A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

AFTAH Interviews Paul Blair and Matt Barber after Death Threats in OK City – Part One

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Pastor Paul Blair of Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond, OK received death threats and vile threats against his wife after Blair testified against a pro-homosexual law in OK City.

Maybe the “T” in the homosexuals’ and transgenders’ LGBT formula also stands for “Terrorize” — because that’s how at least a portion of America’s radical pro-homosexual activists treat their public opponents.  (See story on the recent paver brick attack against AFTAH’s banquet host Christian Liberty Academy HERE.) This interview — Part One of a two-part interview with Paul Blair, pastor of Fairview Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, and Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs at Liberty Counsel — aired Dec. 10, 2011. Blair recently was on the receiving end of some scary death threats and vile hate calls targeting his wife – which were phoned in to his church right after he’d testified against a pro-homosexual “Sexual Orientation” ordinance in Oklahoma City. Here he tells the story which — unlike the pro-“gay” attack in liberal Chicago — rec.eived some major TV news coverage in OK City. (You can listen to a few of the actual recorded threats HERE.) Barber discusses the pattern of homosexual activist aggression that aims to intimidate Christians and others into silence on this critical moral issue. Blair, a former lineman with the Chicago Bears, is also Chairman of Reclaiming America for Christ. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

12-10-11, Matt Barber & Paul Blair, Part One

LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Scott Lively – Part Five

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Scott Lively addressing the AFTAH banquet in October. Lively received AFTAH's "Americans Truth Teller" award for 2011.

Part Five of the AFTAH interview [click HERE to listen] with Scott Lively of Defending the Family International.  This was pre-recorded and aired Dec. 3, 2011. Go to the AFTAH Radio Hour Archive for the rest of this very informative interview. In the course of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with Lively, the two discussed:

  • The dire state of the American Christian Church vis-a-vis the aggressive movement to normalize homosexual behavior and gender confusion in the culture;
  • The “terror” tactics and aggressive campaigns used by homosexual activists to intimidate good people into silence on this issue;
  • Lively’s personal experience with the dirty tactics and lies used by radical LGBT activists against pro-family leaders attempting to stop the “gay” revolution (including one notorious fake “anti-gay hate crime” in Oregon). Lively more than almost any pro-family conservative alive today has experienced these tactics firsthand in more than 20 years of working on the front lines (here and abroad) against the homosexualist agenda;
  • The futility of relying on politics and the courts to contain the advance of government-backed homosexuality — and how many “ministry-minded” or apathetic believers are woefully naive about the Culture War raging on this issue;
  • The campaign of lies used by pro-homosexual militants (and repeated by the media) to smear Lively and others as allegedly supporting the murder of homosexuals in Uganda;
  • The corruption of words by the pro-homosexual Left, including “gay,” “sexual orientation” and “marriage equality”;
  • The appearance of PRO-homosexuality “evangelicals” like Grove City College’s Warren Throckmorton and Chicago’s Andrew Marin — who confuse Christians and undermine biblical truth on the issue by capitulating to pro-“gay” ideology and semantics;
  • The connection of homosexuality and sexual deviance to the Nazi Party in Germany. (See Lively’s book, The Pink Swastika);
  • The very real threat to religious liberty posed by the tremendous rise of homosexual (“gay”) power in the United States.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

12-3-11, Scott Lively, Part Five

LISTEN: Part Four of AFTAH Interview with Scott Lively

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera presents Scott Lively with AFTAH's "American Truth Teller" award for 2011, at Americans For Truth banquet.

Part Four of my five-part interview with Scott Lively, founder of Defending the Family International and recipient of AFTAH’s 2011 “American Truth Teller” award. This interview was pre-recorded and aired Nov. 19, 2011. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

11-26-11, Scott Lively, Part Four

VIDEO: AFTAH Says Obama’s and Hillary’s International ‘Gay Rights’ Push Will Only Alienate Nations Who Reject America’s Moral Corruption

Thursday, December 8th, 2011

TAKE ACTION: Read this WorldNetDaily article featuring AFTAH (reprinted at bottom) and AFTAH’s press release below — and call your elected representatives to urge them to strip out language from the DoD authorization bill that would repeal the military’s existing ban on SODOMY and BESTIALITY (we’re not kidding). The Pentagon bill was just passed overwhelmingly by the Senate.. Call 202-225-3121 for the House and 202-224-3121 for the Senate. Or go to www.Congress.org.


Contact AFTAH: americansfortruth@gmail.com

In America, homosexual perversion like this (recast as “gay” identity) is celebrated by liberal eliites. Now the Obama administration wants to promote the normalization of homosexuality to the world. The above graphic is an online ad for an HIV vaccine study involving homosexual men. For decency’s sake, we blocked the male-to-male kiss — which itself would be considered a “homophobic” act by Western “gay” activists who want to expose people to homosexual acts to desensitize them to this aberrant lifestyle.

Americans For Truth Press Release, December 8, 2011.

AFTAH Says Obama’s and Hillary’s International ‘Gay Rights’ Push Will Only Alienate Nations Who Reject America’s Moral Corruption

CHICAGO – Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, issued the following statement in response to the Obama Administration’s announcement Tuesday of a campaign to link American foreign aid to the promotion of homosexuality-based “rights” abroad [a YouTube of Sec. of State Hillary Clinton’s U.N. speech follows] :

With their new escalation of promoting homosexual behavior to other nations through U.S. foreign policy, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have raised America’s defiance toward her Creator to a new level — while needlessly alienating nations less morally compromised than our own.  Not content to keep our decadence between our shores, the United States – through aggressively pro-“gay” Democratic administrations – now demands that other countries sink to our level by embracing homosexuality as a “human right.”

Who knew that when President Ronald Reagan spoke idealistically about America becoming a “shining city on the hill,” that city would turn out to be Sodom?  Hillary earned plaudits from the Left with her U.N. speech on international “gay rights,” but her words were an affront to our Declaration of Independence, which appeals to “Nature and Nature’s God.”

By redefining “human rights” to include the normalization of same-sex behaviors and gender confusion, Obama and Clinton have turned God’s natural moral order on its head.  There are many countries – including Muslim-dominated nations and major powers like Russia – that reject homosexuality.  By pushing sexual deviance on these nations, we only confirm their perception of America as a corrupt and declining – and very arrogant — superpower.

America, rooted in the Bible, historically embraced anti-sodomy laws, but now we are in the grip of an unprecedented moral and spiritual crisis that blackens our reputation worldwide.  As one Muslim tweeted in reaction to Obama’s international “gay rights” plan: “There is a great divide between the Founding Fathers and the pro-gay regime ruling America [today].”

Aberrant sexuality is not a fundamental liberty, and defending morality is not hateful “bigotry.”  Hillary claims, “Being gay is not a Western invention, it is a human reality.”  But homosexuality is about changeable behavior – not intrinsic, innate identity – as evidenced by countless men and women who now live happy lives apart from homosexuality, despite once considering themselves “gay” or “lesbian.”

Read the rest of this article »

LISTEN: Charges Filed as Oklahoma City Pastor Paul Blair Gets Death Threats after Opposing Pro-Homosexual Ordinance

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

TV report on death threat delivered by voicemail to Fairview Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, the day after Pastor Paul Blair testified against a proposed pro-homosexual Sexual Orientation meaasure.

Folks, Pastor Paul Blair of Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond, Oklahoma (a suburb of Oklahoma City) is the latest Christian to be targeted for publicly standing against the homosexual activist movement. Tragically, it has now become commonplace for pro-“queer” thugs to target the Church, even as they decry “hate” against homosexuals. The good news is that charges have been filed against David Michael Moxley, for his alleged crime. (In Oklahoma, the reddest state in the Union, hateful and violent threats against Christians are still taken seriously.) You can listen to our cleaned-up selection of Moxley’s creepy phone threats against Pastor Blair and his family by clicking the link below.

Link to online MP3 audio of phone threats: Fairview Baptist,Hate calls,11-16-11 (Abbreviated)

As one who recently spoke at Fairview Baptist, I am honored to call Paul Blair — who in addition to his pastoral duties heads up Reclaiming America For Christ — a friend and co-laborer in the battle for Truth.  Another thing about Paul: even if he were not a retired NFL lineman (he played three years for the Bears) [read his testimony HERE], he would never allow such cowardly actions to intimidate him into silence on the homosexual issue. (Here is Blair’s “rap sheet” by the leftist and badly named “People For the American Way.”) Like him, we must never give in to Secular Left bullying. You can write Paul to thank him for his unwaving defense of the family at pblair@fairviewbaptistedmond.org. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org



Pastor Blair sent out this informational release following the vulgar and threatening harassment:

To our friends in the Media:

November 16, 2011

From:  Pastor Paul Blair, Fairview Baptist Church/Edmond

Relating to the Oklahoma City Council meeting yesterday and the action taken to include sexual orientation as a protected class, I wanted to make you aware of the threats that I have received here at the church within the last 24 hours.

Pastor Paul Blair

As a pastor, I did not even reference scripture in opposition to this policy.  My points were, first, that the policy was unnecessary because the city and city attorneys clearly stated that there was currently and had not been discrimination based upon sexual orientation.  Second, it was unprecedented in that we would be creating a special class of protection based upon someone’s behavior.  This was not a civil rights issue.  We are not talking about race or gender, but behavior.  And finally, I reminded the council that this was a GLBT effort and to remember the “T”.  With a policy to provide special protection for transgenders, it would be discriminatory to forbid a man from using the ladies shower or restroom in City Buildings.  What about the rights of women?  As you know, the measure passed 7-2.

Read the rest of this article »

AFTAH Interview with Scott Lively – Part Three

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Scott Lively

The following is Part Three of my interview with Scott Lively, who received AFTAH’s 2011 “American Truth Teller Award.” This pre-recorded interview aired October 29, 2011. Lively is the founder of Defend the Family International, and a longtime pro-family activist battling the pro-homosexual agenda. Go HERE for Part One and HERE for Part Two of the Lively interview. There will be a Part Four of this interview dealing with Lively’s “Pink Swastika” research on homosexual influence in Nazi Germany. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

10-29-11, Scott Lively, Part Three

I Am Not Afraid of the ‘Big, Bad H’ (Homosexuality)

Friday, November 4th, 2011
Karen Norling

By Karen Norling, for Americans For Truth

I’d like to tell you about three of my longtime friends–David, Marcia, and Sean–as well as my “double” cousin, Michael, and one of my college professors, Prof. Hathaway.

David entered my life in 1974, shortly after he befriended my older brother, Jon. I was 10; David was 13. Even if David hadn’t become my foster brother, he still would have been a “brother” to me.  I’ll never forget the mornings we walked to the bus stop together, amidst the sub-zero chill of Michigan’s December, the sun-bathed breezes of May. Neither will I forget our unabashed moments of silliness, nor the seriousness with which we debated the issues of the day. Though we’ve lived nearly 3,000 miles apart for many, many years, due to my having moved to California in 1982, we are as close as ever in our hearts.

Marcia entered my life, and became my dear friend, in 1978.  She may have been nearly as old my mother, but that never mattered to me–or to her. Much to my delight, she quickly developed an interest in my poetry and even to this day asks me to send her copies of my latest work. Despite the miles that have separated us for more than three decades, we think of each other often and continue to keep in touch.

Sean entered my life in 1983, when I attended West Valley College in Saratoga. He was my assigned creative-writing tutor.  Sean is one of the most compassionate, considerate men I’ve ever known. My relationship with him is very special, for it is based on trust, respect, and steadfast encouragement: we trust each other to keep one another’s “confidences”; we respect each other’s opinions–even when we staunchly disagree; and we encourage each other, honestly, to spend the rest of our (earthly) lives realizing our God-given potential.

My “double” cousin, Michael, was born six years before I was, but I can remember his side-splitting antics all the way back to first grade.  I could hardly wait to see him whenever I learned that he and his brothers were coming for a visit.  Indeed, he never ceased to make me laugh from the moment he arrived to the moment he said “goodbye.”  If only he had lived closer and could have come more often, I could have spent that much more of my childhood “rolling” joyously on the proverbial “floor.”

Professor Hathaway entered my life in 1990–while I was working toward my Bachelor’s at Cal. State, Stanislaus. She was unusually engaging in front of the class and expected each of her students to work as hard as they could to obtain the highest grades possible.  As such, she taught me a great deal about writing–in only one semester.

Why have I told you about David, Marcia, Sean, Michael and Prof. Hathaway?  I’ve told you about them because they have something in common: they are homosexuals.

Read the rest of this article »

AFTAH Interviews Scott Lively – Part Two

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

Threatening note, "Shut Down Lively, is written on large brick thrown through the glass door of Christian Liberty Academy Oct. 15th. Pro-homosexual militants lied about Scott Lively and then demanded that the AFTAH banquet honoring him be shut down.

This is Part Two of my interview with Scott Lively [listen HERE], founder of Defend the Family International and recipient of this year’s AFTAH’s “American Truth Teller” award. This interview was pre-recorded and aired Oct. 22, 2011. Lively, author of “The Pink Swastika” and other books, was the main target of the Oct. 15 terr0r-attack against Christian Liberty Academy, host of the Americans For Truth banquet. We discuss this “homo-fascist” (or “homo-communist”) assault, and the escalation of the “Gay” Lobby’s campaign against religious freedom. Part One of the Lively interview is HERE; there will be a total of four interviews with this veteran of the pro-family struggle to resist the growth of homosexual power in the USA. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

10-22-11, Scott Lively, Part Two

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