agriculture to economics, to health care, to immigration, to national security.

Issues effecting the national moral and cultural climate were also prominently discussed among the delegates from all 50 states and U.S. territories. I am very happy to say that the final platform document overwhelmingly approved by the delegates maybe the strongest statement of conservative principles by a GOP platform to date. As Gayle Rozika, a Utah delegate for whom this was the 6th platform, told me this is the most conservative platform in her experience. Her efforts, along with those of delegates like Carolyn McLarty (Okla.), Len Munsil (Ariz.), David Barton (Texas), Jim and Judy Carns (Ala.), Kris Kobach (Kan.), Sandy McDade (La.) and a host of other conservative leaders were effective in ensuring the GOP platform provides a clear and compelling understanding of the core conservative principles that those associated with the Republican party prioritize and pursue.

Our coalition of delegates — including FRC Action and other groups like the March for Life Action, Eagle Forum, and Concerned Women for America — proved invaluable. The platform is an important document, showing the Party of Lincoln continues to respect freedom, and the rule of law, the idea that all humans deserve respect, not because of some category, but because we have inherent dignity and are made in the image of our Creator. The platform is a useful document, a standard, for the party in local, state, and federal elections, use in town halls, and provides standards to which we should hold our elected officials. Platform Chairman Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), led by co-chairs Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-Va.) and Governor Mary Falin (R-Okla.) all did an excellent job allowing delegates to offer amendments and debate the issues with sincerity and respect. They deserve much respect for their efforts.

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VIDEO: Good for Michael Voris – Leaves Homosexual Sin Behind – Earning ‘Gay’ Activist Ridicule

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.”–Jesus Christ, in the Gospel of John (15:18)

By Peter LaBarbera

It would be quite an understatement to say that defectors from homosexualism–especially those who choose God over ‘gayness’–are not treated well by LGBT activists. So when somebody like conservative Catholic advocate Michael Voris acknowledges publicly that he left homosexual behavior behind, you can count on bitter and snarky “gay” militants to ridicule him as a self-loathing homosexual overcompensating for his innate sexual urges. Throw in the anti-Christianity common among “gay” liberationists and the hatred gets pretty virulent, as you can see by reading the nasty comments following a story about Voris in the homosexual “Joe.My.God” blog.

Please watch this brave video by Voris–a man for whom I have great admiration–and read the transcribed excerpt and commentary that follow after the video and the jump:

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Gary Bauer: ‘The Left Must Think We Are All Idiots’

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016
Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter: Firmly on the Left. The above combines graphics from the “Guiding principles” page on the BLM website. The organization defines itself as “Queer Affirming” and “Transgender Affirming.”

Whether it’s downplaying the radicalism and deceit of Black Lives Matter or puffing up Alfred Kinsey–the pervert whose (pedophilia-inclusive) pseudo-science helped launch the “gay” revolution in postwar America–leftists can always count on the liberal media to advance their narrative. Below Gary Bauer ably summarizes the Left’s double-standard modus operandi on violence and racism:

PS. Did you know that Black Lives Matter is radically pro-“queer”?— @PeterLaBarbera, AFTAH


Clueless Or Ignorant?

Progressives and socialists constantly come to conclusions about the motives of whole groups of people with virtually no proof to justify their views. For example, when working class Christians did not rally to Obama’s banner in 2008, he said it was because they were bitter and clung to their guns and Bibles.

If a professor has a run-in with the police, as happened early on in his administration, without little knowledge of the facts, Obama concluded that the police acted stupidly.

After the tragic confrontations in Baton Rouge and Minneapolis, the facts of which are still largely unknown, leftists everywhere concluded that racism motivated the police officers to shoot Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

When a large number of minorities are in jail, the Left insists that is evidence of racism in the justice system rather than evidence of crime in minority communities.

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Understanding the New, Self-Based Morality Emerging in America

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

A Nation of “My Truths”: Barna Research Group graphic shows high percentages of Americans (including Christians) who believe in subjective morality. See full Barna story on the new, “self-fulfillment morality” HERE. Click to enlarge.

By Micah Clark, AFA of Indiana

If you are familiar with the story of Noah’s Ark beyond a Sunday School flannel graph, you’ll likely recall that the times in which Noah lived were described as days of exceptional evil across the earth. This saddened the heart of God. Many observers think that we are living in days of global evil again. I am not sure if we are in similar times, but there’s no doubt that the mass killing of Muslims and Christians all across the globe from civil wars and radical Islam saddens God’s heart.

In parts of the Bible, similar times of exceptional evil are described as times in which “everyone did what was right in their own eyes” or according to themselves. Morality was in the eye of the beholder. Nothing was off limits anymore because it was up to each person’s heart, no matter how confused or depraved, to determine. How else can one explain the insanity of Lot’s offering his own daughters up to crazed men in Sodom under the guise of good manners and cultural norms?

In this backdrop, a new study from the Barna Research Group may concern many while also explaining much of the evil in America. Entitled, “The End of Absolutes: America’s New Moral Code” Barna’s research finds that the vast majority of Americans (80 percent) express concern about our nation’s moral condition. Every demographic shares this concern, with 89 percent of elders, 87 percent of baby-boomers, 75 percent of Gen-X’ers and 74 percent of Millennials expressing concerns about America’s moral condition. Although 90 percent of Christians express concern over our moral decline, even 67 percent of adults of no faith say they have concerns about America’s values.

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