Freedom Under Fire

Donald Trump, Let Carrie Prejean Keep her Crown

Monday, May 11th, 2009

Thomasson: “Donald Trump has to avoid hypocrisy, he’s got to respect Carrie’s right to her opinion and let her keep her Miss California title.”

perez_hilton_doctored_photo_what-a-jerk.jpgVictim of Intolerance: Is the American Left descending to the level of Perez Hilton, the “queer” activist blogger who arrogantly launched the attack on Carrie Prejean for merely voicing the timeless truth that marriage is between a man and a woman? At left is Hilton’s phallic defacement of Prejean from a doctored photo on his blog.

Folks, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the Number One threat to free speech and religious freedom in America today is the pro-homosexual activist movement — which now includes overzealous straights who delude themselves that they are advancing “civil rights.” even as they work to take away the First Amendment freedom of others. And to think that the Left used to lecture us about “imposing our morality”! Who would have dreamed 20 years ago that pro-homosexual fanaticism would take us to this point — where a young woman faces punishment and ridicule for merely voicing belief in marriage as between a man and a woman? We know “the Donald” loves the publicity, but he should have dismissed this un-American request out of hand.  — Peter LaBarbera

_______________________ writes:

Donald Trump, Let Carrie Prejean Keep her Crown

TAKE ACTION: To leave a message for Mr. Trump, call the Miss Universe Organization (212) 373-4999

Sacramento, California —, a leading West Coast pro-family organization, is blaming the intolerant homosexual agenda for trying to strip the crown of Miss California Carrie Prejean.

Holding a Beverly Hills news conference today to call for stripping away Prejean’s crown were Miss California pageant co-directors Keith Lewis and Shanna Moakler, both of whom have been fiercely attacking Prejean ever since the April 19 Miss USA pageant, when she said “marriage should be between a man and a woman.”

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Truth Tour 2009: AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera Coming to Maine

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

mike_heath_ccl_capital_resized_5.jpgMy good friend and Christian “culture war” hero Mike Heath (right) — AFTAH Board Chairman, executive director of the Maine Family Policy Council, and long-suffering whipping boy of fundamentally intolerant social leftists throughout his state — is way too kind in writing the following entry on his blog today. … — Peter LaBarbera:

…In the early 1990s Bob Knight talked sense to me. His polite confrontation over the phone inspired me to sink my teeth into the culture war. He was working for the Family Research Council (FRC). Peter LaBarbera was his assistant. Bob had a small team of guys that were beginning to provide effective coordination and motivation to grassroots pro family activists.

After Gary Bauer left to run for President Bob’s department was disbanded. That was a very sad day for me. I still regret that decision by FRC. Bob and Pete have stayed in the fight. They are America’s two most valuable national pro-family assets. If the pro family movement brought those two guys together again and funded them things would change fairly rapidly in the good ole USA.

I’m going to bring my very good friend Peter LaBarbera to Maine later this month, on May 28 and 29. He now heads up the most effective online advocacy website for common sense in the “gay” fight, Make sure you check it out, and tell all your friends.

The title of Pete’s talk is “The Zero-Sum Game: How Gay Rights and ‘Same-Sex Marriage’ Undermine Religious Freedom.” I’m hosting a working lunch in Portland, supper in Houlton on Thursday, May 27th and breakfast in Bangor on Friday, the 28th of May.

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Iowa Rep. Steve King Discusses Democrats’ Hate Crimes Bill

Friday, May 1st, 2009

Sought to exempt pedophiles from inclusion under “Sexual Orientation”

What a travesty that House Democratic leaders did not even allow a full-fledged floor debate on H.R. 1913. the “Thought Crimes” bill, which could become the first law to federalize both “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” Below Congressman Steve King discusses the “Hate Crimes” legislation during the limited House floor debate on April 29, 2009:

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Analysis of 2009 Hate Crimes Bill, HR 1913

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

shawn_akers.jpgOfficially Preferred Victims: Liberty University law professor Shawn Akers writes that if H.R. 1913, the federal “Hate Crimes” bill, becomes law, “local and state law enforcement would have the incentive of federal funds to prosecute cases involving … preferred victims to the exclusion and neglect of less valuable victims.” Membership in the “preferred” category is “based not on immutable characteristics but on the class member’s choice of sexual conduct … and subjective gender self-identity.”  

TAKE ACTION: Call or write your U.S. Representative and Senators in opposition to H.R. 1913, the “Hate Crimes” bill that will likely be voted on by the House tomorrow, Wednesday, April 28. Call 202-225-3121 or 202-224-3121 or contact your representatives through

Editor’s Note: we delayed in making a change in copy desired by the author, in paragraph I.A. (“Characteristics”), giving the proper credit for a description of the Hate Crimes bill, HR 1913. That paragraph was corrected on May 1, 2009.

Following is an outstanding analysis of the federal “Hate Crimes” bill, HR 1913, which could be voted on by the House of Representatives tomorrow (Wednesday, April 29). Shawn Akers is a relative newcomer to the pro-family movement but is shaping up to be a future all-star. He serves as a Policy Analyst with Liberty Counsel, and as Adjunct Professor of Law and Director of Academic Support with Liberty University School of Law.  Akers is a close friend, colleague and former Regent Law classmate of Matt Barber, AFTAH Board Member and current Culture War heavyweight also with Liberty Counsel. (Barber will keynote AFTAH’s fundraising banquet on Saturday, Oct. 10 — save the date.) Keep an eye on Shawn. The Lord will be using him mightily as the heated culture war reaches a boil. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality,

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Barber: Iowa Governor Chet Culver Should ‘Veto’ Court’s Homosexual ‘Marriage’ ‘Opinion’

Monday, April 27th, 2009

iowa_supreme_court_smarter_than_god.jpgMeet Iowa’s New ‘Super-Legislature’: forget those civics lessons, kiddos: the real, ultimate power to create laws lies with the nature-defying liberals in charge of the Iowa Supreme Court (left). Needless to say, Iowa’s Democratic governor, Chet Culver (who once taught high school government), did not take Matt Barber’s bold advice today — that is, he did not interfere with the new immoral, counterfeit “marriages” imposed by the seven smiling “judiciocrats” at left.

Contact: Matt Barber:

DATE: April 27, 2009


Iowa Governor Should Tell Court ‘Thanks but No Thanks’

Lynchburg, VA – Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Alliance Action and Liberty Counsel* released the following statement today encouraging Iowa Governor Chet Culver to honor his obligation to uphold the Iowa Constitution and refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex pairs.

“In Baker v. Nelson, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to imagine there exists a ‘constitutional right’ to ‘same-sex marriage.’ It held that if the Court were to create such a right, it would amount to an unconstitutional act of ‘judicial legislation.’ With its recent opinion charging that such a right exists and ordering that, starting today, marriage licenses be given to homosexual duos, the Iowa Supreme Court has done just that. It has co-opted the role of both the legislative and executive branches of government and has presumed to unconstitutionally create and administer law from the bench.

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Hate Crimes Bill HR 1913– Separate but Unequal Protection

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

TAKE ACTION: Call your U.S. Representative and Senators at 202-224-3121 and urge them to OPPOSE H.R. 1913, the federal “Thought Crimes” (“Hate Crimes”) bill, which is likely to be passed out of the House Judiciary Committee today. You can also find your representatives at

“Passage of ‘hate crimes’ legislation would place the behaviorally driven and fluid concepts of ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ on an equal footing with legitimate, neutral and immutable ‘suspect class’ characteristics such as skin color or a person’s true gender. This creates both a sociopolitical and legal environment wherein traditional sexual morality officially becomes the new racism.” — Matt Barber

By Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel

Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan) and Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Illinois) have quietly re-introduced the federal thought crimes bill, H.R. 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009. As has proved to be true in both Europe and Canada, this Orwellian piece of legislation is the direct precursor to freedom killing and speech chilling “hate speech” laws. It represents a thinly veiled effort to ultimately silence – under penalty of law – morally, medically and biblically based opposition to the homosexual lifestyle. The bill is expected to be marked up Wednesday before the full House Judiciary Committee.

Under the 14th Amendment, victims of violent crime are currently afforded equal protection under the law regardless of sexual preference or proclivity. If passed, H.R. 1913 will change all that.  It overtly and, most likely, unconstitutionally discriminates against millions of Americans by granting federally preferred status, time and resources to individuals who define their identity based upon aberrant sexual behaviors (i.e., “gay” and lesbian “sexual orientation” or cross-dressing “gender identity”).

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VIDEO: Perez Hilton and In-Your-Face ‘Queer’ Activists: the Obnoxious Spoiled Brats of our Culture

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Carrie Prejean sought to please God rather than politically-correct man; WARNING: GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS

By Peter LaBarbera

OK, where do we start with the Perez Hilton-Carrie Prejean Miss USA controversy? Earlier today I was a guest on the Bob Dutko Show on WMUZ in Detroit, and observed that Hilton epitomizes the spoiled-brat aspect of “queer” activism. It’s bad enough that this obnoxious and rude “gay celebrity blogger” calls Miss California a “dumb bitch,” and then stands behind his ugly remark after initially apologizing for it. I want to know why this nasty fellow is then treated so deferentially by the media — first by this MSNBC anchor Norah O’Donnell and then NBC’s Matt Lauer? Are the liberal media — like those irresponsible parents who let themselves be manipulated by their spoiled children — now so indulgent toward homosexuals that they can’t even call out an angry activist whose vicious and juvenile conduct is obvious to most everyone else? Would NBC have accorded similar respect to a right-wing blogger who blasted a homosexual contestant as a “dumb fag”? Of course not (but they would have made an example of him as a hateful bigot, which is precisely what Mr. Hilton is). Watch this YouTube of this morning’s NBC Today Show, followed by more commentary after the jump:

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‘Dare to Stand’ Video Answers Homosexual ‘Day of Silence’ Propaganda

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Check out this church-produced video (also available on YouTube HERE) responding to today’s homosexual activist “Day of Silence,” posted by our friends over at Illinois Family Institute — which recently was smeared by the anti-Christian morality-phobes over at the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center:

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