Books & Required Reading in Public Schools

Deerfield Superintendent Calls Student Confidentiality Agreements “A Mistake”

Tuesday, March 13th, 2007

Excerpted from School Tells Kids to Hide Pro-“Gay” Propaganda from Parents, published Mar 13, 2007, by Concerned Women for America:

In a shocking and brazen act of governmental abuse of parental rights, Deerfield High School (DHS) in Deerfield, Illinois, has required fourteen-year-old freshmen to attend a “Straight Gay Alliance Network” (GSA) panel discussion led by “gay” and “lesbian” upperclassmen during a “freshman advisory” class which secretively featured inappropriate discussions of a sexual nature in promotion of high-risk homosexual behaviors.

Not only has DHS required that its young and impressionable freshmen be exposed to radical homosexual propaganda, the school has further required that students sign a “confidentiality agreement” promising not to tell anyone — including their own parents — about the discussion.

Matt Barber, Policy Director for Cultural Issues with Concerned Women for America (CWA), said of the scandal:

“This is unbelievable. It’s not enough that students at Deerfield High are being exposed to improper and offensive material relative to unhealthy and high-risk homosexual behaviors, but they’ve essentially been told by teachers to lie to their parents about it.

“This goes to the heart of the homosexual agenda. The professional propagandists in the ‘gay-rights’ lobby know the method all too well. If you can maintain control of undeveloped and impressionable youth and spoon-feed them misinformation, lies and half-truths about dangerous, disordered and extremely risky behaviors, then you can control the future and ensure that those behaviors are not only fully accepted, but celebrated. That’s what homosexual activists from GSA are attempting to do, and that’s what DHS is clearly up to as well.”

Dr. George Fornero, superintendent of DHS’ Dist. 113, told CWA that the district “made a mistake” by requiring children to sign the confidentiality agreement and that it would be entirely aboveboard and honest with parents in the future. However, as Barber noted, the damage has already been done: “Until DHS and other government schools across the country are made to stop promoting the homosexual agenda, kids will continue to be exposed to — and encouraged to participate in — a lifestyle that places them at high risk for life-threatening disease, depression and spiritual despair,” said Barber.

Remarkably, even after the school district’s surreptitious actions were exposed, parents were nonetheless told that they were not welcome to sit in on the “freshman advisory” and were not permitted to have access to materials used in compiling its activist curriculum.

Third Grade “Health” Curriculum Includes “Same-Sex Parents”

Tuesday, March 13th, 2007

Something’s awry: On one hand, the APA asks homosexuals to appoint members of a task force to evaluate reparative (ex-“gay”) therapy, thereby ensuring that only those hostile to the concept will be on the committee. Meanwhile, a parent who expressed disapproval of a pro-“gay” video for her third-grader is barred from serving on a committee to evaluate the curriculum.


Excerpted from Gay Parents Video To Be Reviewed in Evesham, by Matt Katz, published Mar 12, 2007, by Courier-Post:

The district is set to announce today that it has formed a committee that will make a recommendation about a controversial video featuring gay parents, but committee members’ names will remain secret to protect them from harassment.

Nine PTA parents will serve on the committee, district spokeswoman Jeanne Smith said, along with a group of teachers.

The controversy, which has garnered national media attention, began in January when a father complained anonymously to a local TV station about That’s a Family! after it was shown at Van Zant School.

The film, part of a third-grade health curriculum about different family structures, depicts parents who are divorced, those who are raising children as grandparents and those who are in same-sex relationships…

Susan Trimble, a parent, said she was initially told that since she spoke out against the video, she would be barred from serving on the special review committee…

Continue reading in Courier-Post…

Deerfield High School Students Were Asked to Sign Confidentiality Agreements!

Saturday, March 10th, 2007

Lora Sue Hauser, the head of North Shore Student Advocacy, has reported that students at Deerfield High School were asked to sign a ‘confidentiality agreement’ before listening to a panel discussion by homosexual students in a mandatory class called “Freshman Advisory.” If you want to learn more about the situation in Deerfield, IL — and what’s going on at schools across the nation:

The Gay Agenda? No Child Left Behind…

Lora Sue Hauser, Laurie Higgins, and Peter LaBarbera
are the guest speakers
at Culture Campaign’sGod, Sex, and the Culture War” series
at College Church in Wheaton, IL,
on Sun, Mar 11, 2007 at 7:15 pm

New Massachusetts Dept of Public Health Commissioner Is “Married” Homosexual

Friday, March 9th, 2007

From our good friends at MassResistance on Mar 9, 2007:

john-auerbach.jpgOn March 5, Governor Deval Patrick appointed John Auerbach (pictured right), former Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Commission (BPH), to be commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH).

Auerbach is “married” to Boston Magazine restaurant critic Corby Kummer. While Auerbach was at the BPH, he created a “Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgendered Health Office.” The BPH also helped produce The Little Black Book,” along with his new group, the DPH.

Note from AFTAH: Adults only, have a good look at the graphic and disgusting The Little Black Book, posted on the MassResistance website linked above, which was distributed with taxpayer money to public school children.

Urging Pastors: Learn About What’s Happening in Illinois High Schools

Thursday, March 8th, 2007

The following letter is one couple’s effort to motivate their church leaders to become aware of the pro-GLBT indoctrination our kids are facing in the public schools:

Although you will read about this in Sunday’s bulletin, we thought we should personally ask you to consider coming to College Church in Wheaton this Sunday night. You will learn about the “gay” indoctrination that children you know and care about in this church — and this would include your own children — are encountering on a regular basis at area schools…

On Sun, Mar 11, at 7:15 pm

Culture Campaign hosts God, Sex, and the Culture War

featuring Peter LaBarbera, Lora Sue Hauser, and Laurie Higgins

The Gay Agenda: No Child Left Behind…

My 16-year-old daughter, who goes to [name deleted] ministries with your kids, has told me that there are a number of kids at our church — right now — who don’t know if they are “gay” or not because of the homosexual speakers who have come into the local schools challenging them with such questions as, “How do you know you’re heterosexual?”

My daughter has said to me,

“Mom, our church needs to be talking about this. There are a lot of confused kids at our church over this issue. It is because of the ‘gay’ speakers who come into their schools and talk about homosexuality. Nothing is being taught about it at church, and they really need to be doing something.”

You, as church leaders, will not minister as effectively as you could if you understood what is creating this new area of counseling… When people walk through your office door, you’re encountering the fruit of this propaganda. By coming to this meeting, you will gather information to instruct you about the root of the problem. With knowledge comes understanding, and with understanding comes help. From a professional standpoint, you need to come Sunday night.

Read the rest of this article »

Deerfield High School Accused of Promoting Homosexuality

Thursday, March 8th, 2007

Culture Campaign hosts God, Sex, and the Culture War

featuring Lora Sue Hauser, Laurie Higgins, and Peter LaBarbera

The Gay Agenda: No Child Left Behind…

Sunday, Mar 11, at 7:15 pm

at College Church in Wheaton, IL

Excerpted from School Accused of Promoting Homosexuality, by Lisa Black, published Mar 7, 2007, by Chicago Tribune:

Some parents have accused Deerfield High School of promoting a homosexual agenda by allowing gay students to speak before freshman classes about their personal experiences, cite research and invite questions.

Taking place in classrooms this week, the panel sessions are scheduled during a class called freshman advisory, which seeks to help students adjust to high school. The class is mandatory, but parents can choose to remove their child on days the lessons concern them, school officials said.

But Deerfield resident and parent Lora Sue Hauser, who heads a group called North Shore Student Advocacy, wants to see the panel discontinued, saying it delves into complex issues of sexuality that are better addressed by parents and trained counselors. She said the panel is one of several ways that Deerfield High and other schools treat homosexuality as morally acceptable without presenting the viewpoints of those who disagree.

“The school makes heterosexuality and homosexuality equivalent, and our country is deeply divided on that,” said Hauser, who said dozens of parents belong to the advocacy group but fear they will be labeled as haters or religious fanatics if they speak out.

“You can’t dump that on a 14-year-old,” Hauser said. “These are really difficult waters to navigate.”

Continue reading at Chicago Tribune…

What’s Going on in Freshman Advisory at Deerfield High School in Illinois?

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

Thanks to the courage of local parents at Deerfield High School in Illinois, this ad recently ran in the community newspaper, the Deerfield Review.





  1. What teachers are preparing these students to speak? What personal information are they discussing with these students? Is it appropriate to have teachers discussing personal sexual behavior and choices with students?
  2. Why do they target freshman classes? Aren’t most of the students who are speaking upper classmen? Isn’t this a form of “bullying” younger students into thinking a certain way about the moral issue of homosexuality?
  3. Where are your panels of “socially awkward kids,” “fat kids”, “kids with speech problems” or “handicapped kids?”
  4. Since homosexuality is a high risk behavior, isn’t it irresponsible as educators to promote the “I’m okay, you’re okay” message to your students? Would you have a panel of students who are engaging in and promoting drug use, having oral sex, or underage drinking?
  5. What if a freshman is uncomfortable with an “up close and personal” encounter with gay students’ stories? What are they supposed to do? Don’t you think if these students walk out, or opt out, it will cause embarrassment to them? Won’t they be labeled homophobic or heterosexist? Wouldn’t this be hate speech?
  6. What about those students who have deeply held religious beliefs that homosexuality is morally wrong? Where is their panel? Do you think it’s your prerogative to teach a one-sided view to these students, undermining the teachings of their church, synagogue, or family?
  7. Why have you refused, in writing, to allow a parent of a freshman to observe this class? Why did two school board members, and our superintendent, cancel a meeting to discuss this issue with parents and taxpayers, in August of 2006, and subsequently refuse to meet?
  8. Last year, the gay activists in your building brought in an adult gay speaker/author who promoted his sexually graphic books and his web site that links to 43 gay bars and clubs, fetish groups, and worse. Is this a responsible action by educators?
  9. By encouraging gay students to come even further “out,” aren’t you creating the exact situation you’re supposedly trying to prevent – making them look and feel different? Is high school a time when kids naturally want to stand out or blend in? Some of your gay students are troubled and confused. Do you think it helps when you put them on display?
  10. Why is there no parental notification being given to offer an opt-out for these gay panel presentations? What else is going on in Freshman Advisory that parents don’t know about?


If these issues concern you, please contact your District 113 School Board:


UK Religious Schools Must Not Teach that Homosexuality Is Sinful or Morally Wrong

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

Proof that homosexual “rights” will take precedence over freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech…

Excerpted from UK: Religious Schools May Not Teach Christian Sexual Morals “As if They Were Objectively True”, by Hilary White, published Mar 5, 2007 by LifeSite News:

…The Joint Committee on Human Rights, made up of members from Parliament and the House of Lords, has issued a report on the implementation [in April] of the [Sexual Orientation Regulations] recommending that religious schools be required to modify their religious instruction to comply with the government-approved doctrine of “non-discrimination”.

Although religious schools will be allowed to remain open and may continue to give instruction in various religious beliefs, instruction must be modified “so that homosexual pupils are not subjected to teaching, as part of the religious education or other curriculum, that their sexual orientation is sinful or morally wrong.”

The report says the Regulations will not “prevent pupils from being taught as part of their religious education the fact that certain religions view homosexuality as sinful,” but they may not teach “a particular religion’s doctrinal beliefs as if they were objectively true”.

Published February 26, the report says, “We do not consider that the right to freedom of conscience and religion requires the school curriculum to be exempted from the scope of the sexual orientation regulations.”

The homosexual political doctrine, accepted by the British as well as other governments, requires that no distinction be made between the person, the act and the condition or “orientation”, making any criticism of the movement’s political goals an offence against persons.

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