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SAVE THE DATE: Thurs., Sept. 17th: Please save the date of Thursday, September 17 for AFTAH’s next dinner-lecture, featuring Dr. Michael Brown (left), whose “God Has a Better Way” Gospel outreach project in Charlotte, N.C., was the main subject of this CWA interview. There will be a dinner served at 6:00 and the talk with Q&A beginning at 7:00 PM. Invite your pastor as this will be an important discussion!
Homosexual “pride” events and street fairs are growing in number and size. A number of them are also becoming increasingly risqué despite their public nature; except in Charlotte, North Carolina. There, Dr. Michael Brown and the Coalition for Conscience have been taking a stand for truth while actively and civilly reaching out to those attending the “gay” pride gathering. Just this month, 500 Christians came to Charlotte to pray, worship and share the Gospel with those at the event, and proclaim that God Has a Better Way. Dr. Brown joins Peter LaBarbera from Americans for Truth in comparing the events in San Francisco and Chicago with those in Charlotte. Listen | Download
We sent the following response to the latest letter to AFTAH from “Richard,” a frequent critic of our work. Richard’s letter follows ours below:
Who defines “hate,” Richard? By classifying the outworking of Christianity and other major religions’ teachings against homosexuality as “hate,” you and fellow pro-homosexual activists become haters of a different sort, though you are blind to your hypocrisy. You despise (hate) the wisdom of Judeo-Christian tradition (on your pet issue) and you abhor (hate) the Bible’s clear teachings against homosexual practice. And then revisionist “gay theologians” cynically attempt to redefine the Word of God by whitewashing the sin of homosexual behavior.
Are these the values that will draw voters to the GOP?
WARNING: Crude language, inappropriate for children
TAKE ACTION: 1) e-mail this video to your elected Republican officials at the national (202-224-3121; www.congress.org), state and local level and urge them to reject the Log Cabin’s radical homosexual agenda (which includes joining with other “gay” groups in trying to use the courts to overturn California’s pro-traditional-marriage Prop 8 vote). 2) call or write Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele at chairman@gop.com or 202-863-8700; 2) Call or write Nettelhorst Elementary’s principal, Cindy Wulbert, at Cw1411@gmail.com or (773) 534-5810.
A ‘Leatherman’ Attends Boston’s “Transgender” Youth Prom: Mr. Boston Leather, Tim Starkey, who self-identifies as a “leather BDSM fetishist,” was an official greeter at Boston’s “Transgender Prom” May 9. Adult transsexuals (men in dresses) also were seen at the event supposedly for “youth 22 years old and under.” Bottom line: homosexual activists simply cannot be trusted with America’s youth. Check out this shocking eye-witness report and you will see why homosexual activists have struggled so hard to keep groups like AFTAH and MassResistance from exposing their events. Is this the “Safe Schools” agenda of President Obama and his Education Secretary, Arne Duncan?
Folks, when it comes to the homosexual/transsexual “queer” activist movement, it seems the continuous story line is: Can it get any weirder, any more perverse? And then it does. Our good friends over at MassResistance once again have done the hard work of exposing part of the REAL homosexual youth agenda — you know, the one in which adult homosexual activists recklessly expose vulnerable young people to adult sexual perverts and harmful lifestyles. This is hardly the first “gay youth” scandal.
Take the time to read this shocking eye-witness story and then ask yourself: how is it that President Obama has the “audacity” to promote a man, Education Department “Safe Schools” czar Kevin Jennings, whose organization (GLSEN) has for more than a decade promoted all things transsexual to youth — yes, in the name of “safety.” This “transgender prom” travesty is part of Jennings’ perverse legacy — GLSEN has sponsored or been associated with other events that corrupted and endangered youth, like the notorious “Fistgate” episode, and a GLSEN conference in Chicago in which pornographic homosexual magazines advertising “gay” sex clubs and leather bars were passed out to underage youth.
Bottom line: such recklessness toward youth would never be tolerated if it weren’t part of a left-wing, politically correct agenda. It is wrong and incredibly irresponsible to use American schools to “promote homosexuality”, transsexuality, bisexuality — and, God help us, sexual sadism — to young people. TAKE ACTION: Please call and write Education Secretary Arne Duncan (arne.duncan@ed.gov; 202-401-3000) and politely urge him to withdraw his appointment of homosexual extremist and anti-Christian bigot Kevin Jennings as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Safe and Drug-Free Schools. — Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.com
GLSEN Speakers Tout ‘Gay’ Lessons for Kindergartners
Promoting Homosexuality: Kevin Jennings, Obama appointee and founder of the Gay, Lesbian Straight Education Network, said in 1997 that he looked forward to the day when parents would react to reports that schools are “promoting homosexuality” by saying, “Yeah, who cares?”
GLSEN leaders contend that effective redefinition of the next generation’s attitude toward homosexuality requires the positive portrayals of homosexuality starting in kindergarten. According to GLSEN activist Jaki Williams, children at that age are “developing their superego,” and “that’s when the saturation process needs to begin.”
Dear Readers,
AFTAH has been exposing the radical agenda of Kevin Jennings and the organization he founded — the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) — for a long time. This article on a GLSEN conference in New York City was first published in the Lambda Report [the publication that preceded Americans For Truth About Homosexuality], in early 1998.
Brian Burt’s firsthand report reveals both the frankness of Jennings and fellow homosexual activists in expressing their revolutionary goals, and GLSEN’s agenda of manipulating very young minds to support homosexuality. The “saturation process” quotation above should give pause to even liberal-minded parents who might be wary of GLSEN’s utilitarian strategy of supplanting the parents’ role in guiding their children’s moral upbringing with teacher-activists intent on indoctrinating even kindergartners (!!) in the celebration of homosexuality.
Kevin Jennings has been appointed by President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education for the Department of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. We will be loading all Lambda Report articles online, including others about GLSEN and Jennings. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com
‘Gay’ Leader Kevin Jennings Says Dream Is to ‘Promote Homosexuality’ in Schools GLSEN Speakers Tout ‘Gay’ Lessons for Kindergartners
By Brian J. Burt
January/February 1998, Lambda Report, Americans For Truth
NEW YORK CITY—The head of a homosexual teachers group said he looks forward to the day when “promoting homosexuality” in schools will be seen in a positive light, while others at a recent conference sponsored by his organization advocated exposing kindergartners to pro-homosexual lessons.
“I can envision a day when straight people say, ‘So what if you’re promoting homosexuality,’” said Kevin Jennings, cofounder and executive director of the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), at an October 25 conference here. “Or straight kids [will] say [to a male homosexual friend], ‘Hey, why don’t you and your boyfriend come over before you go to prom and try your tuxes on at my house?’
Jennings’ Bad Math: Kevin Jennings is so much the “queer” activist that even after the gay-activist myth that “one in 10” people in society is homosexual had been thoroughly discredited, he was still using it in his book title. Click HERE to listen to the Martha Kleder’s CWA interview with Peter LaBarbera and Linda Harvey of Mission America. TAKE ACTION: call Secretary of Education Arne Duncan at 202-401-3000 (e-mail: arne.duncan@ed.gov) and urge him to withdraw his appointment of anti-religious bigot Jennings as Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe & Drug-Free Schools. Call President Obama at 202-456-1414.
Bigoted Homosexual Activist Kevin Jennings Nominated to Education Post 6/4/2009
Kevin Jennings, the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), has been nominated by President Obama to the Education Department. As Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Department of Education’s Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools, Jennings would hold sway over a host of federal programs directing anti-bullying programs – programs that GLSEN was essentially responsible for promoting as a way of normalizing harmful sexual behaviors among even young children. Two people who know the most about Kevin Jennings’ anti-Christian bigotry, promotion of perverted sexual acts to minors, as well as the promotion of sexual confusion to the youngest of school children, as Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality and Linda Harvey, head of Mission America. They describe why Jennings is unfit for a senior position in the federal Department of Education and what citizens can do about it now to prevent his confirmation. Listen | Download
Call today:
U.S. Congress: 202-224-3121
White House: 202-456-1414
Education Secretary Arne Duncan: 202-410-1576
Exposing the ‘Gay’ Corruption of America’s Children: Pro-family advocate and author Linda Harvey of Mission America (left) will give a dinner lecture on the “The Destructive Effects of ‘Gay’ Activism on America’s Youth” tonight (Tuesday, June 2nd) at AFTAH’s new office in Carol Stream, IL, with dinner beginning at 6:00 PM. On Thursday evening, June 4th, Linda will discuss how the Religious Left is corrupting American Christianity. RSVP at americansfortruth@comcast.net or call 630-717-7631 or 847-722-5330. More details below.
The issue of homosexuality is tearing apart youth culture, transforming schools and turning kids away from Christianity. Adults with a mind and a heart are needed! Have you ever wondered if you are called to serve in this area of public life? Come listen to a veteran who felt God’s call to this unique and challenging public policy and mission field over a decade ago.
Folks, lots of good things are happening at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). We are moving into our new offices in Carol Stream, Illinois, and are delighted to welcome Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America, as our first guest speaker. Please come to one or both of these talks if you are in the Chicagoland area, and pass this notice on to your pastor, co-workers, family and friends and invite them to attend. Linda is a good friend and a national treasure as a pro-family Christian advocate who doesn’t pull any punches in defending Truth. If only more American men had her guts and were as willing as she is to take a stand in saving our nation!
President Obama has appointed Kevin Jennings, founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) — which sponsored the conference that produced the notorious “Fistgate” scandal (in which young teens were guided on how to perform dangerous homosexual perversions including “fisting”) — to head up “Safe Schools” efforts at the Department of Education. Jennings is a vicious, anti-religious bigot who once said “[F–k] ’em” to the “Religious Right.” He supports promoting homosexuality and gender confusion as normative to even young students. He made that comment in a New York City church. TAKE ACTION: Urge your U.S. Congressman and Senators to call for the withdrawal of Jennings’ appointment at the Education Department. Call Congress at 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121.
Folks, with President Obama’s appointment of homosexual activist and GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) founder Kevin Jennings to head the “Safe Schools” efforts at the Department of Education, we will be rolling out Jennings’ long record of radical statements and writings, his personal nastiness toward religious conservatives, and his group’s promotion of unsafe behaviors (GLSEN sponsored the Tufts University conference that produced the infamous “Fistgate” scandal in which young teenagers were given how-to instruction on various ).
Get ready for a political fight. Appointing Kevin Jennings, a vicious homosexual activist, to head up a “Safe Schools” project for American youth would be like appointing David Duke to head up a national panel on racial reconciliation. If we had anything even close to a fair media in this country, Jennings would have been discredited long ago for GLSEN’s role in “Fistgate.” Something tells me that Obama’s Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, hasn’t heard of Fistgate. But he will now — and so will many more people. Much more coming on this breaking story. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com