Richmond’s Catholic Bishop DiLorenzo Reaffirms Church Teachings on Marriage after Sen. Tim Kaine Says Church Will One Day Accept Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Thursday, September 15th, 2016

Democratic vice-presidential candidate and former Virginia governor Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) addressed the Human Rights Campaign national dinner September 10, 2016. Kaine, who calls himself a “devout” Catholic, said he believes the Catholic Church will one day embrace homosexual “marriage”–a claim rejected by his own bishop three days after Kaine’s HRC speech (see statement below).

The following statement was released by the Roman Catholic Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo of the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia–after self-described “devout” Catholic. Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Virginia), the Democratic vice-presidential candidate, said that he believes the Catholic Church will one day recognize homosexual “marriage.” Sen. Kaine made the comment in a campaign speech September 10, 2016 at the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest and best-funded homosexual-bisexual-transgender lobby organization.


For Immediate Release: September 13, 2016

Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo Statement on
The Catholic Church’s Teaching Regarding Marriage

“More than a year after the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage, and despite recent statements from the campaign trail, the Catholic Church’s 2000-year-old teaching to the truth about what constitutes marriage remains unchanged and resolute.

“As Catholics, we believe, all humans warrant dignity and deserve love and respect, and unjust discrimination is always wrong. Our understanding of marriage, however, is a matter of justice and fidelity to our Creator’s original design. Marriage is the only institution uniting one man and one woman with each other and with any child who comes from their union. Redefining marriage furthers no one’s rights, least of all those of children, who should not purposely be deprived of the right to be nurtured and loved by a mother and a father.

“We call on Catholics and all those concerned for preserving this sacred union to unite in prayer, to live and speak out with compassion and charity about the true nature of marriage – the heart of family life.”

# # #


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The ‘Transgender’ Lobby’s Civil Rights Con – Common Sense Bathroom Laws Are Nothing Like Racist Jim Crow Laws

Thursday, May 19th, 2016
Bruce Smith Jr., founder of Purity Quest Ministries and author of "The Truth About Homosexuality."

Bruce Smith Jr., founder of Purity Quest Ministries and author of “The Truth About Homosexuality.”

“Race and Transgenderism are utterly incomparable, and so are common sense bathroom laws and racist segregation. Yet this hasn’t stopped immoralists and pro-LGBT advocates from drawing a false equivalence between the two.”–Bruce Smith Jr.

Folks, we welcome Bruce Smith Jr., founder of Purity Quest Ministries, as a contributor to Americans For Truth. Smith analyzes the LGBT analogy between “transgender women” (men in dresses) being denied entry into female restrooms and racist Jim Crow laws of the past. Former GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson has called such analogies “a bunch of crap,” and we agree. Smith is also the author of the book, The Truth About Homosexuality, which I encourage you to purchase.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera


By Bruce Smith Jr.

We’re being lied to and the liars at the fore of the “transgender” movement hope we don’t notice. The problem is their falsehoods are so obvious that it is impossible to overlook them– except for those who just aren’t paying attention and the liberals who actually believe the lies are true.

In any case, it is time to set the record straight on the “transgender” activist movement, the lies on which it is based, and the liars that are perpetuating this insanity.

Let’s begin with the term itself. The common liberal definition of “transgender” is a person trapped inside the body of the opposite sex. This is telling because it assumes that it is possible for someone to be trapped in the wrong body, which is a false assumption. Moreover, it establishes that “transgenderism” is based entirely on feelings and opinions; it is a concept that only exists in the mind of the subject.

Race_Is_Not_A_Feeling_Graphic_Bruce_Smith_QuoteThus, “transgenderism” is subjective not objective. In other words, it does not correspond to reality. This is why “transgenderism” has been diagnosed as a “gender identity disorder.”

Race, on the other hand, is objective. I am a multiracial man—some would say person of color; that is a fact. Race is not limited to the mind of the subject. It is actual, it corresponds with reality and is verifiable.

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It’s Not Just About Bathrooms: Why My Family Won’t Be Shopping at Target Stores Anymore

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

In addition to allowing men in female restrooms, Target backs radical LGBT “Equality Act”; boasts 100% perfect score on HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”

target-3Folks, today I sent the following letter to Target using their online Contact Form. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

TAKE ACTION: Contact Target at 800-440-0680 or using their Online Contact Form; and sign the AFA “Boycott Target” petition if you plan to join the boycott. If you do, make a point of going into your local Target store or calling the manager to explain why you and your family will no longer shop there. 


TARGET: 100% Pro-Homosexual-Transgender Agenda: Target boasts online of its “perfect” ranking on HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index.” The biased LGBT “Index” punishes corporations for giving to pro-family causes–and rewards them for funding “gay” and “transgender” groups and events. This graphic is taken directly from the Target website.


Why My Family Won’t Be Shopping at Target Stores Anymore

May 2, 2016

By Peter LaBarbera

WARNING: offensive descriptions of horrifying transsexual “sex reassignment surgeries”

Dear Target,

My family and I are joining the Target boycott and will no longer shop at your stores. It is preposterous that all Target stores now allow men to use female restrooms—a sex predator’s dream. Girls have the basic right not to have their private spaces invaded by men, for ANY reason.

My family has done a LOT of shopping at Target over the years, but no more. One of my five children even worked at Target–but now I will not allow my two teenage kids to apply for a job there given Target’s leftist, politically correct corporate policies. Target has chosen to be contemptuous of common sense and Americans who are motivated by faith, decency and traditional morality. So we in turn choose to no longer support Target with our consumer dollars.

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Barack Obama’s Radical LGBT Legacy – An Immoral ‘Transformation’ of America

Wednesday, January 13th, 2016

Anti-Christian lobby group HRC tallies Obama’s long list of pro-homosexual and pro-transgender “accomplishments”

Another Dubious Obama LGBT "First": Barack Obama is obviously the first U.S. President to turn the White House--the people's house--into a symbol of homosexual-bisexual-transgender activism. The rainbow has been appropriated by the LGBTQ movement as the symbol of their sin movement.

Two More Dubious Obama LGBT “Firsts”: Obviously, Barack Obama is the first U.S. President to turn the White House–the American people’s house–into a symbol of homosexual-bisexual-transgender activism. (The rainbow has been appropriated by LGBTQ activists as the symbol of their de facto sin movement.) Obama is also the first president to sit for a photo-shoot for a homosexualist magazine, OUT Magazine, in its December 2015 issue.


Summary of President Obama’s Commitment to LGBT Equality [the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda]

Note to AFTAH readers: the following is a list of President Barack Obama’s homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda “achievements,” produced by Human Rights Campaign, the world’s most powerful and well-funded LGBT lobby organization. [See the original HRC report on PDF HERE.] Even close followers of Obama’s socially left agenda will be surprised by the magnitude of his LGBT record. We have bolded some of the more important Obama actions–note especially #28 and #33 in which Obama undermined the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), thus accelerating the legal momentum for legalized same-sex “marriage.”


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Target Corporation Backs Radical ‘Equality Act’ (HR 3185) – aka ‘Criminalizing Christianity Act’

Friday, November 20th, 2015

Retail giant stands proudly with anti-Christian homosexual-transgender lobby, Human Rights Campaign


Target Backs Anti-Christian LGBT “Equality Act,” HR 3185: The corporate giant is standing with anti-Christian activists at the Human Rights Campaign to support the most radical and far-reaching homosexual-transgender legislation ever introduced in Congress. AFTAH is calling HR 3185 the “Criminalizing Christianity Act” because it would empower the State to punish those who exercise their conscience and stand up for biblical morality on sex and true marriage (between a man and a woman). Call Target at 800-440-0680 [or 612-696-3400; hit #1]; or write them via their contact page. E-mail Target at or

TAKE ACTION: Contact Target Corporation: [(800)440-0680; or call 612-696-3400 and hit #1; email: or]; urge them to reverse their support of the anti-Christian “Equality Act”; [HR 3185; S. 1858] aka the “Criminalizing Christianity Act” or “Homosexual Superiority Act.” Suggest to Target that they would be smarter to at least stay neutral in the Culture Wars over redefining marriage and “civil rights” rather than siding with intolerant homosexual and transgender activists. The latter now champion anti-Christian bigotry by equating the defense of biblical morality and marriage with “hate”–and make shameful comparisons between cross-dressing men using Female restrooms and racist Jim Crow laws from the past that persecuted Black Americans.

For more information about the “Criminalizing Christianity Act,” go HERE. Target’s pandering and capitulations to LGBT activists go way back: see this 2011 L.A. Times article reporting Target’s pledge to give at least half a million dollars per year to homosexual activist organizations.


Target Backs “Criminalizing Christianity Act,” HR 3185

By Peter LaBarbera

The popular department store giant Target has recently signed on as a corporate endorser of the radical homosexual-transgender “Equality Act” (HR 3185; S. 1858). AFTAH has renamed this LGBT bill the “Homosexual Superiority Act” or the “Criminalizing Christianity Act” because it will accelerate pro-homosexual State tyranny against people of faith or morals who oppose sinful, unnatural homosexual behavior and same-sex “marriage.” See this piece on HR 3185.

Target recently put out a statement on HR 3185–which was ballyhooed by the powerful, anti-Christian homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign (a Target ally):

“Target proudly stands with the LGBT community through all that we do, from our partnerships with organizations like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), to our volunteer efforts, and even the products we sell. We want to be a champion for an inclusive society by using our influence and resources to support equality in the communities where our team members and guests live and work…

“Target is helping to lead the fight against discrimination by putting its support behind the Equality Act. Discrimination has no place in the workplace, and Target is demonstrating to all that inclusion is a pillar of any successful business,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “The time has come for full federal equality, and HRC is proud to include Target as a partner in this fight. Everyone should have a fair chance to earn a living, provide for their families, and live free from fear of discrimination, including Americans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.”

HRC continues in its statement:

Target has a history of scoring highly on HRC’s Corporate Equality Index, and was named as one of HRC’s 2015 “Best Places to Work”.

Target joins a number of leading American corporations, including Amazon, American Airlines, Apple, the Dow Chemical Company, Facebook, General Electric, General Mills, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Levi Strauss & Co, Microsoft, Nike, Oracle, Orbitz, PayPal and Symantec Corporation in support of federal LGBT non-discrimination protections.

As AFTAH has documented, HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index” is a woefully-biased”scorecard” that gives companies points toward a Perfect 100 rating for making grants to LGBT activist groups–but takes points away from corporations that give to, say, pro-traditional-marriage groups. The homosexual-transgender lobby group continues to ratchet up the scoring criteria so that pro-“gay” corporations that have attained the “100 percent” ranking are pressured to make ever greater capitulations to LGBT demands to keep their “perfect” rating. In recent years that includes massive grants to pro-LGBT events such as “gay pride parades” [see Walmart’s funding of “New York City pride” HERE] and health insurance coverage for transgender employees seeking body-disfiguring “sex reassignment surgeries” as they “transition” to the opposite sex.

For more information about the “Criminalizing Christianity Act,” go HERE. Target’s pandering and capitulations to LGBT activists go way back: see this 2011 L.A. Times article reporting Target’s pledge to give at least half a million dollars per year to homosexual activist organizations. HRC is relying on large corporations to build support in Congress for the radical “Equality Act”; see this HRC release.

TAKE ACTION: Contact Target Corporation: [(800)440-0680; or call 612-696-3400 and hit #1; email: or

Urge Speaker Paul Ryan and Congress to oppose the “Criminalizing Christianity Act” (HR 3185). Call 202-225-3121 for the House and 202-224-3121 for the Senate. More information from AFTAH HERE.

Who Is the Out-of-Touch Bigot on Transsexuals in Public Bathrooms? Dr. Ben Carson or Chad Griffin of Human Rights Campaign?

Friday, November 6th, 2015

AFTAH Media Release

November 6, 2015; contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787;

Who Is the Out of Touch Bigot on Transsexuals in Public Bathrooms: Ben Carson or the Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin?

WASHINGTON — Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera today accused Chad Griffin, president of the high-powered homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign, of “reverse bigotry” after Griffin smeared GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson for allegedly acting like a “segregationist.” Griffin made the absurd and ugly charge after Carson said that cross-dressing men and women should have their own “transgender restrooms” rather than make people uncomfortable by using bathrooms not designated for their biological sex. [AFTAH release continues after video clip below]:



Asked by journalist-activist Jorge Ramos, “Should transgender men and women use any public bathroom they choose,” Dr. Ben Carson calmly responded, “How about we have a transgender bathroom?”

Carson continued: “It is not fair for them [cross-dressing “transgenders”] to make everyone else uncomfortable. It’s one of the things I don’t particularly like about the [LGBT] movement. I think everybody has equal rights, but I’m not sure anybody should have extra rights—extra rights when it comes to redefining everything for everybody else, and imposing your view on everybody else, when the way this country was designed was live and let live.”

HRC’s Griffin blasted Carson in a press release:

“Ben Carson’s hateful comments are out of touch and all candidates should immediately make clear that they disavow his dangerously transphobic views,” he fumed. “Ben Carson can’t go a week without invoking reckless and irresponsible stereotypes about the LGBT community, and his suggestion that transgender people be required to use segregated bathrooms echoes an ugly past our country should never revisit.”

LaBarbera responded:

“Shame on Chad Griffin for invoking racist Jim Crow laws against an African American man to justify the insanity of allowing gender-confused men to use female restrooms. The bottom line here is that a rich, powerful white homosexual activist in Washington, D.C., Chad Griffin, is a accusing a thoughtful black man, Dr. Ben Carson—who rose from humble roots to become a prominent neurosurgeon and a role model for youth everywhere—of being the moral equivalent of a Jim Crow racist. Why? Simply because Carson believes that girls and women should not be forced by ‘transgender rights’ laws to suffer the indignity of having their private spaces invaded by sexually confused men in dresses who think they’re women.”

On Tuesday, Houston voters overwhelmingly rejected—by a 61-39 margin—the city’s proposed LGBT “HERO” ordinance, which would have banned so-called “gender-identity nondiscrimination,” thus allowing gender-confused men and boys to use female-designated restrooms, and vice versa. Pro-family advocates who won the landslide “No” vote campaigned heavily on the dangers to women and girls of letting men into private female restrooms.

Chad Griffin - Washington, DC

Chad Griffin of Human Rights Campaign

Said LaBarbera: “I ask you: who is truly out of touch here regarding men in female restrooms? Dr. Ben Carson with his common sense yet regrettably necessary solution–or Chad Griffin—the powerful lobbyist for a pro-Democrat Washington homosexual organization? Ask any woman: I think most would side with Carson.”

LaBarbera added that the danger of the proposed federal LGBT “Equality Act” (HR 3185)—which he dubbed the “Homosexual-Transgender Superiority Act” and the “Criminalizing Christianity Act”—is that it would put federal government power behind the brand of “reverse bigotry” espoused by Griffin.

“It’s bad enough that decent people are being accused by vicious homosexual zealots of ‘hate and bigotry’ simply because they uphold historic Judeo-Christian norms for sex and marriage and defend their First Amendment freedoms,” he said. “But imagine the mom-and-pop owners of a family business facing federal ‘civil rights’ prosecution merely because they won’t allow a big-boned, sex-confused guy wearing pumps and a skirt to enter the female restroom in their establishment? Are we really going to force women to have their private spaces violated in the name of LGBT ‘Equality’?! Are Chad Griffin and HRC anti-women?”


Americans For Truth About Homosexuality ( is a non-partisan Christian group that does not endorse political candidates. AFTAH is moving its operations to the Washington, D.C. area. Its debut dinner-banquet in the nation’s capital featuring “Making Gay Okay” author Robert Reilly will be held Saturday, November 21 at Patriot Hall in Vienna, VA. Details HERE.

RFRA Reversed: Gov. Mike Pence Signs Indiana’s First Statewide Homosexual ‘Rights’ Bill into Law

Friday, April 3rd, 2015

New law explicitly denies conscience protections for small business owners; LGBT Lobby not appeased — demands full ENDA-type legislation for Indiana


Appeasement Emboldens ‘Gay’ Lobby: Graphic for homosexual activist group Human Rights Campaign demands more pro-homosexual legislation in Indiana following the Republican-led legislature’s and Gov. Mick Pence’s capitulation negating the state’s Religious Freedom law. Click on graphic above to enlarge.

By Peter LaBarbera

In a stunning, politically-correct turnaround following a week of LGBT protests and media and business opposition, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence yesterday signed into law a pro-homosexual legislative “fix” of the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)–effectively turning it into Indiana’s first statewide homosexual “rights” law.

The language of the revised RFRA crafted by Indiana’s Republican House and Senate leaders and signed into law by Gov. Pence stipulates that the new RFRA “does not authorize a provider to refuse to offer or provide services, facilities, use of public accommodation, goods, employment, or housing” to any Indiana citizen on the basis of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity”–in addition to the usual criteria such as race, sex and disability. [See the full language HERE.]

When asked specifically at a press conference yesterday if the revised RFRA legislation could be used to defend the besieged owners of an Indiana pizza shop who told a reporter that theoretically they would not serve a homosexual “wedding,” Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma said:

“We can unequivocally say that RFRA cannot be used to discriminate against anyone.”

The law still protects churches and religious, non-profit organizations from being forced to participate in homosexual “weddings”–but not everyday small businessmen like the owners of the Indianapolis cookie stand “Just Cookies.” In 2012, the Christian owners of Just Cookies declined on principle to make “rainbow cookies” for a homosexual student group at Purdue University-Indianapolis. “Gay’ activists led a campaign against the company using Indianapolis’ “sexual orientation” statute; ultimately the owners settled with the city without paying damages. [To read about other conscience victims of the homosexual agenda, see this WND Whistleblower article by the author.]

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LaBarbera Statement on 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision Legalizing Abortion

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

HRC, National LGBTQ Task Force and other homosexual groups work hand-in-hand with Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion lobby

Planned Parenthood Activism: A day-long "institute" for LGBTQ activists held by the National LGBTQ Task Force's "Creating Change" conference, to be held in Denver next month, adopts Planned Parenthood tactics in the leftist crusade for "sexual freedom."

Learning Activism from Planned Parenthood: LGBT activists work hand-in-hand with the Abortion Lobby. This is a notice for a day-long “institute” for LGBTQ activists to be held at the National LGBTQ Task Force’s “Creating Change” 2015 conference; it adopts Planned Parenthood tactics in the leftist crusade for “sexual rights.” The world’s leading abortion provider is very active in promoting homosexuality and gender confusion–and even fringe sexual “lifestyles” like BDSM (Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism)–to young people. View the full  151-page Creating Change 2015 program HERE; we added the emphasis to this item, which is found on page 66. Creating Change 2015 will be held next month in Denver. Click to enlarge.

AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera issued the following statement on January 22, 2015–the 42nd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, which, along with the companion case Doe v. Bolton, ushered in legalized abortion-on-demand as a privacy “right” across the United States:

“On this day marking the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we remember and memorialize the unborn victims of abortion-on-demand. We stand with Americans and people the world over who are working to stop the ongoing massacre of innocents made possible by this judicial travesty.

“Sadly, many pro-homosexual groups like Human Rights Campaign and the National LGBTQ Task Force also aggressively promote abortion ‘rights.’ Planned Parenthood, in addition to being the world’s biggest abortion provider, actively promotes homosexuality, bisexuality, gender confusion–and even sadomasochism–to young people.

“Ideas and laws–and unjust court decisions–have consequences, and today is a reminder that the Culture of Death and Disease takes an immense toll on humanity. We must continue to stand up for the most defenseless in society by working to stop abortion.”

Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH)

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