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WARNING: Offensive graphic (created by hateful homosexual militant)
Dan Savage’s “Progressive” Hate: When it comes to dishing out “progressive” hate, few activists on the Left can match the antics of Dan Savage, homosexual-bisexual-transgender activist, sex columnist, author and pornographer. Here is a graphic from Savage’s hate-site, Santorum.com–which he created to demonize and literally destroy the name of Rick Santorum, former Senator from Pennsylvania. Dan and his left-leaning fans came up with this mean-spirited, grotesque “definition” after Savage was offended by something Santorum had said. It is telling that Savage decided the best way to punish Santorum was to associate his name with a disgusting by-product of homosexual sodomy. Despite his hateful stunts and anti-Christian rhetoric–including “flu terrorism” against GOP presidential contender Gary Bauer and an “Impeach the Mother-[F–k-r] Already (ITMFA)” campaign against President Trump, most media, and apparently Democrat politicians like Sean Casten in Illinois, treat Savage like a cultural hero. See video showing Savage’s anti-Christian bigotry below, and the Breitbart story on Casten HERE.
Folks, the Democrats have become the Party of Homosexual-Bisexual Transgender activism and the Abortion Lobby. Here in Illinois (in Congressional District 6), we witness the incredible spectacle of Sean Casten, the Democratic challenger to Rep. Peter Roskam (R), refusing to take back his stated admiration of homosexual activist and proud cyber-bully Dan Savage. AFTAH readers will recall that Savage is the creator of the vile hate-site depicted above, Santorum.com–demonizing and mocking former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. Breitbart has the story:
Democrat Sean Casten Refuses to Disavow Anti-Christian Bully Dan Savage in Debate Against Peter Roskam
By Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart News, Oct. 22, 2018
Democrat Sean Casten embraced anti-Christian bully Dan Savage in a debate Monday evening against incumbent Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) over the seat for the 6th congressional district of Illinois.
Casten, challenged to defend some of the harsh rhetoric he has used in his campaign, and some of the controversial figures he has embraced, refused to dissociate himself from Savage (at 9:27 in the Facebook video of the debate).
“The person I embraced — and I will stand to this day — is Dan Savage, who has been a voice for the LGBT community, and particularly for the It Gets Better project, of teens who were considering suicide.”
Savage, a talented sex advice columnist, founded the “It Gets Better” organization to help gay and lesbian teenagers overcome bullying by peers.
Ironically, Savage then became a bully himself, publicly shaming Christian teenagers at a high school journalism conference in April 2012, abusing his position at the podium to mock their beliefs.
In a video of the event (below), Savage trashed the Bible as “bullshit”:
The Bible — we’ll just talk about the Bible for a second. People often point out that they can’t help with the anti-gay bulling, because it says right there in Leviticus, it says right there in Timothy, it says right there in Romans, that being gay is wrong. We can learn to ignore the bullshit in the Bible about gay people the same way we have learned to ignore the bullshit in the Bible about shellfish, about slavery, about dinner, about farming, about menstruation, about virginity, about masturbation — we ignore bullshit in the Bible about all sorts of things.
Some students cheered, but others walked out in protest. Savage later taunted those who left: “So you can tell the Bible guys in the hall that they can come back now, because I’m done beating up the Bible.”
He went on to call the students “pansy-ass” for protesting, then offered a fake “apology” for hurting anyone’s feelings, adding, “I have a right to defend myself and to point out the hypocrisy of people who justify anti-gay bigotry by pointing to the Bible and insisting we must live by the code of Leviticus on this one issue, and no other.”
Casten justified his support for Savage by suggesting that Roskam, in his sixth term, is not pro-LGBT.
“Mr. Roskam has been a horrible advocate for that community. Maybe he doesn’t like that I support them, but I do.” …. [Article continues at Breitbart News]
“You’re a bigot and an [a**hole],” lead protester yells at McCrory; state senator vows to pursues law criminalizing vengeful harassment of public servants
NC St. Sen. Dan Bishop wants to protect former public servants from being bullied and harassed by vengeful protesters.
WARNING: profanity
Folks, all I can say is, thank God the “progressives” lost this election! Because they are out of control (cut to the 2:10 mark in Madonna’s vulgar and extremist women’s march speech HERE). Below is a YouTube video shot by a profane North Carolina revolutionary socialist named Udai Basavaraj.
On a visit to DC for the inauguration (and leftist feminist march) weekend, Basavaraj apparently led a harassing protest against former North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory–yelling “Shame on you, shame on you!” etc., at the recently defeated Republican because he signed the HB2 “bathroom” bill into law.
The cowardly ringleader (his face not shown) yells out at McCrory, calling him a “bigot and an [a**hole]!” Then, as reported below, “just after the one minute mark [and with McCrory and two women backed into a locked door], he says, “We’ve got you now.” Watch the creepy three-and-a-half minute video, then pass this story on.
HB2 requires that people use the restroom matching their biological sex. I suppose in the minds of these ideological bullies, supporting such a bill makes one a monster. More news and commentary after the video and jump:
Thankfully, there are still many patriots in this country like North Carolina State Senator Dan Bishop (R), who is as outraged as we at AFTAH are over these hateful fanatics. Sen. Bishop wants to do something to protect people like McCrory, and he is disgusted with the neutral, innocuous way in which the Charlotte Observer newspaper reported this outrageous episode. I will add that homosexual activist publications like LGBTQNation seem to have no problem with it.
Hmmm. Can you imagine the media outrage if a screaming crowd of “conservatives” cornered a few homosexuals into a closed alley?
As Sen. Bishopwrites, “One also wonders if the mob fell upon the former governor by coincidence or if they stalked him.” Note the young woman scurrying uncomfortably (with her face away from the camera) from the approaching gaggle of screaming protesters. She is obviously scared. The lead LGBTQ protester-bully (Basavaraj?) screaming “shame on you!” clearly has no regard for the fear that he and his “mob” of yelling activists are inducing in her–as they pin their targets against a locked door.
After all, in the leftist scheme of things, the end–in this case, humiliating and intimidating Christian “haters” and “transphobes”–justifies the means. And “bigotry” knows no gender, right?
Think about this: is the modern “LGBTQ” activist phenomenon a “New Civil Rights Movement”–or rather a spoiled Sin Movement so steeped in its own self-rationalizing ideology and warped self-righteousness that it is willing even to scare a young woman if that’s what it takes to achieve its unattainable goal of “equality”?
Of course, many homosexuals would share my outrage at this despicable conduct. This is an extreme case, but all homosexual activists are compelled to sacrifice some social good, or some transcendent truth–e.g., about the essence of marriage itself–to serve their aberrant, self-justifying worldview. The more power they achieve, the more the War on Normal (which is actually a futile fight against our Creator) is ratcheted up. And the more innocent casualties mount.
Although it must not undermine the First Amendment, we hope Sen. Bishop succeeds in his bid to protect public servants from overt harassment. Stay tuned. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Protesters say ‘F- you” to Pence; can you imagine media’s reaction if conservatives did this to Obama’s VP?
WARNING: Explicit language from immature LGBTQ leftists in video
Folks, this is from our friends at Media Research Center; see the MRC NewsBusters story that accompanies the videoHERE. As I tweeted:
“Petty, mean, spoiled, classless, hateful, intolerant, morally corrupt: LGBTQ leftists throw “queer” party outside Pence’s temporary DC home.”
The most ironic line from the protesters in this video is when the guy yells out, “We choose love over hate!” Are you kidding me? Vice President Mike Pence, a very decent man, has been on the receiving end of a non-stop barrage of LGBTQ activist and “progressive” *hate* since Trump picked him as running-mate. Thank God these leftists lost on Nov. 8. American needs a very long break from their self-righteous, destructive foolishness. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
MRCTV video description:
WARNING: explicit language. MRCC covered the “Queer Dance Party” through Mike Pence’s neighborhood Wednesday night. WATCH: We caught on camera everything from “f*ck you” interviews to vandalism to poking fun/dancing circles around a lone Trump supporter.
Not a Hater: Austin Ruse of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM). Ruse’s group has been slandered by the leftist SPLC as a “hate group.”
By Peter LaBarbera
The pro-LGBT Left’s “hate” game is a cynical exercise in demonization and manipulation: by smearing people and organizations that oppose homosexual “marriage” or “gay” activism as “haters,” they seek to establish a narrative that delegitimizes any opposition to homosexualism as the moral equivalent of racism. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has turned this spurious tactic into a money-making machine–see the current issue of WND’s Whistleblower magazine, “The Hate Racket.”
Finally people of faith are fighting back: American Family Association has created an “[Anti-Christian] Bigotry Map” in response to the heavy-handed SPLC’s farcical “Hate Map,” on which AFTAH and more than a dozen other pro-family organizations are listed.
Below is an example of how homosexual activists like Joe Jervis, creater of the Joe.My.God blog, play the SPLC hate card against pro-family advocates. Note Jervis’ headline:
“Haters Are Thrilled that Italian Designers Dolce & Gabbana Oppose LGBT Rights”:
The alleged “hater” to which Jervis refers is not hateful at all. Austin Ruse is a Breitbart writer, a dedicated Catholic family man and the president of Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, which fights for pro-life and pro-family values at the United Nations. Ruse is a smart and capable guy–but his organization, like AFTAH, has been slandered by the SPLC as a “hate group” [see the map’s New York listings; AFTAH is found in the map’s Illinois listings].
Homosexual lobby’s report features dark graphic caricature of AFTAH’s LaBarbera
HUMAN SMEAR CAMPAIGN: Who is that shadowy figure? A mafia don? An ISIS terrorist? A drug kingpin? No, it’s AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, as caricatured by the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign in their new report, “The Export of Hate.” See pages 9-10 of the report for the section on LaBarbera and AFTAH.
Special Note to AFTAH Readers from Peter LaBarbera:
Folks, the notion of what constitutes “hate” has become highly politicized. We will have more on the Human Rights Campaign’s deceitful and comically over-the-top report, “The Export of Hate,” which prominently features yours truly–complete with an ominous-looking, blackened graphic of my face designed to cast me as a shadowy figure–in upcoming posts. [Graphic of AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera shown at right; see pages 9-10 for the section on me.]
Take a look at that photo–yes, that’s me, according to the malicious activists at HRC, who apparently must exaggerate and contort their opposition to fit it into their jaundiced redefinition of “hate.” Anyone who knows me wouldn’t recognize me from that graphic–and while I’m a lot of things, a sinister hatemonger isn’t one of them. I am generally an upbeat, affable guy. I love God and I love people, and I want them to come to the knowledge of my Savior, Jesus Christ, so they can find forgiveness and draw close to God.
Please note that in the post-Floyd Corkins world (Corkins was thwarted in a potentially murderous attack on Family Research Council), the ongoing effort to paint pro-family advocates like me as horrible haters on a par with the KKK could incite a violent and even deadly attack against us by a homosexual zealot.
For the record, I enthusiastically stand behind my quotation–on the Alan Colmes Show Jan. 7 of this year–provided by the report as evidence of my supposed “hate.” Colmes had pressed me on whether children were better off in single-parent households or homosexual-led households, to which I responded (this is the excerpt taken from the HRC report):
“Kids would ‘be better off in a single-parent household…because you’re not modeling homosexual behavior. When you have two men raising a young child, that child grows up learning, basically, dysfunction and a sexual perversion as normality.'”
If criticizing intentionally motherless and intentionally fatherless homosexual-led households is hateful, then surely most of the world is hateful! The LGBT Lobby’s campaign to portray the fervent defense of historic, Judeo-Christian teachings on sex and marriage as Hate, Bigotry & Homophobia–Big Gay Inc’s top three slanders against people of faith and morals–is itself profoundly hateful and bigoted. But we should expect such calculated smears from a Sin Movement that is essentially engaged in a political and cultural war against Nature and Nature’s God. Casting aside the lies and slanders, we will not be deterred in our defense of Truth. God bless. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Here’s our friend and upcoming banquet speaker Michael Brown’s excellent piece on the HRC report:
The HRC Is Inciting Fear and Hate
By Michael Brown
This essay first appeared in Charisma’s “In the Line of Fire” column. To sign up for Charisma array of e-publications, go HERE.
The pictures are dark and ominous, the charges chilling: “There exists a network of extremists … [who] spew venomous rhetoric, outrageous theories, and discredited science.”
Just who are these evil people, and what are they doing?
According to the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest gay-activist organization, this “network” consists of American, conservative Christian leaders “who are working tirelessly to undercut LGBT people around the world at every turn.”
Warning: Vulgar Sexual References and one instance of Rear Nudity
For the record, below is the longest YouTube video we could find of the annual uber-blasphemous “Hunky Jesus” contest, held on Easter Sunday (April 20, 2014)–which coincidentally fell this year on the annual day (“4-20”) celebrating pot use. Hunky Jesus is sponsored by the mock, drag-queen “nuns” groups, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, which is a perverse “charity” funding homosexual causes in San Francisco, with chapters across the world. This video was created by UndertheGoldenGate.com.
As you can see, to many on the pro-LGBT Left, the most extreme anti-Christian bigotry is hip and cool, even as they scold the Right about alleged “hate.” Now that takes chutzpah. What’s also interesting is the degree to which the homosexualist (“gay”) movement in the United States has been joined to that of the gender-confused–“transgenders,” transvestites and transsexuals–which makes sense if male homosexualism is rooted in a masculinity crisis. Behold the God-haters of the urban Secular Left. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
P.S. Please be warned that this is a highly offensive video (frontal nudity is fuzzed out), but one that conveys San Francisco’s twisted values better than most:
Kirk honored by radical homosexual group that smear C-f-A’s “hate-filled homophobic ‘Chiken'” and tried to deny Christian-owned chain’s ‘freedom’ to do business in Illinois
Republican U.S. Sen. Mark KIrk of Illinois accepts “Freedom” award from the state’s leading homosexual lobby group, Equality Illinois. The group ran a nasty albeit unsuccessful “Flick the Hate” pressure campaign to run Chick-fil-A restaurants out of the state–by petitioning their stakeholders to deny the popular fast-food chain’s leases. Chick-fil-A is expanding in Illinois, and now has 32 restaurants in the state.
By Peter LaBarbera
Call or write Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) [202-224-2854; Chicago 312-886-3506; online Comment Form HERE] and urge him to stop rewarding anti-Christian bigotry. Ask him to return this “Freedom Award” from the hateful anti-Christian homosexual group, Equality Illinois–which in 2012 launched a failed pressure campaign to kick Chick-fil-A restaurants out of Illinois.
Call or write the Republican National Committee [Contact Form HERE] and its Chairman, Reince Priebus [202-863-8500; choose ext. “1”], and urge them to stand firm against the aggressive Homosexual Lobby, which is targeting Christian leaders and businesses like Chick-fil-A for demonization. Tell Priebus that when Republicans like Sen. Mark Kirk embrace Democratic-type social liberalism, it only deflates the pro-family GOP grassroots. Lastly, urge Priebus to PUBLICLY oppose ENDA, the radical Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Thank Chairman Priebus for being publicly pro-life–but urge him also to make the case against “Big Gay Government” (e.g., ENDA)–and Obama’s push to nationalize “same-sex marriage”–as part of the RNC’s regular public Talking Points.
Dear AFTAH Readers:
On Saturday evening (Feb. 8, 2014), U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-Illinois) was presented with the “Freedom” award by Equality Illinois, the state’s leading homosexual pressure group, at a swank fundraising banquet in Chicago. You can watch a video of the presentation below [or on YouTube HERE]. Sen. Kirk has become one of the most liberal Republicans on Capitol Hill on homosexual-related issues–with ever greater acts of pandering to the LGBT Lobby. (He came out for homosexual “marriage” and is pushing for passage of ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act [see homosexual activists release on Kirk and ENDA HERE], or–as we at AFTAH call it, alternatively the “Big Gay Government Act,” “Gay Lawyers’ Dream Act,” or “ENDA Our Freedom Act”) [See an excellent Heritage Foundation report on the ENDA bill HERE.]
You might recall how Kirk–in a capitulation whose cowardice was eclipsed only by its pettiness–recently blocked the respected pro-family organization World Congress of Familiesfrom securing a meeting room on Capitol Hill. This towering act in defense of “freedom” (sarcasm) came after the Senator heard complaints against WCF from some homosexual activists. World Congress, affiliated with The Howard Center, is based in Rockford, Illinois.
Thus it appears that Sen. Kirk’s conception of “freedom” matches that of his intolerant homosexual activist allies. In 2012, Equality Illinois launched a vicious and slanderous campaign to deny Chick-fil-A restaurants the “freedom” to operate in Illinois. As you can see below, EQ falsely accused C-f-A of “discriminatory policies” because the latter’s Chief Operating Officer, Dan Cathy, had spoken out publicly against homosexual “marriage” as tempting the judgment of God. The Chicago “gay” group launched this “Flick the Hate” petition campaign designed to boot the Christian-owned chicken fast food franchise out of several college towns:
The above is a web graphic from radical homosexual group Equality Illinois’ 2012 “Flick the Hate” campaign against Chick-fil-A. Many observers were shocked that any group would try to run a successful business OUT of Illinois, whose economy is suffering under long-running Democratic political dominance.
As you can see, Equality Illinois’ malicious campaign smeared Chick-fil-A and its COO, Dan Cathy, as representing “hate”–merely because Cathy disagreed publicly with “gay marriage.” EQ sought to petition stakeholders into cancelling their rental leases to the 19 Chick-fil-A restaurants then operating in Illinois. (Thankfully, they failed; there are now 32 C-f-A franchises in Illinois, according to the company’s website.) The EQ page reads, in part (emphasis theirs):
Chick-fil-A has 19 restaurants across Illinois, mostly on university campuses and in shopping malls. This petition will be give to key stakeholders in Illinois who lease, rent or allow Chick-fil-A to continue to sell their hate-filled homophobic “Chiken,” asking them to cut ties….
That kind of hate has no place in a business, especially in Illinois. It is a shame to be associated with such extreme intolerance and hate.