Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda

AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera to Speak at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights on Monday, March 23rd

Friday, March 20th, 2009

peter_labarbera_new.jpgThe following was sent out by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom of the Church of Christian Liberty and the Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois. You can download a flyer for this event HERE and distribute to your friends. I hope to see some of you at the Christian Liberty Academy, 502 West Euclid Avenue in Arlington Heights, Illinois, on Monday evening, March 23rd! — Peter LaBarbera


Dear Friend of Freedom,

Though we live in a difficult and dangerous time, we are called by our Lord and Savior not to be afraid but to let our light shine before men so that others may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven (Matt. 5:16).

As the militant homosexual movement and its agenda continues to influence political decisions and laws, we as God’s people must be aware of its threat to families and religious freedom. While many in this movement claim their desire is to be left alone, their real agenda is much more insidious. In Europe, Canada, and other nations, Christian pastors have been jailed, fined, and threatened for simply speaking the truth of God’s Word as it relates to the sin of homosexuality. Christians in the US have also been jailed and harassed for daring to speak God’s truth.

You are invited to hear from Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth on Monday, March 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the Christian Liberty Academy, 502 West Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004.

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AFTAH Joins April 17 Walkout of Pro-Homosexuality Student Day of Silence

Monday, March 9th, 2009

boston_gay_youth_pride_gsa.jpgHomosexual “youth pride parade” in Massachusetts in 2007. For more photos, see this Mass Resistance photo-story

TAKE ACTION: spread the word about the student walkout to protest the pro-homosexual-activist “Day of Silence” — on Friday, April 17 –by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network). Find out if your children’s (middle or high) school is endorsing the Day of Silence by allowing students (or teachers) to go “silent” during class time — thus disrupting the learning environment of all students.

IMPORTANT CAUTIONARY NOTE: from Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute: “Do not ask any administrator, school board member, or teacher if the school sponsors, endorses, or supports DOS. Schools do not technically sponsor the Day of Silence. Technically, it is students, often students in the Gay-Straight Alliance, who sponsor it. Many administrators will tell you that they do not sponsor the DOS when, in fact, they do permit students and sometimes even teachers to remain silent during instructional time. Also ask administrators whether they permit teachers to create lesson plans to accommodate student silence.”

Higgins also suggests e-mailing your child’s teachers individually to see how they are handling the “Day of Silence” protest. There is a wealth of good information available on the Day of Silence Walkout at IFI’s website.


Note from Peter LaBarbera: Folks, it’s no secret that American public schools are failing at teaching the basics. So they need to get out of the values-adjustment (or should I say values-subversion) business.  The “Day of Silence” is a thinly-veiled attempt to propagandize students using the time-tested technique of hyping homosexuals as victims. The “gay-victim” gig is getting very old, especially when one considers that the homosexual lobby is in the vanguard of: viciously demonizing Christians like Dr. James Dobson and equating religious moral teachings with “hate”; working to deny Christians the right to live by their own moral code; and “silencing” viewpoints with which they disagree.

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British Columbia, Canada School Curricula Now Celebrate Homosexuality

Friday, February 13th, 2009

Folks, we received this from our Canadian friend, Robert Jason, who daily updates people worldwide on the politically correct follies in that multicultural basket case to America’s north:


Parents for Democracy in Education Society

Len Remple, President; Marc Gravelle, Vice President


Well, it is true and it is alarming.

The British Columbia school curriculum from K to 12 has been revised to present a favourable portrayal of homosexuality and the homosexual life style.

First they wanted “tolerance”, then they wanted “acceptance”, now they want to teach “celebration” of that lifestyle.

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Book — One Man, One Woman by Dale O’Leary

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

dale_oleary_book-2.jpgI’ve only read a couple chapters of this book, which I should have read when it came out in 2007, but I heartily recommend Dale O’Leary’s One Man, One Woman: A Catholic Guide to Defending Marriage, for anyone needing to become conversant in the arguments in defense of marriage and God-ordained (which is to say normal) sexuality.

This book is a must for any social conservative’s library. (Order it HERE.) I’ve known Dale for over a decade, and few in the pro-family movement have demonstrated the diligence, courage, dedication and intelligence that she has in answering the various propaganda myths and lies emanating from the radical feminists and their homosexual and gender-confused (“transgender”) allies. Here is a typically sensible quote from One Man, One Woman (p. 217):

It’s true that human beings can be weak, selfish, and sinful, and not every married couple will be good parents. But a male/female married couple nonetheless has built into it all the things children need for healthy development: a mother and a father to fulfill parenting roles and to model gender identity; a vowed bond of permanent commitment between two persons with sexual complementarity; and freedom from the stigma and distractions that accompany “experimental” family forms.

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Wisconsin English Teacher Propagandizes Students with 37-day Pro-Homosexual Lesson Plan

Monday, January 19th, 2009

indoctrination_center_ifi.jpgI had almost forgotten to post this story by my friend Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute, but was reminded of it by Linda Harvey’s Mission America. Below is Linda’s summation of Higgin’s important article. — Peter LaBarbera

Political Indoctrination Replaces Education in Wisconsin English Class

1/14/2009 7:22:00 AM
By Laurie Higgins, DSA Director –Illinois Family Institute

I’m speechless. I’m also beginning to understand how a homosexuality-affirming middle school was by default approved by the Milwaukee Board of Education. Wisconsin public schools are permitting radical ideologues to use public money to promote their subversive, unproven moral conclusions and political goals about homosexuality. These propagandists, who should be teaching history or literature or writing, are instead pursuing their illegitimate goals of transforming the views of other people’s children on the contentious issue of homosexuality.

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Should ‘The Laramie Project’ Play Be Taught in Schools?

Friday, October 31st, 2008

laramie_project.jpgThis article by my friend, Laurie Higgins, Director of School Advocacy at the Illinois Family Institute, deserves wide circulation. Kids are being propagandized relentlessly in our nation’s schools — public and private — and what’s the evangelical church’s response? Soften your approach toward homosexuality — deal with the Church’s “antigay” image problem. We suggest the guilt-ridden Church would be wiser to get back to the life-changing Gospel, stop obsessing about “image,” and deal with the pro-homosexual indoctrination problem among young people. That certainly includes many who identify as Christians but, due to agitprop like The Laramie Project, have drifted away from a Biblical worldview on homosexuality — to the point where they now view “homophobia” as a bigger sin than the homosexual behavior itself. — Peter LaBarbera

This article first appeared on the Illinos Family Institute’s website:

Intolerant “Progressive” Educators

10/30/2008 7:36:00 AM
By Laurie Higgins, DSA Director –Illinois Family Institute

“Propaganda Is To Democracy What A Bludgeon Is To A Totalitarian State.”
~Noam Chomsky

An alumnus of District 113, an affluent school district on the North Shore of Chicago, recently informed Illinois Family Institute that once again public money is being used to fund activities that articulate only one side of the cultural debate on homosexuality.

It’s fascinating to see our “progressive” public educators — our foes of conformity; devotees of diversity; teachers of tolerance; defenders of dissent; spurners of censorship — in action. And they are busy little beavers when it comes to propaganda. When it comes to the sacred cow of homosexuality, the “progressive” educators among us are intolerant, conformist censors, deeply committed to using public funds in the service of eliminating intellectual diversity and silencing dissent from their subversive dogma.

Students in District 113 cannot make it through their freshman year without being exposed to resources that affirm controversial, unproven, and bleakly deterministic theories on the nature and morality of homosexuality. And yet they make it through the entire four years of high school without ever being exposed to a single resource or activity that affirms or articulates conservative views.

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This Is What Prop 8 Is all about

Friday, October 31st, 2008

Californians: Do you want this baby to be taught in school that “two daddies” is morally equivalent to a mom and a dad?


Pro-Prop 8 mom rallies for marriage in San Diego with baby in tow. Proposition 8 would restore the age-old definition of marriage in California as between one man and one woman — overturning a 4-3 California supreme court ruling imposing the radical vision of homosexual “marriage” on that state. Californians who favor keeping marriage as between a man and a woman are urged to vote YES on Prop 8 on Nov. 4 and support Prop 8 HERE“Yes on 8” advocates have made the effect of legalized “same-sex marriage” on schoolchildren the central issue of their campaign. Sadly, pro-homosexual indoctrination of California students began with the proliferation of “sexual orientation” laws — well before the California court’s pro-“gay marriage” decision earlier this year. For a look at what homosexual “marriage” has brought to another state, see Brian Camenker’s article Massachusetts, “What Gay ‘Marriage’ Has Done to Massachusetts.”

Meanwhile, California’s pro-“gay marriage” forces have scrupulously kept images of homosexual couples and those proud “queer marriages” out of their TV ads. We wonder why. Could it be that they understand that the average citizen (as opposed to committed pro-homosexual liberals) is put off by the idea of two men or two women “marrying”? California’s election on Prop 8 will affect the course of the “gay marriage” debate across the country for years to come.

What ‘Gay Marriage’ Has Done to Massachusetts

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Folks, this is an outstanding piece by my good friend Brian Camenker – who is in my view the most principled and effective pro-family advocate in (the People’s Republic of) Massachusetts.  Please read it carefully and disseminate it as widely as possible.  This is also a tutorial of sorts on the cascading ill effects of a state embracing homosexuality as a “civil right.”  Please support the fine work of MassResistance. God bless.—Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.com

P.S. Check out this AFTAH article to see the face of real diversity, as people of various ethnicities and religions unite to oppose a homosexual “special rights” law in Hamtramck, Michigan.


Oct. 21, 2008

MassResistance Update

“In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
– George Orwell

What same-sex “marriage” has done to Massachusetts

It’s far worse than most people realize

by Brian Camenker

[Note: As the debate on this issue rages in states across the country, most people are unaware of what’s really happened here. Get ready for an eye-opener.]

Anyone who thinks that same-sex “marriage” is a benign eccentricity which won’t affect the average person should consider what it has done in Massachusetts. It’s become a hammer to force the acceptance and normalization of homosexuality on everyone. And this train is moving fast. What has happened so far is only the beginning.

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