A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

LaBarbera Asks Grove City College Professor Warren Throckmorton to Apologize for Pro-Homosexual Advocacy

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

This morning I sent the following public letter to Grove City College professor and homosexuality-affirming blogger Warren Throckmorton, as well as dozens of pro-family leaders. Note that Throckmorton, a frequent critic of conservative evangelical leaders, has been singled out for praise by the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center — the same SPLC that outrageously labeled AFTAH, Family Research Council, American Family Association and other mainstream pro-family organizations as “hate groups.” [Contact Grove City College HERE.]

In another post we will publish Prof. Rob Gagnon’s response to Richard Cohen’s new and curiously “gay”-affirmative approach to the homosexual issue.  — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org


I certainly don’t think Richard Cohen or anyone needs to apologize for stating the obvious truth that “Change [away from and rejecting homosexuality] is possible.” If we were to apologize for everything that “offends” hardened LGBT activists, we’d be apologizing 24/7.

The question is, when will YOU apologize for affirming homosexuality as an acceptable (or innocuous) identity — while claiming (falsely) to uphold biblical orthodoxy? When will YOU repent for working hand-in-hand with “gay” activists who are diametrically opposed to the Christian worldview on homosexuality as an overcomable sexual sin (and an abomination) — by actively discrediting the need AND potential for wholesome change away from same-sex behavior and indulging same-sex desires?

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Statement by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom on Pro-Homosexual Attack against Christian Liberty Academy

Monday, October 31st, 2011

Pastor Calvin Lindstrom

The following is a statement by Calvin Lindstrom, pastor of the Church of Christian Liberty (affiliated with the Christian Liberty Academy, and based in Arlington Heights, Illinois), at press conference at CLA, October 20, 2011. The press conference was called by Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, and was atttended Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Board Member Matt Barber, and other pro-family speakers. For background on the Oct. 15 pro-homosexual terror-attack against CLA, go HERE. For background on the Gay Liberation Network’s pre-banquet hate-campaign against Lively and AFTAH, go HERE. Lindstrom’s statement:

Good afternoon and welcome everyone to the Christian Liberty Academy. I am Pastor Calvin Lindstrom of the Church of Christian Liberty. Christian Liberty Academy is a ministry of the Chaurch of Christian Liberty.

In light of the threat and act of hate and violence directed against the school, Scott Lively, and Peter LaBarbera, I would like to make four points.

First, I would again like to thank the Arlington Heights Police Department for their thorough response to the act of hate and threat made against us. They exercised professionalism, courtesy, and due caution. You can imagine that after the attack there was uncertainty and great concern. The presence of the AHPD helped bring a measure of calm. I am thankful to God for the response of the AHPD. We have thanked them in various ways already, but it is important to express our appreciation for their service.

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AFTAH Interviews Scott Lively – Part One

Monday, October 31st, 2011

Homosexual activists smear Lively as one favoring violence against homosexuals

Pro-family veteran Scott Lively, recipient of the AFTAH "American Truth Teller" award for 2011.

This interview with Scott Lively [listen HERE] of Defend the Family International was pre-recorded and aired Oct. 15, 2011 — the night of the Americans For Truth banquet at which Lively was presented with the AFTAH “American Truth Teller” award for 2011. In this interview, Lively and AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera discuss the Gay Liberation Network’s hate-campaign against Lively leading up to the Americans For Truth banquet. That included the promotion of a malicious lie — that Lively somehow condoned the killing of homosexuals in Uganda (and that LaBarbera also condoned such violence by honoring Lively). The pro-family veteran states that far from embracing the death penalty provision in proposed Ugandan legislation dealing with homosexual sex crimes, he in fact counseled against such punishment — in a speaking visit to the African country. Lively gives his Christian testimony and tells how he was delivered from alcoholism and living homeless. He says he gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ and promised to serve Him wherever God placed him — which turned out to be in one of the toughest cultural battles of our lifetime: direcly confronting the homosexual activist lobby.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

10-15-11, Scott Lively, Part One

AFTAH Interviews Pastor John Kirkwood – Part Two

Saturday, October 29th, 2011
Pastor John Kirkwood of Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, IL.

We are catching up on posting AFTAH Radio Hour interviews. The following is Part Two of my interview with Pastor John Kirkwood [click HERE to listen] of Grace Gospel Fellowship (www.gracebeliever.com) church in Bensenville, Illinois. It aired October 1, 2011. (Listen to Part One HERE.) Kirkwood describes what got him involved in the movement to resist the pro-homosexuality agenda: watching the angry homosexual protests against Mormon churches due to the Mormons’ leading role in fighting Prop 8 (an amendment to preserve traditional, man-woman marriage in California). John, who describes himself as an Acts 17:11 Christian, has a radio show on WYLL-1160 AM Chicago at noon on Sunday, “In the Arena.” He describes how homosexual activists are ripping off Christianity, from stealing the rainbow and turning it into a symbol of “gay pride” — to singing “This Little Light of Mine” — a song taught to young children about believing in Jesus Christ — to celebrate “coming out” (declaring one’s homosexuality publicly). I discuss the boundless perversions of proud homosexuality, citing this San Francisco photo. Kirkwood says that because Christians are so biblically illiterate, in the realm of sexuality (and other areas) the Church is “becoming the world…There is a vacuum in the Church of integrity.” He discusses Romans 1, evolution and homosexuality, and the idea that Bible-believing Christian speech is causing “gay youth” suicides. Kirkwook also addresses one of the common cliches homosexuals use against Christians, such as the common line, “Jesus never said anything about homosexuality.” — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

10-01-11, John Kirkwood, Part Two

Liberty Counsel Interview Examines Terror-Attack against AFTAH, Christian Liberty Academy

Friday, October 28th, 2011

The following is an episode of Liberty Counsel’s radio program “Faith & Freedom,” with Liberty Counsel Founder and President Mat Staver and Matt Barber, vice president of Liberty Counsel Action. (Barber is also Chairman of the Board of Americans For Truth About Homsoexuality.) Note that at the time of this recording, Barber was relying on early reports coming from the Oct. 15th terror-attack on Christian Liberty Academy, in which it was feared that the pro-homosexual assailants had entered the building and perhaps created water damage. Actually, they did not enter the building, and the vandalism that did occur was created by large paver bricks thrown through the glass doors and windows of CLA (accompanied by notes threatening further violence). — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

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‘Gay’ Domestic Terrorism? Pro-Homosexual Militants Attack AFTAH Banquet Host Christian Liberty Academy, Demand Event Be Shut Down

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

Threaten future attacks if “homophobic” events at CLA do not stop; police do not treat as “hate crime”

WARNING: vulgar language on graphic

Hate-note sent by pro-homosexual militant that accompanied stone brick pavers thrown through the glass doors at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois -- in a failed effort to intimidate CLA from hosting an Americans For Truth banquet. Scoot Lively is the pro-family veteran who was honored at banqet with the 2011 AFTAH "American Truth Teller" award. Click on graphic to enlarge.

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Illinois, Oct. 19, 2011 — Pro-homosexual activists attacked the Christian Liberty Academy early October 15th — throwing two large, concrete brick pavers through its glass doors with a hate-note attached– and then issued an online statement claiming responsibility for the crime. The attackers demanded that CLA “shut down” a banquet it was hosting later that evening for the “homophobic hate group,” Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). But their main target was pro-family veteran Scott Lively, who was honored at the event.

“This is just a sample of what we will do if you don’t shut down Scott Lively and AFTAH … [F**k] Scott Lively. Quit the homophobic [sh*t]!” read the note that accompanied the bricks thrown through CLA’s doors. The apparent “hate crime” against CLA did not deter the Christian school from hosting the banquet for AFTAH, which presented its 2011 “American Truth Teller” award to Lively, founder of Defend the Family International and the author of “The Pink Swastika.”

Brick paver thrown the window of Christian Liberty Academy, with message, "Shut Down Lively." Pro-family veteran Scott Lively received AFTAH's 2011 "American Truth Teller" award.

Lively was targeted in the online statement for allegedly condoning violence against homosexuals in Uganda. (This is a false charge: Lively, like AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera, condemns all violence and genuine hatred against homosexuals.) The following excerpt is from the statement posted on the leftist Chicago Independent Media Center website:

“These chunks of concrete were thrown through these windows and doors for two reasons: to show that there is a consequence for hatred and homophobia in our community and to directly cause this event to be shut down. If this event is not shut down, and the homophobic day trainings do not end, the Christian liberty academy will continue to be under constant attack.”

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Moody Pastor Erwin Lutzer Rejects Call by Marxist Homosexual Group Pressures him to Pull Out of AFTAH Banquet

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

AFTAH honoree Scott Lively responds to Gay Liberation Network lie that he supports violence against Ugandan homosexuals

“It is the central (but patently false) narrative of the left that all criticism of homosexuality leads inevitably to violence and murder.” – Scott Lively, recipient of AFTAH’s 2011 “American Truth Teller” Award; from his essay, “Murdering Uganda”

“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me.”Jesus Christ, in Matthew 5:11 (NASB)


Come out and support Scott, Dr. Lutzer and AFTAH! Please join us this Saturday, Oct. 15th at the AFTAH banquet with Dr. Lutzer (doors open at 6:00 PM at Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL; tickets $10; $20 at the door). Dr. Lutzer will address the escalating persecution against Christians under pro-homosexuality laws. (Dr. Lively also will give a brief speech as we present him with the 2011 AFTAH “American Truth Teller” award.)

Friday speech by Lively: There is a second opportunity to hear Scott Lively, who will give a speech Friday, Oct. 14 at 7:00 PM at Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, IL, (located on Route 83 just north of I-290)  The event is FREE but there will be a freewill offering taken for Americans For Truth – to help us combat homosexual extremism as typified by GLN.  This event will include time for Q & A with Scott.  Thank you for standing with us!


By Peter LaBarbera

Dear AFTAH Readers,

A Chicago Marxist group, Gay Liberation Network, is pressuring Moody Church Pastor Dr. Erwin Lutzer to pull out as keynote speaker at the Americans For Truth banquet this Saturday because AFTAH is honoring Scott Lively, who GLN falsely claims has a “history as a vicious gay basher.” At the October 15 event, AFTAH will present Lively with its 2011 “American Truth Teller” award for his years of defending truth on the homosexual issue.Scott Lively has been the target of a malicious homosexual campaign of lies claiming he supports violence against homosexuals.”]

Scott Lively has been the target of a malicious homosexual campaign of lies claiming he supports violence against homosexuals.

Lively sent me (and Dr. Lutzer) the following two letters in response to GLN leader Bob Schwartz’s outlandish claims. A verbatim copy of the contents of the GLN letter, sent to Lutzer by certified mail September 27, 2011, follows Scott’s letters below.

In his letter to Lutzer, GLN’s Bob Schwartz writes:

“Are you aware of Lively’s history as a vicious gay basher?…In addition, as you may know, LaBarbera’s organization [AFTAH] and Lively’s Abiding Truth Ministries are both described as ‘hate groups’ by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Are these the kinds of organizations with which you wish to associate the Moody Church? …[W]e take you at your word when you say you oppose violence against gays. We therefore assume that you would not want to be associated with those, like Lively and LaBarbera, who either support violence outright, or honor those who do.”

This is a monstrous lie. From the beginning of my involvement in the homosexuality debate, I – like Scott – have repeatedly and consistently condemned all violence and genuine hatred directed at homosexuals. So when Schwartz and the GLN urged Pastor Lutzer not to “[associate] with those, like Lively and LaBarbera, who either support violence outright, or honor those who do”they slandered me as well as Scott.

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‘Pink Swastika’ Author Scott Lively to Speak for AFTAH Friday, October 14

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Pro-family veteran to receive 2011 AFTAH “American Truth Teller” award

Scott Lively, author of "The Pink Swastika," has been targeted and lied about by homosexual militants for years because he defends God's truth about the changeable sin of homosexuality. He speaks for AFTAH Friday, Oct. 14 at 7:00 PM at Grace Gospel Church in Bensenville, IL, located on Route 83 just north of I-290. The Friday event is FREE. Lively also will be honored at the AFTAH dinner-banquet the next day (Sat., Oct. 15, 6:00 PM) at Christian Liberty Academy; tickets for the banquet are just $10/person, $20 at the door.

Dear AFTAH Supporters,

I’m delighted to announce that a man I greatly admire — Christian pro-family veteran and “Pink Swastika” author Scott Lively — has agreed to give a separate talk for Americans For Truth on Friday, Oct. 14, at Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville.  That’s the day before AFTAH’s Sat., Oct. 15 banquet with Moody senior pastor Dr. Erwin Lutzer.  

At the Sat., Oct. 15 banquet, I will present Scott with the 2011 “American Truth Teller” award for his decades of dedicated service in opposing the Homosexual Lobby and educating the public on the threat of the organized Homosexuality (“Gay”) movement — which, as he writes below, “is not about tolerance but control.”  It simply was “cruel and unusual punishment” to give Scott just 10 minutes to speak at the banquet, so he graciously agreed to give a talk Friday night, which will also raise much-needed funds for AFTAH.

FRIDAY, Oct. 14 EVENT: Scott’s presentation will be held Friday Oct. 14 at 7:00 PM, at Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, Illinois – pastored by my friend and awesome Culture Warrior John Kirkwood (go HERE listen to Part One of my AFTAH interview with John).  The church is located on Route 83 just north of I-290 (4 North 220 Route 83 – Frontage Rd., Bensenville, IL; phone #: 630-834-0550).  The Friday event is FREE (there is no dinner), but we will take up a collection to support AFTAH’s critical work. E-mail us at americansfortruth@gmail.com to RSVP or if you have any questions.

BANQUET SAT., Oct 15th: The AFTAH dinner-banquet with Dr. Lutzer is shaping up to be a spectacular night of truth-telling that will get your pro-family batteries charged for another year!  In addition to Dr. Lutzer, who is revered across the nation but especially in the Midwest for his faithful Bible preaching, you will meet Walt Heyer, a FORMER transsexual who returned to his God-given male identity with the Lord’s help.  Walt once identified as “Laura,” and went through a body-disfiguring “sex-change” operation, but now he is reaching out at www.SexChangeRegret.com to gender-confused people with the message: “Don’t make my mistake!”  I’m so excited to meet Walt after my extended AFTAH interview with him (go HERE for the Part 4 of the interview). 

Lastly, we will hear from Truth-Teller Award recipient Scott Lively, who — like myself and AFTAH — has been the target of incredible, ongoing vilification by homosexual militants due to his desire to stand without compromise for God’s Truth about same-sex sin.  Thank you so much for your support, and please tell your friends about both Americans For Truth events!  Remember, we priced the banquet at just $10 (dinner included) because we know these are tough times and I want you and your family to be blessed by this special evening!

– Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)



  • Who: Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Senior Pastor, Moody Church, Chicago, Illinois. Pro-family culture warrior Scott Lively will also be honored at the banquet
  • When: Saturday, October 15, 2011; doors open at 6:00 PM.
  • Where: Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004, northwest of Chicago; website HERE.
  • What: Dinner banquet to raise funds for Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. Expect a delicious dinner, wonderful speeches and possibly a contingent of homosexual protesters outside the building chanting lies about AFTAH.
  • Discount Pricing: $10 per person in advance; $20 per person at the door.  Sign up for $10/person online at www.americansfortruth.com/donate/ or mail your check to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.  RSVP/inquiries to americansfortruth@gmail.com.  Please consider buying extra tickets for your friends, family and co-workers! And if you cannot come, please send us a gift to make our work possible.


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