A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

LISTEN ONLINE/CWA: OK Lawmaker Under Vicious Attack by Anti-Christian Homosexual Hate Groups

Friday, March 14th, 2008

Rep. Sally Kern assigned bodyguard after homosexual threats; trusts in God to protect her


Folks, I strongly urge you to listen to this radio program, and then contemplate the malevolence of homosexual activists who even went so far as to falsely label Oklahoma legislator Sally Kern’s son Jesse as “gay” to further their hate campaign against her. Click HERE to listen to the interview–Peter LaBarbera.

Concerned Women for America published this on March 14:

Oklahoma State Representative, Sally Kern (R), is under attack by anti-Christian homosexual hate groups, such as the so-called “Human Rights Campaign” and the “Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund,” for addressing the dangers posed to American culture by militant homosexual activism and celebration of the homosexual lifestyle. These groups have dispatched their minions in an effort to intimidate and embarrass Rep. Kern. Investigators are even looking into potential death threats against the lawmaker and she has been assigned a bodyguard. Matt Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues, spoke with Rep. Kern and with Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth, about the hateful words and thinly veiled threats Rep. Kern has been forced to endure over the past few days. Click HERE to listen to the online program.

Keep Your Kid Home From School on the ‘Day of Silence’

Monday, March 10th, 2008

pastor_ken_hutcherson.gif Pastor Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Washington, is speaking out strongly against the pro-homosexual “Day of Silence” on Friday, April 25. A growing coalition of pro-family groups is calling for parents to keep their children home from school on that day.

TAKE ACTION: First, check the two Mission America lists to see if your local schools are participating in the Day of Silence. The best way to ascertain whether YOUR children’s school is promoting or enabling DOS is to call the school and ask this question: “Are you allowing students to go silent in the classroom on the upcoming pro-homosexual “Day of Silence” (Friday, April 25)? (Some schools say they are NOT endorsing D.O.S., yet still allow students to not participate in class — which disrupts the learning process.) If the school administrator answers “yes” (or cannot say “no”), then yank your child out of the school on April 25th to protest their capitulation to homosexual activism. Of course, many committed Christians, and groups like Exodus Mandate, would advise you to pull them out of the public schools for good.

NOTE: Please notify AFTAH at americansfortruth@comcast.net with information about the response of your local school authorities to your DOS inquiries, and to tell us if you are pulling your children out of school on April 25th. Thank you!

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, the politicization of America’s schools — both public and private — in favor of the the proud homosexuality (and now transsexuality) agenda is a crisis that continues to spiral downward. There was a time — back in the days when “Gay Power” was more a dream slogan for sexual radicals than the liberal establishment reality it is today — when homosexual activists disavowed any interest in our nation’s schools or recruiting youth. (Meanwhile, they had yet to kick out NAMBLA — the North American Man/Boy Love Association — from their coalition; in fact, the notorious pederasty group once marched in big-city “Gay Pride” parades.)

Fast-forward to today: homosexual activists and their liberal allies are all over the schools — even grade schools. In that respect, they are not unlike other nefarious ideological movements in their utilitarian misuse of schools to sway young minds. The result is that today’s young people are more pro-homosexual yet more pro-life at the same time — a curious mix and one that testifies to the effectiveness of pro-homosexuality marketing tactics. (Pop culture and media elites have decided that the “gay” debate is settled and we lost.)

In my experience, many of today’s teenagers and twenty-somethings are profoundly ignorant of the larger homosexual activist agenda, and even Christian youth are severely truth-challenged on this issue (to which the poll-driven church movement responds by scolding the larger Church for being too “anti-homosexual”).

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Deerfield High School outside Chicago Offers Homosexual Pornography To Students

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

After almost 15 years of school advocacy and reviewing many objectionable books and curricula, I have never seen anything this vulgar and harmful to students.”Lora Sue Hauser

Click HERE to read some disgusting excerpts from Tony Kushner’s play; WARNING: they are worse than you could imagine

Kudos to my friend and extraordinary pro-family school advocate, Lora Sue Hauser, for exposing this extreme case of educational malpractice, at Deerfield High School north of Chicago. The teachers and administrators responsible for allowing this travesty — which could be “payback” for Lora Sue’s effective advocacy at DHS on behalf of students and parents over the years — should be terminated.

How did we get to the point in America where such disgusting pornographic writing could be justified as a part of a lesson plan for teenage boys and girls in school? Overly “tolerant” liberalism is corrupting our children at a rapid rate, while busy parents barely know what’s going on. Enough is enough: take action today! — Peter LaBarbera

TAKE ACTION: Read the “Angels in America” excerpts and call or write Deerfield High School Principal Sue Hebson to express — with civility — your dismay that their school, or any school, would even consider exposing impressionable youth to this vile, anti-religious, homosexual “literary” pornography: 224-632-3011; shebson@dist113.org; main office: 224-632-3000.

Write or call District 113 Superintendent George Fornero (gfornero@dist113.org) through the District 113 website, or call 224-765-1000. The District 113 Board of Education also can be reached through their website.

Our sources indicate the class where “Angels in America” will be used is AP Literature and Composition, by Deerfield HS English teacher Jeff Berger-White. You can reach him at jbergerwhite@dist113.org or by calling 224-632-3125.

No matter where you live, let Principal Hebson, Superintendent Fornero and DHS hear from you regarding this incredible breach of educational trust. Send us your letter and/or any replies that you receive: americansfortruth@comcast.net.


News Release

North Shore Student Advocacy

Deerfield High School Offers Pornography To Students

March 7, 2008

Contact: Lora Sue Hauser, Executive Director, North Shore Student Advocacy
Telephone: (847) 651-8646; NSSAdvocacy@aol.com

DEERFIELD, Illinois — North Shore Student Advocacy has learned that Deerfield High School, in Deerfield, Illinois, is offering the books “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes” (Part One & Two) —- laced with graphic sexual content, including gay sex, pervasive expletives, religious denigration and mockery —- in English classes this spring.

Click HERE to read some disgusting excerpts from Kushner’s play; WARNING: they are worse than any normal person could imagine

“After almost 15 years of school advocacy and reviewing many objectionable books and curricula, I have never seen anything this vulgar and harmful to students,” says Lora Sue Hauser, Executive Director of North Shore Student Advocacy. “Parents, taxpayers and concerned citizens must force themselves to read these excerpts, as horrific as they are, so you know what kids are being exposed to. The school justifies this egregious choice because of its themes of hope. Evidently, all great literature with themes of hope have already been exhausted so teachers need to start offering pornography. We say – enough.”

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Jim Wallis Calls Homosexual Activist Mel White a ‘Gay Christian’

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

Compares Opposition to Homosexuality to Racism

mel_white_gary_nixon.jpgMel White and his homosexual lover, Gary Nixon, as shown on his group Soulforce’s website. Evangelical leftist Jim Wallis calls White a “gay Christian” in his new book. White smears Christians who adhere to Biblical teachings on homosexuality by accusing them of “spiritual violence” against homosexuals.

What is striking about the quotation below from Jim Wallis’ book, “The Great Awakening: Reviving Faith & Politics in Post-Religious Right America” (which he promoted at his recent speech at Wheaton College) is that while he accuses the late Rev. Jerry Falwell of “inflammatory language,” he ignores the same from homosexual activist Mel White, whom he labels a “gay Christian.” White and his group Soulforce accuse churches and Christian leaders who defend Biblical teachings against homosexuality of “spiritual violence” against “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people” — a calculated verbal smear that deliberately conflates defenders of God’s revealed truth with spiritual bullying.

Why doesn’t Wallis call upon Mel White to heal the “wounds” he has caused faithful Christians by castigating them for upholding Biblical truth?

Can you be a faithful Christian and a homosexual activist? We say no — any more than you could be a faithful Christian and an adultery activist, or a pornography activist, or an abortion-on-demand activist. Sin is sin. Mel White, who left his wife and family to enter into a sexual relationship with another man and pursue homosexual activism, is a rebel against God, albeit an eloquent one. Unfortunately, his ally Jim Wallis sees the greater danger coming from defenders of Biblical morality, rather than those like White who are working diligently to undermine and redefine it. — Peter LaBarbera

The following is found on page 303 of Wallis’ book Great Awakening:

“It would have been nice to hear that Jerry Falwell, too, had moved to embrace a broader agenda than just abortion and homosexuality. Rev. Falwell, who was admittedly racist during the civil rights movement, in later years was honored by the Lynchburg NAACP for his turnabout on the issue of race, showing the famous founder of the Religious Right’s capacity to grow and change. But recently on television I saw the pain on the face of gay Christian Mel White, who lamented that despite the efforts of himself and others, Falwell never moderated his strong and often inflammatory language (even if maintaining his religious convictions) against gay and lesbian people. They still feel the most wounded by the fundamentalist minister’s statements; that healing had yet to be done.”

WGN Story on ‘Gay Brothers’ Research Biased toward Genetic Homosexuality

Friday, February 29th, 2008

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

By Peter LaBarbera, with additional commentary below by David Smith 

Well, for those of you who saw the WGN broadcast (above) on the “gay brothers” research (www.gaybros.com), I’m sure that you were as disappointed as I was at the obvious bias — unless you’re a homosexuality advocate, of course.  While I’m glad that WGN invited me on as a critic, I got just 12 seconds compared to three separate on-air segments featuring a pair of homosexual brothers who are part of the experiment.

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In Britain, the Christians Are Criminals: Second UK Couple Rejected as Foster Parents Due to Religious Beliefs

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Stephen Green, national director of [British group] Christian Voice, said, “It seems that Christians are gradually being squeezed out of the adoption process. It’s exactly what we said would happen. In the name of equality, it’s discriminating against Christians.” 

 British couple Owen and Eunice Johns are being denied as foster parents because they agree with their Creator about homosexuality.

By Peter LaBarbera

Commenting on LifesiteNews story by Hillary White:  http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008/feb/08022705.html

For more information, see the British Christian Legal Centre’s site at: http://www.christianlegalcentre.com/view.php?id=253

owen_eunice_johns_denied_foster_parenting.jpgThe once-great nation of Britain is being reduced to a bastion of politically correct silliness. Is America next? So now British couples aren’t qualified to raise children unless they can recite pro-“gay” shibboleths?

Why no, Johnny, you don’t have to have a man and a woman to get married — in fact, two daddies are often better at raising children than a mommy and a daddy. When you are old enough, we will tell you all you need to know so we can support you if you have a gay or transgender orientation. Did you know that being gay is a one of God’s gifts for special people?”

You chuckle, but it is surreal to behold the deterioration of Western civilization before our very eyes — one sad story like this at a time. Meanwhile, smug, agnostic pundits and religious leftists like Jim Wallis castigate the “Religious Right,” which is made up of people who are merely trying their best to hold back the march of evil (masquerading as progress). Which reminds me: when is the last time you heard the media use the phrase “Religious Left,” anyway?

Destructive and radical ideologies (e.g., Marxism) often are imposed from above by force, relying on disinformation — or stealth strategies — because an informed, moral (and generally conservative-leaning) citizenry would never approve such nonsense on their own. Hence the homosexual activists’ drive for power culminates in state punishment and repression of their opponents — mainly Christians and other religious adherents. Invariably, as we are seeing abroad and now here in the USA, “gay rights” comes at the expense of religious freedom.

Liberals and “gay” activists alike ask: “But how does granting equal rights for gays and lesbians affect you?” It’s the wrong question (it’s not all about ME), and one that radically redefines civil and human rights, but here’s part of the answer: state-enforced, pro-homosexuality ideology ultimately criminalizes Judeo-Christian ethics, ideas and even compassion (per the U.K.) — and that destroys societies and hurts children. “Gay” ideology is at war with common sense and “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” — as our Declaration of Independence from Britain states — giving rise to misguided social policies like that below. 

Read the rest of this article »

LISTEN: CWA Interviews LaBarbera on Wheaton College Speech by Controversial Religious Leftist Jim Wallis

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

Click HERE to listen online to Concerned Women for America’s interview probing Wheaton College’s invitation to “Religious Left” icon Jim Wallis, who questions God’s description of homosexual behavior as an “abomination” and sympathetically describes homosexual activist Mel White as a “gay Christian.”  Liberal Evangelical leader Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners Magazine, spoke at Wheaton College this week. Wallis is controversial within evangelical circles because much of what he advocates runs counter to Biblical principles. Although not invited to speak on the issue, Wallis advocates civil unions and “blessing” ceremonies for homosexual couples. Matt Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues, says Wallis’ biblical revisionism must be challenged. He speaks with Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth who attended the Wallis speech, and Dr. Mike Brown, Director of The Coalition of Conscience in Charlotte, North Carolina, who has debated Jim Wallis previously.

The broadcast also deals with a 2007 Wheaton panel on “HIV and Morality” that featured Harry Knox, a homosexual activist with the Human Rights Campaign who believes that his homosexuality is a “gift from God, one for which I am very grateful. And it would fly in the face of my respect for God to give that gift back.”

You can also download the broadcast by visiting CWA’s website and scrolling down to the title, “Wheaton College Hosts Controversial Speakers.”

Author Dawn Stefanowicz Tells of Pain Caused by Homosexual Father

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

dawn_stefanowicz_book.JPG Canadian writer Dawn Stefanowicz poignantly tells of her painful and bizarre upbringing caused by her father’s homosexuality.

Folks, this is a beautifully written book that testifies to the lunacy of encouraging homosexual parenting in public policy. It can be ordered through Dawn’s website

A Christian woman from Canada has written a new book that details the trauma she suffered during her childhood as a result of her father’s homosexual behavior. In “Out from Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting,” Dawn Stefanowicz (www.dawnstefanowicz.com) recounts her story of growing up in a homosexual home in Toronto, Canada, during the 1960s.

Stefanowicz said she was prompted to write the book in 2004 after testifying before a Canadian senate committee against hate crime legislation and expressing public opposition to the sexual diversity curricula used in her country’s schools.

The author and speaker said writing down her memories about being raised by a father who welcomed numerous male sex partners into the family’s home on a regular basis was a painful process. Stefanowicz said her father’s destructive homosexual behavior created confusion about sexuality in her own life. In the book she chronicles how, as a young girl, she often wished she were a boy.

“It’s a very difficult thing to describe,” she said. “You doubt your own sexuality because you’re looking at your parent’s example. And for me, when I looked at my father I did not feel affirmed as a young girl growing up, nor as a woman. My own femininity was denied in that kind of situation. Women were not valued.”

However, Stefanowicz also said writing about her childhood helped her to heal, and that she hoped the book would aid other children in homosexual homes to “find truth and their own healing.”

“Children are impacted long-term in homosexual environments — not just while they’re growing up, but throughout their adulthood,” said the author. “Children [of homosexuals] who have been in touch with me, even into their fifties and sixties, still describe certain difficulties that they are facing long-term.”

Stefanowicz said it was her faith in Jesus Christ that enabled her to face her traumatic past and forgive her father, who died of AIDS in 1991.

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