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Judge Jeffrey Sutton. Read his decision upholding defense-of-marriage laws HERE.
The following release was put out yesterday by CCV Action, the legislative action arm of Citizens for Community Values. Finally, some good sense and humility out of a federal court on the same-sex “marriage” issue! [Read the full decision HERE.] We reprint Judge Jeffrey Sutton’s words below because they represent such a stark contrast to those of other federal judges who, like so many “progressives” and judicial elitists, relish “making history” on homosexuality-based “marriage” even if it means invalidating millions of votes and disenfranchising millions of American citizens on this critical moral and social issue.
Judge Sutton said:
“Of all the ways to resolve this question, one option is not available: a poll of the three judges on this panel, or for that matter all federal judges, about whether gay marriage is a good idea. Our judicial commissions did not come with such a sweeping grant of authority, one that would allow just three of us—just two of us in truth—to make such a vital policy call for the thirty-two million citizens who live within the four States of the Sixth Circuit: Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee.”
The 2-1 majority decision continues:
“This case ultimately presents two ways to think about change. One is whether the Supreme Court will constitutionalize a new definition of marriage to meet new policy views about the issue. The other is whether the Court will begin to undertake a different form of change—change in the way we as a country optimize the handling of efforts to address requests for new civil liberties.
“If the Court takes the first approach, it may resolve the issue for good and give the plaintiffs and many others relief. But we will never know what might have been. If the Court takes the second approach, is it not possible that the traditional arbiters of change—the people—will meet today’s challenge admirably and settle the issue in a productive way?”
What a concept: let ‘We the People’ have our say on one of the most controversial issues of our time–rather than imposing a “solution” through the dubious application of laws and amendments intended to correct societal racism to reinventing marriage itself.
Congratulations to Phil Burress and CCV–and pro-family advocates in the other states–for all their hard work in defending marriage as what it is: a sacred union between one man and one woman. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
By a 2-1 vote, the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court has ruled that the marriage laws of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee do not violate the federal Constitution. Judge Jeffrey Sutton, joined by Judge Deborah Cook, wrote the majority opinion.
Hope and Change:Republican Mia Love will be representing Utah’s 4th Congressional District. Love is the first Black female Republican ever elected to Congress. Go HERE to read what Love had to say about the 2013 Supreme Court decision that effectively invalidated Californians’ Prop 8 vote against homosexuality-based “marriage.”
Folks, I would add to this excellent compilation by my friend and stellar Texas education activist Donna Garner, the very good news that two pro-family leaders against the aggressive homosexualist agenda were elected to state house (in Colorado and Michigan). Gordon “Chaps” Klingenschmitt won in a landslide in Colorado Springs and Gary Glenn of AFA-Michigan won 55-45 in Midland and Bay Counties in Michigan. America is on her way back! — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
28 Democrats who voted for ObamaCare are now gone from the U. S. Senate.
As of midnight on 11.4.14, the Republicans had won 52 Senate seats; and the Democrats had won 44.
Louisiana is still to be decided and is a probable win for the Republicans; that would make 53 Senate seats.
Alaska and Virginia have not been called yet and could easily become seats 54 and 55 for the Republicans. [Editor’s Note: there is a good chance Democrat Mark Warner will win Virginia, so the best likelihood is that the GOP will control the Senate with 54 votes after the Louisiana run-off election.]
It is possible that some Democrats and/or Independents might also flip to become Republicans because of the landslide victories of last night.
Republicans picked up 8 Senate seats — Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia.
Four incumbent Democrats were defeated — Begich, Pryor, Udall, and Hagan.
There are 100 Senators in the U. S. Senate. Only 51 are needed to pass a bill.
The U. S. House is made up of 435 members. A majority is 218 seats.
At last count, Republicans took 246 seats with more to be decided. Right now, that is the largest Republican majority in more than 60 years.
As of this election, 31 out of 50 states have Republican Governors (even in Mass., Illinois, Maryland)
Democrats lost their super-majorities in the California Senate, the Vermont House and the Maryland Senate.
Republicans now control 67 state chambers while the Democrats control 28. Before Tuesday, Republicans had a 57-41 advantage.
Republicans have complete state control – both chambers and the governor’s mansion – in 23 states, compared to six states for the Democrats.
Houston pastors’ victory shows “Gender Identity” laws should influence elections
Biological Men in Women’s Restrooms?This is a man…who wants to be a woman: should he be allowed to use public female restrooms in the name of LGBTQ “equal rights”? Photo taken by AFTAH at 2012 Philadelphia “gay pride” parade. Click to enlarge.
By Donna Miller
The Houston pastors’ response to their power-grabbing lesbian mayor Annise Parker’s recent acts of intimidation has been an event from which we should learn far-reaching lessons. A national controversy erupted after Parker issued subpoenas for the sermons of city pastors who sued her after her administration dubiously blocked a citizens’ petition campaign to repeal a pro-homosexual/-transgender “equal rights” ordinance she strongly supported. This historic incident:
taught pastors worldwide how to stand against government tyranny and abuse of power;
removed the mask off presumably positive anti-discrimination (“gender identity”) laws that, in fact, discriminate against women; and
educated citizenry worldwide on “bathroom bills.”
While these so-called “anti-discrimination”/”gender identity” laws are presented to limit discrimination, these radical laws and policies discriminate against women by forcing them to endure public indecent exposure. Do you know any other law or policy that a sets apart rules for less than 1 percent of the population (transgenders), but another huge portion of the population (women and girls) are told that they must endure men’s publicly indecency – all in the name of civil rights?
Since America is having national elections tomorrow (November 4), it is important to see which politicians support a national bathroom bill (affecting every community in America), the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).
The U. S. Senate passed this horrendous law in 2013, and Americans can verify how their senator voted at this link. The U. S. House of Representatives introduced this bill, and the sponsors by every local representative of this bill can be found at this link.
In America, at least 18 states plus the District of Columbia have enacted statewide bathroom bills. Again, these bills were presented as warm and fuzzy ‘inclusive’ anti-discrimination laws. I would love to see the reaction of a politician’s wife who experienced a biological man in her bathroom. After all, men are taught since little tykes that public bathrooms are not a private situation. For women, however, a bathroom is one of the most private places in the universe – and it should stay that way!
Bathroom attacks of women and children are at epidemic level. Most of these attacks are by predators. After studying predators for years, I have learned that they use anything to gain an advantage on their victims.
Pro-family advocates reject plea bargain to lesser “trespass” charge in free speech case
Is Biblical Truth “Hate Speech” in Canada?:Canadian pro-family hero Bill Whatcott (left) and AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera (right) hold signs testifying to the truth about homosexuality and abortion–and Canada’s repressive “hate speech” laws–prior to their trial Thursday at the Provincial Court in Regina, Saskatchewan. Photo: CTV/Regina.
Media Links:
Regina Leader-Post: “Anti-gay activists awaiting decision on mischief charge”
CTV News: “Regina judge reserves verdict in trial for two anti-gay activists”
CKOM Radio: Whatcott, LaBarbera trial begins at Regina Provincial Court
REGINA, Saskatchewan, Canada—Regina Provincial Judge Marylynne Beaton said Thursday that a written decision on the criminal “mischief” charge against pro-family activists Peter LaBarbera and Canadian Bill Whatcott will be handed down on December 22—after a day-long trial that pitted arguments for the free dissemination of ideas against bureaucrats’ desires to enforce a pro-“gay” “Respectful Workplace” policy at the University of Regina.
Crown Prosecutor James Fitz-Gerald sought to portray Whatcott as a disruptive force who believed himself above the law. “It’s the Crown’s position … that the University of Regina owns and occupies that property, that land…I say the university was completely within its rights to (ask them to leave). Mr. Whatcott and … Mr. LaBarbera were not within their rights to refuse,” reported the Regina Leader-Post.
But Michael Weger, defense attorney for LaBarbera and Whatcott, argued that the “mischief” charge was unwarranted—as the two men did not disrupt students ability to go to class—and said it contains a free speech provision for communicating ideas that should have kept police from bringing the charge in the first place.
“Communicating information is exactly what happened on April 14 …,” Weger said, according to the Leader-Post. “Isn’t university about different ideas and different viewpoints? As soon as we get to a point when we start sending young adults to an institution that tells them exactly how they must think and what to think, then our students stop getting an education.”
University of Regina Provost Thomas Chase testified that Whatcott and LaBarbera violated the school’s “Respectful Workplace” campus policy that bans discrimination and harassment based on sexuality. After making a secular “affirmation” to tell the truth rather than swear on the Bible (he was the only witness to do so), Chase said he could not recollect a single student or U-R staff member complaining about the Whatcott-led small pro-family protest at U-R.
U-Regina Director of Security Pat Patton testified that she made the call to eject Whatcott and LaBarbera—in consultation with Chase and others—in consultation with Chase and others–after seeing Whatcott’s placard: “Sodomy Is a Sin.” Patton also cited as violating the Respectful Workplace policy the tee-shirt worn by LaBarbera and Whatcott decrying—as she recalled–“the murder of a young lady by a homosexual,” and a paper passed out expressing “concerns about homosexuals and gay persons.”
The tee-shirt was actually one provided by Whatcott condemning the murder of pious Chicago middle-aged Catholic Mary Stachowicz by a homosexual (bisexual) man, Nicholas Gutierrez. The paper she referred to was a two-page flier passed out by LaBarbera laying out the health risks of homosexual behavior.
Patton’s testimony revealed that it was predominantly Whatcott’s and LaBarbera’s advocacy against homosexuality—rather than abortion—that touched off the move to expel them leading to their arrest.
Whatcott: One Canadian who won’t back down
In a testy trial exchange with Fitz-Gerald, Whatcott demonstrated the unbending determination to get out his pro-life and anti-homosexual-agenda messaging that has made him Enemy Number One of Canadian social leftists and “gay”-affirming government officials alike. Although this was LaBarbera’s first free speech trial, Whatcott has gone through more than a dozen to defend his right to pass out literature and hold signs in Canada opposing abortion and homosexualism.
The exchange began with the Crown prosecutor referring to a previous case in which Whatcott’s campus truth fliers were called “litter” by university. Fitz-Gerald dismissively referred to Whatcott’s “litter” case—and Whatcott shot back that he was exonerated in the case, thus negating that description.
Fitz-Gerald restated his main argument that Whatcott had thrice refused a request to get off “private” property—and Whatcott responded that as a Canadian citizen he has a Charter right to get his message out at a public university.
Then the Crown prosecutor asserted that Whatcott was aware that he was in violation of the University’s “Respectful Workplace” policy. Whatcott responded that the University’s implementation of that policy discriminated against his religious viewpoint by disallowing him to rent a table at the Student Union to present his views.
On Wednesday, Whatcott and LaBarbera rejected a plea bargain offer of a lesser “trespassing” charge that would have treated the alleged offense as less than a misdemeanor while admitting still guilt. Whatcott said the offer shows the weakness of the Crown’s case.
AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera being hand-cuffed and arrested for protesting peacefully in defense of life and biblical sexual morality at the University of Saskatechewan in April. LaBarbera and Canadian pro-family activist Bill Whatcott pleaded not guilty to the criminal charge of “mischief.” Their trial is today at the Regina Provincial Courthouse. On Monday, Canadian Customs agents detained and questioned LaBarbera upon his entry into Calgary, and confiscated a DVD copy of the new Russian documentary “Sodom” [view it HERE]. See Bill Whatcott’s website HERE.
REGINA, Saskatchewan, Canada– Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) president Peter LaBarbera said escalating pro-homosexual State censorship in Canada reflects the nation’s post-Christian moral and spiritual crisis—and the modern travesty of “rights” based on sexual immorality that invariably undermine God-given liberties and freedom of conscience.
Canadian free speech trial of Peter LaBarbera and Bill Whatcott is today at 9:00 AM at the Regina Provincial Courthouse, 1815 Smith Street, Regina.
Late Monday night, as LaBarbera arrived in Calgary on a flight from Chicago, Border Services agents detained him for two-and-a-half hours and did an intense search of his phone, laptop and belongings. He was questioned about his views on homosexuality, while agents seized a DVD copy of “Sodom,” a new Russian documentary critical of Western “gay” activism. The film was deemed a potential violation of Canada’s law banning material that could “incite hate” based on “sexual orientation.” Ironically, “Sodom” is freely available in Canada and worldwide on YouTube.
LaBarbera was traveling to Regina, Saskatchewan for his trial with pro-family activist Bill Whatcott [see his website HERE]. Both were arrested in April on criminal “mischief” charges for refusing to abandon on free speech grounds a peaceful protest against abortion and sodomy at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, a public university.
Their trial at Regina Provincial Courthouse is today at 9:00 AM. Prior to the trial, Whatcott and LaBarbera will be in front of the Courthouse with signs speaking out against the modern tyranny of state-sponsored homosexualism. The courthouse address is 1815 Smith Street, Regina.
This was the second time this year that LaBarbera was subjected to an intensive airport search and questioning due to Canada’s “hate” law. [See this AFTAH article.] In April, he was initially ruled in violation of the law and formally denied entry into Canada, where he had been invited to address a pro-life conference. On appeal and after conservative political pressure was brought to bear, LaBarbera was allowed into Canada, only to be later arrested with Whatcott for standing up as a public witness for life and sexual morality at the University of Regina.
“In Canada and across the Western world, laws based on homosexuality-based ‘rights’ have ushered in tyranny against people of faith who affirm historic, Judeo-Christian morality and man-woman marriage. It is outrageous for a major public university to ban opposition speech on this issue in the name of ‘protecting’ students—who should be allowed to hear ALL sides of this, or any, debate.
“Today we will see if Canada upholds its professed Charter commitment to free speech and religious freedom. But this much is clear: the Western world’s war against faith and biblical morals in the name of homosexuality and gender confusion (transgenderism) is not a model that many nations across the world want to follow.”
The following is “Sodom,” a new Russian documentary critical of Western homosexual activism–a DVD copy of which was seized at the Calgary International Airport on October 27 as potential violation of Canadian law banning material that could potentially “incite hate” based on “sexual orientation.” Late Monday night, as AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera arrived in Calgary on a flight from Chicago, Customs agents detained him for two-and-a-half hours and did an intense search of his phone, laptop and belongings. They viewed portions of “Sodom” and then confiscated it as potential anti-homosexual “hate propaganda.” The film will be sent to the Canadian government’s “Prohibited Importation Unit” in Ottawa, and will be destroyed if deemed a violation of the law, LaBarbera was told. Ironically, “Sodom” (Zabranjeni Ruski Dokumentarni Film “Sodoma”) is freely available in Canada and worldwide on YouTube. Posting this video does not constitute a full endorsement of it by AFTAH:
LaBarbera allowed provisional entry into Canada for ‘Mischief’ trial Oct. 30 stemming from April protest at public university
Canada’s “Hate” Police:Above is an excerpt of the Border Services Agency document issued against Peter LaBarbera when he was originally denied entry into Canada in April on the basis that he and AFTAH “incite hate” in violation of the nation’s Hate Propaganda” law. LaBarbera was subsequently allowed into the country, but later arrested at a peaceful pro-life/pro-family protest at the University of Regina. Click to enlarge.
By Peter LaBarbera
UPDATE from author: After a short meeting in Regina with a Border Services official this morning, I was allowed to travel and speak in Canada until the completion of my trial Thursday upon agreeing to these two provisions:
“While in Canada:
“If I am on private property, and am asked to leave that property by the owner for any reason, I must leave the property immediately;
“If I am issued a direction or command by a police officer or other person in authority, follow that direction immediately.”
REGINA, Saskatchewan, Canada–Customs agents detained this writer (AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera) and did an intense search of my phone, laptop and belongings–as I arrived at Calgary International Airport late last night on the first leg of a trip to Regina, Saskatchewan for my trial on “mischief” charges October 30.
The mischief charges were filed against me and Canadian pro-family activist Bill Whatcott after Whatcott, and then me, refused on free speech grounds to abandon a peaceful protest April 12 against abortion and sodomy at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, a public university. [See AFTAH article HERE and LifeSiteNews article HERE on how I was almost refused entry into Canada on the basis of AFTAH’s alleged “hate.”]
The Calgary Border Services agents confiscated a DVD copy of a new Russian documentary called “Sodom” as potential “hate propaganda” in violation of Canadian law banning material or people who could potentially “incite hate” based on “sexual orientation.”
Ironically, “Sodom”–which I have yet to watch–is available and easily accessible in Canada (and worldwide) on YouTube. Whatcott told me that he had already shared the documentary with his network of Canadian supporters across the country. “Sodom” features an interview with American pro-family leader Scott Lively of Defend the Family International. Lively, who received AFTAH’s American Truth-Teller Award on 2011, is currently running for governor as an independent in Massachusetts.
If the Russian film is deemed “hate propaganda” by the government’s “Prohibited Importation Unit” in Ottawa, it will be destroyed, two border agents informed me. If “Sodom” does not meet that designation, it will be mailed back to my home in Illinois.
Either way, the seizure of the film would make it impossible for me to view and/or present it to others in Canada–were it not easily accessible to everybody with a web connection on YouTube. Such is the folly of state censorship in an Internet age.
Customs hearing today
Canadian pro-family activist Bill Whatcott and AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera.
Despite my two-and-a-half hour detainment in Calgary, agents ordered me to attend another hearing today (Tuesday) with Immigration officials in Regina at 11:00 A.M.–for “further examination” on my “admissibility” into Canada. Nevertheless, Border Services agents told me that I would be able to attend my “Mischief” trial in Regina on Thursday and that I am “innocent until proven guilty” under Canadian law.
A border agent named Shane Paul (I called him “Paul” because that was on his uniform and I presumed that was his first name) asked me questions about a small speaking engagement I was to have with Whatcott and others this (Tuesday) evening. I was unsure of the location of the meeting, as the venue has been changed three times already–because skittish Canadians pulled out from hosting the event fearing leftist protests. You can read about one cancellation in the Regina Leader-Post HERE (Note: not included in the story is Whatcott’s assertion that the prospective host, Greg Kulak, was not telling the truth when he claimed NOT to know the nature of the event.) By the way, Whatcott distributed thousands of fliers advertising the event–which Kulak’s cowardly pullout rendered meaningless by abandoning the listed location for it.
As an American, let me say that it is remarkable how far official political correctness – enforced and encouraged by sometimes fanatical left-wing activists and abetted by an anti-conservative media – has not only shut down conservative speech in Canada but succeeded in punishing people who run afoul of various liberal ideologies—not limited to pro-homosexualism. For example, the Canadian owners of a conservative website, “Free Dominion,” shut it down after 13 years of operation in January after losing a defamation lawsuit to “human rights” legal activist Richard Warman. They were fined a total of $107,000 and ordered not to print anything negative about the leftist Warman—effectively censoring them as a public forum [See LifeSite article HERE].
In the two years that I have worked closely with Bill Whatcott, I have seen the extraordinary harassment and soft (and hard) tyranny he has had to endure in his quest to get out biblical truth and facts about homosexuality and abortion. Whatcott, who distributes tens of thousands of fliers door-to-door every year, was found guilty of Canada’s “Hate Propaganda” law by Canada’s highest court. Earlier this year, he was denied service by Aaron Rubin, a computer shop in Weybourn because the owner did not like Bill’s views; Whatcott sued under the “human rights” laws and won and–in a demonstration of Christian grace–did not push for a big financial judgment but instead asked Rubin to do volunteer service for a local pro-life group. Rubin opted not to do the service and paid a mere $200 to have it done.
Recently, Whatcott tried to submit a simple ad for his event tonight (where I am to speak) to the Regina Leader-Post newspaper. The ad’s innocuous headline was “Bringing the Light of Christ to Our Culture”–but that did not matter; it was refused anyway. He could have another “human rights” victory in store if he sues the liberal paper for anti-religious discrimination. (Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms ostensibly protects religious freedom.) But even if the ad had run, Whatcott would have been chased out of the venue for the event.
With such relentless leftist pressure led by a few fanatics like Warman, it is only the rare, brave soul like Whatcott who fights on for Truth in Canada, while so many others fall away in fear. (Note that in the Chicago area, AFTAH, too, has been chased out of venues after the leftist activists with the Gay Liberation Network wielded their spurious “hate group” accusation against us.)
Searching my phone, laptop, books and papers–again
Anyway, I cooperated fully with the Border Services “investigation” of me at the Calgary airport, as I did in April at the Regina International Airport. Agent Paul and another Agent with the last name of Meehan went through—as in April—my:
Books (including Dr. Michael Brown’s “Can You Be Gay and Christian?”; his book, “Something Queer Happened to America”; Robert Reilly’s book, “Making Gay OK”; and Frank Turek’s “Correct, Not Politically Corrrect: How Same-Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone”)
Tracts: I brought a bunch of ex-“gay” Stephen Bennett’s tract “I WAS ‘Gay’”; and
When Shane asked me about Westboro Baptist Church (with its “God Hates Fags” message), I told him that AFTAH has always condemned Westboro, as has every other pro-family group I have worked with. I told them that AFTAH has long condemned violence and genuine hatred against homosexuals or anyone, for that matter.
At one point in the search, Shane asked me if I had children and then I asked him if he had children. He asked me as if offended: “Why do you ask that?” and then said, “I’m gay.” I told him I meant nothing by it and that I ask a lot of people that question. I told him my five children are a tremendous blessing and he said he may want to adopt children some day.
Once Shane’s “gayness” was out in the open, it was almost easier to have a conversation about my work and the larger homosexual issue. I told him that disagreement with homosexuality does not equal “hate,” despite the best efforts of LGBT activists to conflate the two. He and Meehan laughed when I told them that I couldn’t be a “homophobe” because if I truly “feared” homosexuals, I could not do AFTAH’s work, which requires me to be around many homosexuals.
Despite the awkwardness of the situation, it helped this time, compared to my April airport search in Regina, that Shane and Meehan, the two fellows handling my entry at Calgary, were actually interested in my explanation of what I and AFTAH do. They appreciated my defense of civility in the “gay” debate and I think Shane was satisfied that I didn’t hate him or homosexuals in general. I thanked him for his professionalism.
Shane asked me if anything i would present on Wednesday could be construed as “hateful.” I told him no, but explained that they’re is a lively debate going on in the culture about what constitutes “hate” on this question. I explained, and he agreed, that we could have a civil discussion about homosexuality and yet agree to disagree.
Paul discovered in my belongings the Human Right Campaign report, “Exporting Hate,” with its highly unflattering graphics of me and Michael Brown, and Mat Staver. (Others are targeted in the “Hate” booklet, but I only taken copies of the pages with the shadowy images of myself, Brown and Staver.)
He asked me about this quotation accurately attributed to me by the HRC “Export of Hate” hit-piece:
“Kids would ‘be better off in a single-parent household [compared to a homosexual-led household]…because you’re not modeling homosexual behavior. When you have two men raising a young child, that child grows up learning, basically, dysfunction and a sexual perversion as normality.” (Alan Colmes Show, 1/7/14)
Shane seemed especially concerned about my use of the word “perversion” and suggested in so many words that there is no religious (biblical) case for that word. I explained that historically the word has been used in association with homosexuality and that we also make the case that Natural Law opposes homosexuality.
Stay tuned for updates. Please pray for my meeting with Immigration officials today, and for our meeting (if it happens) this evening—and lastly, for Bill’s and my trial Thursday in Regina on the ridiculous “Mischief” charge leveled against us for defending life and sexual morality at—of all places—a public university.
Homosexual perversion centers flourish despite HIV crisis–even in Atlanta, where CDC is based
In this recent Roku interview on America’s Survival, my friend and AS founder Cliff Kincaid and I discussed how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) politically correct approach toward homosexuality and HIV does not breed confidence in the federal agency’s ability to keep Americans from contracting the Ebola virus. We also discuss the Republican Party’s growing support for proud homosexuality, as House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) held a fund-raiser for openly homosexual San Dieogo congressional candidate Carl DeMaio just when DeMaio had been charged with sexually harassing another homosexual male campaign worker [see AIM story HERE]. It is simply incredible that homosexual bathhouses flourish in big cities across America (including Atlanta, where the CDC is based: see about the 8:00 mark in the video)–even as HIV rates surge among homosexual male youth. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH