“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

New MassResistance Video Explains ‘What Gay Marriage Did to Massachusetts’

Monday, October 14th, 2013

The following is an excellent video by our good friends at MassResistance.org. (Watch on YouTube HERE.) The narrator is MR founder Brian Camenker. Here is their description:

Published on Oct 7, 2013
The consequences of homosexual marriage: Most people have no idea what REALLY happens when “gay marriage” is imposed. This information-packed video from MassResistance gives you the extremely disturbing truth about what happened in Massachusetts.

VIDEO: What Craig James Said that Got Him Fired at Fox Sports

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

Ex-football star and sports commentator Craig James was fired by Fox Sports Southwest as a college football analyst due to the following comments he made in the GOP candidates’ primary debate in 2012 in Texas. [See Michael Brown’s column on the firing.] This YouTube video from a homosexual publication Dallas Voice shows the large video screen above the candidates; those who are shown are, left to right: Ted Cruz (who won the Republican race and eventually became U.S. Senator from Texas; Craig James; former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert; and Leia Pettinger. The video opens with Cruz saying, “I have something against gay marriage”…:

Keith Olbermann, Craig James and the Shocking Example of Double Standards

Thursday, September 12th, 2013
Former football star and TV announcer Craig James becomes the latest victim of intolerant, pro-homosexual liberal groupthink. In a political debate, James said America is in a moral crisis and that homosexuals will have to answer to God for practicing that sin.

Former football star and TV announcer Craig James becomes the latest victim of intolerant, pro-homosexual liberal groupthink. In a 2012 GOP debate in Texas, James said America is in a moral crisis and that homosexuals will have to answer to God for practicing that sin.

TAKE ACTION: 1) Contact Fox Sports HERE about their firing of Craig James just because he voiced his Christian moral convictions during a GOP candidates debate. You can watch on YouTube what James said in 2012 HERE.; 2) Read the America’s Survival in-depth report by AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera on Fox News’ growing pro-homosexual bias and urge Fox to include more social and moral conservatives in its reporting and commentary; contact Fox HERE.

The excerpt below is from a terrific column by our good friend Michael Brown (author of A Queer Thing Happened to America), which was published today in Charisma magazine’s website. Regarding Fox Sports’ shameful firing of Craig James, I sent out these tweets this morning:

Watch out, Christians (and moral-minded people): The (Pro-) ‘Gay’ Thought Police are EVERYWHERE, and they WILL find you! #CraigJames

Craig James gets fired for saying homosexuality is sin. Dan Savage gets new MTV show after “redefining” Rick [Santorum’s last name] as fecal matter.

Liberal intolerance is growing + it’s not good for America. Craig James joins list of #Christians PUNISHED for expressing their faith.

As America rapidly de-Christianizes, it becomes more and more intolerant of biblical speech. God help us if we continue down this road of sexual immorality that has brought about the downfall of other great civilizations. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera; “Like” and follow AFTAH on Facebook


Keith Olbermann, Craig James and the Shocking Example of Double Standards

By Michael Brown, CharismaNews.com

So this is what our society has come to. Within a 10-day period, sportscaster Craig James was fired by Fox Sports for comments he had made against homosexuality during a political campaign last year while Keith Olbermann was lauded for his 9-minute anti-Russia, pro-homosexuality rant on ESPN. The double standards are as glaring as they are shocking.

As reported on Advocate.com, a leading gay website, “Keith Olbermann opened his ESPN show last night with a scathing rant against Russia’s antigay laws and the International Olympic Committee’s response to calls for a boycott of the Winter Games in Sochi.

“Olbermann’s nine-minute tirade brilliantly pointed out the ridiculousness of recent comments by President Vladimir Putin—who has tried to claim Russia’s so-called gay propaganda law is not homophobic.”

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Matt Barber Column – What if ‘Gays’ Were Forced to Serve Westboro Baptist Haters?

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

Matt Barber turns tables on ‘homofascists’ who put bakery out of business

Sweet Cakes by Melissa Owners Melissa and Aaron Klein were forced to shut down their business after a lesbian couple sued them for refusing to make a cake for their "wedding."

Sweet Cakes by Melissa owners Melissa and Aaron Klein — born-again Christians — were forced to shut down their storefront business in Gresham, Oregon after a lesbian couple sued them for refusing to make a cake for their “wedding.” Said Aaron “I don’t want to help somebody celebrate a commitment to a lifetime of sin.”

First published by WND.com, September 6, 2013

By J. Matt Barber

At least Oregon is applying its anti-discrimination laws evenhandedly. Interesting story out of Gresham: The Oregonian is reporting that Bruce Bottoms – a homosexual baker and owner of “Cakes By Cupcakes” – has been charged with anti-Christian discrimination by the Oregon Ministry of Human Rights (OMHR). Mr. Bottoms and his partner, Lance Limpkowski, recently declined to bake a cake for the notoriously anti-”gay” Westboro Baptist Church (WBC). As a result, they’ve been forced to shut down their business.

It seems that, in another tired attempt to be provocative, representatives from the attention-starved WBC demanded that Bottoms and Limpkowski bake a cake for a Westboro fundraiser with the group’s trademark slogan, “God Hates Fags,” emblazed in rainbow frosting across the top. Mr. Bottoms, who reportedly moonlights as a part-time blogger for the homosexual activist “Human Rights Campaign,” was understandably appalled. He refused.

“Look, I’ll serve anybody, Christian or otherwise,” said Bottoms. “I just refuse to bake a cake that endorses an ideology that I find obscene. If Westboro came in and asked me to bake a birthday cake with the words ‘Happy 120th, Papa Freddy,’ it’d be my pleasure,” he said. “I didn’t decline to bake the cake because the customers defined themselves as ‘Christian’; I refused because nobody should be forced to lend their talents to endorse – whether directly or indirectly – a message or event that they find repugnant.”

Tolerance Enforcement Commissioner Brad Avakian disagreed: “We are committed to a fair and thorough investigation to determine whether there’s substantial evidence of unlawful discrimination,” he told the Oregonian. “The goal is never to shut down a business. The goal is to rehabilitate. For those who do violate the law, we want them to learn from that experience and have a good, successful business in Oregon. Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that folks have the right to discriminate,” he said.

Meanwhile, churches and Christian groups across America organized a boycott of Cakes By Cupcakes, picketing the business and threatening to target other businesses that associated with Bottoms and Limpkowski. The two men have additionally reported multiple death threats, with one Presbyterian preacher leaving a voicemail: “Die bigots! You anti-Christian haters need to keep your Christophobia to yourselves!” he said.

Just kidding.

Sort of.

Although the “Cakes By Cupcakes” incident didn’t actually happen, something quite similar is happening across America. It’s a photo negative of the above scenario, but it’s equally absurd. Homosexual activists and “progressive” government officials are targeting Christian business owners – true Christians, not hateful Wesboro-types – for real anti-Christian discrimination.

'Gay'-Manufactured "Hate": This note was posted by Sweet Cakes owners Aaron and Melissa Klein on their Facebook page September 6, 2013

‘Gay’-Manufactured “Hate”: This note was posted by Sweet Cakes owners Aaron and Melissa Klein on their Facebook page September 6, 2013. Click on graphic to enlarge

And they’re doing it in the name of “non-discrimination.”

Todd Starnes of Fox News reports: “A family-owned Christian bakery, under investigation for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, has been forced to close its doors after a vicious boycott by militant homosexual activists.

“Sweet Cakes By Melissa posted a message on its Facebook page alerting customers that their Gresham, Ore., retail store would be shut down after months of harassment from pro-gay marriage forces.

“‘Better is a poor man who walks in integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways,’ read a posting from Proverbs on the bakery’s Facebook page.”

“It’s a sad day for Christian business owners, and it’s a sad day for the First Amendment,” owner Aaron Klein told Starnes. “The LGBT attacks are the reason we are shutting down the shop. They have killed our business through mob tactics.”

“Last January, Aaron and Melissa Klein made national headlines when they refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple.

“Klein tells me he has nothing against homosexuals,” reports Starnes, “but because of their religious faith, the family simply cannot take part in gay wedding events.

“‘I believe marriage is between a man and a woman,’ he said. ‘I don’t want to help somebody celebrate a commitment to a lifetime of sin.’”

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LaBarbera Responds to Bill May’s Claim in Mercator Interview that ‘Gay Marriage’ Debate Is ‘Not About Homosexuality at All’

Friday, September 6th, 2013

Below is adapted from my response to William May of Catholics for the Common Good, who told Mercator.net (an excellent resource) that the same-sex “marriage” debate is “not about homosexuality at all.” May is to be commended for his work defending marriage, but I’m afraid he hurts the larger pro-family cause by denying the obvious: that the LGBT push to mainstream homosexuality is behind the aggressive push to radically redefine marriage. Over the years I have observed that the “guilt” is pretty much on one side of this debate — ironically, the side that testifies to absolute truth. Homosexual activists have skillfully manipulated that misplaced guilt to lobby successfully for homosexuals in the military, pro-LGBT programs in schools, “special rights” (so-called nondiscrimination) laws, and other dubious agendas. May’s full interview with Mercator is reprinted below my comment. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Rarely have I read something as ridiculous as William May’s comment that the national debate over same-sex “marriage” is “not about homosexuality at all.” The ONLY reason we are radically redefining marriage is the aggressive (and successful) advocacy of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) movement — aided increasingly by sympathetic liberals and libertarians (and activist judges). It is not only disingenuous to assert otherwise — it is simply untrue. Do you want to know why we are losing this debate? Because people like May, perhaps well-meaning, are riddled with guilt for doing the right thing. Homosexual activists (uh-oh, I uttered the “H-word”) selfishly aim to redefine “marriage” for their MAIN purpose: winning (even forcing via the State) approval of their aberrant lifestyle.

I can think of no other cultural debate in which such obvious truths are so often denied out of a politically correct fear of being labeled a bigot. (And we all know the most virulent bigots are anti-Christian homosexual activists.) Get over it. We don’t hate people but we oppose homosexual conduct as immoral, unhealthy, unnatural and –the best news of all, as proved by the existence of many ex-“gays” — changeable. (I know dozens of former homosexuals.) Funny how those who are on the side of attaching the noble institution of marriage to a sin — see the Catholic Church’s teachings on homosexuality — do not shy away from asserting that this is all about GAY rights.

PS. Faithful and compassionate Christians must NEVER encourage or sanction homosexual relationships, which are — another hard truth here — essentially the domestication of disordered and sinful behavior, hence destructive to the souls of those involved. — Peter LaBarbera, 9-6-13


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LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews John Stemberger – Founder of Wholesome Alternative to the Boy Scouts – Part Two

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

Stemberger says senior BSA official admitted to him that new “gay” policy “will increase boy-on-boy sexual contact.”

John Stemberger has overseen the formation of a new, wholesome  alternative to the Boy Scouts of America -- which sold out to the homosexual agenda by allowing openly homosexual Scouts.

John Stemberger has overseen the formation of a new, wholesome alternative to the Boy Scouts of America — which sold out to the immoral homosexual activist agenda by opening its membership to boys who openly identify as “gay.” Stemberger founded OnMyHonor.net.

Here is Part Two of AFTAH’s interview with “On My Honor” founder and CEO, John  Stemberger [click HERE to listen], who is also President and General Counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council. We apologize for the delays (due to technical issues) in publishing this interview, which was recorded August 15, 2013. Stemberger discusses On My Honor’s upcoming inaugural 2013 National Leadership Convention in Nashville (Sept. 6-7) — where this new wholesome alternative to the (now pro-homosexual) Boy Scouts of America will unveil its new name and logo. The convention is sold out but you can follow the proceedings online for $24 via a live streaming connection (go HERE). Stemberger compares the new organization’s policies to the BSA’s (which he says is slated to lose 200,000-400,000 members). He notes that the BSA has still not issued a policy on “how it’s going to tent” openly homosexual boys (i.e., in camping trips) [listen at 11:28]. He says that one of the highest-ranking officials in the Boy Scout organization admitted to him privately: “This [the BSA’s new pro-“gay” policy] will increase boy-on-boy sexual contact” [listen at 12:20]. Stemberger also discusses his previous work in Florida leading the successful campaign to pass an amendment preserving marriage as one-man, one-woman.  And Stemberger addresses the recent Supreme Court decisions affecting the marriage debate.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show:

8-15-13, John Stemberger, Part Two

America’s Survival Special Report Documents FOX News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and Gay Journalists Group’s Record of Advocacy

Friday, August 16th, 2013

Unfair, Unbalanced and Afraid:

Fox News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and the National Gay & Lesbian Journalists Association


Fox News’ Megyn Kelly: new hero to the “Gay” Lobby. Here she is shown appearing at “gay journalists” fundraiser. To read a PDF version of this report, go HERE. Photo: WireImage.


This is a Special Report published by America’s Survival, Inc.; www.usasurvival.org; 443-964-8208 (Cliff Kincaid, president), and authored by AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera, in advance of ASI ‘s August 20, 2013 conference, “The Crisis in American Journalism and the Conservative Response.” Following is an HTML version of the ASI report, or see the PDF version here: Fox_Report-PDF. The Endnotes contain live web links. Click on photos and graphics to enlarge.


Unfair, Unbalanced, and Afraid: Fox News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association

By Peter LaBarbera, exclusive to America’s Survival

Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; for a printable PDF version of this report, click HERE

News Corp., the parent company of Fox News and Business Channels, has heavily funded the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA), a pro-homosexual advocacy organization in newsrooms. Here a News Corp endorsement ad appears in the program for the 2009 NLGJA “LGBT Media Summit.”

News Corp., the parent company of Fox News and Business Channels, has heavily funded the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA), a pro-homosexual advocacy organization in newsrooms. Here a News Corp endorsement ad appears in the program for the 2009 NLGJA “LGBT Media Summit.”

It is difficult to overstate the impact of wide-scale liberal media bias in the advancement of the pro-homosexual and pro-“transgender” revolution in American society. In the last two decades, media imbalance (and de facto censorship) on the issue has morphed into frequent media celebration of homosexuality — thus leaving citizens starved for impartial and accurate information on this critical topic. “Journalism” has become pro-homosexual propaganda, with many media stories appearing as if they were written by LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activists. By effectively joining the “gay” activists’ crusade, major media outlets – and even “conservative” Fox News — have contributed greatly to the growing pro-homosexual political correctness in U.S. culture. This in turn has fueled even more aggressive militancy among pro-LGBT groups and bloggers who are lobbying the media to block social conservatives from TV appearances, etc., on the grounds that such anti-homosexual-agenda voices are “hate groups.” The result is the further degradation of journalism that has contributed to Republican and conservative ambivalence on issues like same-sex “marriage” and allowing open homosexuals in the military. So bad is the media groupthink on homosexuality that even self-described “conservatives” like Glen Beck and Tucker Carlson have either endorsed or made positive soundings on “gay marriage,” or gone silent on LGBT issues.1

The degree to which the “mainstream” media have become promoters of the homosexual- and transgender activist movements is astonishing. Below is a graphic from a recent Pew Research Center study analyzing media coverage surrounding the U.S. Supreme Court’s hearing in March 2013 of two cases related to homosexual “marriage.” Pew labeled a story as “supportive” of homosexual “marriage” if it included at least twice as many pro-“gay marriage” statements as opposing statements – and vice versa for stories labeled “opposing”2:

Note the extreme one-sided bias in favor of homosexuality-based “marriage” in most of the categories – and the finding that all media (including Fox News) except conservative talk radio were heaving biased toward “gay marriage.”

Pew_Breakdown_by_Media_Sector-PBS-Zero-Oppos-StoriesWith pro-“gay” attitudes dominating newsrooms, few journalists seem willing to pursue stories that might offend America’s powerful and well-funded homosexual activist lobby.3 This would include investigating:

  • how escalating “gay power” represented by pro-LGBT “nondiscrimination” laws subject even very young children to inappropriate pro-homosexual “lessons” in school, thus undermining both children’s innocence and parental rights4;
  • the growing HIV crisis among “gay youth” (a study of young “men who had sex with men” in 21 cities found that one in 10 tested positive for HIV in 2008);5 and
  • how pro-homosexual laws including legalized “civil unions” and homosexual “marriage” negate Americans’ cherished religious and First Amendment liberties.

On the latter point, there is now a large and growing body of evidence that pro-homosexual laws and corporate “diversity” policies oppress Americans’ freedom of conscience to oppose homosexualism and live out their religious and moral beliefs, including the once universally-held Western idea rooted in the Judeo-Christian teachings that marriage is between one man and one woman (see below).


Schieffer gets a lesson on the growing ‘gay’ tyranny

CBS' Bob Schieffer was unaware that Christians  across the nation are being prosecuted by the state for living according to the dictates of their faith by refusing to participate – through their own businesses -- in immoral homosexual "marriages."

CBS’ Bob Schieffer was unaware that Christians across the nation are being prosecuted by the state for living according to the dictates of their faith by refusing to participate – through their own businesses — in immoral homosexual “marriages.”

A recent appearance by Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” exposed how ill-informed the major media are when it comes to the threat that government-backed “gay marriage” (and pro-homosexual “sexual orientation”) laws pose to religious liberty. Perkins writes that with the Supreme Court’s de facto invalidation of California’s Proposition 8 amendment defining marriage as one-man, one-woman [emphasis added]:

“…people are about to experience (if they haven’t already) the profound loss of liberty that accompanies this march down the same-sex “wedding” aisle. … “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer — like so many Americans — was surprised to hear that business owners (and wedding vendors in particular) are being persecuted, and in some cases prosecuted, for refusing to participate in a same-sex “marriage” ceremony. .. “I must say this is under my radar,” Bob told me. “I haven’t — I haven’t heard this.” And he’s not alone.”[6]

Perkins writes that “the media isn’t covering the stories of these victims — not because they don’t exist — but because liberals recognize their potential to swing the debate.” See this footnote for the examples he provided of moral-minded Americans whose freedom has been jeopardized by their opposition to homosexual “marriage” and State-enforced “gay rights.”[7]

This report for America’s Survival, Inc., documents the rampant and often egregious media bias in favor of the homosexual-bisexual-transgender activist agenda. It puts special focus on the growing (and sometimes radical) pro-homosexual bias of Fox News personalities like Megyn Kelly and Bernie Goldberg. Why concentrate on Fox? Because Fox News has inordinate influence with conservative Americans and with the Republican Party — which is also retrenching its opposition to “gay rights.” And because Fox holds itself to a high standard of being “Fair and Balanced” – i.e., not sharing the notorious bias of the dominant liberal media.

This report will also investigate the role of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA; motto: “We’re Here, We’re Queer, We’re on Deadline”) in distorting and molding news coverage on homosexuality- and transgender-related issues. Like other major media, Fox News through its parent company, News Corp., is a long-time funder of the NLGJA.

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Remembering Dick Walsh

Sunday, August 4th, 2013

Dick Walsh-hat-thumbnail_RIPOn Friday, I attended a funeral mass yesterday that celebrated the life of Dick Walsh (pictured at right), who passed away July 31. Dick was a remarkable man who crusaded tirelessly for the rights of the unborn and, in his later years, to preserve real marriage against the revolutionary homosexual redefinition. He was also a faithful husband, a loving dad and grandfather, a committed Catholic, and a very successful businessman.

Dick was a “big picture” guy who knew what we were up against in Illinois — but he was neither intimidated nor discouraged by the Left. Rather, he fought with tenacity, courage and creativity — once erecting a pro-life billboard on top of a skyscraper in the heart of downtown Chicago — that quoted Mother Teresa:

“[I]f we accept that the mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another.”

I got to know Dick when he was in his 70s, but he still had more guts and energy than most men a third of his age. We worked together on “Defend Marriage Illinois.” A few years earlier, Dick created the “Walsh Forum” radio show in a valiant attempt to bring a fair discussion of conservative issues to Illinois’ citizens — who have been dumped on for decades by a biased and corrupt media. Dick spent a ton of his own money on the project but could not sustain it. But at least he tried, compared to the apathy and resignation of lesser men.

Dick was a can-do cultural warrior of the sort we could use more of if we are ever to restore America to her former greatness. His life was a rebuke to the cynicism that grips this state and, increasingly, this nation, which he loved as a patriot. I will miss him.

Peter LaBarbera

Americans for Truth About Homosexuality


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