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WATCH: Can the Homosexualization of America Be Stopped? – Kincaid Interviews LaBarbera

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

This America’s Survival interview with America’s Survival founder Cliff Kincaid and Jerry Kenney was conducted March 25, 2015. This aired live on AS’s Roku channel [see more AS episodes on YouTube HERE]. AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera discusses Republican politics and the homosexual agenda, and the escalating saturation of U.S. culture with pro-immorality messages. Specifically, around the 15-minute mark in the video, they discuss the ABC Family network’s promotion of a homosexual “boy romance” between two 13-year-old male characters on the show “The Fosters.” LaBarbera will be joining Kincaid and Barbwire’s Matt Barber for a press event Tuesday April 21 in at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to discuss the April 28 Supreme Court review of homosexual “marriage” cases that has the potential of producing a ruling that could nationalize same-sex “marriage.” After the video is Kincaid’s description of it.

America’s Survival description:

Will Jeb Bush Turn the GOP Gay?

Published on Mar 31, 2015
The homosexual movement has control of President Obama and the Democratic party. Now it is infiltrating the Republican Party. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth discusses the 2016 Republican presidential candidates, what the Supreme Court might do on homosexual marriage, and whether the homosexualization of America can be stopped. We also discuss the Marxist origins of the gay rights movement.

Indiana AFA Leader Micah Clark Debunks Myths about SB 101 Religious Freedom Bill – Gov. Pence Expected to Sign

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

Micah Clark

Congratulations to American Family Association of Indiana Executive Director Micah Clark and other pro-family leaders in the state for passage of SB 101, which hopefully will help protect the freedom of conscience of Indiana citizens for decades to come. I also read a good piece on by Scott Shackfork debunking the main objection to the bill–which homosexual and transgender activists are smearing as the “Indiana Right to Discriminate” law.

Pro-homosexual and pro-transgender laws discriminate against people of faith and morality and women desiring privacy in public restrooms, respectively, but I suppose that kind of discrimination is tolerable to the Left because it accelerates the “gay” and “progressive” transformation of society. Thank God that defenders of liberty are fighting back. Below Clark answers some of the lies against SB 101. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


Hobby Lobby Bill Has Been Sent to Governor Pence

By Micah Clark, AFA of Indiana

Yesterday Senate Bill 101 cleared the last procedural step before going to the Governor’s office.  After the bill passed the Indiana House on Monday by a solid 63-31 vote, the Senate voted on the concurrence motion with another strong vote of 40-10.

The bill is now headed to the Governor’s office.  Yet, this movement has not stopped the silliness surrounding this tested legislation.  Yesterday, I even had a call at the AFA-IN office that nearly takes the cake, though it is hard to get beyond the vile allegation that this would allow people of faith to bomb abortion clinics.  The confused caller was worried that our Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) could be used to keep certain people of faith from being allowed to drive on the Indiana toll roads.

The hostility of the far Left never ceases to amaze me.  Ironically, one thing this debate has revealed is the deep hostility that is out there against people of faith.  It practically makes the case as to why SB 101 is needed.   If you still doubt that those on the political Left and those in the homosexual activist movement want to force all people, including those with deep religious conviction, to embrace the homosexual agenda, then you haven’t paid close attention to this debate over religious liberty.

There have been so many lies repeated in the media and by opponents on this legislation that it is difficult to know where to start. Perhaps the best way, though, by no means comprehensive is to address a few things in bullet points.  Here I go:

  • “A license to discriminate” – perhaps the biggest lie about this law is that it is a vehicle for discrimination.  As I noted in the AFA-IN donor newsletter, Indiana Family Voice, SB 101 is only discriminatory if we radically redefine discrimination, which many liberals and homosexuals clearly want to do.  This law does not allow a person of faith to deny service to someone, nor should it.  No Christian bakery owner should say that people involved in homosexual behavior couldn’t shop in their bakery.  That, in my opinion is wrong, un-Christian and discriminatory unless the patron is misbehaving ( i.e. “no shirt, no shoes, no service“).   However, when a customer seeks special participation from the baker, asking him or her to specially decorate a “gay” wedding cake and come set it up at a homosexual wedding, then there is a very different line crossed, and a problem for most people of faith.  However, while SB 101 could be cited as a defense in such a case, as could the 1st Amendment, courts thus far have not seen RFRA as very compelling in such cases.

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United States Ambassador for Sexual Perversion? Obama Names Randy Berry LGBT Envoy

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015
Randy Berry

Randy Berry

Folks, if we’ve learned anything from Barack Obama, it’s that there are no limits to his pandering to the homosexual and transgender activist movement. This latest development described by my Brazilian friend Julio Severo is an insult to the majority of nations around the world that choose not to celebrate the Sin of Sodom like so many liberal Americans–note I did not say all Americans–do.

Where is the Special U.S. Envoy for Adultery? Fornication? Pornography? Abortion?  I’d better be careful: I don’t want to give the Obama bureaucracy any ideas. This is neo-imperialism at its worst–rather than being a force for good in the world, America is now using its money and power to advocate for sexual immorality and gender rebellion across the globe–as we re-define “human rights” to accommodate destructive yet changeable behaviors.

If the Democrats are defeated in 2016, I would hope that the next administration will reverse actions like this, but that is far from certain to happen given the Republicans’ craven timidity on this issue. The Shining City on a Hill which Reagan invoked has turned into a Smog-covered Slum spreading moral pollution under Obama. And his shame becomes our shame until we, the citizens of this once-great nation, right the wrongs that are being carried out abroad in our name. — Peter LaBarbera,; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


US Names First Global Envoy for Homosexual Agenda

By Julio Severo

The United States is naming its first international envoy for homosexual rights. This is a historic event, because no nation, even the United Nations, has ever appointed a homosexual ambassador for global homosexual rights.

Every single major news outlet in the U.S. is covering this historic event.

In a press release, the U.S. State Department said Randy Berry, an openly homosexual diplomat, will be its special envoy to promote homosexual rights. State Department Secretary John Kerry said, “We’re working to overturn laws that criminalize consensual same-sex conduct in countries around the world.”

The U.S. government’s concern is not only the more than 75 countries that criminalize homosexual activity, but also to target nations trying to resist the onslaught of homosexual groups from United States and Europe, especially because of several pro-family laws that have taken effect around the world in recent years. The Washington Post gave some examples, “Russian President Vladimir Putin signed legislation in 2013 banning ‘homosexual propaganda,’ and Nigeria banned same-sex marriage and restricted homosexual behavior, including public displays of affection between gays.”
Putin was named by The Advocate, the largest homosexual magazine in the U.S., as the most prominent opponent of the gay agenda.

Kerry says Randy Berry will help the Obama administration in its global efforts to press foreign countries to eliminate laws that criminalize homosexual activity.

According to “The Advocate,” the idea of appointing a special envoy for LGBT issues was championed by several groups, including the American Jewish World Service (AJWS) and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest homosexualist group in the U.S., whose co-founder, Terrance Patrick Bean, was arrested for a pederastic homosexual assault on a child last year.

In a press release, left-wing AJWS applauded the historic State Department appointment of Randy Berry as America’s first special global envoy for LGBT issues around the world.

According to its own website, AJWS is the fourth largest funder of the gay agenda worldwide. Since 2005, AJWS has invested nearly $9.5 million in global LGBT rights. Last year, AJWS provided $2.97 million to 47 organizations promoting the gay agenda in 14 countries.

If you wonder how a leftist group promoting the gay agenda is Jewish, remember that the leftist U.S. president promoting the same agenda is allegedly Protestant.

Under the Obama administration, American Embassies worldwide have flown the "rainbow flag" symbolizing homosexualism, in solidarity with "gay" activists.

America Foreign Policy Goes “Gay”: Under the Obama administration, American Embassies worldwide have flown the “rainbow flag” symbolizing homosexual activism, in solidarity with “gay” advocates. This is the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv.

According to the homosexual newspaper Washington Blade, HRC president Chad Griffin applauded the State Department.

“At a moment when many LGBT people around the world are facing persecution and daily violence, this unprecedented appointment shows a historic commitment to the principle that LGBT rights are human rights,” he said. “President Obama and Secretary Kerry have shown tremendous leadership in championing the rights of LGBT people abroad. Now, working closely with this new envoy, we’ve got to work harder than ever to create new allies, push back on human rights violators, and support the brave leaders and organizations that fight for LGBT rights around the world.”

The appointment of an openly homosexual diplomat as a LGBT envoy sends a message that the United States will remain on the forefront and leadership of promoting the gay agenda around the world. It shows also its determination of pushing back Russia, Nigeria and other nations.

Now the United States will make the world freer to adherents of homosexual acts and ideology and less free for Christians and others who do not accept homosexual depravity, including Russia and Nigeria that are trying to protect their children from homosexual propaganda.

Every single homosexual activist around the world is benefited by the U.S. move.

Every single practicing Christian is threatened by it.

I wonder what will happen to Christians like me. My book “O Movimento Homossexual” (The Homosexual Movement), published originally by the Brazilian branch of Bethany House Publishers in 1998, made Brazilian gay groups furious because I exposed that they were bringing to Brazil the gay ideology from America. In fact, many of their militants had been trained and funded in America. My exposé brought threats against me. But now, with the U.S. government strongly siding with international homosexual activists, they will receive more training and funding to advance and threaten, and Christians like me run the risk of being labeled “human rights violator” and “criminals.”

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Fischer on Judge Roy Moore – We Believe in the Rule of Law – It’s Federal Judges Who Don’t

Friday, February 13th, 2015
Judge Roy Moore

Judge Roy Moore

AFTAH republishes this column by our friend Bryan Fischer from the outstanding website Renew America; to learn more about R.A., click HERE.  Americans are indebted to Judge Roy Moore for attempting to stop arrogant judicial supremacists from imposing homosexual so-called “marriage” on the citizens of Alabama and those in so many other states who have been disenfranchised on this critical issue. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


February 9, 2015

By Bryan Fischer

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at “Focal Point”

A federal judge’s ruling is not a “law.” It is a “ruling.” So, for example, when people refer to Roe v. Wade as “the law of the land,” they are simply mistaken.

A “law” is something enacted by the elected representatives of the people (or by the people directly through referendum) and signed by the chief executive. A judge’s “ruling” is not therefore a “law.” Judges have no authority whatsoever to make law. They can issue rulings, but the power to make law is flatly prohibited to them.

This is clear from the first words in the the first article of the Constitution. “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

That is “all,” as in “every last little single bit,” of the power to make law has been vested in Congress. That means no legislative power whatsoever has been granted to the judiciary. That is “no” legislative power as in zip, zilch, nada.

The New York Times makes a typical and constitutionally illiterate gaffe in today’s edition, on a piece on Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore’s directive to probate judges in Alabama to refuse to issue wedding licenses based on what Alabama state law still refers to as “deviate sexual intercouse.”

In Alabama, United States District Court Judge Callie V. S. Granade issued a ruling – not a “law” you will note – overturning the state’s marriage amendment, which was passed with 81% of the vote in 2006. Thus this tyrannical judge in one fell swoop pulverized the voting rights of 697,591 Alabamians.

This judge, acting like a black-robed despot, has ordered Alabama to begin issuing same-sex licenses as of today (February 9). Judge Moore is rightly and constitutionally saying not so fast.

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AFA: Supreme Court Justices Kagan and Ginsburg Should Recuse Themselves from SCOTUS ‘Gay Marriage’ Cases

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

Both justices performed homosexual “marriages” 


No Justice: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is hardly impartial on the issue of homosexuality-based “marriage’ (just as she isn’t on abortion). According to AFA, Ginsburg has “officiated” at five counterfeit same-sex “weddings.” Justice Elena Kagan has also performed sodomy-based “marriage” rituals. AFA says both “activist” justices should recuse themselves from SCOTUS cases on the issue.

American Family Association) Press Release

Friday, January 16, 2015

Kagan and Ginsburg: Recuse Yourselves!

American Family Association Says Supreme Court Justices Should Step Down on SCOTUS Marriage Cases

[Note: AFTAH has added quote marks around the word “marriage”–as in same-sex “marriage”–in all non-quotation references to the term in the original release–to preserve the natural, age-old understanding of the word.]

TUPELO, Miss.—The issue of same-sex “marriage” in America has divided the country this past year, with state, district and federal courts issuing ruling after ruling.

In light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s announcement that it will hear the issue, American Family Association (AFA, says Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginsburg should recuse themselves from making any same-sex “marriage” decisions because they have both conducted same-sex marriage ceremonies.

“Both of these justices’ personal and private actions that actively endorse gay marriage clearly indicate how they would vote on same-sex marriage cases before the Supreme Court,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “Congress has directed that federal judicial officers must disqualify themselves from hearing cases in specified circumstances. Both Kagan and Ginsburg have not only been partial to same-sex marriage but they have also proven themselves to be activists in favor of it. In order to ensure the Court’s integrity and impartiality, both should recuse themselves from same-sex marriage cases. Congress has an obligation to Americans to see that members of the Supreme Court are held to the highest standards of integrity. The law demands it, and the people deserve it.”

AFA sent an Action Alert to its one million-plus supporters, asking them to write a letter to their members of Congress, urging them to remind members of the nation’s highest court of their charge to maintain impartiality. Title 28, Part I, Chapter 21, Section 455 of the U.S. Code titled “Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge,” states that “Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”

Kagan performed a September 21, 2014, same-sex “marriage” ceremony for her former law clerk and his partner in Maryland. And Ginsburg performed a same-sex “marriage” ceremony at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C., in August 2013., AFA’s news service, also reported that Ginsburg has officiated at least five same-sex “marriage” ceremonies.

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VIDEO: Bob Reilly, Author of ‘Making Gay Okay,’ Interview with America’s Survival

Monday, January 19th, 2015
Making-Gay-OK-book - Copy

To order “Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything,” through Amazon, go HERE.

Folks, this is a wonderful and important interview by my friend Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival’s with Robert Reilly, author of “Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything” [order through Amazon HERE]. The interview occurred July 4, 2014, which is appropriate as Mr. Reilly is an American patriot–having served this nation with distinction in the Armed Forces and in various esteemed positions including the director of Voice of America (2001-2002). Sadly, as Reilly states in this video, he would not even be considered for the top job at VOA–or any other government agency–today given the hysterical nature of pro-“gay” political correctness.

I’m finally reading “Making Gay Okay” and can already say that it is an immense contribution to the literature opposing the normalization of homosexuality in our culture. Go HERE to view the Ignatius Press page for the book. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

LISTEN: ‘Crosstalk’ Interview: Peter LaBarbera Recaps LGBTQ News from 2014

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015
Retail giant Walmart's foray into subsidizing homosexual activism was one of the biggest AFTAH stories of 2014.

Walmart’s “Gay Pride”: Retail giant Walmart’s foray into subsidizing homosexual activism was one of the biggest AFTAH stories of 2014. See AFTAH story HERE.

This radio show featuring VCY America’s Jim Schneider interviewing AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera is an excellent recap of 2014. It aired on VCY’s “Crosstalk” on December 29. 2014. Click on the link below to listen to the 50-minute program. The Crosstalk description follows the link (you can click the “Order” link provided to purchase CD copy of the show):

Listen: Crosstalk America-Jim Schneider & Peter LaBarbera,Year In Review-LGBTQ Issues,12-29-14 (50 min)


Crosstalk Show Information

Air Date: December 29, 2014

Host: Jim Schneider

Guest: Peter LaBarbera

Listen: MP3|Order

Peter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.

This Crosstalk began with news that on December 22nd, a judge issued a ruling in a case involving Peter who was arrested while protesting with Bill Whatcott at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan. Peter was put in jail for one night and charged with criminal mischief. The charge was thrown out in the recent ruling. [See AFTAH article HERE.]

Jim then updated listeners with a statement from the pro-homosexual organization known as the Human Rights Campaign as they looked back at 2014. Peter followed up by noting that what the homosexual community couldn’t pass through the people, they attempted to obtain via the courts.

As the program continued, Jim had Peter comment on the following:

  • Same-sex divorce;
  • The increasing acceptance of polyamory; 
  • The push for special rights for transgender individuals;
  • The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA);
  • Homosexual bakers refusing to bake cakes for Christian weddings;
  • Support for alternative family lifestyles through the product known as Tylenol and LGBT support from Walmart [see AFTAH story HERE];
  • Tim Cook at Apple references God to justify his homosexuality [see AFTAH stories HERE and HERE]; 
  • The Obama FDA and their desire to modify the homosexual blood donor rules;
  • The arrest of homosexual activist (and Human Rights Campaign and Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund co-founder) Terry Bean for allegedly sodomizing a 15-year-old boy;[see AFTAH stories HERE]
  • The LGBT influence in sports.

Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran Fired Under ‘Gay’ Pressure after Publishing Book Espousing Biblical Sexual Purity – Buy His Book Today!

Friday, January 9th, 2015
Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran was fired after he wrote a book that contained a couple of paragraphs explaining biblical sexual purity, which prohibits homosexual practice and sex outside marriage.

DISCRIMINATING IN THE NAME OF ‘NON-DISCRIMINATION”: Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran was fired by Mayor Kasim Reed after Cochran self-published a book that contained a couple of paragraphs explaining biblical sexual purity, which prohibits homosexual practice and sex outside of marriage. Support Cochran by buying his book, “Who Told You that You Were Naked?” on Amazon HERE.

TAKE ACTION: Support former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran–who was fired under pressure from the city’s “gay” lobby after self-publishing a Christian book that defends biblical sexual purity. Buy his book, “Who Told You that You Were Naked?” on Amazon HERE. I just bought it for about $13.  — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

LISTEN: I discussed Cochran’s firing and the inevitable battle between “gay rights” and religious freedom on Janet Mefferd’s radio show Thursday (1/8/15); [listen to it online HERE]


Folks, the firing of Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran Tuesday adds his name to the long and growing list of Christians who have suffered in the name of pro-“gay” nondiscrimination policies and laws.

Here is a link to an excellent article by FoxNews’ Todd Starnes on Cochran’s firing.

The excerpt below from Starnes’ piece cuts to the essence of why Cochran was first suspended and then fired by Atlanda Mayor Kasim Reed–a couple of paragraphs expressing biblical teachings on sexual purity! Starnes writes:

So what in the world did Cochran write that was so offensive to the mayor and the LGBT community?

According to the GA Voice, a publication that covers the LGBT community, there were two items that caused concern:

“Uncleanness – whatever is opposite of purity; including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, all other forms of sexual perversion.”

“Naked men refuse to give in, so they pursue sexual fulfillment through multiple partners, with the opposite sex, the same sex, and sex outside of marriage and many other vile, vulgar and inappropriate ways which defile their body – temple and dishonor God.”

Cochran said he referenced homosexuality on less than a half a page in the 160-page book.

“I did not single out homosexuality,” he said. ‘I simply spoke to sex being created by God for pro-creation and He intended it to be between a man and a woman in holy matrimony – and that any other sex outside of that is sin.”

Cochran told me that someone within the department obtained a copy of the book and took it to openly-gay city council member Alex Wan.

Wan released a statement supporting Cochran’s termination and said it “sends a strong message to employees about how much we value diversity and how we adhere to a non-discriminatory environment.”

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