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Politicians & Public Officials
Tuesday, November 28th, 2006
By Peter LaBarbera
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
As to be hated but needs to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.
–Alexander Pope, Essay on Man, Epistle ii
So much for the newfound “moderation” of the Democratic Party. Party chief Howard Dean, fresh from an election season smackdown by “gay” activists for affirming that marriage is indeed between a man and a woman, is once again dutifully pushing their immoral agenda. As the Houston Chronicle and ABC News reported, Dean called for more homosexuals to run as Democratic candidates.
Dean told the crowd of homosexual activists: “We need a careful, narrow, targeted agenda to make it clear what the difference between the Democratic Party and Republican Party is before we go into the next election.”
TAKE ACTION – Let the Democratic Party know you feel about Howard Dean’s promotion of homosexual behavior. Click HERE for the Democratic National Committee’s contact page.
Also, call the White House at 202-456-1414 or click HERE to let President Bush know NOW that you oppose pro-homosexual “Hate Crimes,” ENDA (the Employment Nondiscrimination Act), and repealing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ban on open homosexuality in the armed forces — the three top items on the “gay” legislative agenda in the Democratic-led Congress.
And call your U.S. Congressman or Senators to oppose these bills at 202-224-3121.
Let’s think about the implications of Dean’s call for “gay” candidates, using the scholarship of Rob Gagnon, the nation’s premiere authority on the Bible and homosexuality. Gagnon correctly affirms that Biblically speaking, homosexuality is as egregious a sexual sin as incest, adultery and pornography. Perhaps if more people knew about just how dangerous homosexual acts are — cutting short the lives of hundreds of thousands of men from “same-sex sexual diseases” (now there’s a concept you won’t see taught in school health classes) — they might have renewed respect for the Bible’s counsel on this issue.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Candidates & Elected Officials, Government Promotion, IGLLC, News, Politicians & Public Officials |
Wednesday, November 8th, 2006
From Human Rights Campaign:
Solmonese: ‘End of an Era’ for Gay-Bashing Politics
WASHINGTON — This year, the Human Rights Campaign flexed its political muscle in unprecedented and strategic ways that helped alter the political dynamic in key races across the country. With victories for strong pro-equality candidates like Florida’s Ron Klein and Arizona’s Gabrielle Giffords, the 110th Congress promises to be the most fair-minded in history. Voters in Arizona also made history last night, defeating that state’s discriminatory domestic partnership ballot initiative.
Out of the 225 candidates that HRC endorsed, 208 proved triumphant, with several races still too close to call. HRC was involved in 18 Senate victories, 179 House wins and 11 successful governors’ races. HRC also helped to defeat some of the most anti-gay voices in Congress such as John Hostettler and Rick Santorum, signaling that the era of gay-bashing for political gain is coming to an end.
“Last night we saw unprecedented victories for fair-minded candidates and for equality; we also witnessed a stinging rebuke of anti-gay elected officials in this country,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese. “The historic rejection of the domestic partnership ban in Arizona is a symbolic turning point in the march toward marriage equality. We congratulate Arizona Together for their work in defeating the discriminatory, un-American measure.”
HRC Helps Candidates Win in ‘06
Human Rights Campaign — the nation’s largest gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender civil rights organization — aggressively targeted races and leveraged millions of dollars and extensive staff resources to ensure victories for pro-equality candidates. And those efforts paid off, with wins in some of the most closely watched campaigns this year.
“American voters sent a clear message yesterday that the era of gay-bashing to win elections is over, as voters flatly rejected anti-gay and divisive candidates,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese.
Conservative extremists pulled a chapter out of their 2004 campaign playbook to exploit the gay community for political gain, but their efforts fell flat with an electorate angry and disillusioned by rampant corruption and the Iraq war quagmire. The failure of right-wing candidates to mobilize their base with anti-gay messages this year is a clear sign that scapegoating GLBT Americans for political points is a recipe for failure.
Although some races are still too close to call, including the Virginia Senate race, HRC’s efforts successfully helped the following candidates make historic wins:
Key Senate HRC Endorsee Victories:
* Sherrod Brown (OH)
* Maria Cantwell (WA)
* Ben Cardin (MD)
* Bob Casey (PA)
* Amy Klobuchar (MN)
* Robert Menendez (NJ)
* Debbie Stabenow (MI)
Key House HRC Endorsee Victories:
* Michael Arcuri (NY)
* Melissa Bean (IL)
* Bruce Braley (IA)
* Gabrielle Giffords (AZ)
* John Hall (NY)
* Ron Klein (FL)
* Tim Mahoney (FL)
* Harry Mitchell (FL)
* Patrick Murphy (PA)
* Ed Perlmutter (CO)
* Joe Sestak (PA)
* Chris Shays (CT)
* Tim Walz (MN)
Statements by Some of the 2006 Election Winners:
Said Senator-Elect Bob Casey (Pennsylvania):
“HRC got behind my campaign early and has been a tremendous help. The energy and commitment they put behind our campaign was extraordinary. I look forward to working with HRC’s incredible staff and membership, especially to advance hate crimes legislation in the Senate.”
Said Senator-Elect Sherrod Brown (Ohio):
“HRC’s presence throughout the state of Ohio during this election was nothing short of extraordinary. It demonstrated the best that we can achieve when we work together and stand up for what is right. I was proud of HRC’s financial and grassroots support for my campaign, it made a difference in the larger fight for social and economic justice for every American.”
Said Congresswoman-Elect Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona):
“I have stood up for equality in Arizona, and I am grateful that HRC and the GLBT community stood with our campaign during the primary and the general elections. We can accomplish so much for our families when we work together. Fairness is an essential American value, and when we champion fairness, we can win decisive victories in even the most competitive congressional districts.”
The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against GLBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Activists, Candidates & Elected Officials, HRC, Politicians & Public Officials |
Monday, October 2nd, 2006
By Peter LaBarbera
With the efficiency of a Stalinist historian, the homosexual group Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) has purged this photograph of former Florida Rep. Mark Foley, disgraced homosexual and seducer of teenaged boys, from its website. Foley was among the politicians and pundits whom LCR proudly recorded as speaking at its 2003 national convention in Washington, D.C. But they’re not so proud anymore. We apologize for the poor reproduction quality below, but clearer evidence of Log Cabin’s whitewashing handiwork can be found by clicking on these links: BEFORE (scroll down three rows of photos and Foley is there) and AFTER (magic: Foley is gone).
Too bad Foley’s young victims and their parents won’t be able to erase the effects of his twisted behavior from their minds so easily.
Log Cabin Republicans also removed Foley’s name from the write-up on its 2003 convention. Foley’s photo in the new, pederast-free (at least as far as we know) web account has been replaced by a second photo of political pundit Mort Kondracke.
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Log Cabin Republicans, News, Politicians & Public Officials |
Sunday, October 1st, 2006
By Peter LaBarbera
Washington insiders have known about Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL)’s homosexuality for a long time, but I would suspect that most of his constituents have been in the dark about it. Years ago in D.C., I once tried to discourage a Foley run for U.S. Senate by calling his office and asking: 1) if he is a homosexual; and 2) if his constituents have a right to know about it. A top aide came on the line and told me that the staff does not answer questions about the Congressman’s “sexual orientation.”
I wonder, picking up on my friend Cliff Kincaid’s theme below here: why did senior GOP leaders protect Foley’s homosexual secret? How many knew about his predatory behavior towards teenaged boys; when did they find out and why didn’t they do anything about it? Were they going to keep protecting the dirty secret as he announced a run for U.S. Senate?
Is “winning” as a Republican now more important than protecting children? Is it more important than letting a representative’s constituents know about his immoral behaviors, which of course influence his votes (Foley was pro-“gay”)? We need answers from House Speaker Denny Hastert and Rep. John Shimkus (R-Illinois), who chairs the House Page Board.
And isn’t it telling most of the tiny number of homosexual male U.S. Congressmen have been caught in sex scandals–remember Barney Frank, who let his male lover, a hustler, run a prostitution ring out of his D.C. apartment? And Massachusetts Rep. Gerry Studds, who had sex with a 17-year-old boy and then turned his back on fellow House Members during the censure vote against him? And Bob Bauman (R-Md.), who in 1980 was charged with soliciting a 16-year-old boy for sex?
Let’s see: three homosexual Congressmen involved in sexual seductions of minor boys–ages 16, 17, and 17 (Foley). And yet homosexual activists ridicule anyone who suggests there is a predatory or pedophilic component to male homosexuality….
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, News, Politicians & Public Officials |
Monday, September 25th, 2006
Mr. McCullough suggests below that our country has a “new superhero” class of extra-marital fornicators: “Who are they? Men who engage in same-gender sexual activities!” Episcopal bishop (Vickie) Eugene Robinson for example, and, of course, the lastest: Former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey.
Mr. McCullough noticed, as did many puzzled Christians, how many times Jim McGreevey invoked the name of God, stating repeatedly that his open embrace of homosexuality is part of his “path back to godliness.” There could be no greater lie.
- Jesus Himself said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command” (John 14:15)…the same Jesus that affirmed God’s design for marriage (one man, one woman, for life) and condemned both divorce and adultery (Matthew 5 & 19).
- The apostle John wrote, “If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not live by the Truth…No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or known Him…He who does what is sinful is of the devil…No one who is born of God will continue to sin…”
If Jim McGreevey knew anything about godliness, he would be sorrowful for what he has done, and is still doing, to his wife and children — and even more grieved by what he has done against a Holy God. Instead, he exposes his innocent little daughter to his homosexual lover and introduces his lover to the world as though such a travesty is laudable.
Jude, the brother of Christ, warned that there already were and would continue to be “godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality” and who “follow their own ungodly desires…who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.” He urged believers to beware, to “contend for the faith,” to “snatch others from the fire and save them,” to “show mercy, mixed with fear – hating even the clothing stained with corrupted flesh.”
Therefore, we must speak in opposition to this latest blasphemy: divorce and adultery and homosexual practice are not godliness. We must pray earnestly for Jim McGreevey and others who are living in open defiance of God’s will, calling evil “good.” And we must reach out with genuine love and compassion to those who are confused by homosexual attractions–those whose consciences are yet tender and responsive to Christ’s healing.–Sonja Dalton
The following is excerpted from Why Liberals Love Adultery, by Kevin McCullough, published Sept 24, 2006, by Townhall:
…there’s a new kid on the scene. Having done all he could to ruin the state of New Jersey – a state he took a solemn oath to protect and serve – the new adulterer that liberals all love is Jim McGreevey. Just in the last week alone he’s held hands with Oprah, and shared New Jersey rest area secrets with Matt Lauer.
He’s also invoked God’s name about three hundred times.
And now he says, “it’s all about telling the truth.”
But I’d like to know, “since when?”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Candidates & Elected Officials, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News, Oprah, Politicians & Public Officials |
Thursday, September 7th, 2006
Excerpted from Hoping Md. Is ‘Ready for a Person Like Me’, by Daniel de Vise, published Sept 2, 2006, in The Washington Post:
For the five decades preceding a fateful 2003 trip to San Francisco, Dana Beyer lived her life as a man named Wayne. The September primary will tell whether her legislative district, one of the most progressive in Maryland, is ready to elect the state’s first transgender lawmaker.
…She lived her first five decades as a man, graduating Phi Beta Kappa from Cornell University, receiving a medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania and raising two sons in a marriage that lasted 19 years. A second marriage ended amicably after the 2003 procedure that Beyer terms her “transition.”
…”You know, I think this district is ready for a person like me,” Beyer said. As evidence, she cited Richard S. Madaleno Jr. (D), the openly gay delegate she hopes to replace in the House. Madaleno is running for the state Senate.
At the candidates forum one recent evening, Madaleno introduced his partner and their 3-year-old daughter. His sexual orientation prompted much talk when he ran for office in 2002, Beyer recalled. “And now, nobody cares.”
Continue reading in The Washington Post…
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Candidates & Elected Officials, Politicians & Public Officials |
Thursday, August 31st, 2006
Excerpted from “He’s Gay and That’s OK,” by Benjamin Weinthal, published 8/31-9/6/2006 in Gay City News:
The most popular politician in Berlin is gay. Will he continue to make political history by winning a second term as mayor on September 17? The nation’s first openly gay big city mayor, Klaus Wowereit is running an energetic re-election campaign in the city restored to its traditional role as capital in the wake of Germany’s reunification.
Berlin, of course, is also a city with a lively queer culture.
Wowereit (pronounced vovv-er-ite) catapulted himself into political and gay cultural stardom with his eloquently succinct statement outing himself in 2001. “Ich bin schwul und das ist auch gut so”—”I am gay and that’s okay,” declared Wowereit in a televised speech.
…Wowereit was not the first openly gay mayor in Europe—Bertrand Delanoë was elected mayor of Paris in March, 2001, but the Berliner has helped forge a political climate across Germany which has enabled other leading politicians to declare that they too are gay. That could very well be Wowereit’s greatest contribution so far to power politics in Germany. Guido Westerwelle, the chairman of the Free Democratic Party, outed himself in 2004, and Ole von Beust, the mayor of Hamburg and a member of the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), remained mum when his own father outed him (in a matter-of-fact way). Neither Westerwelle nor von Beust suffered any political fallout.
Continue reading at Gay City News…
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Politicians & Public Officials |
Sunday, August 27th, 2006
Excerpted from Why Liberals Are Crushing Dissent, by Kevin McCullough, published Aug 25, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:
…[T]his week in one of the boldest moves yet by a sitting liberal, Democrat California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez proclaimed, “The real purpose of SB 1437 is to outlaw traditional perspectives on marriage and family in the state school system.”
…And Nunez’s viewpoint is one that pervades liberals in his party and in the nation. That is why Nunez and his fellow Democrats in the California State Assembly voted in unison to pass four bills that are all designed to punish people who disagree with them. To incarcerate someone for daring to criticize a different point of view – over a purely behavioral issue.
The bills in question have passed both houses and await Gov. Schwarzenegger’s signature or veto. The bills were unanimously embraced by the Democrats and universally denounced by the Republicans.
What do they say?
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Christian Persecution, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Homosexual Quotes, Pending Legislation, Politicians & Public Officials |

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