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Schools Are LGBTQ Propaganda Zones: Here is part of a supposed history lesson by the homosexual activist group GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network). It is false and misleading: homosexual “marriages” were not common nor legal in Roman society, and same-sex unions were often ridiculed, according to (pro-“gay marriage”) classicist Michael Fontaine, who writes: “This confusion brings us back to Roman law. Marriage in ancient Rome was forever aimed at producing legitimate children for the state. Other sexual relationships were surely common, but a gay partnership was not one of those the state dignified with legal recognition.” Source of graphic: GLSEN online report, “LGBTQ History.” Click to enlarge.
Folks, this is from pro-family education advocate Donna Garner, a Texas-based conservative hero. She writes about a new Republican National Committee (RNC) resolution supporting parental rights in sexuality education (sex-ed). Of course, as with all political party resolutions, they’re not worth too much if the politicians ignore them (as GOP pols are wont to do, for example, their failure to steadfastly resist the advances of Big LGBTQ). Congrats to RNC Committeewoman Cynthia Dunbar and all those who helped to push this common-sense resolution through. —Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Donna Garner writes:
Landmark Resolution to Protect Children from Unsuitable Content — Passed by Republican National Committee
July 22, 2018 by Donna Garner Education Policy Commentator
From Cynthia Dunbar, Republican National Committeewoman
A landmark Resolution supporting parental rights was unanimously adopted this week by the Republican National Committee. Cynthia Dunbar, National Committeewoman for Virginia and sponsor of the Resolution stated, “I’m thrilled we were able to get this Resolution adopted. This should not be a partisan issue. Parents everywhere deserve the right to know what their children are being taught and have an opportunity to consent to it. Passage of this Resolution is a huge victory and will hopefully serve as the impetus for state legislation across the nation.”
WHEREAS, parents are a child’s first and foremost educators, and have primary responsibility for the education of their children. Parents have a right to direct their children’s education, care, and upbringing; (1)
WHEREAS, education is much more than schooling. Education is the whole range of activities by which families and communities transmit to a younger generation, not just knowledge and skills, but ethical and behavioral norms and traditions. It is the handing over of a cultural identity; (2)
WHEREAS, American education has, for the last several decades, been the focus of constant controversy, as centralizing forces from outside the family and community have sought to remake education in order to remake America. This has done immense damage; (3)
WHEREAS, school administrators routinely ask parents for their prior written permission for students to participate in various school-related instruction and activities, including, but not limited to: field trips, sports, and distribution of medicine;
WHEREAS, parents and their students should be afforded the same respect with regard to the increasingly sensitive and controversial nature of human sexuality instruction;
WHEREAS, much of the content in human sexuality instruction centers on contentious and sensitive issues, including but not limited to: abortion, birth control, sexual activity, sexual orientation, transgenderism, and/or gender identity;
WHEREAS, the content often includes a personal analysis or survey that reflects or influences the student’s opinions on sensitive topics such as religious beliefs and practices, sexual orientation, and/or sexual activity;
WHEREAS, most states grant an obscenity exemption that allows content that would otherwise be deemed harmful to minors to be disseminated for educational purposes, creating the potential for inappropriate content to be included within human sexuality instruction;
WHEREAS, such information, content, or ideology is most appropriately placed within the discretion of the parents or guardians;
WHEREAS, the current opt-out paradigm assumes parental consent to student participation, allowing schools to automatically enroll students in potentially explicit, sensitive, and/or controversial human sexuality instruction without prior written permission;
WHEREAS, human sexuality instruction frequently places the wishes and concerns of the parents and/or guardians at odds with those of the school district; and
WHEREAS, the wishes and concerns of the parents and/or guardians are preeminent to those of the School District and should be acknowledged by simply affording parents and/or guardians the right to grant permission for such instruction; therefore
RESOLVED, that public schools must disclose the content contained within human sexuality instruction to the parents and/or guardians of all unemancipated students and shall only enroll those students whose parents and/or guardians provide prior written permission to opt their student into human sexuality instruction;
RESOLVED, that the default shall be that no human sexuality instruction shall be provided to any student not yet emancipated without prior written consent from their parent and/or guardian, making an opt-out default an insufficient protection for either the safety of the student or the rights of the parent;
RESOLVED, that all state legislatures are encouraged to enact legislation that implements these notices and safeguards to protect students from exposure to potentially inappropriate and salacious content and to acknowledge the right of the parents and/or guardians to direct their children’s education, care, and upbringing, including their right to protect them from exposure to content they find unsuitable.
1 Platform of the Republican Party, Issued by the Republican National Committee, page 33 (2016, Cleveland, Ohio).
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
Adopted by the Republican National Committee, July 20, 2018
Schools offer one-sided, pro-LGBTQ propaganda to celebrate homosexuality and “transgenderism,” and call that “diversity”
One-Sided “Diversity”? Metea Valley High School in Aurora, IL, recently joined with the activist group GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) to promote “GLSEN Ally Week,” in its school library. This is a photo from the library exhibit, which featured a bunch of pro-homosexual/pro-transgender books recommended by GLSEN. Schools like Metea talk a lot about “diversity” and “inclusion,” but they rarely allow opposing viewpoints on LGBTQ issues. This lack of balance dishonors and does a disservice to students. Photo: Americans For Truth.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
I’m so proud of my son, John, for exposing the radical LGBTQ agenda at his high school, Metea Valley High School, in Aurora, Illinois [see below]. One-way “diversity and inclusion” of the sort Linda Harvey describes below is educational malpractice; it denies students basic facts–like the existence of ex-“gays”–and fuels the Left’s spurious narrative that opposing homosexualism and transgenderism = “hate” and “bigotry.”
I will have more on this situation in future posts, but for now suffice it to say that I now realize based on my experience with our children in public schools that very few parents have a even a clue about how ubiquitous political correctness is there. Naturally, I’m very attuned to it but even I can barely keep up with just the sexual and gender propaganda at one school, Metea Valley HS (which has many good qualities and fine teachers, and earned a “silver medal” in U.S. News’ rankings of “Best High Schools”). There is almost zero balance on the moral issue of homosexuality, and now transgendered “identities” are all the rage. Of course, it is intimidating for busy parents–much less students–to confront educational authorities about rampant bias.
Linda Harvey is the keynote speaker at the AFTAH dinner-banquet Friday, Oct. 28. More info HERE.
AFTAH Banquet Friday, Oct. 28: This is why I am so grateful and honored to have my good friend, WND columnist, and Mission America founder Linda speak at our annual AFTAH dinner-banquet, in just nine days (Oct. 28). Linda cares so much about combating school misinformation that over the years she has actually taken the time to read some of the recommended pro-homosexual books,. You will be shocked at what she finds (although Culture War veterans shouldn’t be). Full details of the banquet Friday, October 28 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church, in Bensenville, Illinois (northwest of Chicago) can be found HERE; please invite others to come (tickets are just $25 per person).
One thing is clear: it is up to US–you and me–to provide the balance, real “inclusion” and genuine “diversity” on these matters–because the educational establishment is as committed to the ever-metastasizing LGBTQueer Revolution as the media. — Peter LaBarbera. AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Free Speech Denied at School (Unless It’s Porn)
One-Sided LGBTQ Book List: This bookmark containing a list of pro-homosexual/pro-transgender books was passed out at the Metea Valley High School “Ally Week” table. Click to enlarge.
By Linda Harvey, first published by WND.com, Oct. 18, 2016
Democrats pretend to be shocked, shocked at the potty mouth of Donald Trump.
But if Trump’s words were put in the mouth of a teen fiction character, the book would be celebrated as “bold” and “coming-of-age” by the American Library Association and lauded with numerous awards.
Especially if the book also featured openly homosexual adolescents.
Free speech is permitted, even promoted in some of today’s schools if it appears in the form of printed obscenity. But viewpoint exchanges by students? Think again.
At Metea Valley High School in the Chicago suburb of Aurora, Ill., administration officials came down sharply on one male student’s discussions with student members of the school’s “gay-straight alliance” because he dared to reveal the risks of homosexuality and the threat to religious freedom posed by Supreme Court-imposed homosexual “marriage.”
John, this courageous young Christian, approached the lunch-period recruiting table for the school’s “gay-straight alliance” and began a respectful dialogue that one of the GSA students claimed became heated. After a few GSA members accused John of yelling and being a “bully,” one honest GSA student – questioned by the junior class dean – verified John’s version: that he remained civil and was never aggressive or offensive.
Hotels now openly host vile homosexual sadomasochistic events; “Fisting A to Z” workshop features “hands-in” demonstration–in conference room; CLAW “charity” funds LGBT groups
WARNING: Graphic descriptions and revolting photos of horrifying homosexual perversions–after page jump. Not for children.
Profiting Off Perversion: Twitter announcement for CLAW annual sadomasochistic deviance sex event. Note both Holiday Inn Cleveland South (Phone: 216-524-8050) and Embassy Suites [Rockside] -Independence, OH (Phone: 216-986-9900) are listed as hosting this orgiastic event celebrating the most vile sexual perversion invented by mankind.
“A good man will be ashamed to speak of what many wicked men are not ashamed to do.”—Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the New Testament Book of Ephesians, Chapter 5:3-14
TAKE ACTION: Contact the Holiday Inn-Cleveland So (216-524-8050); ask for Gen. Manager Tom Moore. Call Holiday Inn’s parent company, International Hotel Group, at 800-621-0555. Also contact the Embassy Suites-Rockside hotel at 216-986-9900. [Embassy Suites is owned by Hilton: call them 800-362-2779; online form HERE]. Lastly, contact the Westin Cleveland Downtown — the host of next year’s (2017) CLAW leather convention: phone: 216-771-7700; ask for Gen. Manager Bob Megazzini].
By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH exclusive
Summary: Part One:
Two Cleveland hotels, Holiday Inn Cleveland-South and Embassy Suites, both in Independence, OH, jointly sponsor homosexual “leather weekend” conference called CLAW. Holiday Inn also hosted the deviance celebration last year;
CLAW rented the entire Holiday Inn hotel, for three days, April 28-May 1–even closing the bar and restaurant (like the rest of the hotel) to the public for this private perversion-fest;
CLAW celebrates the most extreme and vile sexual behaviors invented by sinful men–including Fisting, Rimming, Scat, Watersports (involving urine), Master-Slave “relationships,” and a twisted “Puppy” fetish in which men become human “dogs” for their “masters.” This is sexual anarchy and as sick and satanic as it gets;
One CLAW workshop, “Fisting A to Z,” instructs homosexual men on how to “fist”–a bizarre and dangerous sadomasochistic perversion in which a man inserts his hand and forearm into the rectum and lower colon of his fisting partner [see below];
The “fisting” workshop advertised a “hands-in” demonstration–i.e., the disgusting act apparently was performed in the Holiday Inn conference room advertised for the session [see below];
CLAW, like other homosexual male “leather” conventions, features deviant-sex orgies–and apparently not just in hotel rooms–which the poor maids are forced to clean up;
Another CLAW workshop, titled “Down in the Brown,” was about the “scat” fetish–essentially eroticizing poop (feces). It was held in the Embassy Suites Con 1 meeting room [see below]
The non-profit CLAW calls itself a “charity” and raises money for homosexual activist groups like GLSEN, PFLAG and Equality Ohio.
‘Fisting’ Perversion Class at the Holiday Inn: Page from the CLAW (Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend) website shows a “Fisting A to Z” class at the annual deviance sex celebration. Note (circled in yellow) the host Holiday Inn Cleveland South – Independence, OH as a sponsor of CLAW. A hotel employee described the private sadomasochistic all-hotel event to a caller as an “All Men’s Leather Convention.” Click to enlarge.
One of the features of post-Sexual Revolution and LGBT-friendly America is that the most vile misbehaviors invented by mankind increasingly are committed out in the open–with the full cooperation of corporations, which profit off of the organized perversion. Apparently no deviant behavior act or group is too vile not to be accommodated by big businesses in sexually “liberated” America.
Such was the case in Cleveland over the weekend, where an event featuring the most heinous deviant sex-fetishes ever conceived–including “fisting”–was not only hosted but sponsored by the Holiday Inn Cleveland South, in Independence, Ohio. The annual event is called CLAW: Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend–and it drew mostly homosexual “leathermen” from across the country and beyond. (The same Holiday Inn hotel sponsored last year’s CLAW, drawing around 1,500, according to organizers.)
CLAW organizers rented the entire Holiday Inn hotel–with 363 rooms–closing it to the public for three days. The event was co-hosted by the nearby Embassy Suites Cleveland-Rockside. These hotels allowed some of their meeting rooms and (I suspect) pools to become orgy spaces—-as the above graphic for the CLAW 2016 “Fisting A-Z” class held in a Holiday Inn conference room above shows. (“Fisting” is a bizarre fetish invented by homosexual men in which a man inserts his hand and forearm into the rectum and lower colon of his “partner.”
The “Fisting A to Z” class advertised a “hands-in” (as opposed to a “hands on”) demo (demonstration), held in the Hercules 277 meeting room at the Holiday Inn Cleveland South. Here is the “class” description:
Fisting A to Z
In addition to covering the basics of a fisting session and fisting play parties, we will cover as many letters of the alphabet as time allows — Anatomy, Breathing, Cleaning, Dildos, Eating and so forth.
TRUMP THEN AND NOW: In this 2000 interview with the homosexual magazine The Advocate, businessman Donald Trump supported adding homosexuality to the Civil Rights Act–a stance that allowed him to cast himself as more pro-“gay” than the leading Democratic presidential contender at the time, Sen. Bill Bradley. [Click HERE to read the entire Advocate interview.] The media have mostly ignored asking direct questions about the homosexual activist agenda in the GOP campaign.
By Peter LaBarbera
[Note: this article was update March 1, 2016]
Warning: Contains a brief description and graphic of (horrifying) transsexual surgeries that the LGBT Lobby is pushing to be funded by the taxpayers
Have you noticed that homosexual “marriage,” the nutty “transgender” issue–think big-boned men in gaudy dresses and pumps invading girls’ restrooms–and morality in general have been largely ignored in the Republican primary campaign?
This is no accident: a combination of the dominant media’s secular-Left bias; “establishment” Republicans working to keep those pesky social issues off the table; America’s disobedient drift away from God and biblical Truth; and creeping libertarianism and feminism have combined to push moral issues out of the debate in this crucial 2016.
The problem is, when issues are shunned by the media and in an extended electoral contests it becomes difficult to build and grow support for the Truth position on these issues. The LGBT Lobby knows this intuitively, which is why they labor to BAN opposition and shut down critical voices in the media (see GLAAD’s“Commentator Accountability Project” listing of this writer for showing “extreme animus towards the entire LGBT community”).
The minions of Big Gay Inc understand that if tens of millions of Americans were actually introduced through media to men and women who have successfully left homosexuality behind—people like DJ Foster, Greg Quinlanand Janet Boynes–it would dramatically undermine the LGBT media-narrative that people are inherently (born) “gay.”
Seeing homosexuality as a Changeable-Behavior issue would in turn help everyday people understand that unlike ethnic “minorities,” people practicing homosexuality can leave that category because it is not permanent (e.g., like skin color). Thus, accommodating people with “rights” based on their supposedly immutable “sexual orientation” is not “civil rights” and in fact directly leads to conflicts between “gay rights” and religious liberty. (See this excellent piece by Peter Spriggdissecting Justice Anthony Kennedy’s unfounded claim that homosexuality is “immutable,” in his Obergefell ruling “nationalizing” homosexual “marriage.”)
Here are some questions and moral themes I’d like to see pursued in debates or political discussions:
1) Trump and Adultery? Suppose in that now-infamous initial Fox News GOP presidential debate, instead of asking Donald Trump a question about his alleged meanness toward Rosie O’Donnell, Fox’s Megyn Kelly had asked Trump about his self-admitted adulteries with married women and having a very public affair while he was married? Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) rightly tweeted to Trump:
“You brag about many affairs w/ married women. Have you repented? To harmed children & spouses? Do you think it matters?”
Does Adultery Matter? Sen. Ben Sasse’s (R-NE) Jan. 24, tweet to Donald Trump.
(Note how conservative neo-feminist Kelly opted for the “anti-women” angle over the moral—call it “anti-God”–angle; to read this writer’s in-depth report on Fox News’ pro-homosexual bias, click HERE.)
2) Rubio on Abortion vs. Rubio on Homosexual Agenda? How about a question to Marco Rubio about reports that his campaign staff held regular meetings with Log Cabin Republicans—a homosexual activist group that is trying to rebrand the GOP as a “gay”-affirming party? Why is Rubio so principled in his opposition to abortion (he said it’s not even political for him) yet much more nuanced on homosexualism? [See pro-family warrior Bryan Fischer rebut Rubio’s assertion that homosexuals are born that way.]
3) Trump’s Radical Pro-“Gay” Past? While many questions have focused on Trump’s support for Planned Parenthood (the non-abortion aspects of the business), no attention—from the media or other Republicans—has been given to his support back in 2000 for adding homosexuality (“sexual orientation”) to the Civil Rights Act. In other words, Trump was for the current LGBT “Equality Act” (which we’re calling the “Criminalizing Christianity Act”) before there even was an Equality Act. Would Trump–who opposes homosexual “marriage” and backs the First Amendment Defense Act— support the Equality Act or veto it today? Does Trump still believe that homosexuality is a criterion for “civil rights” and how would that affect the rights of others to disagree with homosexual “marriage,” celebrations, pro-LGBT school lessons, etc.?
[Editor’s Note: after this article was published, LifeSiteNews reported that in 2012 the Donald Trump Foundation donated $20,000 to the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and $10,000 to the Gay Men’s Health Crisis. GLSEN pushes for the acceptance of homosexual, bisexual and gender-confused identities and behaviors to K-12 students–including “Gay-Straight Alliances,” de facto LGBT propaganda clubs, in schools. The LifeSite article relies on original AFTAH reportage exposing GLSEN’s agenda promoting homosexuality to young children. See our posts HERE, HERE (“Fistgate”), HERE and HERE (Kevin Jennings).]
Hey all, below I discuss with former Moody Radio journalist Monty Larrick the annual, pro-homosexual “Day of Silence”–scheduled for this Friday, April 17–and the opposing walkout initiated by our friends at Illinois Family Institute. AFTAH has joined the coalition of groups encouraging parents to pull their children out of schools that allow or encourage this pro-homosexual exercise. For more information about the DOS Walkout and how to approach your child’s school, go HERE; to see the DOS website created by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network), go HERE. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
CDC funds “gay” activist groups like GLSEN that promote acceptance of behavior tied closely to HIV
By Peter LaBarbera
The following is a graphic from a CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) online slide presentation, “HIV Surveillance in Adolescents and Young Adults”[1]— breaking down the incidence of HIV among young men ages 13-24. In 2011, an astonishing 94.9 percent of HIV diagnoses among teenage boys (13-19-years-old) were linked to homosexual (“male-to-male”) sex. And 94.1 percent of the cases among young men ages 20-24 (more analysis follows graphic) were from “gay” sex:
With the incidence of HIV among men so closely tied to homosexual sex, shouldn’t the government and all concerned and compassionate adults be urging young men and teenaged boys NOT to engage in or experiment with dangerous homosexual behavior? And yet, the CDC and other pro-“gay” institutions (including many schools public and private) are doing exactly the opposite, as they focus instead on affirming “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender” youth as a “sexual minority.”
Feds Fund ‘Gay’ Youth Activist Groups
Another CDC document, “HIV and Young Men Who Have Sex with Men” (June 2012), reports that in 2011, the CDC awarded funds to two homosexual activists groups — the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and the Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSAN) — “to assist CDC-funded public health and environmental changes to help schools and communities meet the health and medical needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth.” See this CNSNews article on the CDC grant.
With HIV rates growing among YMSM (young men who have sex with men), the CDC’s focus on building self-esteem among LGBT youth and creating a “positive school climate” for homosexuals — includes forming “gay”-affirming clubs in schools — seems disconnected from reality. The aforementioned CDC report on HIV and YMSM states:
“Gay-straight alliances (GSAs) are one approach being used to create safe and welcoming school environments. Research has shown that in schools with support groups such as GSA’s, lesbian, gay and bisexual students were less likely to experience threats of violence, miss school because they felt unsafe, or attempt suicide than those in schools without such groups.”
In the same report, the CDC identifies the behaviors among young homosexuals that are causing the escalating HIV rates:
“A CDC analysis of date from 13 YRBS [Youth Risk Behavior Survey] sites found that sexual minority students, especially those who identified as homosexual or bisexual, were disproportionately likely to engage in many health risk behaviors, including sexual risk behaviors (such as having sexual intercourse for the first time at younger ages, having multiple sex partners, and not using condoms); tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use; and behaviors related to attempted suicide.”
Elsewhere in the CDC report it touts CDC funding for “school health professionals … to help them understand the needs of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth and shape behavioral messages accordingly.” But those behavioral messages apparently do not include discouraging students from engaging in homosexual sex.
Elephant in the room
The chasm between the obvious and extreme health risks associated with “gay” male sex and the CDC’s politically correct, pro-homosexuality mindset reflects public policy malpractice on an Orwellian scale. “Gay” activist ideology and assumptions — including intrinsic (many would claim innate) “gay”/bi/transgender identities — go unquestioned at the CDC. Ironically, the most direct answer to the HIV-youth crisis — teaching young people NOT to practice unhealthy homosexual sex — is the one thing that is essentially forbidden.
All across America, “gay” activists and their straight liberal allies are advocating “gay”-positive lesson plans and strategies in response to anti-homosexual bullying. However, while everyone can agree that all bullying is wrong, many “anti-bullying” programs double as pro-LGBT affirmation programs. This is troubling because:1) bullying can be discouraged with neutral messaging that does not promote “out and proud” homosexuality and transgenderism; and 2) in the name of “safety,” educators and cultural elites are advocating a sexual lifestyle that has continually been shown to be dangerous, particularly for males.
[1] Produced by the CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD & TB Prevention, a division of HIV/AIDS Prevention. Data is for 2008-2011.