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Linda Harvey founded Mission:America to expose the anti-Christian messages -- including the promotion of homosexuality and gender confusion -- aimed at American young people.
In our May 22, 2010 interview with our good friend Linda Harvey, founder and president of Mission America, we discussed her Christian conversion, which took her on a path from secular advertising professional to faith-based culture critic. Harvey discusses her summer reading over the appalling “recommended reading” list of the the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN), and the Left’s largely successful transformation of America’s schools into GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) affirmation zones. She also discusses GLSEN founder (and Obama “Safe Schools” deputy) Kevin Jennings’ manipulation of alleged “gay” victimhood to promote the homosexual agenda in Massachusetts schools.
Homosexual activists are using the schools to indoctrinate very young children in the idea that homosexuality "is just one more kind of love," to quote from the homosexual picture book, "Daddy's Roommate." Many Christians still are unaware of how aggressively pro-homosexual "change agents" are pushing their unbiblical agenda in schools.
The follow public prayer was offered by AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s yesterday on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. It was part of the national repentance event, “May Day: A Cry to God for a Nation in Distress,” organized by Faith2Action’s Janet Porter:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Forgive our nation for our sexual sin. Forgive us for our excessive “tolerance” as a nation – and, as individuals, for the creeping sins, sexual and otherwise, that we have “tolerated” in our own lives. Father, forgive us for not hating sin like you hate sin. And forgive us for confusing merciful love for homosexuals with ungodly acceptance of homosexual behavior itself.
Indeed, it is a long, secular road that America has traveled from “abomination” to “gay.” Forgive us for caring more about the prideful words of men than the eternal Word of God. But Father, forgive us most of all for doing so little to protect the next generations of young people from a sexual sin movement known – deceptively – as “Gay.”
The Lord Jesus Himself warned us against putting the eternal destinies of children in danger. Yet that is what we have allowed to happen on our watch in this, the most blessed nation on earth. We barely put up resistance as the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Networkset up pro-homosexual student clubs – first in our high schools, next in our middle schools – and one day (God forbid) they will try to set up these homosexual booster clubs in our elementary schools.
TAKE ACTION: Call Education Secretary Arne Duncan at 202-401-3000 and urge him to withdraw Jennings’ appointment as Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. Or e-mail him at: arne.duncan@ed.gov. Also, contact President Obama at 202-456-1414 and your U.S. Senators and Congressman (202-224-3121/202-225-3121) and urge them to press for the withdrawal of Jennings’ appointment. We don’t want radical, anti-Christian bigots setting policies affecting America’s schoolchildren.
Folks, these pictures from MassResistance and the YouTube video below from the annual homosexual “Youth Pride” parade in Boston are part of radical homosexual activist and new Obama political appointee Kevin Jennings’ legacy in promoting homosexuality and transsexuality to young people through the organization he founded, GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network). Thanks to the great work that MassResistance does every year to expose this travesty, there is an extensive record for all the world to see of the results of government-promoted “gay youth pride.”
Exposing the ‘Gay’ Corruption of America’s Children: Pro-family advocate and author Linda Harvey of Mission America (left) will give a dinner lecture on the “The Destructive Effects of ‘Gay’ Activism on America’s Youth” tonight (Tuesday, June 2nd) at AFTAH’s new office in Carol Stream, IL, with dinner beginning at 6:00 PM. On Thursday evening, June 4th, Linda will discuss how the Religious Left is corrupting American Christianity. RSVP at americansfortruth@comcast.net or call 630-717-7631 or 847-722-5330. More details below.
The issue of homosexuality is tearing apart youth culture, transforming schools and turning kids away from Christianity. Adults with a mind and a heart are needed! Have you ever wondered if you are called to serve in this area of public life? Come listen to a veteran who felt God’s call to this unique and challenging public policy and mission field over a decade ago.
Folks, lots of good things are happening at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). We are moving into our new offices in Carol Stream, Illinois, and are delighted to welcome Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America, as our first guest speaker. Please come to one or both of these talks if you are in the Chicagoland area, and pass this notice on to your pastor, co-workers, family and friends and invite them to attend. Linda is a good friend and a national treasure as a pro-family Christian advocate who doesn’t pull any punches in defending Truth. If only more American men had her guts and were as willing as she is to take a stand in saving our nation!
Check out this church-produced video (also available on YouTube HERE) responding to today’s homosexual activist “Day of Silence,” posted by our friends over at Illinois Family Institute — which recently was smeared by the anti-Christian morality-phobes over at the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center:
Homosexual “youth pride parade” in Massachusetts in 2007. For more photos, see this Mass Resistance photo-story.
TAKE ACTION: spread the word about the student walkout to protest the pro-homosexual-activist “Day of Silence” — on Friday, April 17 –by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network). Find out if your children’s (middle or high) school is endorsing the Day of Silence by allowing students (or teachers) to go “silent” during class time — thus disrupting the learning environment of all students.
IMPORTANT CAUTIONARY NOTE: from Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute: “Do not ask any administrator, school board member, or teacher if the school sponsors, endorses, or supports DOS. Schools do not technically sponsor the Day of Silence. Technically, it is students, often students in the Gay-Straight Alliance, who sponsor it. Many administrators will tell you that they do not sponsor the DOS when, in fact, they do permit students and sometimes even teachers to remain silent during instructional time. Also ask administrators whether they permit teachers to create lesson plans to accommodate student silence.”
Higgins also suggests e-mailing your child’s teachers individually to see how they are handling the “Day of Silence” protest. There is a wealth of good information available on the Day of Silence Walkout at IFI’s website.
Note from Peter LaBarbera: Folks, it’s no secret that American public schools are failing at teaching the basics. So they need to get out of the values-adjustment (or should I say values-subversion) business. The “Day of Silence” is a thinly-veiled attempt to propagandize students using the time-tested technique of hyping homosexuals as victims. The “gay-victim” gig is getting very old, especially when one considers that the homosexual lobby is in the vanguard of: viciously demonizing Christians like Dr. James Dobson and equating religious moral teachings with “hate”; working to deny Christians the right to live by their own moral code; and “silencing” viewpoints with which they disagree.
Youth walk in Boston’s annual “Gay/Straight Youth Pride March” holding a banner for BAGLY, the Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Youth. The group is run by a cross-dressing, male-to-female transsexual activist adult. Kudos to MassResistance for exposing the corrupting influences on Massachusetts youth.
We’ve just found out that the [Massachusetts] Senate Ways and Means Committee will be meeting tomorrow – Wednesday, May 14 – to decide on the 2009 budget appropriations. This includes the $750,000 now earmarked for homosexual activism targeting children in schools. Click HERE to contact the Ways and Means Committee to oppose the use of Massachusetts taxpayer dollars for this agenda.
Massachusetts citizens: want to know where your tax money is going? Read on:
1. Homosexual “Youth Pride Day” includes hardcore “gay” anti-religious propaganda. Speaker incites crowd to attack photographers.
This past Saturday was homosexual “Youth Pride Day” in Boston, run by the tax-funded Massachusetts Commission on Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth. It included a “celebration” on the Boston Common followed by a parade past the State House and a “transgender prom” that evening at BostonCity Hall.
Kids were bussed in from all over the state. Homosexual activists were everywhere.
If Pastor Hutcherson is correct, that means 45 percent of the student body boycotted the “gay” activist event. What’s more incredible is that Hutcherson told us that he called for the walkout only eight days prior to the DOS (April 25).
What this tells me is that there is tremendous opportunity in our culture to use the “gay” activists’ overreach for good. We can and must use their language and piggyback off their tactics to promote truth and healthy, godly behaviors. When your corporation’s Human Resources Department starts talking “diversity,” send an e-mail to the CEO and executive team asking if people of faith will be represented in the “diversity” discussions. If not, why not? (Make them put it in writing.) When schools talk about student “safety” and “safe sex,” ask them what they are doing to educate students on the immense health risks of homosexual behavior. Support ex-“gay” ministries like Regeneration — they need it!