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WATCH VIDEO: Obama Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor Is Admitted Judicial Activist

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

“Court of Appeals is where policy is made”

“… Court of Appeals is where policy is made….And I know this is on tape and I should never say that because we don’t ‘make law,’ [motions with hands to make quote marks as audience laughs], I know … OK, I know [laughter], I know. I’m not promoting it and I’m not advocating it, you know … [laughter] … OK [she laughs]….”
— U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama’s nominee for Supreme Court justice, speaking at Duke University Law School in 2005

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Thomasson Glad Prop 8 ‘Half-Upheld,’ but Disappointed that 18,000 Counterfeit ‘Gay Marriages’ Remain Valid

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

My friend Randy Thomasson of put out the following release after the half-victory (or half-loss) of the Prop 8 decision. — Peter LaBarbera


‘An Arm and a Leg Cut off Marriage’: Thomasson

California Supreme Court upholds only half of Prop. 8

Sacramento, California — Today’s ruling by the California Supreme Court that some 18,000 homosexual “marriages” are valid, despite the vote of the people to prohibit such legal recognition, has frustrated and disappointed pro-family citizens who voted for true protection of marriage licenses for a man and a woman.

“While it was good that the majority of the justices ruled only man-woman marriages could be performed after Prop. 8 passed, it’s wrong and unconstitutional for the judges to permit counterfeit marriages in clear violation of Prop. 8,” said Randy Thomasson, president of, a statewide pro-family organization that has been fighting for natural marriage in California for more than a decade. “An arm and a leg have been cut off the natural institution of marriage in California.”

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Expect California High Court to ‘Half Uphold’ Prop 8: Thomasson

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

Prop. 8 ruling scheduled Tuesday 10 a.m.

randy_thomasson.jpgMy friend Randy Thomasson (left) of expects at partial victory for pro-natural-marriage forces on Prop 8 Tuesday. — Peter LaBarbera. Randy writes:

As you’ve probably heard, the California Supreme Court will file its Prop. 8 ruling on Tuesday at 10 a.m. There’s no more praying or influencing you can do to effect the decision, because the seven justices’ opinions are already in writing. expects a “half right, half wrong,” convoluted decision that allows some 18,000 homosexual “marriages” performed before Nov. 4 to remain legally valid, but after Election Day permitting the granting of marrriage licenses only to a man and a woman.

Our [Save California] news release from Friday afternoon is below. To be reminded of what the justices said during the Prop. 8 hearing on March 5, click HERE. Full Save California release follows:


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Homosexual Pundit Andrew Sullivan Says ‘Hate Crimes’ a Scam

Friday, May 15th, 2009

‘Admission is both refreshing and stunning at the same time’

Posted on WorldNetDaily, May 14, 2009

By Bob Unruh, WorldNetDaily

A longtime pundit and supporter of the homosexual lifestyle choice has admitted online that the so-called “hate crimes” bill now pending in the U.S. Senate is totally unnecessary, according to a report.

“The real reason for hate crime laws is not the defense of human beings from crime. There are already laws against that – and Matthew Shepard’s murderers were successfully prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in a state with no hate crimes law at the time,” wrote Andrew Sullivan in his “Daily Dish” column.

“The real reason for the invention of hate crimes was a hard-left critique of conventional liberal justice and the emergence of special interest groups which need boutique legislation to raise funds for their large staffs and luxurious buildings,” he continued.

“Just imagine how many direct mail pieces have gone out explaining that without more money for [Human Rights Campaign], more gay human beings will be crucified on fences. It’s very, very powerful as a money-making tool – which may explain why the largely symbolic federal bill still hasn’t passed.”

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VIDEO: MSNBC’s Halperin Pushes New Sexual Diversity Line in Questioning Sessions about ‘Openly Gay’ Justice on Supreme Court

Friday, May 8th, 2009

Sen. Sessions: “I don’t think a person who acknowledges that they have gay tendencies is disqualified per se” from Supreme Court

msnbc-halpein-session.jpgWill Obama Nominate a “Gay” Supreme Court Justice? Liberal opinion-makers like Mark Halperin of MSNBC (left) now treat homosexuality as an element of “diversity” that should be celebrated by society. See YouTube video and interview transcript below. TAKE ACTION: Urge Sen. Sessions (202-224-4124) to oppose the confirmation of pro-homosexuality (activist) justices to the U.S. Supreme Court and all federal courts.

By Peter LaBarbera

Welcome to the new “Sexual Diversity” landscape created by decades of homosexual activism — with its essentially anti-Christian, anti-Biblical ethos. Liberal opinion-making elites like MSNBC’s Mark Halperin below now treat homosexual perversion (oops, sorry, “sexual orientation”) as part of America’s “minority” tapestry — eligible for all the “diversity” demands — read: quotas — of other (genuine) minority groups. Identity politics and affirmative action are bad enough with real minorities; they will become unbearable once expanded to include advocates and practitioners of changeable sexual sin — which is what an open and proudly “gay” Supreme Court justice would be.

Please watch the YouTube video clip below of an interview yesterday morning (May 7) between Halperin and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the new highest ranking Republican in the Senate Judiciary Committee following the party switch of Sen. Arlen Specter. Note how Halperin eagerly pushes the “homosexuality-as-diversity” line — which Sen. Sessions attempts to fend off with his “gay tendencies” remark. With all due respect to the senator, if that’s the best that conservatives can do, we will be squashed by liberal and libertarian advocates of proud homosexuality in this debate.

Imagine: what Senator is going to have the guts to challenge the idea that it is “wrong for a justice to be disqualified because of ‘who he is'” — to quote the now widely accepted but biblically false homosexual-activist cliché? There is a deeply personal and emotional level of activism in anyone who self-identifies as “openly gay” — as opposed to one who struggles against the unwanted pull of homosexuality — because that person flips timeless morality on its head. The unapologetic “gay” person has his or her whole life and, indeed, eternal destiny invested in the idea that Judeo-Christian teachings against homosexual behavior as sinful should be discarded. An openly homosexual judge “not promoting any agenda personal, religious or moral” — how absurd and naive!  A transcript of the MSNBC exchange between Halperin and Sessions follows the video:

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Barber: ‘Hate Crimes’ Bill Is Full of Swill

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

pink_dress-3.jpg matt_barber_in_the_ring.jpgFantastic “Findings”: Even as “queer” bloggers incongruously and hilariously accuse Matt Barber of being a latent, self-loathing closet-case (trapped in a former pro heavyweight boxer’s body no less), we don’t think Matt would be “pretty in pink.” But not to worry: something tells us that Matt is not going to lose this bet concerning the preposterous “findings” of Senate “hate crimes” bill, S. 909. Reminder: Matt, a Board Member of Americans For Truth, will be the keynote speaker at our banquet on Saturday, Oct. 10 outside Chicago. Save that date! — Peter LaBarbera, 

TAKE ACTION: Call your U.S. Senators and urge them to oppose S. 909, the “Thought Crimes” (hate crimes) bill; call 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121 or go to


Hate crimes’ bill is full of swill

Matt Barber, 5/7/2009 10:15:00 AM

Senate sponsors and liberal activist proponents of the federal “hate crimes” bill, S. 909, have been caught in a series of bald-faced lies. So confident am I of this, that if they can prove me wrong (for real I mean – you know, with evidence and such) I’ll join their little soirée, don a very large pink evening gown and publicly voice support for the legislation.

To the express exclusion of other identifiable groups – including veterans, the elderly and the homeless – S. 909, in its current form, would grant special federal resources and preferred minority status to pedophiles, homosexuals, cross-dressers and – as Democratic sponsor Alcee Hastings recently admitted on the House floor – a host of other APA recognized “sexual orientations” (i.e., deviant sexual fetishes and perversions).

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Truth Tour 2009: AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera Coming to Maine

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

mike_heath_ccl_capital_resized_5.jpgMy good friend and Christian “culture war” hero Mike Heath (right) — AFTAH Board Chairman, executive director of the Maine Family Policy Council, and long-suffering whipping boy of fundamentally intolerant social leftists throughout his state — is way too kind in writing the following entry on his blog today. … — Peter LaBarbera:

…In the early 1990s Bob Knight talked sense to me. His polite confrontation over the phone inspired me to sink my teeth into the culture war. He was working for the Family Research Council (FRC). Peter LaBarbera was his assistant. Bob had a small team of guys that were beginning to provide effective coordination and motivation to grassroots pro family activists.

After Gary Bauer left to run for President Bob’s department was disbanded. That was a very sad day for me. I still regret that decision by FRC. Bob and Pete have stayed in the fight. They are America’s two most valuable national pro-family assets. If the pro family movement brought those two guys together again and funded them things would change fairly rapidly in the good ole USA.

I’m going to bring my very good friend Peter LaBarbera to Maine later this month, on May 28 and 29. He now heads up the most effective online advocacy website for common sense in the “gay” fight, Make sure you check it out, and tell all your friends.

The title of Pete’s talk is “The Zero-Sum Game: How Gay Rights and ‘Same-Sex Marriage’ Undermine Religious Freedom.” I’m hosting a working lunch in Portland, supper in Houlton on Thursday, May 27th and breakfast in Bangor on Friday, the 28th of May.

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Iowa Rep. Steve King Discusses Democrats’ Hate Crimes Bill

Friday, May 1st, 2009

Sought to exempt pedophiles from inclusion under “Sexual Orientation”

What a travesty that House Democratic leaders did not even allow a full-fledged floor debate on H.R. 1913. the “Thought Crimes” bill, which could become the first law to federalize both “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” Below Congressman Steve King discusses the “Hate Crimes” legislation during the limited House floor debate on April 29, 2009:

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