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Thursday, February 19th, 2009
Agenda includes the ““Foreign Homosexual Lovers Importation Act of 2009”
MEDIA NOTE: I will be the guest on Liberty Counsel’s outstanding new radio program, “Liberty Live” – airing today at 4:00-5:00 PM Eastern Time (3:00-4:00 Central). The host (in Liberty Counsel Founder Mat Staver’s absence) will be my good friend, Matt Barber, LC’s Director of Cultural Affairs and an AFTAH Board Member. (Matt is the guy who was fired by Allstate a few years back after writing a private web article against “gay marriage”– on his own time; this was God’s way of launching him into full-time pro-family work!) “Liberty Live” airs on more than 150 stations through the American Family Radio Network. You can also stream the show live and take part in the interactive blog discussion at www.afr.net or www.lc.org. We’ll be discussing the Obama Administration’s and Log Cabin Republicans’ shared homosexual agenda. Click HERE to listen to the archived show shortly after the program, and HERE to find AFR radio stations in your area.
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Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Candidates & Elected Officials, Christian Persecution, Congress, ENDA, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Government Promotion, Hate Speech (Laws), Log Cabin Republicans, Military, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Obama, Pending Legislation, Promoting Gender Confusion, Republican Party, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Saturday, January 24th, 2009
Well, everyone, we were off by one day. President Obama did not allow cameras in for the signing of this Executive Order, according to FOX News. That’s because Obama knows that this policy shift, which surely will lead to many more innocent unborn babies being destroyed abroad than during the Bush years, undermines his campaign spin about “reducing the number of abortions.” A very tragic “change” for preborn babies and no “change” from past pro-abortion-on-demand Democrats (Bill Clinton did the same thing when he came into power).
President Ronald Reagan demonstrated his true pro-life credentials by instituting the Mexico City policy. Obama demonstrates his anti-life phoniness by eviscerating the policy. Some more pro-life reaction can be found in this report by the Catholic News Agency. And we reiterate our point about the link between the abortion and homosexuality agendas: where there is a war against life, there is usually one against traditional marriage. — Peter LaBarbera
National Right to Life Committee issued this statement yesterday:
Friday, January 23, 2009
Obama Abortion Agenda Launched Today with Order Promoting Abortion in U.S. Population-control Program
WASHINGTON – President Obama today signs an order that will put hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars into the hands of organizations that aggressively promote abortion as a population-control tool in the developing world.
Obama’s order overturns the “Mexico City Policy,” under which funds in the U.S. “population assistance” program go only to overseas organizations that pledge not to “perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning.”
Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), commented, “This is the first in an anticipated series of attacks on longstanding pro-life policies, as the new administration pushes Obama’s sweeping abortion agenda. That agenda includes repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which would result in tax-funded abortion as a birth control method in the U.S., and imposition of sweeping pro-abortion mandates on private employers through health-care reform legislation.
“One effect of Obama’s order will be to divert many millions of dollars away from groups that do not promote abortion, and into the hands of those organizations that are the most aggressive in promoting abortion in developing countries. President Obama not long ago told the American people that he would support policies to reduce abortions, but today he is effectively guaranteeing more abortions by funding groups that promote abortion as a method of population control.”
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Posted in Abortion, Biblical Truth, News, Obama |
Thursday, January 22nd, 2009
In our e-mail newsletter today, and our article, “Abortion and Homosexuality Movements Are Linked in their War Against Life and Marriage,” I erroneously stated — relying on a web news report — that today President Obama would be signing “a pro-abortion Executive Order that overturns a 1984 pro-life policy implemented by President Ronald Reagan, thus allowing U.S. taxpayer dollars to be used to provide and promote abortions oversees.” However, Obama did NOT sign the order, which would reverse the so-called “Mexico City Policy.” Pro-abortion activists are anticipating that Obama will reverse the pro-life policy (they call it a “gag rule”); pro-life forces hope he will keep it, but would be surprised if he does.
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Posted in Abortion, Corrections, News, Obama |
Thursday, January 22nd, 2009
On Roe v. Wade Anniversary — Think Abe Lincoln, Says Harrington
Joe Solmonese (left) went from helping to elect pro-abortion-on-demand Democrats at EMILY’s List to advancing the pro-homosexuality/ -transsexuality agenda as president of the Human Rights Campaign. The twin evils of homosexuality and abortion share a common foundation: the elevation of self over transcendent truth and God’s revealed will for men and women. Homosexual activists have been in the forefront of “defending” abortion centers against pro-lifers whose aim is merely to save innocent babies from destruction and persuade women NOT to make a decision that will haunt them the rest of their lives. Below is a photo of a fetus’ feet at 10 weeks.
Folks, the issues of defending life and sexual morality are joined at the hip: each of the evil movements they oppose — the abortion and homosexuality lobbies — elevates mankind’s selfish desires over God’s will. Is it any wonder that the two greatest sin lobbies of today have as their sworn enemies the preservation of life and natural marriage and the God-ordained family? And this is not just theoretical: front-line, pro-life veterans such as Joe Scheidler tell me that over the years homosexual activists have been in the forefront of defending abortion “clinics” (killing centers) — to block the life-saving efforts of people trying to witness the truth about life to pregnant girls and women going into the death-centers to abort their own children.
Curiously, homosexual groups like Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force have incorporated abortion-related advocacy in their agendas. In fact, HRC’s president, Joe Solmonese, is the former CEO of EMILY’s List, described by Wikipedia as “one of the nation’s prominent pro-choice Democratic political action committees.” After helping to advance abortion, homosexuality and gender confusion, I don’t know what’s next on Joe’s career path — perhaps Chairman of the Board for a major porn distribution company?
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Abortion, Biblical Truth, Government Promotion, Health & Science, HRC, NARAL, News, Obama, Physical Health, Semantics/stealing words, Task Force |
Wednesday, January 21st, 2009
We celebrate racial reconciliation, which has nothing to do with the pro-homosexuality agenda

Who could not have been moved by FOX News commentator Juan Williams (left) tearing up as he described how he never thought he would see this day when a fellow African American would rise to the highest office in the land? President Obama is a testimony to America as a land of freedom and opportunity, but he is wrong to oppose pro-life laws restricting abortion and to equate his radical pro-homosexual agenda — already posted on the White House website — with genuine “civil rights.”
By Peter LaBarbera
Today we get back to dealing with policy but yesterday we celebrated America. Our differences with President Barack Obama are significant [read AFTAH Board Member Matt Barber’s statement on Obama’s newly published, radical “LGBT” agenda HERE]– and many of the claims being made about him are ridiculous, such as when one TV commentator said yesterday that Obama “transcends the culture wars” — but in this moment we cherish what is good and great about the United States.
It is astonishing to behold — in a nation that once allowed the shipment of slaves from Africa, bound in shackles and shipped across the Atlantic like cargo, then sold in auctions like cattle — the induction of the first man of African ancestry as President of the United States. Who can doubt that this is truly a land of freedom and opportunity, where anyone who works hard can succeed and where goodness (in this case, the triumph over centuries of racism) can prevail through struggle and democratic reform?
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Abortion, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Freedom Under Fire, Government Promotion, Homophobia-casting a wide net, News, Obama, Semantics/stealing words, Stealing Civil Rights, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, January 21st, 2009
Contact: jmattbarber@comcast.net
Lynchburg, VA – Literally within minutes after President Obama took the oath of office yesterday, the official White House webpage was updated – under the heading of “The Agenda: Civil Rights” – to detail Obama’s wholesale “support for the LGBT (homosexual activist) community.” His stated plans include the following:
- Defeating all state and federal constitutional efforts to defend the millennia-old definition of natural marriage;
- Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed by Bill Clinton – the only line of defense keeping all 50 states from being forced to recognize so-called “same-sex marriages” from extremely liberal states like Massachusetts and Connecticut;
- Repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy;
- Passing constitutionally dubious and discriminatory “hate crimes” legislation, granting homosexuals and cross dressers special rights – denied other Americans – based on changeable sexual behaviors;
- Passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which would force business owners (religious and otherwise) to abandon traditional values relative to sexual morality under penalty of law; and,
- Creating intentionally motherless and fatherless homes and sexually confusing untold thousands of children by expanding “gay adoption.”
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Adoption & Foster Parenting, Candidates & Elected Officials, Christian Persecution, Congress, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Government Promotion, Hate Speech (Laws), Homosexual Parenting, Military, News, Obama, Pending Legislation, Politicians & Public Officials |
Sunday, December 28th, 2008
Democratic deception worked: most ignorant about Obama’s radical anti-DOMA agenda
Obama hagiography courtesy of the left-leaning Rolling Stone. It seems that many people who voted for Obama had no idea of his radical positions on abortion and “gay marriage.” Click on image to enlarge.
The following column first appeared on the Republicans For Family Values website and ran toward the end of the campaign. It seems as if the Obama camp did an effective job of hiding their candidate’s radical social agenda. Since Obama’s election victory, I have conducted an informal survey by asking several people who voted for the Democrat if they knew of his position on two critical “culture war” issues: his call to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and his pledge to sign the pro-abortion “Freedom of Choice Act.” Not one Obama voter I have spoken with (about 10) had any clue of either stance, and most were surprised to learn of both. (Try this experiment on your friends and coworkers.) This does not necessarily mean that they would have voted against Obama had they known, but it does suggest that Obama can claim no popular mandate from the election to press forward on these radical goals. Perhaps I overstated the effect (as some AFTAH friends suggested), but here’s a piece I wrote suggesting that John McCain could have fared better by not downplaying these social issues: “McCain Lost because He Failed to Expose Obama’s Far Left Record on Abortion and Homosexual ‘Marriage.’” — Peter LaBarbera
Obama is For ‘Gay Marriage’ even as He’s Against it
By Peter LaBarbera
As a social conservative, one of the most troubling aspects of [the recent] presidential campaign has been the media’s (and John McCain’s) failure to flesh out Barack Obama’s “audacious” doublespeak on the issue of same-sex “marriage.”
Here’s the question Obama was lucky enough to have never been asked in this campaign: What does it mean to say you support traditional marriage (one man, one woman) – when you do so much to advance the pro-“gay marriage” cause, including denouncing state marriage-protection amendments like Prop 8 in California as “discriminatory and divisive”?
Did you know that Obama has promised homosexual activists that he will work to fully repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act? DOMA was signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996 and protects states from being forced to recognize out-of-state “gay marriages.” It was passed overwhelmingly by the Senate, 85-14, with Sen. Biden joining 28 other Democrats in voting yes. How liberal is Obama’s anti-DOMA scheme? Hillary Clinton, a trusted gay ally, pledged to repeal only part of DOMA.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Abortion, Government Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), News, Obama, Pending Legislation, Polls & Surveys, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, December 17th, 2008
Tranny Twirler? We can’t say for certain, but that appears to be a Transvestite Twirler tossing his baton and wearing a covered bikini — in video footage on the Lesbian and Gay Band Association website. Barack Obama will be the first President to have a homosexual band march in his Inaugural Parade (the aberrant-sex band played for President Clinton, but did not march). And we’re also pretty confident that this will be the first band ever to march in both an Inaugural Parade and a parade for the debauched “Southern Decadence” homosexual festival in New Orleans — which in past years has seen men engaging in sex acts on the streets.
By Peter LaBarbera
Bob oh boy! A band created by the Lesbian and Gay Band Association — built around men and women who share disordered sexuality and, for some, gender confusion — is marching in Barack Obama’s inaugural parade — the first ever “gay” Inaugural marching band! What a civil rights achievement — the Democrats should be so proud. Despite the enormity of this “progressive” milestone, apparently it is only somewhat of a technical “first”: the Aberrant Sex Band played twice for Bill Clinton but reportedly never marched for the … Aberrant Sex President.
In a statement, President-elect Obama said, “”I am honored to invite these talented groups and individuals to participate in the Inaugural Parade … These organizations embody the best of our nation’s history, diversity, and commitment to service. Vice President-elect (Joe) Biden and I are proud to have them join us in the parade.”
Questions: what deserving, hard-working high school band from Anytown, USA was bumped out by the homosexual marchers in the intense competition to march in the Inaugural Parade? We’re also wondering: do the bisexual LGBT band members get to march in any direction they want? (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)
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Posted in News, Obama |

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