A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

McDonald’s Promises Neutrality – AFA Ends Boycott

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

American Family Association sent out the following e-alert today. Congrats to AFA and its “BoycottMcDonald’s” campaign for achieving some semblance of parity in the outward practices of this important corporation. That’s very good news, but I’m still adopting a wait-and-see approach before heading off to a McDonald’s restaurant. –Peter LaBarbera

AFA Chairman Don Wildmon writes:

AFA ends boycott: McDonald’s agrees to changes

October 9, 2008

Dear Pro-family Americans,

Great news! Because of AFA supporters like you, McDonald’s has told AFA they will remain neutral in the culture war regarding homosexual marriage. AFA is ending the boycott of McDonald’s. As you know, AFA called for the boycott in May after McDonald’s joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC).

McDonald’s said McDonald’s Vice President Richard Ellis has resigned his position on the board of NGLCC and that his seat on the board will not be replaced. McDonald’s also said that the company has no plans to renew their membership in NGLCC when it expires in December.

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Slavery Makes a Comeback at Deviant Sex ‘Folsom Fair’ in ‘Progressive’ San Francisco — Coming to a City Near You?

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

Will Speaker Nancy Pelosi push San Francisco Democrats to put an end to this law-breaking in her own district?

fols-08-master-slave-duo-covered-up.jpg SLAVERY IS BACK — IN “PROGRESSIVE” SAN FRANCISCO (click on photos, twice, to enlarge). The “partners” in an African-American “master-slave relationship” mug for the camera (genitalia is covered up) outside the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco Sept. 28, 2008. Note the leash and collar allowing the hand-cuffed “slave” to be led around like a dog. And the homosexual lobby and its leftist enablers call this return to (consensual) slavery “progressive”? (The second-largest homosexual organization, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force — which has given large amounts of money to defeat the Prop 8 amendment to restore traditional marriage in California — gives out a “Leather Leadership Award” at its “Creating Change” conferences.)

Note that this public nudity occurred outside the police-protected boundaries of Folsom (see metal fence in background, blocking the street at an entrance point). San Francisco police — hence law and order — are totally compromised in this “queer” Mecca, where outlandish behaviors and various human degradations — including men urinating on and in one another — are celebrated as mere “orientations.” Apparently it’s no big deal in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D) congressional district to see men strutting around the city completely naked — and Pelosi won’t denounce it (or help to stop it) for fear of alienating her powerful homosexual constituency. We were told that there are other public events in San Francisco that “tolerate” full nudity — but Folsom alone joins that with its pornographic promotion of homosexual sex clubs and depraved, promiscuous behaviors (e.g., orgiastic “pig sex”), which constitute a public health hazard and help spread disease worldwide.

Folks, this year we thought it would be beneficial for other pro-family leaders and advocates to join Americans For Truth in venturing to the world’s most famous “queer” Mecca, San Francisco, to observe the incredible goings-on at the annual “Folsom Street Fair.” Folsom is a sadomasochistic street celebration occupying 13 blocks — featuring rampant full public nudity and public whippings — all countenanced by city officials and the SFPD, which also recruits at the “fair.” Like last year, we witnessed sex acts on the streets, but a Folsom spokesman assured us that they are cracking down on that. Folsom is also the third largest outdoor event in California — drawing homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual people who are into various sexual “fetishes,” such as the “master-slave” duo above.

fols-08_protest_anthony_gonzalez.jpgThis was also the first year that we worked with other pro-family advocates to protest Folsom: the St. Joseph’s Men Society fielded a few men with our sign across the street from one of the busy entrance points to the “fair.” (See photo at right; St. Joseph’s president Anthony Gonzalez is holding the “Vote YES on Prop 8 sign in his right hand while talking to a reporter.) Thanks to all who helped out at the protest and our coalition press conference — where we were shouted down by intolerant homosexual militants as police stood passively by.

As we’ve said many times, we find it newsworthy that this and another extreme “leather” event occur annually in the district of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D), who is third in line to President of the United States. Over and over we were told by San Franciscans (leather advocates and otherwise) that Folsom is just part of what makes this a uniquely tolerant and quirky city — and if we didn’t like it, why don’t we just stay away? The answer is that we want people across the USA and the world to understand what “tolerance” has become in this Democratic-led city — and where that “gay agenda” that homosexual activists keep telling us doesn’t exist ultimately leads. Here is our friend Diane Gramley’s account of what we witnessed. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org


Is This Headed for a Town Near You?

By Diane Gramley, American Family Association of Pennsylvania

WARNING:   Adult content

How does one put into words what I witnessed on Sunday, September 28th in San Francisco?  How does one explain men walking down city streets totally nude, bare-breasted and bare-bottomed women, public whippings and sex acts?  San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair was just as depraved as reports I’d read of past ‘fairs.’ Why would a city allow this to happen? We are told it’s ‘tolerance’ that requires them to turn a blind eye to such depravity. Although they do not call it depravity, they call it being ‘progressive.’  What new acts will ‘tolerance’ allow in the future?

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LaBarbera: San Francisco Bans Cigarettes while Promoting Public Health Hazard that Is Folsom Street Fair

Sunday, September 28th, 2008

Huge sadistic celebration another marker of America’s steep moral decline

cigarettes.jpgSan Francisco politicians voted to ban the sale of cigarettes in city drug stores — while they extol the Folsom Street Fair with its illegal public orgies, celebration of hyper-promiscuous homosexual “pig sex,” and promotion of disease-spreading gay sex clubs like “Blow Buddies” and Steamworks. Meanwhile, Folsom doubles as an AIDS fundraiser and the San Francisco Department of Public Health has two booths at the event — go figure. 

Below is the statement that I read at our press conference Friday, over the shouts of intolerant homosexual activists. Can you imagine if our national media reported on America’s moral decline with the urgency that it has covered the current economic crisis?–Peter LaBarbera

Statement by Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans For Truth, at press conference condemning San Francisco Folsom Street Fair, Sept. 26, 2008, San Francisco City Hall:

I want you to forget for a moment that the four people who stand before you are religious or that we represent conservative organizations diametrically opposed to the GLBT movement.  Discount that three of us come from outside the Bay area and put aside, if you can, the stereotypes that some of you have of the so-called “Religious Right.”

folsom_web_promo.jpgNow consider what we are here to expose and criticize.  Every year – in fact, twice a year now – San Francisco plays eager host to street fairs like the Folsom Street Fair this Sunday that feature the following (most of which I have personally witnessed as a critical observer):

•    Rampant public nudity including men walking the streets in nothing but their socks and sneakers;
•    Public street orgies in which men engage in heinous sex acts – as depicted on these enlarged photos [blow-ups of AFTAH web photos like those HERE and HERE] — as thousands of fairgoers walk by;
•    Public sadistic whippings, acts of “consensual” degradation including men urinating on one another – for pleasure — and “master-and-slave” partners or perverse arrangements in which one partner plays the role of an animal, led around on a dog-collar by his “master”;
•    Blatant anti-Christian bigotry – e.g., the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — transvestite mock “nuns” who work closely with Folsom; and religious-themed “sex toys” sold by vendors;
•    Public health hazards: Folsom promotes local gay sex clubs like “Blow Buddies” and Steamworks, a Berkeley bathhouse where men go for anonymous sexual encounters with other men (including condomless, “barebacking” anal sex) that spread diseases;
•    Police blame their inaction amidst all the illegal, debauched acts on politicians who tell them not to intervene or enforce the law. At the same time, the SFPD recruits at this sordid affair [the police have a booth at Folsom again this year] — an all-time low and embarrassment for men in blue everywhere whose mission is supposed to be “law enforcement.”

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San Francisco ‘Gaystapo’ Tries to Shout Down Pro-Family Press Conference

Friday, September 26th, 2008

Homosexual militants defend public sex, nudity on city streets; say children (with parents) should be allowed to attend X-rated Folsom Street Fair

By Peter LaBarbera


Anthony Gonzalez of the St. Joseph’s Men’s Society speaks at pro-family press conference at the San Francisco City Hall — denouncing the uber-perverse Folsom Street Fair, which will occur Sunday in the “gay” Mecca. Earlier, homosexual militants led by veteran “AIDS activist” Michael Petrelis sought to disrupt our press event. Petrelis and other “queer” advocates defended public sex on city streets and even said parents should be allowed to bring their young children to Folsom — despite the rampant public nudity and street orgies at the annual sadism-celebrating fair.

SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 26 — Well, folks, this is what it boils down to in the nation’s “queer” Mecca: the same homosexual activists who have no problem tolerating public nudity, sex acts and sadomasochistic whippings on their city streets could not tolerate a simple pro-family press conference on the steps of City Hall.

Yes, the “Gaystapo” tried to shout down our press event this morning — prancing in front of our speakers, chanting that we were “bigots” and shouting over us throughout. Right off the bat, veteran homosexual “AIDS activist” Michael Petrelis jumped in front of me and our big banner that read, “Stop Public Nudity & Street Orgies” — demanding an answer as to whether I oppose “gays being hanged in Iran.” When I said yes, I oppose that, Petrelis was not appeased, and continued to jump in front of me and generally be obnoxiously disruptive (a “gay” militant specialty, it seems).

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AFTAH: Folsom Street Fair in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s District with its Public Nudity and Street Orgies Represents America’s Deepening ‘Moral Crisis’

Friday, September 26th, 2008

Americans For Truth about Homosexuality

September 26, 2008; Contact: Andre Traversa: 847-318-6413

SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. – In remarks prepared for a press conference this morning at San Francisco’s City Hall, Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera said that – like homosexual “marriage” — the public perversions and nudity allowed to go on at the annual “Folsom Street Fair” in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district represent America’s deepening moral crisis.

The 25th annual “Folsom Street Fair” will be held this Sunday, Sept. 28, in San Francisco.  Details of today’s and Monday’s press conference follow:

WHAT:  Two press events exposing Folsom and the politicians who enable it;
WHERE:  San Francisco City Hall
WHEN:  Friday, Sept. 26, 11:00 AM – pre-Folsom; and Monday, Sept. 29, 10:00 AM – post-Folsom;
WHO:  Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Linda Harvey, Mission America; Diane Gramley, American Family Association of Pennsylvania; Anthony Gonzalez, St. Joseph’s Men’s Society

Pelosi has refused to condemn the debauched Folsom Fair in her district, which features:

• Rampant public nudity including men walking the streets in nothing but their socks and sneakers; police refuse to enforce decency laws and even recruit at the fair;
• Public street orgies in which men engage in homosexual sex acts – as depicted on enlarged photos at the press events — as thousands of fairgoers walk by;
• Blatant anti-Christian bigotry – e.g., the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — transvestite mock “nuns” who work closely with Folsom; and religious-themed “sex toys” sold by vendors;

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Sunday Message: Do Christian Spin Doctors Heal the ‘LGBTQ’ Community?

Sunday, September 21st, 2008

Higgins says ‘bridge-building’ must not come at the expense of Biblical Truth

crosseaster.jpgThis is a wonderful essay by my friend Laurie Higgins, who recently joined the staff of Illinois Family Institute. Laurie is right: in today’s evangelical church we are witnessing “obfuscation” in the name of Gospel outreach, timidity and compromise in the name of “bridge-building,” and outright treachery (e.g., Peggy Campolo’s embrace of sodomy-based “marriage”) in the name of being “Christ-like.” Young Christians, especially, do not treat homosexuality like God does in the Bible; they are far too cavalier toward this sin because they grew up in a pro-“gay” popular and media culture.

Laurie’s piece below is an antidote to those Christians who may feel tempted to water down God’s Word — or to stop proclaiming it — in the name of extending love to those caught up in homosexual practice. True love — or what the world often calls “tough love” — does not run from God’s Truth but rather embraces it. Read this article, then read it again, and then pass it on to your network of family and friends. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org


Do Christian Spin Doctors Heal the “LGBTQ” Community?

9/19/2008 8:17:00 AM
By Laurie Higgins, Division of School Advocacy Director –Illinois Family Institute

Despite the fact that I am neither a theologian nor a pastor, I’m going to make what I hope are not presumptuous observations about the way some individuals, church leaders, and non-profit organizations attempt to build bridges with the homosexual community. Many Christian “bridge-builders” are pursuing this noble effort by either concealing from their GLBTQ friends the true nature of their orthodox theological positions, or conversely by concealing from their orthodox Christian friends their non-traditional theological positions.

The goals of building bridges, cultivating community, and fostering relationships between the orthodox Christian community and the GLBTQ community, and spreading the Good News of Christ’s work of redemption within that community are not only noble but critical goals. And certainly different people are called to approach these goals in different ways. But the methods or strategies employed must never sacrifice, obscure, or compromise truth.

Some of these bridge builders justify their obfuscation by claiming that it is not the role of the Christian community to “convict or judge.” They argue, rightly in my view, that it is the Holy Spirit that convicts the heart of man, and God who judges. But the way they are using this correct theology muddies the waters by implying that if we state clearly that God defines homosexual behavior as sin, we are guilty of convicting and judging others. That is false. To answer direct questions with direct, clear answers on God’s view of homosexuality does not constitute either convicting or judging. And it can lead to the very redemption bridge-builders profess to desire for the GLBTQ community.

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Sarah Palin, ‘Daddy’s Roommate’ and the Left’s Hypocrisy on ‘Book Banning’

Thursday, September 18th, 2008

daddys_roommate_in_bed.JPGTwo men in a sexual relationship is just “one more kind of love.” That’s the message that the homosexual picture book Daddy’s Roommate tells little children. While the Left loves accusing conservatives of “book banning,” America’s public libraries are far more likely to carry pro-homosexual books than those critical of homosexuality — including books written by ex-“gays.”

Americans For Truth News Release, Sept. 18, 2006

NAPERVILLE, Illinois – Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera today charged liberal activists with rank hypocrisy in accusing GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin of “book banning” because she or her constituents once expressed concerns about controversial books such as Daddy’s Roommate in the Wasilla Public Library.

“All the charges of book-banning and censorship of books like ‘Daddy’s Roommate’ obscure the Left’s role as the nation’s leading Institutional Censor in keeping traditional and faith-based books on homosexuality and other issues OUT of public libraries,” LaBarbera said.

Americans For Truth is readying the launch of its “Library Fairness Project” to correct the severe pro-homosexual book bias in local library collections nationwide. AFTAH will work with other organizations like PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays) to help citizens make requests to their local libraries to have balanced collections on homosexuality – i.e., parity between pro-homosexuality books and those opposed to the “gay” movement. The latter will include books by former homosexuals (“ex-gays”) – a subject despised by liberal, pro-gay activists intent on hiding the truth that many men and women have left that sinful lifestyle.

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Ray Boltz Buys the Lie, Says God Made Him Homosexual

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

Meanwhile, others credit God with helping them overcome homosexuality

ray_boltz_sells_out_god.jpgRay Boltz back when he was not publicly defying God’s Word. The Christian artist and father of four now says being homosexual “is the way God made me.” 

By Peter LaBarbera

Last week, I was at the Family Research Council’s “Values Voter Summit” in Washington, D.C., where I was struck by how many former homosexuals I encountered in the space of a three day visit. I had breakfast with my good friend Jim, who is happily married and has left homosexuality so far behind that he told me he can barely believe that was how he once lived.

Then there was Anthony Falzarano, a veteran former homosexual who is out with a new book about his life, And Such Were Some of You. (Anthony — who has attended the funerals of many homosexual friends from his old life — was accompanied by his beautiful daughter Mary Victoria, who is alive today because he stopped living the “gay” lie.)

And I met Anthony Glover, an African American man whose road to overcoming homosexuality was solidified by a scary experience of almost committing sodomy with a homosexual man who was HIV-positive. (Yes, some homosexual men intentionally try to infect others with HIV.)

Also stopping at our Americans For Truth booth at the FRC summit was Grace Harley, a former (female-to-male) “transgender” who is now a Christian advocating for healthy change in Maryland.

Amidst all this, I picked up a copy of The Washington Blade, D.C.’s main homosexual newspaper, only to find a long story on former Christian Gospel singer Ray Boltz, who has sold out Jesus by embracing a false “gay” identity after living a life as a married family man. (Self-styled “queer” activists will say that Boltz was living a lie, but his four children do not owe their existence to a “gay” lifestyle.) I read the entire Blade story, but all you really need to know is in the final paragraph:

“This is what it really comes down to,” [Boltz] says. “If this is the way God made me , then this is the way I’m going to live. It’s not like God made me this way and he’ll send me to hell if I am who he created me to be … I really feel closer to God because I no longer hate myself.”

Wow, talk about presumption! This talented man is lost and he needs our prayers. Boltz may “feel” closer to God, but if you believe the Scriptures, he’s farther than ever from Him. We understand that the radical “gay” movement exalts its collective “feelings” over the Bible’s clear teaching — and certainly they are not alone in that regard — but each of us must choose between the truth and lies every day, and homosexual behavior is egregiously sinful, according to God’s Word. (See www.robgagnon.net if you are tempted to rationalize away the Bible’s clear condemnation of homosexual practice.) You just can’t sugarcoat that verdict, although these days even many Christians try.

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