A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

In New Jersey, the Real Battle over Marriage Has Already Been Lost

Tuesday, November 20th, 2007

‘Civil Unions’ is hardly an acceptable compromise 

By Peter LaBarbera 

The item at bottom was sent out Nov. 18 as a part of Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ “Washington Update.” We agree with the sentiments, with a caveat regarding this line: “…force the state back into a bitter debate that many believed was solved by the legislature earlier this year.” This apparently refers to  the New Jersey legislature’s 2006 vote for homosexual “civil unions,” which was signed into law by Gov. John Corzine (D) last December and went into effect in February.

We are sure that by using the word “solved” Mr. Perkins does not mean to condone “civil unions” — which is merely “same-sex marriage” by another name. However, it is unfortunately the case that a significant minority of “conservatives,” including pro-life and pro-family advocates, now see “civil unions” as a way out of the homosexual “marriage” mess.

The gap between traditional marriage (i.e., normalcy) and “civil unions” is far wider than that between “civil unions” and “same-sex marriage” — a strategic reality of which the more savvy homosexual activists are well aware (even as the Gay Whining Machine complains about a lack of marital “equality”).

In fact, New Jersey’s “civil unions” law recognizes out-of-state “gay marriages.” It “seeks to give gay couples the same rights in the state as married couples,” reports the USA Today. How much clearer can you get than that on the effect of this “compromise”?

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AFTAH Responds to Wikisposure on Nelson Garcia: Putting Politics above their Mission of Protecting Children

Saturday, November 17th, 2007

 LaBarbera asks: why so many boy victims of pedophilia?

nelson_garcia_convicted_child_pornographer.jpg Nelson Garcia, “boy lover” and deceitful critic of AFTAH. The anti-pedophilia (yet pro-homosexuality) website Wikisposure redirected our link to their page exposing Garcia’s past.

Dear AFTAH Readers,

Wikisposure, a website set up by the Perverted-Justice.com to expose pedophiles, sadly has chosen to “redirect” its page on Nelson Garcia after Americans For Truth linked to it in an effort to document Garcia past as a “boy lover” and criminal arrested for possessing child pornography. Here is our point-by-point response to Wikisposure’s tendentious, pro-homosexuality post:

WIKISPOSURE WRITES: [Headline:] “Redirections”

This page is a special area set-up for redirections. Sometimes organizations and websites will try to co-opt our work to further whatever non-related cause they have.

AFTAH RESPONDS: Americans For Truth was not trying to “co-opt” anything. We merely linked to the best web resource available at the time for exposing Nelson Garcia’s pederastic, criminal past as a “boy lover.”

WIKISPOSURE CONTINUES: This page will be updated with link redirections that should help clarify things for all who come here.

[headline] Americans For Truth Redirection – November 2007
The anti-homosexual hate group “Americans for Truth” …

AFTAH RESPONDS: Wikisposure has obviously not done its research, thus exposes its particular biases and bigotry. Disagreement is not hate, and morality is not prejudice. AFTAH is indeed diametrically opposed to the political/cultural agendas of homosexual, bisexual and transgender activist groups; we think homosexual behavior is wrong, unnatural and changeable, and that nobody is innately “gay”; they think it is right and the basis for a healthy identity, and perhaps even marriage.

We do not “hate” people, but oppose behavior, and have many times stressed the need to reach out to homosexuals with the love of Christ. At our recent banquet, former lesbian Charlene Cothran did just that. As Christians, we are commanded to speak the truth “in love.” We have condemned anti-homosexual (including “Christian”) activists whose messages do not meet that standard. By classifying Americans For Truth as a “hate group,” Wikisposure unfortunately shows that it is willing to make its purpose (which we naively presumed to be merely exposing pedophiles) subservient to a larger, politically correct agenda that includes demonizing and stigmatizing people of faith who do not share their homosexuality-positive viewpoint. That’s too bad.

Labeling historic Judeo-Christian morality as “hate” and its defenders as “haters” is itself an act of profound bigotry. (And we must remind all concerned that many Americans who do not consider themselves religious still consider homosexual behavior to be immoral.) Our question to Wikisposure editors, and to all pro-homosexuality advocates, is this: can you disagree with homosexuality — or believe homosexual behavior is sinful — without being labeled as “haters”?  Do you “hate” Americans For Truth, or do you just disagree with us? If you do hate us, is that hate acceptable because it falls within the framework of your ideology?

WIKISPOSURE CONTINUES:[Americans For Truth] recently attacked a Nelson Garcia who is profiled on our Wiki[1] [links to page which was the original target of the AFTAH story link on Garcia that was redirected; you may need to click another link to get to the original page]. Nelson Garcia is, of course, a dangerous pedophile activist. He should be exposed to his community and his credibility attacked, of course. He is not, by any means, profiled here because he is attracted to males. He is profiled here because he is attracted to underage minors. The reason “Americans for Truth” are attacking him isn’t because he’s a pedophile, but rather that he is attracted to males.

AFTAH RESPONDS: This is preposterous, and again shows Wikisposure’s unfortunate willingness to put politics above its noble mission of protecting children. AFTAH helped expose Nelson Garcia because Garcia has made it his mission to demonize us, while keeping his pederastic past hidden from the public. He was ripe for exposure, spewing all kinds of lies and hatred at Americans For Truth and other Christian groups and leaders opposed to homosexuality. Garcia — busted for possessing child pornography — has the audacity to smear AFTAH founder Peter LaBarbera as “Porno Pete” and another pro-family advocate — parental rights defender David Parker — as a “child abuser.” 

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Coach Daubenmire: ‘I’m Homo-Nauseous’

Tuesday, November 13th, 2007

If you have a beef with this, take it up with the Coach: coach@ptsalt.com. I think he speaks for many millions of people across the country who are sick and tired of in-your-face homosexual activism and, now, its “transgender” cousin.– Peter LaBarbera 

I’m Homo-Nauseous

By Coach Dave Daubenmire, Pass the Salt Ministries, 11/08/2007 

Warning:  Commentary is not politically correct 

I’m sick of it. I really am.

I’m not homo-phobic. I’m not homo-hateful. I’m not homo-latent. I’m homo-nauseous. I really couldn’t care less where a man desires to put his appendage.

But I’m sick of hearing about it. I’m sick of talking about it. I’m sick of it being force fed to me on TV. 

In all of my life I have never seen such deviancy so openly celebrated.  They are deviant, you know?  No matter how many names they will try and call me, no matter how many “sensitivity” classes they try and send me to, no matter how much tolerance they try and cram down my throat (sorry), the fact remains homosexuals are deviant.

Deviant — One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.

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Morella on ENDA: ‘Rational Societies Discriminate between Right and Wrong’

Monday, November 12th, 2007

Gary Morella sent the following letter to President Bush: 

November 8, 2007

Dear Mr. President:

ENDA [Employment Nondiscrimination Act, H.R. 3685] is horrendous legislation that must  be vetoed for the sake of the common good.  It was put forth for one reason, and one reason only, i.e., the advocacy of a social engineering agenda under force of law by a radical fringe who demand that society make them comfortable with their vices, which is counter to the aforementioned common good, as classically understood from the time of Aristotle’s Politics.  Any exemptions are illusions, as verified by what has been going on in Canada and Europe, especially the UK, when irrational legislation is made law. All one has to do is query those who were visited by the police for standing up for faith and right reason, which are married, not divorced!  Society is not obliged to codify law that makes aberrant behavior a civil right, which is insanity, and ultimately leads to anarchy! 

Moreover, we are talking proven changeable, aberrant behavior that is physically, psychologically, socially, and economically ruinous, not to mention the coercion of people of faith by its advocates, which is pure and simply, UN-AMERICAN, making a mockery of the sacrifices of all those who fought and died for our country in its history.   Rational societies are obliged to discriminate between right and wrong behavior; else, they cease being rational!  If responsible parents can understand this, why can’t responsible states? 

Accordingly, there is no choice here, Mr. President, for the sake of a world fit to live in for our children and grandchildren.  Please VETO ENDA for the common good which should be the primary goal of the state! 

Gary L. Morella
Research Assistant
The Pennsylvania State University
P.O. Box 719
Lemont, PA  16851

CWA: First Amendment Trampled With ENDA Passage

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

CWA Release, November 8, 2007

[Call your senators at 202-224-3121 or go to www.congress.org; call President Bush and urge him to veto ENDA if it passes at 202-456-1414 or 202-456-1111, or www.whitehouse.gov/contact.]

Washington, D.C. — On Wednesday, lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives passed — largely along party lines —  H.R. 3685, the so-called Employment Non-discrimination Act (ENDA), by a vote of 235–184. [Click HERE for the Roll Call and HERE to see which Congressmen voted against their party’s majority.] 

Matt Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues, said, “By passing this Orwellian piece of legislation, the Democrat-controlled House has displayed exceptional arrogance.  Congress apparently believes it has carte blanche authority to nullify any constitutional provision which it finds bothersome.  In this case, they’ve drawn a black line through the free exercise clause of the First Amendment.”  

ENDA contains an extremely weak religious exemption which might partially protect some religious organizations but would leave many others — such as Bible bookstores and many Christian schools — entirely unprotected.  It would additionally crush individual business owners’ guaranteed First Amendment rights.   

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Rep. Roy Blunt: Democratic Majority’s ENDA Bill Takes Dead Aim at Religious Freedom

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

roy-blunt.jpg NOTE: Rep. Blunt penned a column on the majority’s ENDA legislation this week for Human Events, available HERE. His speech on the floor of the House can be viewed on YouTube by clicking HERE. Call 202-225-6536 or go to his website HERE to thank Congressman Blunt for standing up for religious freedom and educating the nation on how ENDA will undermine it. If we had more Congressmen like Blunt, our freedoms would not be in jeopardy.

Majority’s ENDA Bill Takes Dead Aim at Religious Freedom

Legislation creates conflict between one’s right to religious freedom, and another’s right to sue you for exercising it

WASHINGTON – House Republican Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) issued the following statement today after Democrats failed to secure a veto-proof majority on the so-called Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), a bill that would erode one’s right to religious freedom by strengthening another’s right to sue you for practicing it:

“The structure of the bill before us today is eerily similar to legislation we’ve seen from this majority all year: a favorable, purposefully misleading title applied to a bill that’s poorly assembled and oblivious to its own consequences. 

“In this case, the so-called ‘Employment Non-Discrimination Act’ creates a legal quagmire for employees who practice, or even acknowledge, their religious beliefs – depending on where they happen to work, and subject to judicial interpretation. In the process, it erodes a basic, fundamental right bestowed upon us by our Creator – and a right guaranteed to every American under the U.S. Constitution.

“As a former president of a Baptist college in Missouri, supporters of this bill have been quick to assure me that its most onerous provisions would not apply to that school. But no such exemption is available for Christian bookstore owners, as an example, or any other small business in which people of faith and deep religious conviction are relied upon as an integral part of the workforce.

“Thankfully, Republicans secured the votes necessary this afternoon to uphold a presidential veto. It’s my hope now that this Congress can move forward on the real priorities affecting American families. Though a clear boon to trial lawyers, this bill does not meet that standard.”

NOTE: Rep. Blunt penned a column on the majority’s ENDA legislation this week for Human Events, available HERE. His speech on the floor of the House can be viewed on YouTube by clicking HERE.

Larry Cirignano: I’m No Saint (But I Try)

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

Victim of harassment lawsuit tells his story

larrycirignano-mikegilleran.jpg Larry Cirignano (right) in courtroom with Michael Gilleran, the attorney who helped him beat bogus charges by ACLU activist Sarah Loy that he assaulted her after she disupted his pro-marriage rally. Click HERE for more on the case, and HERE to read about a Worcester, Mass. reporter who helped smear Cirignano but who refuses to recant his discredited story. For MassResistance’s comprehensive account of Cirignano’s trial and Sarah Loy’s fraud, click HERE.

By Larry Cirignano

This week we celebrate All Saints Day and All Souls Day.  The Catholic Church venerates saints as role models for all of us to emulate, and to encourage us to strive to defend our faith and principles as they did, despite each of them being a sinner.

In early American history, back in 1597, five Franciscan friars were martyred, in what is now Georgia, for standing up against polygamy and defending marriage.

In early church history St John the Baptist, St John Fisher and St Thomas More were all beheaded for standing up for marriage. 

If we are going to continue as a society, we need to stand up for marriage as these brave saints did, by promoting families raising children, and by protecting our children as our most precious resource.

The family is an essential building block for society.  Families are the first protectors of children as the first providers of food, shelter, health care and education. The home is the domestic church and serves as the first hospital, school and restaurant that most kids will know.

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Catholic Men’s Group Calls on Archbishop Niederauer to Replace San Francisco Priest, Steve Meriwether

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

steve_meriwether_pro_homosexual_priest.jpg Steve Meriwether of San Francisco’s pro-homosexual “Most Holy Redeemer” church.

This open letter below (emphasis added) was delivered to San Francisco Archbishop Niederauer on October 29.

It is a request to publicly excommunicate the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and other similar groups and to remove the pastor of Most Holy Redeemer Parish, Fr. Steve Meriwether.

(If you’re not familiar with this event, please take a few minutes to check these links: http://americansfortruth.com/news/more-san-francisco-nuttiness-catholic-archbishop-gives-communion-to-sisters-of-perpetual-indulgence.html (Americans For Truth was the first to report that Archbishop Niederauer gave Communion to members of the blasphemous, drag-queen-“nuns” group, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence; he later apologized);
http://www.qdomine.com/Morality_pages/MHR.htm and http://romancatholicblog.typepad.com/roman_catholic_blog/2007/10/bill-oreilly-di.html
or Google “Niederauer Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence”  or “Niederauer homosexual” for pages and pages of documents, photographs, videos, interviews and commentary about this event that occurred 3 weeks ago and is STILL being reported on from Canada to Germany.  The latest: an interview with an openly “gay” member of Most Holy Redeemer Parish Council with other historical facts here:

Please call the archbishop’s office (don’t talk to a voicemail – make your request to a human). Fax and email them asking the archbishop to excommunicate these groups and their members and to replace Fr. Steve Meriwether as pastor:

Contact info here:
Phone:   Chancery Office: 415 614 5500
Lori Miller, Secretary; John North, Pastoral Ministry xt 5504; Barbara Lordi, Pastoral Outreach ext. 5506 and Maury Healy, Dir. of Communications.


email : (with a personal note)
Also fax to: 415 565 3679

Please consider forwarding to the nuncio at nuntiususa@nuntiususa.org, and Pope Benedict XVI at benedictxvi@vatican.va

Open Letter delivered to the archbishop, Oct 29, 2007

St. Joseph’s Men Society 

15732 Los Gatos Blvd. #303, Los Gatos, California 95032

October 29, 2007

Most Reverend George H. Niederauer 
Archbishop of San Francisco
One Peter Yorke Way
San Francisco, CA 94109-6602

Your Excellency: 

During your first visit to Most Holy Redeemer parish on Sunday October 7th, 2007, you gave Our Lord in Holy Communion to members of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI) a homosexual activist group widely known for its attacks upon and mockery of the Catholic Faith.  Your subsequent October 11th apology notes that you did not recognize these “strangely dressed persons” as members of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and that these individuals should not have received Holy Communion, nor should the minister of the Church administer the Sacrament to them. 

First: For the sake of their souls and the souls of those Catholics worldwide who have been scandalized, your office requires you to state this formally, according to the teachings of the Church.

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