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George Washington must be rolling over in his grave. The Pentagon under Commander-in-Chief Obama is on its way to becoming the world’s largest “gay pride” agency. Behold another tragic “first” for Obama: the first-ever homosexual “pride” celebration at the Department of Defense (Tuesday, June 26, 2012). Note how the organizers of “Pentagon Pride” slipped in “transgender” pride even though transgenders were not part of the law to homosexualize the military.
In reality, homosexuality and gender confusion are nothing to be proud of. Now, thanks to Obama and the Democrats (and some Republicans), our young military men and women will be force-fed the lie that homosexuality is “who you are,” like civil rights. And if history is our guide, LGBT activists will continue to agitate for greater and more prominent recognition of their aberrant lifestyles, at the taxpayers’ expense–using the military to grow their power. It is never good when noble institutions are used to promote moral corruption, which is why “Pentagon Pride” brings shame to our Armed Forces, and to America. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Get more information on “Pride at Pentagon” HERE; below is the logo advertising the event:
AG Lisa Madigan supports ACLU/homosexual lawsuits against the law she is supposed to defend
Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan with homosexual activist Art Johnston at a 2007 homosexual activist fundraising banquet in Chicago. This photo appears on the Illinois Attorney General's website. Click on graphic to enlarge.
This is an important essay by my friend Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute (IFI) — and not just for those of us living in Illinois. Following the lead of President Obama, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has abandoned the rule of law to kowtow to the desires of the ACLU and homosexual activists — a departure from her sworn law enforcement duties so extreme that it even shocked homosexual activists (see below). Lisa Madigan — daughter of House Speaker Mike Madigan (D), the most powerful politician in the state– is a longtime political ally of the homosexual lobby in Chicago (see graphic).
IFI and the Thomas More Society will be working with Alliance Defense Fund to defend the existing Illinois Marriage Law that Madigan and other top officeholders (all Democrats) refuse to defend. The following is an excellent primer on the public policy rationale for defending natural marriage, the misapplication of “civil rights” arguments to the homosexual “marriage” issue, and the difference between past discrimination based on race and that necessary legal distinctions based on volitional homosexual conduct. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Lambda Legal in cahoots with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Illinois are suing the Cook County Clerk for purportedly violating the Constitution of Illinois when Cook County refused to issue marriage licenses to men who sought to marry men and women who sought to marry women. To make matters worse, these ethically challenged Illinois leaders have all expressed support for the lawsuit: Governor Patrick Quinn, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez, and Cook County Clerk David Orr.
Lambda Legal is a homosexual legal organization hell-bent on using the judicial system to bypass the will of the people in order to impose its subversive sexuality theories on the entire country. This is the organization that shoved same-sex marriage down the throats of Iowans, which, not incidentally, brought the electoral defeat of those judges who threw their lots in with Lambda Legal.
“You will not acknowledge the freedom of those who seek change”
Homosexual activist Wayne Besen of "Truth Wins Out" viciously attacks people who have overcome homosexuality in their lives--like former lesbian Janet Boynes. To order Boynes' book, go to www.JanetBoynesMinistries.com.
The following is an open letter to “Truth Wins Out” (TWO), a homosexual activist organization that attempts to discredit the observed truth that people practicing homosexuality can change their dominating sexual attractions (and behaviors). This letter was sent to members of the California state Assembly, which is considering SB 1172 — passed in late May by the state Senate — banning “sexual orientation” change therapy (also know as “reparative therapy”) for homosexual youth. The letter’s signers are: myself [Peter LaBarbera, Founder and President of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH)], Wayne Lela, Founder of H.O.M.E. (Heterosexuals Organized for a Moral Environment), and John McCartney, Jr., an AFTAH Board Member and advocate with the Citizens Concerned About Media, also based in Chicago.
TWO viciously demonizes “ex-gays”; typical is TWO founder Wayne Besen’s crass and demeaning characterization HERE of former lesbian Janet Boynes as an “ex-gay fraud” and “con artist.” Significantly, much of Besen’s and TWO’s efforts are directed at denying media visibility to people like Boynes who have overcome homosexuality in their lives. You can also listen HERE to Besen’s embarrassingly unprofessional appearance last year opposite me on liberal radio host Barry Lynn’s talk show, “Culture Shocks”: in addition to repeatedly calling me “Porno Pete” (a nasty smear he concocted) on air, Besen exposes his own folly of trying to “prove” homosexuals cannot change by admitting that he hasn’t (and of course cannot) monitor every former homosexual. (Besen and his small outfit evidently hadn’t been tracking successful Chicago former lesbian Linda Jernigan.)
I wish to add, for myself personally as a Christian who has monitored the homosexual movement for two decades, that some people trapped in homosexuality HAVE experienced rapid and, many would say, miraculous change away from homosexuality — mostly (but not always) through spiritual regeneration in Jesus Christ. However, that should not be the expectation of every person seeking sexual healing and transformation. As in all areas of life, each person brings his or her own unique circumstances, struggles, beliefs and personality to the process of overcoming adversity, sin and addictions in their life. And the lingering effects of temptation, abuse/family dysfunction and indulged, habitual sin — of whatever stripe — usually last a lifetime.
As he did in justifying his support (as a "Christian") for homosexuality, President Obama twists the Bible and specifically the Golden Rule to justify his embrace of homosexual "marriage."
CHICAGO–Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera issued the following statement today on President Barack Obama announcing his support for homosexual “marriage”:
President Obama’s embrace of homosexual “marriage” (so-called) is surprising only in its timing. Most Americans do not realize that Obama was FOR homosexual “marriage” years ago as a State Senate candidate in Illinois, before switching to “Civil Unions.” Now this president, like a chameleon changing colors, returns full circle to advocating “marriage” between people of the same sex – as a public Christian, no less.
Obama’s embrace of homosexual “marriage” (an oxymoron) completes his sellout of the American people, and of God, on this critical issue that speaks to issues far deeper than politics. Many will remember this 2008 presidential debate exchange between then-candidate Sen. Obama and Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren:
REV. RICK WARREN: Define marriage.
SEN. BARACK OBAMA: I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. (Applause.) Now, for me as a Christian, it’s also a sacred union. You know, God’s in the mix. (Applause.)
That solemn affirmation of real marriage helped Obama become president, but four years later it appears to have been a sham –an artful pose intended to convey piety and moderation to gullible Christians. As President, Obama has gone so far as to unconstitutionally refuse to defend the Defense of Marriage Act – passed overwhelmingly by a bipartisan Congress and signed into law by Democratic president Bill Clinton — to help his homosexual activist allies in their “marriage” quest. Yet they demanded more.
Once again, as he did to justify his support of proud homosexuality (dismissing Romans 1), the president twists Scripture to rationalize his expedient rejection of biblical Truth. With unparalleled chutzpah, the same Obama who called marriage “sacred” now cites the Golden Rule to justify its absurd and revolutionary redefinition to include sexual perversion (homosexuality). It seems precious little is truly sacred to the Left, secular or religious. God cannot bless sin, and no true Christian would confirm others in a sinful lifestyle – one that merits eternal judgment (I Corinthians 6). The good news is that many men and women once trapped in homosexuality have found freedom through the same Christ whose words Obama distorts.
Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth, interviewed Susan Wright, Founder of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, on September 28, 2008, at the annual “Folsom Street Fair” in San Francisco. (LaBarbera and several other pro-family advocates were there to protest and document the open nudity that occurs every year, with police protection, at Folsom.) In this portion of amateur video shot by Diane Gramley of American Family Association of Pennsylvania, Wright affirms her belief that sadomasochism is a “sexual orientation.” (She referes to BDSM, which according to practitioners stands for “Bondage & Discipline, Domination & Submission, Sadism & Masochism.”) The first part of the video is a discussion about tolerance; start watching at 3:14 as it turns to behavior (as LaBarbera calls it) versus Wright’s view of “orientation.”
Dan Savage, creater of the hate-site, "Santorum.com."
I provided the wrong number in yesterday’s (March 22, 2012) AFTAH e-mail for University of North Carolina President Tom Ross. The correct number is 919-962-4622. His e-mail is tomross@northcarolina.edu. Sorry about that error. Within the next few days, please contact Mr. Ross and UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Holden Thorp [holden@unc.edu; (919)962-1365)] about UNC-Chapel Hill’s payment of $18,500 to perverted homosexual cyber-bully Dan Savage, creator of the vile “Santorum[dot]com.” [See yesterday’s AFTAH press release on Savage and MTV HERE.] And please forward this e-mail to any friends you have in North Carolina.
Also, there is a new wrinkle to this story. As you can read below, UNC Chapel Hill has just issued a statement disconnecting itself from theRush Limbaugh in response to offensive comments Rush made about Sandra Fluke (for which he quickly apologized). Yet UNC paid $18,500 to Dan Savage, who once said, “I wish [Republicans] were all [f—king] dead.” [Watch it HERE.] Isn’t it fascinating how the entire Left and many in the media are up in arms over Rush yet strangely silent about the vitriol and viciousness emanating from the Left?
AFTAH is educating UNC officials about Savage’s “rude, inappropriate and offensive” statements — which include his notorious creation, “Santorum[dot]com,” which “re-defines” Rick Santorum’s surname as follows:
santorum: (san TOR um) n. the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.
Now we’ll see if UNC-Chapel Hill will issue a statement anything like what it put out on Rush [view AFTAH release on Savage HERE]. As sick and twisted as Dan Savage’s wicked anti-Santorum hate-site is, you wouldn’t believe the nasty e-mails and tweets I’m getting from fans of Savage! The Libertine Left’s awful demonization of conservatives and especially Bible-believing Christians is finally coming home to roost — because when the Dan Savages and Bill Mahers of the world, and venomous homosexual bloggers like Joe Jervis(“Joe.My.God.”) are exposed, anyone who can think (and is not a hard-core liberal ideologue) sees who the real Haters and Bigots are. We will notify you if UNC or Elmhurst College takes any action arising from their support of Dan Savage. Have a great weekend. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org [Action Steps after jump]
Author Amy Contrada has documented Mitt Romney’s pro-“gay” record in Massachusetts. Gov. Romney was called “the missing governor” due to his inaction against the Massachusetts high court’s imposition of homosexual “marriage” on the state.
This is Part Two of my interview with Amy Contrada [click HERE to listen], author of “Mitt Romney’s Deception: His Stealth Promotion of ‘Gay Rights’ and ‘Gay Marriage’ in Massachusetts.” It was pre-recorded and aired March 10, 2012. [Listen to Part One HERE.] Contrada is a blogger and researcher for Mass Resistance, the leading organization standing against the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda in Massachusetts. Contrada discusses then-Gov. Mitt Romney’s tepid response to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s Goodridge decision imposing homosexal “marriage” on the state. She notes in 2010 she learned that Gov. Romney’s one-time senior legal advisor, Dan Winslow, was later supported in his run for political office by Massachusetts’ homosexual lobby (see this revealiing “gay” post) — precisely because he had backed the Goodridge decision as an aide to Romney. Contrada said Winslow helped craft the newfangled “Party A/Party B” “marriage” licenses, which Romney issued to the great consternation of pro-family advocates at the time.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play.(Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
Homosexual activists have reacted furiously to AFTAH's blocking of this widely-reported photo of a "gay Marine's" perverted homecoming kiss. Note the little boy standing nearby, circled at right. Click on photo to enlarge.
[WND piece:] “Marines ‘starting to look ridiculous'”…Ya think? I happen to have friends with a son-in-law stationed in Hawaii. He and his wife were present at this event so I heard about it several days before seeing the photo. My friend told us the bus came into the hangar with the door away from the families. The soldiers debarked and the families began chanting, “Move that bus! Move that bus!” When the bus moved the soldiers and their families ran over to welcome each other. My friend’s daughter described the clinch. The gay soldier and his homosexual partner ran to each other and the soldier leaped into the other man’s arms straddling him with his legs as is clearly shown in the photo. Soldiers are supposed to refrain from PDA (public display of affection) while in uniform, but at homecomings there is some leniency. (A little too much in this case.)
Interesting that my friend said her daughter described the rather restrained welcomes of the normal families. (In other words no full body hugs pressing private parts together.) Keep in mind there were lots of children present. But as the World Net Daily article points out, no one can say one word against this privileged behavior. After all, it’s a new “gay” military world. Let the sodomy in the barracks begin.