VIDEO: Americans for Truth Live Debut Webcast| 1.14.2019

Monday, January 14th, 2019

Folks, this is the debut episode of our new daily AFTAH webcast, “Americans For Truth Live.” It will air live Monday through Friday at noon Central Time (1:00 PM Eastern, 10:00 AM Pacific, 11:00 AM Mountain) right here on the AFTAH website. As you can see, we are still ironing out some wrinkles in the show, but I am super excited about it.

Americans For Truth Live will feature tons of hard-hitting, politically INcorrect analysis and interviews with some of the leading front-line happy warriors fighting Big LGBTQ, in America and across the globe. There will be more than a little laughter, and lots of God’s honest Truth. This video explains how AFTAH and our message is different: we’re hopping off the “Always on Defense” pro-family train, and are not afraid to speak tough truths, even if that means criticizing the Republican Party or (brace yourself!) Fox News.

Pro-LGBTQ “progressives” and the gay-/trans-cheerleading liberal media are now celebrating 11-year-old “drag kid” “Desmond Is Amazing” (Desmond Napoles).

Please spread the word about this new webcast. Share it everywhere. Tell your family and friends. Join the counter-revolution against the reckless Sexual and Gender-Rebelling Left–you know, the LGBTQueer activists and their “progressive” allies who think we all should celebrate an 11-year-old boy who identifies as a “drag kid” and performs at “gay” bars where men throw dollar bills at him.

Send me your feedback at, and please pray for and support this show if you are able [donate safely online HERE] so we can begin setting men and woman to freely and aggressively defend Truth against the secular-Left lies all around us. Because it’s God’s Truth to defend, not ours. God bless. –– Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera

ISP FirstLight Fiber Shuts Down Entire AFTAH Website – Kowtows to Convicted Homosexual Sex Offender and Web Bully Adam Flanders

Monday, September 17th, 2018

Flanders sends emails claiming mugshot from assault arrest against teen boy is “copyrighted” property; two gullible corporations buy it and close down AFTAH sites

Media Release September 17, 2018
Contact: Peter LaBarbera, americansfortruth@gmail; 312-324-3787

A “Copyrighted” Mugshot? This mugshot photo of homosexual activist and registered sex offender Adam Flanders is from a November 24, 2006 arrest in Maine on assault charges against his underage boyfriend. Flanders–who later held a knife to the neck of the boy, then 16, to threaten the boy’s dad–is on the registered Sex Offenders list in Maine and California after pleading guilty in 2008 for  “Sexual Abuse of a Minor” for having sex with an underage boy. Flanders says he is the “sole copyright owner” of the photo–and he used that absurd claim to threaten AFTAH’s web service provider, FirstLight Fiber, which bowed to his demands. The photo above was evidently taken after Flanders was arrested on assault charges on November 24, 2006, according to his Criminal History Record as obtained from the Maine State Bureau of Identification. (See page 2 for Assault arrest apparently associated with this “11-25-06” mugshot.) NOTE: Flanders’ claim that the above mugshot photo exposes his Social Security number is also bogus. The numbers on the black card are NOT his SSN number; the information on his jail wristband is not legible. Perhaps that explains why this same photo remains on MassResistance’s site despite Flanders’ fanatical attempts over several years to have it and other material removed.

CHICAGO, IL—The entire website for Americans For Truth About Homosexuality ( was shut down for more than two weeks beginning August 24 after a convicted homosexual sex offender, Adam Flanders, threatened a lawsuit against FirstLight Fiber, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) for AFTAH’s web host company–claiming his mugshot photo from a 2006 assault arrest against a minor boy was “copyrighted” material.

Flanders, a homosexual activist, is a registered sex offender in both Maine and California, where he now lives. He pleaded guilty in 2008 to “Sexual Abuse of a Minor” involving a boy aged 14 or 15. He also admitted to engaging in homosexual sex with his then-14-year-old boyfriend when he (Flanders) was 18–in a 2007 public letter exposing a Maine “gay youth” club. Later, Flanders sought to retract the letter and demanded that web sites take it down.

Flanders has a long history of making such litigious and mendacious threats containing absurd, exaggerated and sometimes nonsensical claims against pro-family leaders and websites that have exposed his past criminal offenses and other actions.

The mugshot photo in question can be viewed at upper right. AFTAH will not take it down because it is obviously in the public domain and not “owned” by Flanders. (Mugshots are routinely used in news stories and political ads.) Note also that after years of Flanders’ harassing threats and even a $1 million “defamation” lawsuit against pro-family hero Brian Camenker and his organization, MassResistance (see below), the identical Flanders 2006 mugshot photo printed by AFTAH remains posted throughout the MR site. Had Flanders’ accusations any legal merit, would Camenker leave them up, risking further ordeals?

Weighing legal options

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth, and Jared Heath, CEO of Altha Technology, AFTAH’s web host company, are weighing their legal options against Flanders and FirstLight Fiber, the ISP that capitulated to his spurious email demand. Another ISP, HostGator, took down an AFTAH temporary site (see below); that site, “Americans For Truth Censored,” remains down.

“Flanders’ reckless actions and the ISPs that bowed to them have caused me and Jared Heath, the ex-Marine who runs AFTAH’s web host company, severe emotional and mental distress. They also have caused us significant financial harm and damage to our reputations,” said LaBarbera. “I know Flanders wants to erase his crimes from the web, especially his Sexual Abuse of a Minor conviction, but we will never give in to his intimidation tactics.”

Internet Bully: This vicious and venomous image was created by Maine “gay” activist Adam Flanders to bully Christian singer/songwriter Paulie Heath and intimidate the Heath family. Paulie’s husband, pro-family hero Mike Heath, was head of the Christian Civic League of Maine at the time. See below.

LaBarbera also called on Flanders to privately and publicly apologize to Paulie Heath, Jared’s mother, for the horrific and demented web-bullying graphic he created in 2005 cruelly distorting her visage (see below).

Flanders held knife at teen boyfriend’s throat

As this 2013 U.S. District Court document reveals (p.2), Flanders was arrested again in 2007 for another, more violent crime involving the same boy, now 16. According to U.S. Magistrate Judge Margaret Kravchuk’s decision, Flanders knifed the father of the teen boy lover after violating a court protection order to stay away from the boy. In that altercation, when the boy’s father came to rescue his son, Flanders held a knife at the boy’s throat, and knifed both the father and the boy in the altercation.

FirstLight took down the entire AFTAH website on August 24, 2018, three days after receiving an “abuse” complaint demanding “removal of copyrighted content pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).” AFTAH site has been up since September 10 using a separate IP address, but Flanders is continually working to take it down, and is again threatening legal action against LaBarbera and Heath.

FirstLight’s reckless takedown of an entire pro-family website containing thousands of articles–based on a single email containing outlandish assertions by a homosexual activist trying to erase his criminal history–demonstrates the growing crisis of anti-conservative censorship in Corporate America.

As AFTAH was reeling from Flanders’ harassment, it learned that Facebook had demanded that the AFTAH Facebook page take down a harmless post involving another homosexual activist, Phillip Picardi. The post, shown HERE and below, shows Picardi taking a selfie of him kissing another man as he defiantly gives the finger to critics upset at his defense of an article promoting anal sex in Teen Vogue, a magazine for young girls. Picardi is digital editor of Teen Vogue.

The following is a sample of Flanders’ previous outrageous and litigious stunts:

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Mike Heath Interviews AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera

Sunday, September 18th, 2016

Mike Heath of Helping Hands Ministries in Maine interviewed Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera September 14, 2016. Their discussion begins around the 12:30 mark and ends around 37:45:

By the way, Mike Heath has the noble distinction of having played a leadership role in not one but two successful, statewide efforts to overturn homosexuality-based “special rights” laws, in Maine. We call them “special rights” but perhaps “false rights” is more accurate. Because unlike genuine rights, which come from God, the panoply of modern homosexualist laws are rooted in sinful, unnatural behaviors like sodomy destructive to mind, body and soul. — Peter LaBarbera,

Mike Heath Weighs ‘Equal Rights Not Special Rights’ Referendum in Maine

Thursday, January 21st, 2016


Archive of Evil: (left to right) AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera, Mike Heath and Albert Urias stand across the street from the bizarre Chicago sadomasochism “museum” (Leather Archives) in 2015–after calling attention to its vile contents, which included a book eroticizing violent, incestuous adult-child S&M. The perversion “museum” at 6418 N.  Greenview Ave., in Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood–is located within blocks of three schools. See AFTAH story HERE and our flier alerting local residents HERE.

Folks, I bring you this piece by my friend Mike Heath–which testifies to the utter collapse of the pro-family movement dedicated to resisting homosexualism. Mike is the only man in America to have led not one but two successful statewide repeals of homosexualist legislation (“sexual orientation” laws), in Maine in 1998 and 2001. Mike (and other pro-family heroes like Paul Madore and Paul Volle) understood that that those very types of laws were being used across the United States–indeed, the world–to suppress the freedom to act upon one’s religious and moral beliefs. By the way, that was happening well before “same-sex marriage” became a major issue.

Despite their two David-vs.-Goliath victories, a few years ago Mike and his gutsy truth-telling team were cast aside by the powers that be of the Christian Civic League of Maine–which today adopts a more “nuanced” tone. (Translation: the League is a shell of its former self in terms of aggressively defending biblical sexual values.) Yes, CCL, like so many others in the pro-family and conservative movements, has “moved on” by  largely giving up the hard fight of directly taking on the Sin Movement that calls itself “Gay.”

At the same time, and not coincidentally, the League is more subservient to the Maine Republican Party. Perhaps a name-change is in order: the Republican Civic League of Maine?

I know, it’s depressing: sellouts and unilateral surrenders are always rationalized, even by Bible-professing Christians. But I will never accept that the side defending God’s Truth should be less bold, less determined and–most importantly–less principled than the side fighting a fanatical cultural “war” against God and godly morality; against Nature; and against the innocence and moral rectitude of children.

Regardless, Mike is now getting back into the game in Maine, and I for one believe the state will be better off for it. Whether or not his proposed referendum takes off, those who are decidedly on the side of Truth in this values “war” ought to support Mike Heath and help him in any way they can (including volunteering). Send gifts to: Equal Rights Not Special Rights, 5 Sylvan Way, Chelsea, ME 04330, you can reach Mike at 207-956-0819; email:; website: HERE.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Mike writes:


Popular Uprising or Legislative Action?

In a few posts last year I chronicled my extremely slow progress on a referendum idea. You can read those posts by clicking on the Referendum category in this blog.

With the Legislature back in session for the next few months I’ve decided to consult with leaders regarding the referendum idea. I started that process in earnest this week. Here’s the situation in Maine:

  • Transgendering and all forms of sexual activity outside of marriage (sexual orientation) are grounds for legal action against Maine citizens who choose to associate with groups and individuals who don’t make their sexual sin a public issue.
  • Civil marriage hasn’t existed in Maine since 2012. It was replaced by a highly individualistic “institution” designed to destroy multi-generation families (homosexuality-based “marriage”). Marriage is simple: one man, one woman, one lifetime.
  • Maine’s Attorney General propagandizes youth with taxpayer money through “Civil Rights Teams” that are forced by law to equate morality with immorality in the minds of our young people.
  • No strategy for either resistance or victory exists in Maine. The only potential action I’ve heard about is the possibility of some limited political developments sometime this year.
  • The political and cultural Left has effectively stopped strategizing/resistance at the state level in both the Republican and Democrat parties. Even the outspoken tea party Governor was forced to bow to their insanity.

What should be done?

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Mike Heath of Maine Recounts Murder Linked to Chicago Sadomasochistic ‘Perversion Museum’ – Leather Archives

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

“The sin of homosexual perversion took Fred Wilson to a place called a dungeon. It cost him his life, and it showed him the horrors of hell.”

–Mike Heath, at AFTAH press event exposing Chicago’s “Leather Archives” perversion “museum”

Rev. Mike Heath stands next to AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera at press event in front of Chicago's "Perversion Museum," the sadomasochism-celebrating Leather Archives & Museum. At right with microphone is Monte Larrick, the former Moody Radio reporter who now does media reports for Illinois Family Institute.

Calling Evil, Evil: Rev. Mike Heath stands to the left of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera at press event in front of Chicago’s homosexual “Perversion Museum,” the sadomasochism-celebrating “Leather Archives & Museum.” At right with microphone is Monte Larrick, the former Moody Radio reporter who now is on staff Illinois Family Institute. See Part One of AFTAH’s report on the vile collections housed at the “museum”–which include works celebrating “fisting,” urination “watersports” and BDSM–including the eroticization of such perversions engaged in between adults and minors. See AFTAH’s PDF flier alerting Chicago residents to the uber-perverse “museum” HERE.

The following statement on Chicago “Leather Archive and Museum” was made May 22, 2015, at a press event held directly in front of the Leather Archived & Museum at 6418 N. Greenview Avenue in Chicago:

Chicago, Illinois

Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) Press Conference

Friday, May 22, 2015

By Rev. Michael S. Heath, President, Helping Hands Ministries Augusta, Maine


My friend Peter LaBarbera and I are here today to expose a grave, and up to now, a well­-hidden evil.

Christianity teaches that evil thrives by cloaking itself in what is pleasing and what is good. Hence, sodomy is called being “gay.” The word “gay” is like the name on the front of this building “LA&M.”

It sounds pleasant, lamb­like almost. The vile movement that is honored by this “museum” chooses to hide their evil, their malice and their contempt for community standards behind the name “LA&M.”

Bruce LaVallee-Davidson

Bruce LaVallee-Davidson

But no evil can be concealed for very long. Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God, Very God in Human Form, said “What is done in secret shall be shouted from the rooftops.”

We are here to shout it from the rooftops. Fred Wilson could not be here today to tell his story. Fred Wilson is dead, He was a donor to this temple, this shrine to sadomasochism, and he was shot and killed in a sadomasochistic orgy. Four days later, his killer testified on behalf of same sex “marriage” at a public hearing in Maine.

I published an article on the matter in 2012:

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The Calamity of Elliot Rodger and Mike Michaud

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

Heath: “Gay marriage” equates the “sterility and harm of homosexual perversion with the fruitfulness and sanctity of marriage”

First published Jun 21, 2014, on

Mass murderer Elliot Rodger.

Mass murderer Elliot Rodger.

By Michael Heath

No ray of sunshine, no warm ocean breeze rustling through the palm leaves can bring cheer to Isla Vista. A cloud of sorrow covers the picturesque college town and seeps though every fastened gate, through every locked and bolted door, and pierces every bewildered heart.

Nothing is more precious than the life of a young woman who eagerly awaits the joys of life. And no hurt exceeds the pain of a father or mother who sees a cap and gown replaced by a funeral shroud.

America should weep bitter tears over this. America must. Like the Prodigal Son who abandoned his father’s ample table to feed on the husks of swine, America has exchanged traditional views on marriage and the family for an unworkable code of sexual liberation. Under this dubious code, each man and woman becomes a law unto himself.  If anyone doubts this, let him contemplate the words of the perpetrator. In his final message to society, Elliot Rodger declared himself to be beyond the commands and prohibitions of any law, human or divine.

Elliot Rodger’s understanding of human existence and sexual morality was gleaned at random from pop culture, lurid movies, and violent video games. Far from regarding women as a helpmate, life-long companion, and future mother of his children–which is the Christian view of marriage–Rodger saw women as a potential sexual conquest, a sort of prey.

In my 30-year battle for the family and marriage, insofar as God gave me the strength and wisdom to do so, I warned of the extreme danger which results from a wrong understanding of human sexuality. My warnings were rejected, both by society at large and by the pro-family movement, as alarmist, intolerant, and divisive.

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