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Friday, November 16th, 2007
Convicted homosexual possessor of child pornography and confessed “boy lover” Nelson Garcia (see www.wikisposure.com/NG) spews lies and hate against Americans For Truth founder Peter LaBarbera. Garcia didn’t like our recent fundraising appeal. This is Garcia’s mug shot from the New York sex crimes database.
Dear Americans For Truth Readers,
When you are in the business of fighting a sin-based movement, you come under attack from some pretty wicked and unsavory forces. We’re used to that here at AFTAH. But when a “boy-loving” homosexual militant who has been convicted of possessing child pornography comes after you with lies and hateful accusations, we put that in a special category. After our appeal Wednesday for financial help, a homosexual activist operating under his “NG Blog” attacked me and Americans For Truth with a lie-filled post accusing us of “groveling for money.”
Turns out that “NG Blog” is run by one Nelson Garcia, a New York City homosexual who was convicted of possessing child pornography. Garcia is also a confessed “boy lover.” (See http://www.wikisposure.com/NG.) ‘Boy-lover’ is the twisted “gay” slang term used by the pederasty group NAMBLA, the “North American Man/Boy Love Association — which, by the way, once marched in big-city “Gay Pride” parades.
Thanks to the good people at the Wikisposure Project — a branch of the Perverted-Justice Foundation, which exposes internet predators and pedophiles — Garcia’s secret is out. Here is part of Wiksposure’s post (http://www.wikisposure.com/NG) on our pedophile nemesis (emphasis added):
Nelson Garcia, aka NG, nlsngrc, and ng1260, would like the world to believe that he is merely an online gay activist. However, the reality is that he’s a pedophile, and one who has been convicted of sex crimes. He has admitted to being a boylover, although he has not expressed his preferred AoA [Age of Attraction].
A regular poster on BoyBliss and Boylover.net, Garcia was arrested and charged following a series of online chats with an undercover police officer from New Hampshire. During the course of those conversations, Garcia transmitted pornographic images of pre-pubescent boys who were engaged in sexual acts. He was sentenced to one year incarceration with no possibility of early release and was ordered to register as a level one sex offender with the New York State Sex Offender Registry.
Currently Garcia spends most of his online time blogging as a gay activist, but it should not be forgotten that he is truly a boylover pedophile. [NOTE: we have removed the disturbing pedophile links from this excerpt; they can be found at http://www.wikisposure.com/NG.]
Talk about audacity: Garcia continues to advocate against laws restricting child pornography on his radical “NG Blog.” Moreover, he slanders pro-family advocates with outright lies, like calling me “Porno Pete” and parents rights advocate David Parker a “child abuser.” How sick is that?
Garcia is also part of the homosexual blogging community. We’ll see after Garcia’s “boy-loving” criminal record becomes well-known how “tolerant” other “gay” bloggers will be of this unrepentant apologist for NAMBLA’s agenda –who doesn’t seem to have learned much from being busted on child porn charges. We’ll have more on Nelson Garcia in future posts at www.americansfortruth.org. — Peter LaBarbera
P.S. Go HERE for more information on the anti-pedophile Wikisposure Project, including how to donate to this worthy effort.
TAKE ACTION: Please help Americans for Truth protect children from the promotion of homosexuality with your tax-deductible donation of $100 or more (go to www.americansfortruth.org/donate/), or whatever you can give. Thank you to all those who have already given! See below if you would also like to order our banquet video.
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Excellent teaching tool for young people who are being brainwashed to accept homosexuality!
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Posted in Activists, Authors & Journalists, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexual Quotes, Mental Health, NAMBLA, New York, News, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Saturday, September 22nd, 2007
A Lesson in the Lies of the Left

By Peter LaBarbera
Many homosexual activists love verbally bashing Bible-believing Christians who oppose “gay rights” — calling them various names and insulting them by comparing them to racists and, in the case below, white supremacists. Of course, they rarely use the latter technique against African-American Christians like Harry Jackson, who are increasingly vocal in speaking out against the homosexual activist agenda.
Frank Kameny, the homosexual activist icon who was fired by the federal government in the 50’s and who is currently being honored by the Smithsonian Museum as an American “civil rights” pioneer, coined the term “Christianofascists” to describe groups like Americans For Truth and Concerned Women for America that oppose homosexual activism. Something tells me that Kameny’s anti-Christian smear will not be found in the new Smithsonian’s exhibit about his life — since the academic world, like so many in the media, protects homosexual activists by hiding their more radical associations and beliefs.
(Kameny once addressed a meeting of NAMBLA — North American Man/Boy Love Association, the notorious pederasty group. Another American “gay” founding father, Harry Hay, enthusiastically defended NAMBLA’s right to march in “gay pride” parades.)
Here in Chicago, we have our very own accomplished Christian-bashers — Equality Illinois’ Rick Garcia — who called his own Catholic Cardinal (Francis George) a “bigot” — and, to a greater degree, the Gay Liberation Network, whose Bob Schwartz has a talent for name-calling like few on the Left.
The easy thing to do would be to dismiss Schwartz and the GLN as part of the vast left-wing network of Christian-haters, and that they are. But as you read this latest rant from Bob, keep in mind that Schwartz’s virulent anti-Christianism is only stating forcefully what many homosexual activists and their allies believe.
Moreover, under government-sponsored pro-homosexuality (“sexual orientation”) laws, those who oppose homosexuality ARE treated as “bigots,” which is why “sexual orientation” legislation like ENDA (the Employment Nondiscrimination Act) is so dangerous. In Western tradition, the law was intended to punish wrongdoers, not people agreeing with God and acting in defense of natural law and time-tested religious and moral beliefs. Does “gay liberation” equate to oppression of religion?
My responses to Schwartz’s comments are in blue:
Poor, beleaguered Peter LaBarbarian. [cute, Bob] Not long after being denied space in a Naperville Holiday Inn for his banquet of bigots [more name-calling — falsely equating pro-family Americans who oppose homosexuality with rank bigotry], the “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality” leader, the would-be il duce of the hard core antigay right-wing, has taken another hit. Organizers of a diversity in the workplace panel have disinvited the homo hater [disagreement is not hate, Bob], after three other panelists said they would not participate if LaBarbera did.
It is good to hear that HRC’s Daryl Herrschaft and others will not appear with hate mongers [more name-calling] who don’t believe we have a right to even exist [Gay Martyr Syndrome: looks like Bob and friends are “existing” quite fine; we simply don’t believe that people are defined by aberrant sexual behaviors, and of course we believe that homosexuals can change and abandon the lifestyle, as so many, like our Oct. 5 banquet speaker, Charlene Cothran, have], much less enjoy equal rights with other Americans [“equal rights” based on what? How you have sex? That’s not in the Constitution].
People like LaBarbera ought to be treated in the same way as those preaching white supremacy or that Jews are Christ killers who need to convert to Christianity. [Another misleading and hateful statement by Bob and GLN, laced with a profound bigotry against sincere Christians and all people — religious or otherwise — who believe homosexual behavior is wrong. Here he resurrects past societal injustices to justify his own errant lifestyle. I hate anti-Semitism and racism as much as Bob or anyone else; those issues have nothing to do with Americans’ views on the moral questions surrounding homosexuality and gender confusion.]
LaBarbera rails against “anti-Christian bigotry.” This is a sham, a cover for hate hiding behind stained glass windows. Many religious people held fervent beliefs that Jews and African Americans just didn’t rank up there with the better people, the chosen of god. People who believe and advocate for these things today are shunned as bigots. [Once again, Bob erects his twin straw men of racism and anti-Semitism, knowing full well that we at Americans For Truth abhor both these ills. The practice of homosexuality is shameful, and its celebration more so. Disagreeing with homosexual behavior is nothing more than agreeing with God.]
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Christian Persecution, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, Equality Illinois, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Liberation Network, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Government Promotion, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, HRC, NAMBLA, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Thursday, May 3rd, 2007
We share Austin Ruse’s outrage at the arrogance of the European Parliament for re-defining Judeo-Christian morality in Poland as “homophobia.” Regarding pedophiles marching in the streets, the notorious NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) once marched in homosexual “pride” parades until “gay” organizers got smart and started banning the pederasty group. However, one “father of gay rights,” Harry Hay, avidly defended NAMBLA, and protested the man-boy-sex group’s exclusion from the 1986 Los Angeles “gay pride” parade, holding a sign that read, “NAMBLA walks with me.” In 2005, ex-gay Christian activist James Hartline made headlines when he revealed that two convicted pedophiles were were working as volunteers for San Diego’s homosexual “pride” festival. Please help Poland by signing C-FAM’s petition.– Peter LaBarbera
Dear Colleague,
The power of the radical homosexual movement in Europe has just been shown. The European Parliament just voted to condemn Poland on what they term “homophobia.” What was Poland’s crime? The Polish Prime Minister said that Polish school children should not be subject to “homosexual propaganda.”
Polish authorities have also resisted demands from radical homosexuals that they be allowed to march in the streets. If you live in any major city you know these marches where leather boys and pedophiles march freely and disruptively through the streets.
The response of the European Parliament was to pass a resolution calling these sensible actions “hate speech” and asks competent legal authorities to take action against these officials and the government of Poland.
This is outrageous and all people of good will must stand with the Polish people against the radical homosexual movement in the European Union.
I ask you to go immediately to the petition “Homosexual Hands Off Poland” at www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php.
The petitions will be delivered to the Polish authorities on Thursday, May 10. I will personally deliver them to Polish Members of the European Parliament and to members of the Polish government when I am in Warsaw for the World Congress of Families.
We only have a few days to get as many names as possible. I urge you to go to www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php and sign the petition, then send this message to everyone you know. We need to deliver thousands of names of supporters from all over the world. I especially urge those in the EU countries to get this message to everyone you know. We must tell the radicals in the European Union to keep homosexual hands off of Poland!
Go to www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php and sign the petition and send this email message to everyone in your address book.
Yours sincerely,
Austin Ruse
PS Poland stands almost alone in the European Parliament against an enormous coalition of radicals. Poland needs our help right now. Please sign the petition at www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php and help Poland fight back.
Posted in Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Europe (also see "Meccas"), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Homosexual Quotes, NAMBLA, News, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Tuesday, December 12th, 2006
Excerpted from The Undercover Agent Comes in from the Cold, by Robert K Elder, published Oct 16, 2006, by Chicago Tribune:
While buying surface-to-air missiles and counterfeit $100 bills from Chinese nationals, he facilitated offshore trysts for pedophiles and scored crystal meth from a Los Angeles gang.
But Wallace had a secret: His name wasn’t Wallace at all.
“Robert William Wallace” was a front, a name taken by undercover FBI agent Robert Hamer…
The final sting
In Hamer’s final undercover sting, in 2005, the bureau targeted the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), an organization that advocates sex with children.
For most of that career, he posed as tough guys, gentlemen thugs. Transforming into a homosexual pedophile wasn’t easy. Hamer found the group’s appetites repulsive and worried about blending in.
“When I first started posing as a boy lover, I thought I looked too much like a cop. I was a little too macho,” he says. “I thought, ‘What am I going to do to throw them off?’ It was almost like the heavens opened up
and said, ‘Handicapped.’ And that’s what I did.”
Hamer went to the Salvation Army, bought a cane for $5 and hobbled his way to eight convictions. Over three years, Hamer became part of the association’s inner circle, eventually helping to facilitate a boat trip
to Mexico for men to have sex with boys.
Prosecutors said that David Mayer, a Chicago flight attendant and psychologist, suggested the trip to Mexico at a NAMBLA convention in 2004. On a surveillance tape, Mayer said he kept his job as a flight
attendant so he could travel overseas to places where underage sex for hire was commonplace.
In February 2005, the FBI arrested Mayer and two colleagues on a San Diego dock for alleged interstate travel for the purpose of illicit sex. To keep his cover, Hamer pretended to faint when his fellow agents
carted him off. Mayer received a sentence of more than three years in federal prison.
Posted in Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, NAMBLA |
Tuesday, December 12th, 2006
From Man-Boy Love Association Member Stung By FBI, by Matt O’Connor, published Aug 21, 2006, by Chicago Tribune:
A flight attendant from Chicago…David C. Mayer, 51, was about to board a boat to Mexico when he was arrested last year. He and six others snared in the FBI investigation thought they were traveling to a bed-and-breakfast that provided boys for their sexual pleasure, authorities charged.
A federal judge in San Diego sentenced Mayer to 37 months in prison on Aug. 11.
Mayer had pleaded guilty to the sex offense on the condition he be allowed to appeal the judge’s refusal to dismiss the charge on 1st Amendment grounds.
The defense alleged the government had over-reached after an undercover FBI agent infiltrated the North American Man/Boy Love Association, or NAMBLA, secretly tape-recording discussions at annual conventions in 2003 and 2004.
Within half an hour of meeting the FBI agent at the 2004 convention, Mayer expressed frustration at the group’s political agenda, authorities said. The organization, formed in 1978, is dedicated to eliminating age-of-consent laws.
Mayer wanted advice on traveling abroad to have sex with young boys, according to court records.
“I don’t know who’s lying to who or if … they’re lying to themselves and saying, ‘This is all political. This is all to change society,'” Mayer said of conference organizers in the tape-recorded conversation. “[Expletive], it’s like, bring on the boys.”
A spokeswoman for American Airlines confirmed that Mayer, formerly of the 1200 block of North Sandburg Terrace, had worked for the airline for almost 20 years until his arrest last year.
Mayer was also a licensed clinical social worker until late 2003, according to state regulatory authorities, but he had never been the subject of disciplinary action.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, NAMBLA |
Tuesday, October 17th, 2006
Excerpted from Democrats on Sex & Children, by Brent Bozell, published Oct 12, 2006, by Media Research Center:
…Since when have the Democrats really been the party to protect children from the sexual advances of adults? Let’s get to the point: Since when have Democrats like Nancy Pelosi cared, really cared, about men seeking out boys for sex?
There’s an organized lobby for this perversion: the National Man-Boy Love Association. In 1997, NAMBLA made national headlines when a 10-year-old Massachusetts boy named Jeffrey Curley was abducted by two men, choked on a gasoline-soaked rag when he wouldn’t consent to sex, was murdered, and then sexually assaulted.
Curley’s parents sued NAMBLA, since one of the killers said he was discouraged from following his fiendish desires until the organization encouraged him. The Curleys’ lawyer explained how the group instructed perverts on how to lure children into sex, citing a NAMBLA publication he calls “The Rape and Escape Manual.” Its actual title is “The Survival Manual: The Man’s Guide to Staying Alive in Man-Boy Sexual Relationships.”
What does this have to do with the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi? The ever-prescient Mark Levin connected the dots on his radio program. NAMBLA easily found lawyers to defend them against the parents of the murdered boy — the American Civil Liberties Union. Democrats like Pelosi are demanding that every Republican return any dirty Foley contributions they received, but do you think a single one of them has ever returned a dime generated for their coffers by the ACLU?
The American Spectator reported that in a 2001 “gay pride” parade in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi was just three spots in the parade from radical gay advocate Harry Hay, who avidly spoke in favor of sex with teens and fiercely advocated for NAMBLA’s inclusion in gay-pride parades. Did Pelosi ever protest NAMBLA’s presence in parades?
Continue reading at Media Research Center…
Posted in ACLU - Gay & Lesbian Project, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, NAMBLA |
Tuesday, October 17th, 2006
Excerpted from No Boy Scouts, by Deroy Murdock, published Feb 27, 2004, by National Review:
…The ACLU lately has stained the dark side of its reputation through its actions in two cases involving the treatment of vulnerable, young Americans…
The Manhattan-based public-interest law firm is defending the North American Man-Boy Love Association in a $200 million civil lawsuit filed by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curley. The Curleys claim that Charles Jaynes was driven by the literature and website of NAMBLA, an outfit that advocates sex between grown men and little boys, reportedly as young as age 8.
Jaynes did not simply read NAMBLA’s materials and ponder its message. He and Salvatore Sicari actively sought a boy with whom to copulate. They picked 10-year-old Jeffrey Curley of Cambridge, Massachusetts. They lured him into their car as he played outside his home in October 1997. When Curley resisted their sexual advances, they choked him to death with a gasoline-soaked rag. Then they took the boy’s body across state lines to Jayne’s apartment in Manchester, New Hampshire. They molested the cadaver and stuffed it into a cement-filled Rubbermaid container. Finally, they crossed state lines again into Maine, whereupon they tossed Jeffrey Curley’s remains into the Great Works River, from which it was recovered within days. Jaynes and Sicari were convicted of these crimes in 1998, for which they are serving life sentences.
…“According to lawyers familiar with [NAMBLA’s] website,…it actually posted techniques designed to lure boys into having sex with men and also supplied information on what an adult should do if caught.”
NAMBLA is “not just publishing material that says it’s OK to have sex with children and advocating changing the law,” says Larry Frisoli, a Cambridge attorney who is arguing the Curleys case in federal court. NAMBLA, he says, “is actively training their members how to rape children and get away with it. They distribute child pornography and trade live children among NAMBLA members with the purpose of having sex with them.”
Continue reading at National Review…
Posted in Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, NAMBLA, Victims of Homosexual Murderers |
Wednesday, October 11th, 2006
Excerpted from When Nancy Met Harry, by Jeffrey Lord, published Oct 5, 2006, by The American Spectator:
The Pride Parade.
That’s what it’s called in San Francisco when the community gathers for a parade during the annual San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration. It is, by all accounts, a wingding of a celebration, too. As the San Francisco Chronicle, the media sponsor of the Pride Parade,…bursting with civic pride, was also pleased to publish the marching order of the parade and all its celebrants. It’s quite a list. A who’s who of San Francisco. Then Supervisor and now Democratic mayor Gavin Newsom, members of two Democratic Clubs, California Democratic legislators, the police, sheriff and fire departments and even the director of the Golden Gate Bridge were marching right alongside celebrants from Vulva University [which offers “Sex Wisdom Classes”], The Stud Bar [“a queer establishment since 1966”], and Leather Pride.
It is, in short, the San Francisco political establishment whooping it up with its constituents…
Celebrant number 31 was the late Harry Hay [photos]…famous not only as a founder of the gay rights movement, for his one-time relationship with actor Will Geer (who played Grandpa Walton on The Waltons TV series,) he was also known for being featured in the 1976 documentary film of gay life titled Word Is Out. When he died the following year after the parade, at 90, the New York Times Magazine featured him in “The Lives They Lived,” its annual pictorial salute to famous Americans who had passed away during the preceding year. In addition to laudatory obits in both the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, the Chronicle did a considerably flattering obituary. “Harry Hay, gay rights pioneer, dies at 90.” The paper favorably notes a number of things in Harry’s life, including his left-leaning politics, his connection with the Communist Party in the 1930s and his founding of “The Mattachine Society,” a group the Chronicle calls “the first sustained homosexual rights organization in the United States.”
…The Chronicle, however, left something else out of the obituary entirely…
Harry Hay was a fierce advocate of man/boy love. While The Chronicle simply ignored Harry’s views, the North American Man/Boy Love Association was only too delighted to put up a collection of Harry’s views on the need for young boys to have older men as sexual partners.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, NAMBLA, News |

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