Log Cabin Republicans

Practical Arguments Emphasized in John Biver Series: ‘Bad News for the Gay Rights Movement’

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

There are many practical, secular-oriented arguments against creating legal rights based on aberrant sex and gender-confused “identity.”  I encourage you to read my friend John Biver’s excellent series, “Bad News for the Gay Rights Movement,” on the Family Taxpayers Network (FTN) website.  John (info@familytaxpayers.net) is FTN’s president, and a very smart guy who is not religious but would risk going to jail to defend my religious freedom to oppose homosexuality.  I’d do the same for him.

We who are religious should understand that you do not have to be a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Jew, to see the absurdity of revolutionizing civil rights law to accommodate historically taboo and destructive sexual behaviors that can be changed.  Please share these articles with your friends. — Peter LaBarbera 

Click on the individual links below for each article:

Bad News for the “Gay Rights” Movement


Get over your Moralityphobia


Right and Wrong isn’t Dead Yet


Privacy v. Revolution


Successes, Parades, and Leaven


The Broken Window Theory


Psychology and Morality


The Plight of the TriSexual  (A Parody)


Gender Identity Disorder


Friends, Family, and Children


Health Realities


Resetting the Proper Context


Morality and the “Gay Rights” Debate


Tony Peraica, Christine Radogno Cozy Up to the Homosexual ‘Log Cabin Republicans’

Sunday, May 13th, 2007

tony_peraica.jpg christine_radogno.bmp The following is reprinted with permission from the website of the Family Taxpayers Network, a terrific organization based in Carpentersville, Illinois. (FTN runs “TheChampion.org website, which is loaded with good stuff on education reform, and where you can look up any public school teacher’s salary on their School Salary Database.)

Same old story regarding the GOP’s dalliance with the Log Cabin Republicans, whose “gay” agenda pretty much parallels that of other homosexual organizations. We’ve said it once, we’ll say it a thousand times: the Republican Party cannot be “pro-family” and pro-homosexual-activist at the same time.

The Log Cabin Republicans in Illinois are lobbying hard for House Bill 1826, which would force the state’s businesses to recognize and therefore subsidize homosexual “civil unions.” (So much for freedom of conscience.) HB 1826 is a same-sex “marriage” bill by another name. Peraica strongly supported last year’s Illinois Marriage Protection advisory referendum (which has been relaunched by Protect Marriage Illinois for 2008), so why is he now seeking the support of a group whose radical agenda is 180 degrees in the opposite direction?

With the Democrats nationally the party of abortion-on-demand (including “partial-birth infanticide) and mainstreaming homosexuality, the GOP needs to decide: is it going to mimic the Democrats’ social leftism or present voters with a conservative, pro-life, pro-family alternative? That’s up to them, but they would do well to heed the words of the true “log cabin” president, Abe Lincoln, who said — repeating the words of Jesus (Matthew 12:25): “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”Peter LaBarbera

Cozying up with a homosexual, anti-Bush group
Tony Peraica and Christine Radogno can be seen HERE happily being welcomed at a recent private reception hosted by the Log Cabin Republicans (photo courtesy of the Windy City Times, the newspaper which proudly hails itself as “The Voice of Chicago’s Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Trans Community since 1985.”)
The Log Cabin Republicans is of course a group that’s dedicated to advancing the homosexual agenda in America. But putting that aside, just how “Republican” is the group? Well, the Log Cabin Republicans were always a key backer of Judy Baar Topinka, and each year members of the Chicago Chapter were among the most enthusiastic marchers with her in Chicago’s Gay Pride Parade.
But while Topinka was welcomed, the group snubbed our Commander in Chief. In 2004 the organization refused to endorse President Bush due to his defense of traditional marriage. The organization even ran television ads in 2004 attacking Bush for his support of a fundamental plank of the Republican Platform.
Further, last year the Chicago Chapter of the Log Cabins assisted other gay activists in preparing the legal challenge to the Protect Marriage Illinois petitions – those hundreds of thousands of signatures that so many dedicated Republicans worked so hard gathering across Illinois.
How hypocritical that a group that preaches about the “Big Tent” turns on the President and the base when they don’t get their way on THEIR single issue.
Peraica’s and Radogno’s support of the Log Cabins is a poke in the eye to every Republican who believes in the Republican Platform –– and especially to the thousands who worked so hard gathering signatures for the Protect Marriage Illinois initiative.

Wyoming State Rep Equates Recognition of Counterfeit Marriage to MLK’s Civil Rights Fight

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

Posted on Log Cabin Republicans website as of Mar 6, 2007:

Republican Wyoming State Rep. Takes Courageous Stand for Basic Fairness

Republican Wyoming State Rep. Dan Zwonitzer (R-Cheyenne) urged his colleagues to vote against a discriminatory bill that would have banned recognition of marriages for same-sex couples performed in other states, saying


“I believe this is the civil rights struggle of my generation…If standing up for equal rights costs me my seat, so be it. I will let history be my judge—the overall theme is fairness, and you know it. I hope you will all let history be your judge with this vote.”

Read the full text of Rep. Zwonitzer’s remarks.

Cliff Kincaid: Homosexuality & Pedophilia

Thursday, November 2nd, 2006

From Homosexuality & Pedophilia, by Cliff Kincaid, published Nov 2, 2006, by Accuracy in Media:

cliff-kincaid.jpgIn connection with media coverage of the Mark Foley sex scandal, the pro-homosexual media enforcers have been attempting to refute the idea that there is any connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. Yet Foley targeted young boys. This is something you are not supposed to write or talk about because it undermines the cause of homosexual rights.

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth says, “…isn’t it telling most of the tiny number of homosexual male U.S. Congressmen have been caught in sex scandals-remember Barney Frank, who let his male lover, a hustler, run a prostitution ring out of his D.C. apartment? And Massachusetts Rep. Gerry Studds, who had sex with a 17-year-old boy and then turned his back on fellow House Members during the censure vote against him? And Bob Bauman, who in 1980 was charged with soliciting a 16-year-old boy for sex?”

Adding it up, LaBarbera says, “Let’s see: three homosexual Congressmen involved in sexual seductions of minor boys-ages 16, 17, and 17 (Foley). And yet homosexual activists ridicule anyone who suggests there is a predatory or pedophilic component to male homosexuality…”

On October 2, when the supposed right-wing Fox News Channel aired a “debate” on the matter of the Foley scandal, the two sides were represented by liberal Democrat Bob Beckel, who got caught in a prostitution scandal, and lesbian Republican Tammy Bruce.

“Being homosexual has nothing to do with attraction to children,” declared Bruce. “I agree. I agree,” Beckel said.

Read the rest of this article »

Senator Woodcock Attends Pro-Choice, Pro-Homosexual GOP Rally

Wednesday, November 1st, 2006

From our good friends at Christian Civic League of Maine, by Mike Hein, published Oct 16, 2006:

Former Governor of New Jersey Christie Todd Whitman was joined by State Senator and current Maine Republican gubernatorial candidate Chandler Woodcock in Augusta Saturday afternoon at a sparsely attended pro-abortion, pro-homosexual Maine Republican Party rally held at the Maine Forest Products Council headquarters. The rally was to promote Governor Whitman’s new Republican pro-abortion It’s My Party, Too national organization which focuses on economic and “personal freedom of choice.”

Continue reading at Christian Civic League…

Judy Baar Topinka Featured at Pro-Homosexual Log Cabin Republicans Fundraiser

Saturday, October 28th, 2006

Where was Judy Baar Topinka on Wednesday evening?

High Risk Gallery

Log Cabin Republicans


Coup De Gras Catering


Cordially invite you to meet and talk with Illinois’ next Governor…

Judy Baar Topinka



Wednesday, October 25, 2006

8:00pm to 8:45pm


High Risk Gallery

1113 West Belmont-Chicago, Illinois

The event is free and open to the public.

For further event information, please contact High Risk Gallery at (773) 296-6974 or www.highriskgallery.com.


There will be a VIP Reception Fundraiser before the Meet and Greet event including

Cocktails & Hors D’oeuvres



Benefactor: $100 per person

Friend: $50 per person

Please make checks payable to Citizens for Topinka.

Paid for by Citizens for Judy Baar Topinka. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is, or will be, available for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL. Contributions, or gifts, to the organization are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Click on these links to see photos of Judy Baar Topinka at other 2006 Log Cabin events:

Homosexual Activists Already Planning “Gay Agenda” for Democrat-Controlled House

Friday, October 20th, 2006

The following are highlights from the article entitled Democratic House a gay boon? published Oct 20, 2006, in the homosexual newspaper Washington Blade:

  • “Gay political activists and Democratic leaders are already planning post-election strategies and priorities for an expectedly bluer and more progressive House of Representatives…The preliminary plans … put a [transsexual]-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act [ENDA] atop the wish list of gay rights supporters,” the Blade reports.
  • “I think that everyone believes that [a transsexual-] inclusive ENDA is our top priority,” said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force.
  • Other top priorities for homosexual activists: passing a “hate crimes” bill that is homosexual- and “transgender”-inclusive, and repealing the ban on open homosexuality in the military.
  • “We’re accused of having a gay agenda … but this is the time when we really need one,” says radical homosexual activist Wayne Besen.
  • A Democratic House is key to advancing gay priorities, John Marble, spokesperson for the [homosexual group] National Stonewall Democrats, told the Blade. “If the Republicans are in control, it’s going to take much more work.”
  • Homosexual U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) says that a Democratic House “would snub ‘anti-gay initiatives’ like the Marriage Protection Amendment, and give lawmakers new ability to concentrate on passing ENDA and overturning “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the Blade reports.
  • “Those are probably the two [ENDA and ‘Hate Crimes’] that we would be thinking about,” Frank told the Blade. “There would be a very good chance of movement there.”
  • “If the Democrats retake the House, Frank could emerge as chair of the powerful and prestigious Financial Services Committee, which has jurisdiction over leading financial institutions, including banks,” the Blade reports.
  • Besen warns about potential disillusionment among homosexuals if they are “played and used” by the newly dominant Democrats.
  • Homosexual political analyst Hastings Wyman said the Democrats cannot afford to alienate their homosexual base: “The political heft of the gay community has been of great value to the Democrats,” he said, “in terms of money and in votes and in muscle.”

Log Cabin Republicans Erase Photo of Boy-Seducing Predator Mark Foley from their Website

Monday, October 2nd, 2006

By Peter LaBarbera

With the efficiency of a Stalinist historian, the homosexual group Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) has purged this photograph of former Florida Rep. Mark Foley, disgraced homosexual and seducer of teenaged boys, from its website. Foley was among the politicians and pundits whom LCR proudly recorded as speaking at its 2003 national convention in Washington, D.C. But they’re not so proud anymore. We apologize for the poor reproduction quality below, but clearer evidence of Log Cabin’s whitewashing handiwork can be found by clicking on these links: BEFORE (scroll down three rows of photos and Foley is there) and AFTER (magic: Foley is gone).

mark-foley.jpgToo bad Foley’s young victims and their parents won’t be able to erase the effects of his twisted behavior from their minds so easily.

Log Cabin Republicans also removed Foley’s name from the write-up on its 2003 convention. Foley’s photo in the new, pederast-free (at least as far as we know) web account has been replaced by a second photo of political pundit Mort Kondracke.

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