Political Correctness vs. Truth

Pro-Family Leaders Slam ‘Gay Pride,’ Human Rights Campaign’s Role in IRS-Gate, at AFTAH Press Confernce

Thursday, June 6th, 2013
Linda Harvey of Mission America speaks out against pro-homosexual school programs, outside the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign's D.C. headquarters. Harvey was the target of vulgar hate-emails after she was mentioned in press release days before the event.

Linda Harvey of Mission America speaks out against pro-homosexual youth programs, outside the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign’s D.C. headquarters. Harvey was the target of vulgar hate-emails after she was mentioned days before in an AFTAH press release announcing the event. Click on photos to enlarge.

This is a good account of our Tuesday press conference against “Gay Pride Month” in front of Human Rights Campaign’s D.C. headquarters — by Cliff Kincaid of America’s Future, which also provided full video coverage of the event [see YouTube videos Part One, Part Two and Part Three]. This article is reprinted from the Renew America website (which we highly recommend), and published June 5, 2013. All photos are from Americans For Truth and can be reprinted provided credit is given to AFTAH.org.


Backlash to Obama’s Gay Rights Agenda

By Cliff Kincaid

An Obama-allied group that is at the center of the scandal over IRS harassment of conservative organizations was the target of a protest outside its own headquarters.

“The escalation of homosexual activist power is bad for America, and American liberty,” declared Peter LaBarbera of the group Americans for Truth outside the headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) in Washington, D.C. He said Christians and conservatives in favor of traditional values are being subjected to “intimidation, bullying, violence, [and] dirty tricks,” such as the HRC’s acquisition of the National Organization for Marriage’s IRS donor filings, for the purpose of harassing opponents of the gay agenda.

The Huffington Post had also received and publicized the confidential information, a violation of federal law.

A banner, “Homosexuality Is Nothing to Be Proud of, but overcoming it is,” was displayed in reference to President Obama’s proclamation of June as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.”

Obama previously celebrated the 1969 homosexual riots at a seedy Mafia-run bar known as the Stonewall Inn.

HRC sign welcomes AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera. A few hours later, they were denoucing pro-family advocates as the "fringe."

HRC sign “welcomes” AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera. A few hours later, an HRC spokesman was maligning him and the other pro-family advocates as the “fringe.”

Aware of the planned press conference, the HRC put a “Welcome Peter” sign on its headquarters.

But LaBarbera didn’t return the welcome, saying that “The deviant sexual revolution represented by the Human Rights Campaign headquarters behind us is built on a foundation of lies.”

He called the homosexual revolution “one of the most amazing marketing stories of all time: a sexual sin once defined by Noah Webster as the ‘Crime Against Nature,’ condemned by God for millennia, was repackaged as the supposed basis for ‘civil rights.'”

Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel Action, one of several participants in the news conference, denounced the Human Rights Campaign for its role in receiving and u  sing confidential financial records from the IRS to attack donors to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM).

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LISTEN: Coach Dave Daubenmire Interviews AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013

Coach notes rapid desensitization of Americans toward homosexuality

Coach_Dave_Daubenmire_Interview_News-With_Views-2013Folks, Coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries is one of a kind. It was a pleasure to be interviewed by the Coach — a man’s man whose old-fashioned moral frankness may be out of step with today’s culture but is so much more refreshing than the pablum coming from some “Christians” and “conservatives” these days. I love Coach’s point — as politically incorrect as it is true — at around the 22:25 mark regarding what parents fear most. Also note:

  • Coach’s comments on TIME magazine’s indecent “gay kiss” cover and what it says about desensitization in the USA (10:30);
  • my comments on Larry Kramer and “gay” men who look back “fondly” on their own molestation (27:35); and
  • the section on the sinister pro-pedophilia “B4UAct” website (“NAMBLA with a PhD”), which mimics homosexual activist talking points to advance the agenda of the “Minor Attracted People” movement.

Give me just 100 pastors like Coach Daubenmire scattered across America and you wouldn’t recognize this nation! Please support the Coach and his ministry. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

PS. Let me anticipate a homosexual activist criticism of my comments — which of course will be distorted — around the 14:00-15:00 minute mark. I am not “reassured” (14:40) that homosexual men contract so many diseases related to their perversion, in the sense of taking some sort of heartless satisfaction from their suffering. Rather, I am reassured that Nature and the practical realities of the homosexual lifestyle affirm God’s revealed truth about this sin. As I say in the interview, “The real world is backing up what the Bible says about homosexuality.” This should further motivate Christians to lovingly share God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ to people caught up in homosexual behavior. More information follows the interview….

This interview was published by NewsWithViews.TV on Apr 11, 2013. Coach writes:

“Peter LaBarbera of www.AmericansForTruth.org joins Coach Dave for an in-depth discussion of the homosexual agenda and how ‘marriage’ is just their latest assault on traditional values. Listen to this riveting, no-holds-barred discussion.”

To listen on Coach Dave’s YouTube channel, go here: http://youtu.be/aAXYzgdhEvU

Tony Perkins Defends Michigan Republican Dave Agema, Criticizes RNC for Pro-‘Gay’ Political Correctness

Friday, April 12th, 2013

Are Republican Party elites on a suicide mission?

Michigan RNC Committeeman was charged by fellow Republicans with "hate" for raising the public health risks of the homosexual lifestyle.

Michigan RNC Committeeman Dave Agema was charged by fellow Republicans with “hate” for raising the public health risks of the homosexual lifestyle.

This is an important piece by Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony Perkins, reprinted from his April 2 “Washington Watch” newsletter. Republican Party politicians (they’re not behaving like statesmen) are on a suicide mission if they think they can stab their most faithful constituents in the back on the homosexual agenda and still come away strong enough to beat the radically pro-“gay” Democrats. (A Democrat will usually beat a “Democrat-lite.”)

You are like me if you’re ready to yell at the TV or radio every time you hear a Republican or some libertarian-leaning pundit assert, with robot-like efficiency, that we need to be “focusing on the issues that really matter.” That’s code for the fiscal issues — rather than social issues like homosexual “marriage,” which I suppose, by extension, “don’t really matter” much to these Republicans.

Seems to me the moral disintegration of America and the preservation of marriage should be at the top of the list of issues that matter. Too bad we don’t have a STRONG pro-family, pro-life, God-fearing conservative party that could give both of our corrupt major parties a run for their money. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

P.S. While I (like Perkins) will not vouch for the accuracy of each of Agema’s citations (e.g., it was not NAMBLA but another pedophile group that invented the sick motto, “Sex before eight or it’s too late”), it is preposterous to assert that homosexuality is somehow above criticism. Even more absurd is the idea — repeated in this Daily Kos hit piece against FRC — of blaming the well-documented, highly disproportionate disease rates linked to homosexual sex (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, etc.) on “the stress which comes from having to deal with homophobia and discrimination.” Right, it’s our fault….


From Tony Perkins’ April 2 “Washington Watch”:

RNC Makes Values a Mute Point

“Wishful thinking.” That’s how MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough described the GOP’s supposed shift on same-sex “marriage.” During a segment on yesterday’s show, Scarborough tried to put the media’s spin into perspective. “This rush to marriage equality is–at least among the Republican base–a mirage.” Anyone who believes otherwise, he said, has a fundamental misunderstanding of the political realities in America:

“I wonder how many of these people [who] support it from Washington or New York, or from state capitals across the country, have ever campaigned in western Iowa, have ever campaigned in South Carolina in the Greenville-Spartanburg area, have ever campaigned across north Florida. … What [Republican presidential] candidate can win in western Iowa, can win in the Greenville-Spartanburg area, can win in north Florida if they come out and support gay marriage nationally?”

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Sen. Portman, CPAC, the Corrupt Media and Why Conservatives Must Not ‘Go Gay’

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013

Republicans will never “out-gay” the Democrats in pandering to a Sin Movement…

Sen. Rob Portman's emotional conversion to the homosexual "marriage" cause plays in to the liberal media and "gay" narrative that same-sex "marriage" is inevitable.

Sen. Rob Portman’s emotional conversion to the homosexual “marriage” cause — which he justified as supporting his homosexual son — plays into the liberal media and “gay” activist narrative that same-sex “marriage” is inevitable.

By Peter LaBarbera for Americans For Truth

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush – it seems everyone is embracing oxymoronic homosexual “marriage” these days, or so the liberal media would have us believe. Promoting sexual perversion in the name of “civil rights” is the trendy and “cool” thing to do. If you’ve heard it once you’ve heard it a hundred times: today’s youth (and we all know how wise and experienced they are) are overwhelming pro-“gay marriage” — so it is “inevitable.”

Even CPAC, the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, is getting in the game: last week it allowed the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) to sponsor an entire panel (“Rainbow on the Right”) devoted to homosexuals’ “inclusion” in the conservative movement. Sounding more like a Washington Post “conservative” than a real one, panelist and Post columnist Jennifer Rubin reportedly exclaimed at the panel how anti-homosexual-“marriage” Republicans “cannot be at war with America on the issues of fairness and equality.“ (Prominent opponents of the Homosexual Lobby were excluded from the CPAC-CEI panel.)

In the midst of the CPAC gathering, news broke that Sen. Portman had flip-flopped on homosexual “marriage” because his 21-year-old son Will is a homosexual. Thus Portman succumbed to the emotionalism and illogic that dominate post-Christian America. Employing some awful theology, he kicked God to the curb — as is becoming habit in a land that increasingly mocks its own national motto, “In God We Trust.”

Here is a dose of Politically Incorrect truth: homosexual behavior is sinful (read: always wrong in the eyes of God), unnatural, destructive and yet – thankfully – changeable. To become homosexual-affirming because someone you love announces he or she is homosexual is the antithesis of “tough love.” It’s like telling a loved one who is has a drug problem: “I love you so much that I’m going to send you a five ounces of cocaine every month, because that’s how much I care.”

An imperfect analogy, perhaps, but Portman’s tragic defection and moral weakness play right into the Left’s ubiquitous narrative that same-sex “marriage” is unstoppable. Don’t buy it. In politics and life, only death and taxes are inevitable. Remember that radical feminists used to say that the abortion debate was “settled”; now they’re losing that cultural battle for hearts and minds.

Read the rest of this article »

Tammy Bruce’s Nasty Ambush Interview and Cliff Kincaid on CPAC, ‘Gays’ and the Conservatives

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

“Conservative” business group brings pro-homosexual “Rainbow on the Right” panel to CPAC

Self-styled "conservative" and lesbian Tammy Bruce isn't very "conservative" when it comes to homosexuality.

Self-styled “conservative” and lesbian Tammy Bruce isn’t very “conservative” when it comes to homosexuality. If the Republican Party starts supporting “out and proud” homosexuality and “gay marriage,” it will divide the Party and alienate its socially conservative base.

Folks, my friend and America’s Survival president Cliff Kincaid is getting a lot of flack from the Left and LGBT activists over this piece (below) highlighting Marxist connections to homosexual activism. CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., begins today and runs through Saturday.

In protest of CPAC denying the homosexual-activist Republican group “GOProud” a sponsoring role at its annual conference, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) used its privilege as a major CPAC sponsor to hold a special panel (tonight) titled, “A Rainbow on the Right: Growing the Coalition, Bringing Tolerance Out of the Closet,” which will promote “inclusion” of homosexuals (and Republican “gay” activist groups like GOProud) in the conservative movement. Among the CEI panelists is libertarian, pro-“gay marriage” pundit Margaret Hoover and GOProud co-founder Jimmy LaSalvia — but not a single stalwart social conservative like Kincaid who opposes the homosexual activist agenda on principle.

Homosexual activism — fighting for “rights” based on sexual deviancy — and oxymoronic “same-sex marriage” are the antithesis of conservatism. Certainly, practicing homosexuals can vote Republican and be conservative on various issues — taxes, foreign policy, etc. And they can even oppose what I call the “Big Gay Government” agenda, which is in the vanguard of repressing religious freedom — ironically, in the name of “nondiscrimination.” But I have found that usually the personal “gay” aspect of “gay conservatives” dominates and drives them to be very anti-conservative on that particular issue. An example is supposed “conservative” and open lesbian Tammy Bruce. She is terrific on many issues and an articulate critic of leftist excesses. But when it comes to her pet issue, homosexuality, Bruce at times has behaved like a typical irrational, left-wing extremist.

Years ago, in a response to a release AFTAH put out critical of “Gay Day” at Disney World, Bruce interviewed me on her radio show, posing as a bullying “homophobe.” (I foolishly had failed to research her before appearing on the show.) In the radio business this is known as an ambush interview. Executing her on-air ruse, Bruce tried to goad me into saying that it was OK to get violent with homosexuals — because, of course, from Bruce’s fanatical and warped perspective, my opposition to homosexual activism meant that I “hated gays” enough to want to beat them up! (AFTAH and its predecessor, The Lambda Report, have from their inception (LR in 1993) condemned violence against and hatred of homosexuals.)

Libertarian Margaret Hoover is pushing the GOP to embrace homosexual "marriage."

Libertarian Margaret Hoover is pushing the GOP to embrace homosexual “marriage.”

Thankfully, I didn’t play into Bruce’s jaundiced “gay” stereotype, because I don’t hate homosexuals. Frustrated that I didn’t fall for her “Religious-Right-as-Antigay-Bully” trap, she closed the show by defiantly announcing that she was an “out lesbian” and that I had one minute to respond. It was a harrowing experience that violated all rules of civil discourse. I ended up haltingly affirming that it’s OK to oppose homosexuality and that doesn’t translate into “hating gays.”

It was telling that Bruce never had the courage or decency to provide me a tape of the program when I requested it. She also never apologized to me, because I suppose the ends justify the means and “hateful homophobic bigots” like me deserve to be mistreated, right? (Even now, Bruce — like GOProud co-founder Chris Barron — blocks me on her Twitter account; sign up to follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/PeterLaBarbera.)

I tell this story to illustrate the folly of the Republican Party folding “out and proud” homosexuality — and “gay” activism of GOProud’s variety — into its Big Tent. First and foremost, homosexual behavior is immoral and hence defending it – much less ascribing it legal rights — is anti-conservative, assuming that conservatives defend Judeo-Christian mores.

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AFTAH Launches ‘Pedo-File’ Project Exposing Gay-Pederasty Connection: Larry Kramer Says Children ‘Desire, Solicit Sex’ with Homosexual Adults

Friday, March 8th, 2013

Celebrated activist says most “gay” men victimized as boys have “fond memories” of early sexual experience


By Peter LaBarbera

Since its inception through “Lambda Report,” the newsletter launched in 1993 that was the precursor to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), we have been at the forefront of exposing the homosexuality-pedophilia connection, including “gay” activists’ advocacy and tolerance of sex between men and boys.

Frequently the charge leveled against this writer and any pro-family advocate who delves into this connection is that we are alleging that all or most “gay” men are child molesters. This is absurd. Recently this false accusation was leveled against me in a hostile e-mail to AFTAH. I challenged my accuser to find a single remark of mine that supports his claim that I had said that “all or most gay men” are pedophiles. He never provided any evidence, because there is none.

What I have said for the last two decades is that pederasty and pedophilia are disproportionately connected to homosexuality — as one would expect since it is a perversion. I have asked the question of why so many child-sex-abuse victims are boys (usually estimated at more than 25 percent) if a mere 1-3 percent of men are homosexual. Deviance begets deviance, so the overabundance of pathologies — sadomasochism, unparalleled promiscuity, high STD rates, pornography, extreme gender confusion, relationship violence, and past child sex abuse – among homosexuals should not surprise those who still consider facts and reason above politically-correct platitudes.

Homosexual Advocacy of Pedophilia

A shocking aspect of the homosexuality-pederasty-pedophilia nexus is the public “gay” advocacy and glamorization (or rationalization) of sex between adults and children — mostly by homosexual men but occasionally by lesbians and radical feminists.

(For example, the much-celebrated “Vagina Monologues,” by Eve Ensler, included, in its original book form, a short story about a 24-year-old women seducing an adolescent girl after getting her drunk. In Ensler’s story, the girl, looking back as a woman, later recalls her victimizer fondly. Praising the de facto lesbian-predator-rapist, she says, “I realized later she was my surprising, unexpected, politically incorrect salvation.”)

With the Boy Scouts-homosexuality debate raging once again, AFTAH launches a new series, “The Pedo-File” to expose this most insidious brand of advocacy. Here we will document both the homosexual activists’ promotion of pedophilia — especially pederasty (man-boy sex) — and the historic reality of homosexuality’s link to adult-child sex going back to the ancient world.

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Tim Tebow, Pastor Robert Jeffress, and the Gay Thought Police’s Evil ‘Hate Church’ Smear

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

Homosexual protest boomerangs as targeted Texas pastor slams Political Correctness and winsomely proclaims the Gospel


New York Jets QB and public Christian Tim Tebow backed out of a scheduled speaking engagement at a Texas mega-church following “gay” protests that falsely and maliciously labeled that church and its pastor as motivated by “hate.” Tebow missed an opportunity to defend biblical truth.

By Peter LaBarbera, Special American For Truth Report

Many Christians and pro-family advocates were disappointed to learn that New York Jets QB Tim Tebow had backed out of a scheduled speaking engagement at the First Baptist Church in Dallas – following an online lobbying blitz by homosexual activists urging him to cancel because the church’s pastor is “anti-gay.”

Last Thursday, Tebow tweeted that he was pulling out of the April 28 appearance with First Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress “due to new information that has been brought to my attention.” A conflicted Tebow reportedly told the Texas pastor that he would like to speak at the Dallas mega-church at some point in the future, but “he needed to avoid controversy right now for personal and professional reasons,” the liberal Daily Beast reported.

The Daily Beast article is gratuitously headlined: “Tim Tebow’s ‘Hate’ Pastor Responds to Quarterback’s Withdrawal.”

Turns out that Jeffress not only preaches that homosexual behavior is a sin — he also opposes Mormonism and some Catholic teachings. And, because he asserts that Jews (like everyone else) also need to have faith in Christ to go to heaven, Jeffress was also slandered as “anti-Semitic.” Translation: he is squarely within the long tradition of the Southern Baptist preaching, which holds that regenerative faith in Christ alone is required for salvation.

[Watch Pastor Jeffress’ powerful response to the Tebow controversy HERE, addressing his First Baptist Church of Dallas congregation last Sunday.]

Of course, Evangelicals, Catholics and Mormons have serious theological differences (although each teaches that homosexual behavior is wrong). But let’s be clear: the instigators of the controversy that culminated in Tebow’s unfortunate cave-in were the ‘Gay Thought Police’ – my name for the powerful and well-funded homosexual activist lobby that demonizes people who speak out against homosexuality as bigots, haters and “homophobes.”

Curiously, Tebow himself attends a Southern Baptist church in Jacksonville, Florida, First Baptist Church Jacksonville, which holds the same biblical beliefs as Jeffress’ church. With the Texas pastor ably refuting the absurd “gay” polemic that his is a “hate church,” even some secular liberals opined that Tebow had blown it with his First Baptist cancellation. In a remarkable interview with Jeffress, celebrity reporter (and Jewish homosexual) Harvey Levin, founder of the Hollywood-oriented TV show TMZ – hardly a right-wing sympathizer – concluded, “It sounds like Tebow wussed out on this one to me.”

Thus Tebow joins the list of other celebrities, conservatives, and Christians leaders who have succumbed to homosexual pressure campaigns. (Recently, Atlanta pastor Louie Giglio pulled out of the President Obama’s Inaugural ceremony, for which he had been invited to give the benediction, after pro-“gay” activists uncovered one of his sermons from the mid-90s critical of homosexual activism. Under attack from homosexual activists, Giglio opted not to defend Christian teaching on homosexuality — and took pains to assert that he hasn’t made the homosexual issue a priority in his ministry work and did not wish to be part of the national debate on the topic.)

This article was not easy for me to write. As a Tebow fan, I sincerely hope he reverses course and returns to speak at First Baptist. He is young and has a lot to learn — all the while being under the liberal media’s microscope. Nevertheless, I think Tebow also owes a public apology to Pastor Jeffress, who was put in a bad situation but handled it masterfully.

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Here’s What Will Happen if ‘Gay Marriage’ Becomes Law in Illinois

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

‘Defend Marriage Lobby Day’ today in Springfield aims at stopping bill in House

This will never be a "marriage."

This will never be a “marriage,” no matter what laws are changed.

Dear AFTAH Readers,

Today (Wed., Feb. 20th) is Defend Marriage Lobby Day in Springfield, Illinois, as pro-family citizens rally in the state capital against a homosexual “marriage” bill proposed by the Democrats for our state.  Our friends at Illinois Family Institute organized this special day to help citizens express their unyielding support for real, natural marriage (one man, one woman) in the Land of Lincoln — which is already reeling from previous pro-homosexual laws.  The “gay marriage” bill, SB 10, passed the state Senate on Feb. 14 with the votes of 33 Democrats and one lone Republican, Sen. Jason Barickman (Bloomington), so it is critical to stop the bill in the House. The Democrats who run Illinois — from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel to Gov. Pat Quinn — have made passing a “gay marriage” bill a TOP PRIORITY, so please get involved on the side of “Nature and Nature’s God” to thwart their efforts!

TAKE ACTION — Illinois Citizens: Please attend the Lobby Day today if you are able: there is a 10:30 AM rally outside the Capitol Building in Springfield (401 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, IL), followed by lobbying.  IFI will help you lobby your representative if you’ve never done it before!  See their site for more details: http://illinoisfamily.org/politics/lobby-day-instructions-what-to-expect-on-feb-20th/.  For those in Chicagoland, Kathy Barnette of Truth Exchange still has room on her bus for the trip to Springfield; see the Truth Exchange site.

If you cannot make the trip, make sure to call or write your State Representative and voice your opposition to the “gay marriage” bill.  Call the Springfield Capitol Switchboard at 217-782-2000.  Find you elected officials HERE.

We already know the ramifications of legalized homosexual “marriage” from other states like Massachusetts:

  • Religious liberty and freedom of conscience (i.e., the freedom to oppose homosexuality) will be repressed by the state in the name of “gay rights”; Illinois has already experienced this under our “Civil Unions” law [see the case of the Walders’ bed-and-breakfast in Paxton, IL].  Despite the current bill being amended to protect churches and religious institutions, business owners — even devout Christians — who cater to weddings (such as banquet hall owners and photographers) could be forced to use their facilities or expertise to celebrate homosexual “marriages”;
  • Liberal teachers, especially in public schools, will be emboldened to promote homosexual relationships to students in the classroom; homosexual teachers will be given a platform to discuss their “marriages” and to model homosexuality as normal, natural and good to students. Parents will have a harder time stopping the promotion of homosexuality in schools;
  • Homosexual “sex ed” will gain ground in Illinois schools. Under the radical egalitarian idea that all relationships are morally “equal” and worthy of marriage, “safer gay sex” will be taught non-judgmentally alongside (normal) heterosexual sex. “Abstinence until marriage” (which regrettably is not the norm but only the ideal for most Illinois health classrooms) would apply to homosexual- and bisexual- as well as “straight” students — despite the reality that all homosexual sex is inherently immoral.  High-risk and unnatural practices like anal sex will be mainstreamed in our schools. (Could teaching the truth that sex between men is linked disproportionately to HIV and various sexually-transmitted diseases lead to charges of “anti-gay discrimination”?) And deviant lesbian sex will be taught for girls who in the future might “marry” a woman.
  • Businessmen will be forced to recognize and subsidize their employees’ immoral same-sex “marriages”; a form of this is already happening under Illinois’ “Civil Unions” law;
  • Society will be corrupted as unequal things are treated as equal; children will be further confused as the law (which is a teacher, as the saying goes) creates a Brave New Morality that officially “weds” sinful, unnatural and changeable behavior to the noble and life-sustaining institution of marriage;
  • Homosexual activists will be energized to use the homosexual “marriage” law to pressure citizens to approve of their lifestyle and step up their crusade to stigmatize, demonize and discredit pro-family Christians and moral opponents of homosexuality.  Groups like AFTAH that embrace wholesome, godly morality will be vilified as “hateful and bigoted.” And, as we have witnessed in Massachusetts, the push for ever more extreme “LGBT rights” would be propelled by enactment of “same-sex marriage” — including “transgender” activism in schools.
  • Legalized homosexual “marriage” will help “normalize” homosexual adoption, thus consigning greater numbers of innocent children to be raised in households that are motherless or fatherless by design.
See also this excellent report, “What Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Has Done to Massachusetts,” by my friends at MassResistance to learn what’s headed our way if Illinois politicians continue to pander to the state’s powerful Homosexual Lobby. Thank you for standing up for natural marriage!  God bless you. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org


AFTAH Interviews Lobbyist Ralph Rivera on Threat of Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Bill in Illinois

Original post: http://americansfortruth.com/2013/02/11/aftah-interviews-ralph-rivera-on-threat-of-homosexual-marriage-in-illinois/

ralph_rivera[NOTE: this interview occurred BEFORE the Illinois homosexual “marriage” bill, SB10, was amended prior to passage Feb. 14. The amended bill precludes churches and religious institutions from being forced to host homosexual “marriage” celebrations in their building. However, this amendment applies only to explicitly religious institutions; Christian- and other moral-minded business-owners could still be forced to host homosexual “marriage” ceremonies and related celebrations under the bill despite their deeply-felt opposition to “gay marriage.” — Peter LaBarbera]

This interview [click HERE to listen] with Illinois pro-family lobbyist Ralph Rivera was conducted on February 4, 2013. Rivera is a lobbyist for the Illinois Family Institute – which is sponsoring a Defend Marriage Lobby Day against the homosexual “marriage” bill in Springfield on Wednesday, Feb. 20th. Along with AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and co-host John Kirkwood (of Grace Gospel Fellowship church), Rivera discusses the pro-homosexual-”marriage” bill looming in the state’s General Assembly. (The Illinois Senate is reportedly slated for a floor vote on the bill on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14.)

Rivera explains the bill’s threat to religious liberty — e.g., how in its original draft (likely to be amended) it would force churches and religious institutions that rent their facilities to the public to host homosexual “weddings.” There is also a discussion of how legalized “gay marriage” effectively forces pro-homosexual ”lessons” into public schools. In addition, the three discuss the Boy Scouts of America’s proposed change allowing openly homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts. Rivera is also a longtime pro-life lobbyist for Illinois Citizens for Life.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

2-4-13, Ralph Rivera


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AFTAH will never back down or be intimidated by the intolerant and hateful (and anti-Christian”) “Gay” Lobby. Your gifts help us carry out our critical mission.

All gifts to Americans For Truth are fully tax-deductible according to the IRS.  To give online, go to: www.americansfortruth.com/donate/. Or send your regular-mail donation to:

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