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Conservative and Chrisian sellouts
Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
Americans For Truth Academy
Tentative Speakers Schedule
Thursday, August 5 – Saturday, August 7, 2010
Location: Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004;
Cost: Adults: $149 for 3-day conference; Single day rate: $50/day; Married couples discount: $199 for full conference; Youth: $99 (scholarships available to attendees ages 14-25)
Contact info/queries/RSVP: E-mail americansfortruth@gmail.com ; phone: 630-717-7631; more background information HERE.
Truth Academy Instructors:
- Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel ; Board Member, AFTAH
- Cliff Kincaid, America’s Survival; Accuracy in Media
- Prof. Robert Gagnon, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, author, The Bible and Homosexual Practice
- Arthur Goldberg, Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH), author, Light in the Closet: Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change
- Laurie Higgins, Illinois Family Institute
- Robert Knight, Coral Ridge Ministries; author, Radical Rulers: The White House Elites Who Are Pushing America Towards Socialism, keynote presenter
- Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
- Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen, Liberty University School of Law
- Greg Quinlan, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX); Pro-Family Network
- Ryan Sorba, Young Conservatives of California
All presentations are 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes of Q & A. There will be a panel discussion and Q & A on Thursday and Friday, and a special evening presentation each of those evenings.
8-9:30 – Light breakfast; Registration
9:30 – 10:00 – Opening Prayer, Calvin Lindstrom, pastor, Church of Christian Liberty;
Welcoming Remarks, Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality:
“From gay pride to gay tyranny”
10:10 – 11:10 – Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen, Liberty University School of Law:
“History of modern ‘gay’ activism and the courts”
11:20-12:20 – Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel; Board Member, AFTAH:
“Masculine Christianity: a non-defensive approach to the Culture War over homosexuality”
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Adoption & Foster Parenting, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Blood ban, Born that Way?, Candidates & Elected Officials, Changing Societal Attitudes, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, Corporate Promotion, Court Decisions & Judges, Gay and Christian?, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Gay Sex Health Risks, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Gospel evangelism, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homophobia-casting a wide net, Homosexual History, Homosexual Parenting, Illinois, Media Promotion, Mental Health, Military, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Pending Legislation, Physical Health, Sex-Ed Curriculum, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Truth Academy |
Friday, July 9th, 2010
Dr. Laura needs to “do the right thing” and support PFOX instead
“[A blog article] supposes that I ever quoted Leviticus that homosexuality is an abomination. That never happened. I repeat: that never happened. I never said that. I don’t believe that….
“In fact, I was one of the earliest radio hosts to support organizations such as PFLAG (you know, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) and other efforts to encourage openness and acceptance of gays in their own families, much less society.” — Dr. Laura Schlessinger, “Setting My Record Straight about Gays,” June 22, 2010, Schlessinger’s blog
 The famous radio host, "Dr. Laura" Schlessinger, now praises the radical homosexual group PFLAG (Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). In 2000, homosexual militants targeted Schlessinger with a cyber-boycott because she said (correctly) that homosexuality is a "biological error."
TAKE ACTION: Write Dr. Laura Schlessinger through her blog and urge her to stop promoting the homosexual activist group PFLAG. Respectfully ask her to instead support PFOX, a pro-family support group for parents and friends of ex-gays (and gays). Also urge her to refrain from sanctioning homosexual relationships, which are always wrong, and to instead use her powerful voice to support the ex-gay movement. Another way to contact Schlessinger is through her website, DrLaura.com, but you have to join first to e-mail her this way. Or you can write: webmaster@drlaura.com.
The call-in line for Dr. Laura’s radio show is 1-800-DR-LAURA (800-375-2872). (Calls must come between 11:30 and 3:00 PM Pacific Time Monday-Friday.)
By Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
I’m sad to report that Dr. Laura Schlessinger — the “Dr. Laura” of radio moralist fame — has chosen to sell out the truth about homosexuality because she either: 1) stopped believing it; or 2) couldn’t take the pressure or the potential loss of income and prestige resulting from hostile “gay” activism.
Note that I did not say that Schlessinger has sold out on opposing “gay marriage.” She hasn’t, and still publicly defends traditional marriage. But she has reversed course on homosexuality, which is by far the more politically incorrect battle these days. Let’s face it, “protecting marriage” in our “gay”-saturated culture is a much easier task than opposing the extremist homosexual agenda — which Dr. Laura knows better than anyone because she herself was savaged by ‘GLBT’ cultural bullies ten years ago for describing homosexuality as unnatural.
(I want to stress that Schlessinger’s retreat on homosexuality does not negate her immense contributions to the culture in teaching people to take responsibility for their own lives, and in helping to build healthy marriages and families. For example, I know just from conversations with friends and family that her book, The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands, has blessed many women and, by extension, their husbands and marriages.)
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bible, Biblical Truth, Boycotts - Pro-Homosexual, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, Conservative Leaders, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Judaism, News, PFLAG, Radio Talk Show Hosts, Redefining Morality, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Too Much Tolerance, What is truth? |
Thursday, July 8th, 2010
Aide to veteran Republican says he has not issued statement on issue

UPDATE/Note to Readers: I have just called Sen. Lugar’s D.C. office (July 7, 2010) and an aide said that he has NOT issued a statement on the congressional effort to repeal the ban on homosexuals in the military — despite the Washington Blade report cited below. Now is the time for all conservatives — but especially those in Indiana — to contact Lugar and urge him to stay true to conservative principles on this issue. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org
TAKE ACTION: Contact Sen. Dick Lugar [202-224-4814; e-mail him HERE] and urge him to oppose the homosexualization of the U.S. military, in a time of war — and to STOP pandering to the Homosexual Lobby. Lugar’s statewide office contact information is at the bottom of this email. Urge Sen. Lugar to support a filibuster of the Defense spending bill, with its provision to repeal the Armed Forces’ sensible homosexuality ban. Please pass this alert on to your friends and family living in Indiana.
A repeal measure passed by the House and contained in the Senate Defense spending bill would inject open homosexuality into the military without even waiting to hear from a (biased) review of the policy by Defense Sec. Robert Gates, which is slated for completion in December. Respectfully urge Sen. Lugar to respect the military by resisting the reckless experimentation with the Armed Forces. For the best information on this issue, go to the Center for Military Readiness website.
By Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Well, it appears veteran Sen. Dick Lugar [(202) 224-4814; e-mail him HERE; see statewide office contact info at bottom] is another Republican who has “grown” on homosexual issues — leaving wholesome, conservative Indiana values far behind. If the Washington Blade is to be believed, Lugar is not even willing to wait for Defense Sec. Robert Gates’ biased review on how (not whether) to implement President Obama’s homosexuals-in-the-military plan.
The Blade, a newspaper for homosexuals, reports that Lugar will not support a motion to strike language repealing the ban on homosexuals in the military (“Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell”). Here is an excerpt from the Blade (emphasis added), followed by statewide contact info for Sen. Lugar:
U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) told the Blade last week that he isn’t concerned about the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal language in the fiscal year 2011 defense authorization bill and wouldn’t support an effort to rid the legislation of the provision.
Asked whether he would support a substitute amendment or a motion to strike, Lugar replied, “No. I would just leave it as it is.”
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Candidates & Elected Officials, Congress, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Government Promotion, Military, News, Pending Legislation |
Monday, May 31st, 2010
“The liberal media might be expected to reject what God and common sense tell us about sexuality. But there is no excuse for the conservative brain trust to ignore this threat.” — Robert Knight
 Talk show host Mike Gallagher has capitulated on most aspects of the homosexualist agenda, but still calls himself a "happy conservative." Gallagher supports repealing the ban on homosexuals in the military, and supports government benefits for same-sex "civil unions," but opposes homosexual "marriage."
Folks, our good friend Bob Knight of Coral Ridge Ministries is right. When “conservatives” like talker Mike Gallagher (right) stop being conservative on whatever issue is being debated, public policy disasters often result. In addition to contacting Congress on homosexuals-in-the-military, we need to be urging conservative media to get engaged in the fight to stop our Armed Forces from becoming the next “battlefield” for Sexual Correctness. More on AWOL “conservatives” later. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Conservative Media Fiddle While the Military Burns
By Robert Knight
Barney Frank and his friends are rolling their tanks through Congress while everyone is talking about something else. As we reel from one crisis to the next, homosexual activists and their allies are muscling through their agenda, with nary a peep from the nation’s conservative talking heads.
This week, their target is the military. Soon, it will be passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would criminalize traditional morality in every workplace with 15 or more employees. After that, they will try to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act. Finally, they aim to pass an “anti-bullying” law that will threaten schools with losing federal funds if they refuse to force kids to read Heather Has Two Mommies and Gloria Goes to Gay Pride. The agenda is breathtakingly ambitious, and would be unimaginable to previous generations.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, Conservative Leaders, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Government Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Military, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Obama, Pending Legislation, Political Correctness vs. Truth, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, May 26th, 2010
 Grove City College Professor Warren Throckmorton
Throckmorton asserts that proclamations of truth constitute a “considerable offense” [against people practicing homosexuality]. Someone should ask him if he thinks Paul’s “vilification” of homosexuality constitutes a “considerable offense.” — Laurie Higgins
By Laurie Higgins, for Americans For Truth
Grove City College professor Warren Throckmorton has written a self-serving and exploitative analysis of Letter # 7 in C.S. Lewis’ classic The Screwtape Letters, which Throckmorton correctly sees as a warning to Christians not to allow cultural issues to supplant the central message of the Gospel.
The problem is that Throckmorton uses Lewis’ prescient warning to chastise only those Christians who work tirelessly to counter the spate of lies spewed by the culture on the topic of homosexuality, lies which even our public schools have been recruited to disseminate.
Throckmorton writes as follows:
Screwtape encourages his apprentice to foster devotion to a cause. This then takes him further away from the real encounter with God and the faith relationship. Indeed, if Wormwood’s human “patient” can put movements and organizations and crusading ahead of all else then he is of no real threat to Screwtape.
I think this passage provides caution to those who believe fighting the culture war is Christian ministry. When fighting the culture war becomes more important than a witness to the gospel, then the mischief really begins. Specifically, in the past several years, I have seen people who are so concerned with the “gay agenda” that they overlook cult involvement in people because they are “ex-gay.” Some here in the US who are willing to tolerate the very unChristian stance of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill because, in Lou Engle’s words, ”Uganda has become ground zero” in the fight against the gay agenda.…
Some might argue that I am just as guilty because of my advocacy against the Uganda bill. And I would not take that criticism lightly. My view is that freedom of conscience is necessary for the Church to have the greatest impact. Advocacy for that position is important business but it is not the main business. I doubt that such advocacy will lead anyone away from the redemptive business of the church. On the other hand, my great concern is that culture warring lulls people into feeling that that the cause justifies the considerable offense that comes with vilifying those the church yearns to reach.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Christian Colleges, Christian Left, Christian/pro-family naivete, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, International, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Politics-general, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Uganda, Warren Throckmorton |
Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
“Homosexual behavior .. lies at the heart of personal morality,” says Focus’ Minnery
 Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family
With the upcoming Supreme Court vacancy, the question of homosexual judges is back in the news. Monday, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) said he could accept a nominee who is openly homosexual to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. On March 24, well before the announcement of Stevens’ retirement, AFTAH received this statement from Tom Minnery, Vice President of Public Policy at Focus on the Family. Minnery emphasized that the Focus clarification has been available to anyone who inquired about the controversial statements made last year by a Focus analyst to The Plum Line.
“This is not a new statement,” Minnery told AFTAH. “And we were quick to correct this mistake.”
The following is the clarification by Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family:
“It has been reported that we would not oppose any U.S. Supreme Court nominee over their ‘sexual orientation.’ Our Judicial Analyst [Bruce Hausknecht] made a statement to this effect in an interview with The Plum Line. To be honest, this is one of those conversations we’d like to ‘do over.’ We can assure you that we recognize that homosexual behavior is a sin and does not reflect God’s created intent and desire for humanity. Further, we at Focus do affirm that character and moral rectitude should be key considerations in appointing members of the judiciary, especially in the case of the highest court in the land. Sexual behavior–be it heterosexual or homosexual–certainly lies at the heart of personal morality.”
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Biblical Truth, Candidates & Elected Officials, Congress, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, Conservative Leaders, Court Decisions & Judges, Government Promotion, News, Republican Party, Supreme Court |
Monday, March 22nd, 2010
Cites ‘gay’-affirming professor’s “about face”; Throckmorton reneges on answering questions posed by pro-family news service
 Ironically, Grove City Prof. Warren Throckmorton -- creator of the 2004 video "I Do Exist," about ex-"gays" -- now questions whether many former homosexuals who have experienced "durable change" in their basic attractions actually "do exist." Writes Throckmorton: "It is not appropriate to see the film as a testament to change of sexual orientation."
The following is reprinted with permission from LifeSiteNews, a leading pro-life and pro-family news service: [To subscribe to their daily news feed, go HERE]
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, March 22, 2010, LifeSiteNews.com
GROVE CITY, PENNSYLVANIA, March 19, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) — A psychologist teaching at the conservative-Evangelical Grove City College has been making waves by endorsing same-sex civil union legislation, and claiming that homosexuals can live “normal, natural and healthy” lives.
In a recent interview with the Evangelical news service OneNewsNow (ONN), Dr. Warren Throckmorton reportedly said that “he opposes same-sex marriage but believes the Equal Protection Clause permits homosexual civil unions,” according to the news agency.
“Throckmorton says he personally holds a ‘traditional view of homosexuality and sexual ethics.’ However, when asked whether he believes homosexuality is ‘normal, natural and healthy,’ he said he could not answer that with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response,” ONN reported.
“He said ‘in a professional therapy situation’ it is accurate to say that ‘homosexuals can live normal, natural, and healthy lives that are free of mental illness,'” added ONN.
Although Throckmorton has been known in the past as a defender of the ex-gay movement and reorientation therapy, he has been distancing himself increasingly from those positions in recent years, and has even rejected the “Day of Truth,” in which high school students seek to inform their peers about the immorality of homosexual behavior, calling it “mischief,” and saying that it “builds more walls than bridges.”
Throckmorton’s defection from the ex-gay movement has been met with condemnation by Evangelicals. “Though he works for an evangelical institution, Pennsylvania-based Grove City College, which advertises itself on faith-based websites as ‘authentically Christian,’ Warren promotes a new, morally neutral paradigm on homosexuality that affirms people’s ‘Sexual Identity’ according to their feelings (and comfort level with same),” laments Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).
“Hold on…. This is wholly against Scripture: there is nothing in the Bible or the long history of Judeo-Christian tradition that even hints at ascribing a morally-neutral or worse — a ‘valued identity’ — to sexual sin,” he adds.
Helping patients to form a gay “identity”
LaBarbera is referring to Throckmorton’s “Sexual Identity Therapy,” a framework for therapists treating patients who are conflicted about their sexual desires.
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Academic Bias, AFT In the News, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bible, Biblical Truth, Christian, Christian Colleges, Christian Left, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Too Much Tolerance, Warren Throckmorton |
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010
Says Grove City College prof peddles false gospel that homosexuality “might be OK for some people”
“I have experienced Professor Throckmorton’s forked tongue, as he has pretended to seek ‘my side’ of the story various times, then turned around and told a biased side of the same story, in a public sphere, with the intention of discrediting my testimony and shaming my stance for Gospel truth.”
— Former homosexual activist Michael Glatze
 Once "gay" turned Christian Michael Glatze
Editor’s Note: in apparent anger over Americans For Truth’s campaign to expose renegade Grove City College associate professor Warren Throckmorton’s unscriptural approach toward homosexuality, Throckmorton is questioning the accuracy of a OneNewsNow story featuring comments by AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera — including LaBarbera’s assertion that Throckmorton actively seeks to discredit bold testimonies of profound change like that of ex-“gay” Christian Michael Glatze. Below, Michael explains why he no longer trusts Throckmorton and others who “pervert the truth.” Please say a prayer of thanks for this young man who God has drawn out of homosexuality, and that God will use him mightily to proclaim truth about homosexuality in the years and decades ahead. Please also pray for Throckmorton, who as a professed Christian at an evangelical institution should not be using his authority to affirm anyone in a “gay” sexual identity. You can write either man through AFTAH at americansfortruth@comcast.net:
The Truth about Warren Throckmorton
By Michael Glatze, Special to Americans For Truth
It is funny. In this world, truth seems to almost be subjective. Then, you meet Jesus. In Jesus, truth is objective. It is from this vantage point that I write this.
Those who seek to provide some kind of intellectual “nuance” to the Gospel will, inevitably, engage in the sin of Pride. The Gospel is quite clear; and, all information about it can be found within God’s Word. Furthermore, all truth — as revealed in God’s Word — will be seen to be true in human experience, as well. Homosexuality is one of those examples.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, C - Heroes for Truth, Christian, Christian Colleges, Christian Left, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, E - Praying for the Lost, Gospel evangelism, Liberal Christianity, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Too Much Tolerance, Warren Throckmorton |

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