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Friday, December 7th, 2018
Brian Fitzpatrick (1960-2018)
Folks, I tweeted this Dec. 5:
Yesterday [Dec. 4] my best friend, Brian Fitzpatrick, passed away suddenly. He was a great man. Though weak physically, he had a tremendous heart for God, and lived for Him. I will miss him, but am comforted knowing that he is now in the glorious presence of his Savior, Jesus Christ.
In addition to being like a brother to me, Brian was a big part of Americans For Truth. He was a strong influence on AFTAH becoming more biblically and morality-focused in our approach to the LGBTQ “culture war.” (He would say, and I’m paraphrasing: “The less the Bible is mentioned in the public square, the less relevant it becomes to Americans and the larger culture.”)
The photo at right is of Brian speaking at our rally June 26, 2018 in front of the Supreme Court marking the third anniversary of the devastating, God-dishonoring Obergefell v. Hodges ruling on that effectively imposed homosexuality-based “marriage” on the nation. Brian leaves behind his parents and family, and fiancée, Trinka. They were to be married in May. I’ll have more on Brian’s life in an upcoming piece. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter; @PeterLaBarbera
Posted in AFTAH, Biblical Truth, Natural Moral Law, News, Redefining Morality
Sunday, October 23rd, 2016
From AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s Twitter page; go HERE to see the thread:
Peter LaBarbera @PeterLaBarbera
Two “dirty” words in post-#Christian America: the S-word and the M-word: Sin & Morality. We need a revival to truly #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. 3:41 PM, Oct. 23, 2106
Posted in Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Redefining Morality
Saturday, July 30th, 2016
No Law Can Make Sodomy Safe or Good: Poster warns attendees of International Mr. Leather (IML), a homosexual deviance-sex-fest held every year in Chicago, of the increased risk for meningitis among “gay and bisexual men.” See AFTAH’s story on IML 2016. Also see the Chicago Health Department release on homosexual men and meningitis.
The following was released today by the Catholic Action League, a Massachusetts pro-family group:
Phone: (617) 524-6309;
E-mail: catholicactionleague@gmail.com
Because so many members of the General Court were away this week at the Democratic National Convention, the Massachusetts Legislature will close out its 2016 session with a special weekend sitting of the House and the Senate today, July 30th, and tomorrow, July 31st.
One of the proposed laws which may emerge from the Committee on Third Readings is a pernicious measure sponsored by Representative Byron Rushing, (D-Boston), House Bill 4392, which would repeal the remaining prohibitions in the General Laws of the Commonwealth against adultery, fornication, and sodomy—“the abominable and detestable crime against nature.” This repeal is a longstanding objective of homosexual activists in Massachusetts.
The bill would also remove the designation of “subversive” from the Communist Party, at a time when the so-called RevComs—Revolutionary Communists—are protesting alongside elements of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Although these laws are no longer enforced, they have significant symbolic value. The law is a teacher, from whom many in society learn what is right from what is wrong. Passage of this secularist measure would erase, in matters of sexual ethics, the last vestiges of Biblical morality and natural law in the criminal statutes of Massachusetts, completing the process of de-Christianization.
Please contact House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo and House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones and urge them to stop this proposed legislation from being rushed through at the end of the legislative session!
You may reach Speaker DeLeo by telephone at 617-722-2500, or by email at Robert.DeLeo@mahouse.gov. Representative Jones may be reached at 617-722-2100 and at Bradley.Jones@mahouse.gov.
You may find the telephone number and email address of your own state representative by going to https://malegislature.gov.
Thank you.
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Massachusetts, News, Redefining Morality, Redefining Normal, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality
Wednesday, July 20th, 2016
“Evil prevails when good churches do nothing.”
Godless ‘Morality’ Advocates…like “gay Christian” activist Matthew Vines are filling the void left by biblical pastors who refuse to get involved in the Culture War over morality in America. In what might be termed a form of “Satanic evangelism,” Vines’ Reformation Project trains people to go into evangelical churches with appealing, homosexuality-affirming and “gay theology” messages–“to create an environment in which Christian leaders will have the freedom to take the next steps toward affirming and including LGBT people in all aspects of church life.” In other words, to infiltrate churches to get them to accommodate a sexual sin that the Word of God calls an abomination. For some actual truth on the subject, see Prof. Rob Gagnon’s paper, “How Bad Is Homosexual Practice According to Scripture?”
Dear Readers,
This piece by my friend Micah Clark, who ably runs the Indiana Family Association, confirms what many of us already knew: pastors are copping out of the Culture War over moral values. As it turns out, liberal (apostate) churches–usually pro-abortion “rights,” pro-LGBTQ and socialist-leaning–are filling the Public Square void. In other words, an organized onslaught of secular and religious liberals is working to radically change transform this nation. And remember: leftist “change agents”–the same fellows who used to scream: “Don’t impose your morality on us!”–do all their destructive modernist work in the name of “morality.”
The Left marches lockstep to aggressively push its humanist, anti-God “morality.” What has happened to the real people of faith who should be today’s moral leaders? — @PeterLaBarbera, AFTAH
How to Lose Freedom in One Easy Step
By Micah Clark
Millions of Americans may be watching the Republican national convention this week. Some data is finding that this in an election year in which record numbers of voters seem to be interested in deciding who will be our next president. For example, the Republican primary has seen a 62% increase in voter turnout this year over 2012, from 19.2 million votes four years ago to 31 million this year.
This may be why a new study of church engagement has caught pollsters by surprise. The new study from the American Culture and Faith Institute is being described as “nothing less than astounding.”
At a time when religious hostility is on the rise and recognized as a problem among a majority of all Americans, the very institutions targeted by such bigotry are in full retreating from the battle.
The study of 600 theologically conservative evangelical pastors finds that they are “unlikely to call their congregations to participate in any meaningful way” in the 2016 election.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, News, Redefining Morality, Reformation Project, Religious Left, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016
A Nation of “My Truths”: Barna Research Group graphic shows high percentages of Americans (including Christians) who believe in subjective morality. See full Barna story on the new, “self-fulfillment morality” HERE. Click to enlarge.
By Micah Clark, AFA of Indiana
If you are familiar with the story of Noah’s Ark beyond a Sunday School flannel graph, you’ll likely recall that the times in which Noah lived were described as days of exceptional evil across the earth. This saddened the heart of God. Many observers think that we are living in days of global evil again. I am not sure if we are in similar times, but there’s no doubt that the mass killing of Muslims and Christians all across the globe from civil wars and radical Islam saddens God’s heart.
In parts of the Bible, similar times of exceptional evil are described as times in which “everyone did what was right in their own eyes” or according to themselves. Morality was in the eye of the beholder. Nothing was off limits anymore because it was up to each person’s heart, no matter how confused or depraved, to determine. How else can one explain the insanity of Lot’s offering his own daughters up to crazed men in Sodom under the guise of good manners and cultural norms?
In this backdrop, a new study from the Barna Research Group may concern many while also explaining much of the evil in America. Entitled, “The End of Absolutes: America’s New Moral Code” Barna’s research finds that the vast majority of Americans (80 percent) express concern about our nation’s moral condition. Every demographic shares this concern, with 89 percent of elders, 87 percent of baby-boomers, 75 percent of Gen-X’ers and 74 percent of Millennials expressing concerns about America’s moral condition. Although 90 percent of Christians express concern over our moral decline, even 67 percent of adults of no faith say they have concerns about America’s values.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Biblical Truth, News, Redefining Morality
Friday, October 2nd, 2015
The case against sodomy: How to use reason and natural law to argue against homosexual acts and ‘gay marriage’
Explaining Why Homosexual Behavior Is Wrong: Robert Reilly, author of ‘Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything,’ will speak at AFTAH’s annual dinner-banquet Saturday, October 17th at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL. Sign up online HERE. Tickets are $20/person or $200 for a Table of 10. Send a check with “AFTAH Banquet” on the memo line to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. For a printable PDF color flier of the event, click HERE.
What: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s (AFTAH) annual dinner-banquet fund-raiser
Who: Keynote speaker: Robert Reilly, author, ‘Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything’ [order it HERE or on Amazon]. Reilly served as a Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan and was the Director of the Voice of America.
When: Saturday, October 17, 2015, 6:00 PM Central; doors open at 5:30.
Where: Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004. Map HERE.
Cost: Only $20 per person. Sponsor a Table of 10 for just $200. Or sponsor 5 attendees for $100. Send check made out to “AFTAH” to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Or sign up online using our safe credit card form (check the box for Banquet Registration or to sign up to sponsor a Table of 10).
PDF Flier: For a printable PDF color flier on the Oct. 17 event, click HERE.
UPDATE: Stellar pro-family advocate Linda Harvey of Mission America (and a WND.com columnist) will also be speaking at the AFTAH banquet Saturday, Oct. 17!)
Second AFTAH Banquet in Wash., DC on Nov. 21: Americans For Truth will be hosting Robert Reilly for a second dinner-banquet in the Washington, D.C. area on Saturday, Nov. 21. Stay tuned for more details.
Crafting a Principled Strategy: At a recent speaking appearance in Chicago, Reilly explained how the dominant pro-family movement strategy of the last decade of focusing on a positive defense of natural marriage and consciously avoiding discussing homosexuality is “the losing strategy. That is how we lost.” Reilly continued:
“The entire issue is based on the morality or immorality of sodomy. And once you’re no longer willing to address that issue or if you concede that issue, you have lost, and you’ll get rolled on the religious freedom issue as well.”
Amen. It is such clear and principled thinking that sets Reilly apart from many pro-family leaders. We live in bizarre times in which even some who profess to be “conservatives” are making the radical case for “marriage” based on the sexual perversion (and sin) of homosexuality. Shame on them for debasing conservatism and Christianity all at once. But I am greatly encouraged that Reilly’s well-reasoned approach is beginning to gain ground as we endeavor to rebuild the foundation for an aggressive defense of Truth on this vexing issue. We greatly look forward to Bob’s presentation October 17: please mark your calendars and tell your friends! This article below appeared in many online publications, including CNS News. – Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Email: americansfortruth@gmail.com; Phone: 312-324-3787
Below is an excellent column by Robert Reilly that lays out the compromise in the pro-family legal strategy that helped pave the way for the imposition of homosexual “marriage” by the courts, culminating in the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling:
Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Goes Against the ‘Laws of Nature and Nature’s God’
By Robert R. Reilly | June 9, 2015 |
Why have the pro-natural family forces been losing in court? Intentionally or not, Judge Richard Posner explained the reason in a 7th Circuit Court ruling (Sept. 4, 2014), in which he decided against the Indiana and Wisconsin laws restricting marriage to a man and a woman:
“The state [Wisconsin] does not mention Justice Alito’s invocation [in the Windsor case] of a moral case against same-sex marriage, when he states in his dissent that ‘others explain the basis for the institution in more philosophical terms. They argue that marriage is essentially the solemnizing of a comprehensive, exclusive, permanent union that is intrinsically ordered to producing new life, even if it does not always do so.’ [U.S. v. Windsor, 133 S.Ct. 2675, 2718 (2013).] That is a moral argument for limiting marriage to heterosexuals. The state does not mention the argument because as we said, it mounts no moral arguments against same-sex marriage.” Baskin v. Bogan, 766 F.3d 648, 669 (7thCir. 2014) (emphasis added).
While Justice Alito recognizes that there is a moral argument for limiting marriage to heterosexuals, it was not only the State of Wisconsin that failed to make such a case. Neither have the States of Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio, or Tennessee in Obergefell, the decisive case now before the U.S. Supreme Court. I believe that this is one of the key reasons that the pro-natural family position has been losing in most of the cases thus far.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Government Promotion, News, Redefining Morality, Redefining Normal, Supreme Court
Friday, April 24th, 2015
Homosexual creators of The Fosters’ model sexual perversion to children in the name of “gay” equality
Corrupted by Hollywood–and His Parents: Above is The Fosters star Hayden Byerly, who is 14 but plays a 13-year-old in a budding homosexual relationship with his best friend on the ABC Family sitcom. Imagine as a parent allowing your son to engage in perverse homosexual acts as part of a Hollywood role. Read Byerly’s IMDB bio HERE.
“Both Brad [Bredeweg] and I are gay men and it felt very true to both of our early coming out experiences,” [Peter] Paige told [The Wrap.com]. “More than anything else, we felt responsibility to those kids and to our younger selves who didn’t see themselves reflected anywhere.”
“When people question the scene my response has been: ‘Everyone has a first kiss and you remember it. How old were you?’” Bredeweg added. “Ninety percent of people who have an answer come back and say, ‘I was 12, 13 and 14 years old,’ and I say, ‘Exactly. It was time to see this, time to put this up for the world.’” — The Fosters co-creators Peter Paige and Brad Bredeweg, positing a moral equivalence between homosexual behavior and normal heterosexuality, quoted in TheWrap.com: “ABC Family’s ‘The Fosters’ Creators Defend 13-Year-Old Gay Male Kiss: Watch Before Judging”
ABC Against the Family: AFTAH has blocked the homosexual kiss above from a recent episode of ABC Family’s “The Fosters.” The characters, Jude and Connor, are 13-year-olds, and are in the 7th grade. At left, playing Jude, is actor Hayden Byerly, who in real life is 14. At right is actor Gavin MacIntosh, who turned 16 on March 22, 2015. Liberals are extolling this “youngest gay kiss on TV.” Watch a YouTube of the scene with the Fosters’ immoral boy-boy kiss HERE.
WARNING: Offensive Video
TAKE ACTION: ABC Family is now directly promoting homo-erotic “romance” between underage children– two boys who are cast as 13 year olds kissed in a recent episode of the ABC Family Show “The Fosters.” The network is obviously contemptuous of time-tested Judeo-Christian morality, but contact them anyway. Use ABC Family online Contact Form, or call (818)460-747 [you will get a series of phone-mail options, ending in one to leave a 30-second message with your thoughts about ABC Family’s “other programming,” e.g., The Fosters]
By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Dear AFTAH Readers,
The ongoing entertainment media’s corruption of children and youth took another devilish leap recently with the youngest ever homosexual kiss on a TV show, ABC Family’s “The Fosters.” ABC Family is wholly owned by Disney/ABC.
Social “progressives” are destroying morality in this country. We are in big, big trouble because their God-defying sexual revolution has advanced much farther than most pro-family advocates are willing to admit. Just a few years ago, I was writing about how liberal, outwardly pro-“gay” journalists were squeamish about putting photos of homosexuals kissing prominently on a newspaper page. Now ABC “Family” is showing young teenage boys making out–yet where is the national outrage?
In the last few weeks I have been trying to wrap my mind around the escalating evil surrounding the promotion of the LGBTQueer agenda in America, which now includes powerful Hollywood “gay” activists directly promoting and celebrating immoral homo-sexual behavior to young boys.
AFTAH is breaking its rule against showing indecent homosexual kisses by including a short YouTube video of The Fosters’ kiss and the best-friends-falling-in-love plot leading up to it; go to the end of the piece HERE; or you can view it on YouTube HERE.
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Posted in "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Hollywood Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, The Fosters
Wednesday, September 24th, 2014
Thomas More Law Center promises “game changer” in new “national strategy to defend traditional marriage”
SEXUAL IMMORALITY IS NOT A “CIVIL RIGHT”: Pastor Emery Moss (L.), Pastor Danny Holliday, and Evangelist Janet Boynes (a former lesbian) listen during Thomas More press conference announcing national strategy to defend marriage. Said Holliday: “We all know that the 14th Amendment was made because Black folk were considered as property. Gays have never been considered as property.”
The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national, nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, MI held a press conference yesterday to reveal its national legal strategy to combat the slew of recent federal court rulings which have overturned state laws defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman.
A Game Changer—Thomas More Law Center Reveals National Strategy to Defend Traditional Marriage
Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, disclosed that a legal team has been formed to file friend-of-the-court briefs (amicus briefs) on behalf of a Coalition of African-American pastors and Christian leaders. The legal team consists of the Law Center’s senior trial counsel, Erin Mersino, and co-counsels William R. Wagner and John S. Kane of Lansing, MI.
Thompson explained, “In its briefs, the Law Center reflects the voice of a majority of African-Americans that discrimination because of one’s sexual preference is not the same thing as racial discrimination and that tradition and morality should not be discarded as a basis of the law; as the pro-homosexual judges have done in their opinions.”
Several pastors representing the African-American community spoke at the press conference, including Bishop Samuel Smith, and Pastors Danny Holliday and Emery Moss. Evangelist Janet Boynes, a former lesbian and a member of the group, also spoke. In eloquent and at times fiery words, they all defended the definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Freedom Under Fire, Government Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality
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