A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Brit Hume Starts Out the New Year the Right Way — by Offering Christian Forgiveness to Tiger Woods

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Homosexual activist Besen mocks FOX analyst for his sincere expression of faith

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” (Romans 1:16)

Brit_Hume_OReiillyHow often these days do you see a bold affirmation of Christianity on TV like FOX News’ veteran Brit Hume has given twice in the last few days?  I almost fell off the sofa last night [Tuesday] watching the video below of Hume’s appearance on the O’Reilly Factor, which dealt with his godly on-air counsel to Tiger Woods a day earlier on Fox News Sunday.

Predictably, Wayne Besen — our odds-on favorite for Gay Grinch 2009 (announcement coming soon) — had an ugly and bigoted response to Hume’s affirmation of Christ’s forgiveness. The Christ-ophobic Besen mocks the Christian rebirth (see 2 Corinthians 5:17) with his frothing-at-the-mouth hit-piece HERE. Of course, Besen is on a bizarre quest to prove that “ex-gays” don’t exist, so he is literally at war with God — Who already has changed thousands of former “gay” men (like Stephen Black of First Stone Ministries) and ex-“lesbians” (like Lisa Miller) and Who can radically change a repentant Tiger Woods.

Thankfully, most people who do not have a sin-promoting agenda like Besen’s still acknowledge the tremendous good that comes from Christian conversion.

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AFTAH – Hated for Telling the Truth (Part One)

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

TAKE ACTION by Dec. 31st: Please support Americans For Truth with a tax-deductible gift before the year’s end: www.americansfortruth.com/donate/. All donations received online by midnight Dec. 31st — or postmarked no later than Dec. 31st for regular mail gifts — can be deducted on your 2009 tax return. Send gifts to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. You can become a regular monthly AFTAH “Truth Team” giver by going HERE. Thank you for helping AFTAH fight for the Truth as hard as homosexual activists fight for their “gay” lies!


By Peter LaBarbera


Peter LaBarbera

If you want a good indication of the hatred and vilification to which Americans For Truth and this writer are subjected on a daily basis for exposing the truth about the homosexual and transsexual activist lobbies, do a Google search on my name: Peter LaBarbera (often misspelled: Peter LaBarbara).

Then try another Google search on the smear term that hateful homosexual militants like Wayne Besen and Joe Jervis have adopted in their quest to discredit me and AFTAH: Porno Pete.

Do you see why I can easily relate to Sarah Palin? AFTAH has been on the receiving end of irrational hate from snide leftists and mean-spirited homosexual activists well before anybody in the continental U.S. had even heard of Palin! If I had a quarter for every piece of pro-“gay” hate-mail we’ve received, I could fund our operations for a year.

Just the other day I noticed on Besen’s “Truth [gag] Wins Out” website that Wayne had posted another item blasting me as “Porno Pete.” It was a video that another bunch of hateful activists had created to attack me — sort of a Christmas present from the Gay Grinches to yours truly. I was touched.

“Porno Pete” is Besen’s proud creation, intended to mock me for exposing vile “gay” events like San Francisco’s annual depraved and nudity-filled “Folsom Street Fair” — and Chicago’s “Queer Prom” (sponsored by a gay bathhouse). We expose these events as often as possible because most Americans have no clue how radical the “gay” movement really is — and the threat it poses to kids [check out this gay youth flier] — and the liberal media will never tell them.

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Voters Have a Right to Know if a Candidate Practices Homosexuality

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

Homosexual activist Wayne Besen is shown here yelling into the window of Boston's Park Street Church with a bullhorn. He and other "queer" activists were protesting the church for hosting a conference about helping homosexuals leave that lifestyle.

UPDATE: homosexual and anti-ex-gay activist Wayne Besen, who is a serious candidate for AFTAH’s Gay Grinch 2009 award, is upset at our article below. Besen exposes his anti-religious bigotry by ridiculing our “knuckle-dragging worldview” (it’s called the historic Judeo-Christian tradition, Wayne). Yet he doesn’t get the irony of being the guy who complains about persecution and intolerance while hatefully harassing Christians and returning again and again to vicious ad hominem smears of opponents (e.g., “Porno Pete”). Bullies don’t make good human rights advocates. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org


Voters Have a Right to Know if a Candidate Practices Homosexuality

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, it’s the holiday season, but it’s also the political season, and in every election run-up, we get information about candidates who are suspected — or widely rumored, especially in “gay” circles — to be practicing homosexuals (ie., practicing homosexual behavior; we don’t use the term “orientation” at AFTAH). Usually it’s a call from the opponent’s side who is outraged that the other guy is “gay” and yet not revealing that to the general public. Often the accused candidate is outwardly pro-family.

It’s happening again this year, in at least two states that we’re aware of. [Click here for a link concerning two Illinois Republican Congressmen: “What Chicago Democrats are planning to do to out Republicans Mark Kirk and Aaron Schock.”]

My position and that of Americans For Truth has been clear: voters have a right to know if a politician or candidate is practicing homosexuality (or any other sexual sin) or is deeply sympathetic to same.

Do voters have a right to know that their Congressman — especially one that bills himself as “pro-family” — is having adulterous affairs with women? Yes. Do the same voters have a right to know if their Congressman is himself a homosexual — especially since he will likely be voting on “gay”-related legislation predicated on the (false) assumption that homosexuality is a “civil rights” criterion? You bet they do.

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Does Growing Cultural Acceptance of Homosexuality Make it Moral?

Sunday, December 27th, 2009
Ellen DeGeneres is practicing lesbianism and she thinks it's OK. Does that give her any moral authority?

Ellen DeGeneres is practicing lesbian behavior and she thinks it's OK. Does that give her any moral authority?

Theological/philosophical question for the day:

Is the rightness or wrongness of homosexual behavior dependent upon cultural acceptance of that behavior?

Modern application:

Does the fact that Ellen DeGeneres — a popular comedian, talk show host, and practicing lesbian — thinks homosexuality is OK make it OK?

Corollary question:

Do the condemnations by those who approve of homosexuality of those who do not (as “bigots,” “homophobes,” “haters,” etc.) have any moral authority?


By what standard and authority is opposition to homosexual behavior deemed “immoral”?

Jesus Christ: A Truth Above All Truths

Thursday, December 24th, 2009

CrossEasterDear Readers,

We at Americans For Truth wish each of you a Joyous and Merry Christmas, as we celebrate the most important birth in all of history. At AFTAH, we do the best we can to defend God’s Truth about homosexuality in a hostile and worldly culture — and other groups do the same on such issues as abortion, pornography, decency and marriage. But there is a Truth above all truths, and people’s attitude toward Him often dictates their commitment to or rejection of truth on these cultural matters.

Jesus Christ is that Truth: God’s own Son who departed from glory and humbled Himself to become man who obediently died a humiliating death on a cross — to pay the punishment that each of us deserves for our sins.

Jesus Christ’s “free gift” of salvation is available to all, but many choose darkness over the light. No mere wise teacher, Jesus alone could make the stunning and exclusive claim: “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.” (John 14:6) Because unlike any other religious leader in history, Jesus was not just a man. He triumphed over death! “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15: 55) And even as being born again through life-changing belief in Christ is the eternal hope of every man and woman, no one can reach heaven without believing in Christ. And no one can escape His judgment. (John 3: 1-21)

An America that dishonors Jesus Christ is an America headed toward oblivion, and ultimately a return to Christ — that is, a return to God — alone can save our troubled, disobedient land. A pale imitation of Christ’s humility — in the form of Americans swallowing their pride, self-centeredness and shallow religion, and returning to God in repentance — is the key to America becoming truly great.

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Barber Clarifies Confusion over ‘Faux Controversy’ about his Bold Description of Homosexual Sodomy

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

cpac-logo-2009Update: since the publication of this piece in 2009, Randy Thomas has strayed back into homosexuality (while still claiming, against the entire counsel of Scripture, that he remains a faithful Christian. His former boss, Alan Chambers, has presided over the implosion of Exodus International as a Christian “ex-gay” ministry–through the embrace of of a heresy labeled “Hyper-Grace” by our friend Dr. Michael Brown, who wrote a book about it. In 2015, Chambers ridiculously opined that God is “cool” with homosexual “marriage.” AFTAH now (highly) recommends Restored Hope Network, an umbrella group of ex-“gay” ministries that includes many former Exodus members. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH, Dec. 2, 2016


By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, a few days ago we ran a story about CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) allowing a homosexual activist group to be a co-sponsor, in which I quoted my friend (and AFTAH Board Member) Matt Barber offered a colorful description of homosexual sodomy. It was appropriately dismissive toward this “detestable” act (Leviticus 18:22) once known as a “crime against nature,” Matt’s point was obvious: no true “conservative” can support or celebrate homosexual perversion or the LGBT agenda, in any way.

Well, thanks to the politically correct overreaction of Randy Thomas and Alan Chambers of Exodus International (an ex-“gay” umbrella group), Liberty Counsel (Barber’s current employer) issued an apologetic statement that was not fully accurate in that it left out a key fact: Matt’s ownership of the bold sodomy description. This could create the  impression that Barber might not have made the comment, which he did.

Today Matt issued his own clarification (emphasis added):

“This is for clarification only. As affirmed in Liberty Counsel’s statement, neither I nor anyone with Liberty Counsel ever publicly ‘wrote or made’ the comment in question – an unapologetically direct and accurate depiction of the sin of sodomy (a sin that God directly and accurately calls both an ‘abomination’ and ‘detestable’). Some years before I began working with Liberty Counsel, I made the comment in private conversation with Peter LaBarbera. At the time, Peter asked if he could ‘quote me on it’ and I said yes.

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Letter – More Homosexual Hate: BURN IN HELL, AFTAH!

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

Over the years, I’ve met thousands of people involved in some way in the pro-family effort to resist the demands of the homosexual activist movement, but I can’t imagine even one of them sending hate-mail like this — delivered to AFTAH today through our website. (We get lots of similar letters.) Isn’t it fascinating to see so many modern “queer” activists going to such great lengths to use moral and religious rhetoric to defend their sexual misbehavior? Homosexuals who appropriate the Bible to justify their embrace of sin are treading on very dangerous ground: I fear these poor souls one day will reap the punishment that they wish upon us. But God is gracious and is waiting for all stubborn sinners to repent, accept Christ’s free gift of salvation, and change their wicked ways. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

“YOU will BURN IN HELL for spewing your garbage water and spreading hatred through this world. Thank GOD your views are a DYING BREED because gay rights ARE HERE FOREVER! We will all enjoy each other\’s company in heaven while you SLAVE AWAY FOR SATAN!”


Liberty Counsel May Lead Pullout of CPAC if Homosexual Group GOProud Remains as Co-Sponsor

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

TAKE ACTION: Call or write CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) Chairman David Keene of the American Conservative Union (703-836-8602, ext. 19) and urge him to keep social liberals from corrupting CPAC’s conservative message. E-mail: cpac@conservative.org. Urge Keene to drop GOProud as a CPAC co-sponsor because GOProud supports the same radical homosexualist agenda as other GLBT organizations — which is corrupting children and tearing apart America’s moral fiber.


‘One of these groups doesn’t belong’: the homosexual activist group GOProud joins truly conservative organizations co-sponsoring the annual CPAC conference. Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel is leading a pullout of CPAC by social conservative groups unless GOProud is removed as a co-sponsor.

[Note: since publication of this article we have published a letter to AFTAH clarifying that GOProud does NOT support “hate crimes” laws, as most other homosexual groups do. — Editor]

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, for years religious conservatives have been complaining about getting  the short end of the stick from CPAC, the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. There is usually only a token panel or two dealing with “Culture War” social issues like abortion and homosexuality (and rarely one explicitly on fighting the “gay” agenda) — as organizers seek to appease the CPAC libertarians, some of whom support goals like homosexual “marriage” that are anathema to socially conservatives.

Now CPAC’s tenuous “Big Tent” could collapse altogether as social conservatives led by Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber threaten to launch a boycott of the conference (scheduled for Feb. 18-20, 2010) unless CPAC drops a homosexual activist group, GOProud, as a co-sponsor. Barber, my good friend, an AFTAH Board Member, and the Director of Cultural Affairs at Liberty Counsel, is leading the charge to keep the CPAC sponsorship list … conservative.

GOProud describes itself as “the only national organization for gay conservatives and their allies,” but we at AFTAH dispute their definition of “conservative,” which would have the movement’s Founding Fathers, like Russell Kirk (see quotation at bottom), rolling over in their graves.

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