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Mental Health
Friday, July 27th, 2007
The above is copied verbatim off the homosexual website www.gaystraightalliance.org, July 27, 2007. This post is at the bottom of the website, which is one of several produced by www.gaylibrary.com.
Posted in Activists, Bullying & Victimhood, Gay Straight Alliance, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Quotes, Mental Health, News, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Thursday, July 26th, 2007
Posted in Bullying & Victimhood, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Down Low, Homosexual Divorce, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Lambda Legal, Mental Health, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, South Florida, Task Force, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Tuesday, July 17th, 2007
Fox News reports the following:
Deductive Reasoning
A 63-year-old Boston resident is suing the IRS because it is refusing to allow a $25,000 deduction — for a sex-change operation.
Rhiannon O’Donnabhain was a married father of three — when he underwent the operation at age 57. The IRS rejected the write-off — saying the tax code does not allow deductions for cosmetic surgery unless it is medically necessary. O’Donnabhain says the surgery follows a medical diagnosis of gender identity disorder, and advocates say it should be treated like other medical procedures. They say the IRS ruling is motivated by politics and prejudice.
O’Donnabhain’s case could set a precedent for the up to 2,000 people a year who undergo sex-change surgery in the U.S.
—FOX News Channel’s Martin Hill contributed to this report.
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), FOX News, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Government Promotion, Mental Health, News |
Saturday, July 14th, 2007
Neurosyphilis in gay men: Review of 170 possible cases sheds new light on risks
Published in the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Times, Thursday, July 12, 2007
By Bob Roehr
The increase in syphilis cases among gay men, particularly among those who are HIV positive, has been a concern for years. Most troubling is the occurrence of early neurosyphilis, when the infection spreads to the central nervous system and the brain.
Now a review of 170 possible neurosyphilis cases in four cities – Los Angeles (74), New York (47), Chicago (32) and San Diego (17) – has shed new light on the risks for HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM). The review was published in the June 28 issue of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.”
The report looked at cases over a 30-month period, January 2002 to June 2004, and narrowed them to 99 patients who had evidence of syphilis in their blood and physical symptoms compatible with neurosyphilis. Of the total, 57 self-identified as MSM, while 49 were HIV positive.
About 75 percent of the patients reported visual disturbances or new onset of headaches, while 12 percent had symptoms of acute meningitis. About half had no other clinical symptoms of the infection, while almost a quarter did not know they were infected with HIV.
The findings come as no surprise to Christopher Hall, chief of clinical affairs for the California Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Branch of the Department of Public Health. He sees them as an indictment of medical providers for not routinely screening gay men for syphilis. That practice would catch syphilis soon after infection, before it could develop more serious manifestations in the brain.
“Gay men who are sexually active with more than one partner should be screened for syphilis at least every six months, and those who are more active should be screened as frequently as every three months,” he says, citing guidelines issued by the CDC…
…About half of the cases of syphilis in California are among persons who are HIV positive. Hall sees three major reasons for this. First is serosorting: Persons who are HIV positive seek out sexual partners of the same status and decide not to use condoms. This facilitates the transmission of all sexually transmitted diseases, including syphilis.
This feeds on itself, creating a higher prevalence of the infection within a relatively closed pool of people having sex with each other. Finally, there is the likelihood that these persons have more sex with different people and hence increase their risk of exposure.
Gonorrhea is a localized infection but syphilis is a systemic one that can affect all parts of the body. Hall says syphilis can be found in the central nervous system and brain of about 30 percent of recently infected persons, regardless of their HIV status.
Oral sex is a route of infection that many people often do not consider. A 2004 study from Chicago attributed 13.7 percent of syphilis infections to oral sex, as the participants claimed to only engage in that practice. Most persons have a wider sexual repertoire, and so the true number of transmissions through oral sex is likely to be higher.
Click HERE to read the full article in the San Diego Gay & Lesbian Times
Posted in Chicago, Health & Science, Mental Health, New York, News, Physical Health |
Tuesday, July 10th, 2007
The homosexual cultural bullies at GLAAD did not succeed in stopping the airing of the above Memphis TV report on vicious high school lesbian gangs, but they sure tried. WorldNetDaily.com features AFTAH in a story on the media’s non-interest in the ‘raping girl gangs’ story.
TAKE ACTION: Read WorldNetDaily’s story (featuring Americans For Truth) about media bias and the lesbian gang story, and help counter the “gay” pressure groups that are turning America’s newsrooms into homosexuality-promotion centers:
- Thank Memphis ABC-TV newsman Jack Peck (901) 321-7623; e-mail: jpeck@abc24.com) for not succumbing to GLAAD’s (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) blatant attempts to block the airing of a news segment on lesbian school gangs that rape girls; urge him to follow up on this important story;
- Thank Bill O’Reilly (oreilly@foxnews.com) for finally giving this story national attention; urge FOX News(yourcomments@foxnews.com) to follow up on it; yesterday, O’Reilly had a GLAAD spokesman on his program who critiqued FOX’s reporting on the lesbian gang story; ask Bill to consider having a guest on to critique GLAAD’s bigoted intimidation tactics (including smearing pro-family groups like Americans For Truth as “hate groups”);
- Politely urge FOX News (and other media and corporations) to stop subsidizing the activist homosexual journalists group NLGJA: National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association. The NLGJA’s president, Eric Hegedus, compares including pro-family group representatives in news stories about homosexuality to quoting “white supremacists and other hate groups” in stories about race.
Today’s WorldNetDaily — “Payback for Expose on ‘Dyke’ Gang Rapes” — features Americans For Truth commenting on the homosexual lobby’s often successful attempts to bully the ‘mainstream’ media into reporting just one side of the debate on homosexuality in our culture.
It didn’t work in Memphis, but not because the powerful homosexual media group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) did not try. GLAAD “Call to Action” on the Memphis story, reprinted below, could serve as a “Gay Media Bullying 101” lesson on homosexual media pressure tactics.
If all else fails, threaten to sue
AFTAH has learned from Jack Peck (phone: 901-321-7623; e-mail: jpeck@abc24.com), General Manager of Memphis Eyewitness News ABC24, that a senior GLAAD staffer repeatedly threatened to sue the station if it aired the lesbian gangs report. Peck said the station made minor changes to the story but refused to bow to GLAAD’s threats because “we still thought we had a good story here.”
What is so stunning about this Orwellian GLAAD alert is its utter callousness — there is no concern shown for the victims of the lesbian gangs, only a desire to protect the image of homosexuals in America. As I told WorldNetDaily, “Here you have girls being raped by other girls, and somehow GLAAD manages to turn the homosexual lobby into the victims.” As usual with “gay” activists, it’s all about them.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Bullying & Victimhood, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, FOX News, GLAAD, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Rape, Media Promotion, Mental Health, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Pro-Homosexual Media, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Friday, June 29th, 2007
NARTH (National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality) does a good job of highlighting the disfunctional upbringing and family life of notable “homosexuals,” in this case deceased actor Montgomery Clift. What is evident from this piece is that a mother (or father) can do quite a number on an innocent child and his or her future. The media — fixated as they are on finding the illusive “gay gene” — rarely factor in (even severe) family disfunction as a contributing cause of homosexuality, but there are amply cases, just among “gay” or “lesbian” celebrities, to make the case that nurture plays an important role in a child’s later adulthood embrace of sexual deviance. — Peter LaBarbera
“The Story of Montgomery Clift”
By Linda Nicolosi, NARTH, reviewing Patricia Bosworth’s Montgomery Clift: A Biography
June 14, 2007
Montgomery (Monty) Clift was a broodingly handsome, classical actor who is considered to be one of the greatest screen stars of the Golden Age of film. He led a tormented life, dying prematurely after many years of self-destruction through drinking, drugs and a long string of affairs with men (as well as a few women).
An enormously attractive screen presence, Monty had large, expressive dark eyes, and portrayed a haunting vulnerability and sensitivity that was as much “who he was” onscreen as offscreen. His life story makes fascinating reading.
In Montgomery Clift: A Biography, author Patricia Bosworth describes Monty’s father Bill as passive, good-natured, and absolutely adoring of his wife, Sunny. A very successful man in the business world, Bill nevertheless deferred in every way to this strong-willed, opinionated woman at home. “My father would do anything in the world to please Mother,” Monty’s sister Ethel said (p. 23). “She made everyone–including her husband–feel that no one with any brains could possibly disagree with her and still be a person of consequence” (p. 31).
Indeed, Sunny was known as a vibrantly attractive and intelligent woman. She was “energetic, sometimes venomous, always triumphant in any situation” (p. 284).
Sunny had been adopted as an infant into a family that apparently abused her, and she was never able to locate her birth parents. She had been told, however, that her bloodlines made her a “thoroughbred.” Soon she became obsessed with tracking down her geneology, and she poured all her energy into it. Her primary goal in life, biographer Boswell says, was to raise her children as “the thoroughbreds they were” so they would never know the uncertain identity and insecurity she had suffered in her life.
To read Linda Nicolosi’s full review, click HERE
Posted in Born that Way?, Celebrities, Mental Health, News |
Friday, June 22nd, 2007
EDITOR’S NOTE: Yvette Schneider’s comments below relate to her own story of transformative change and were initially made following a controversy last year surrounding Exodus President Alan Chamber’s quotes in the Los Angeles Times. Since we first published this piece, we have learned that Alan’s statements were incomplete and taken out of context by self-serving homosexual activists to create an impression that he never sought to create — i.e., questioning the potential for radical and even complete change in the life of homosexual strugglers.
Since the Times interview, Mr. Chambers has clarified his position on change in homosexuality to AFTAH saying:
“There are a variety of levels at which individuals experience change when it comes to the issue of homosexuality. For some it may be a rapid, total transformation, but for many, it is often a gradual process of dealing with difficult life issues, habits and behaviors. Regardless of the timing, any change is still change and as Christians, we know that the process of dealing with sin and becoming more like Christ will continue throughout the course of our lives.”
Original Americans For Truth article, June 22, 2007:
Ex-Lesbian Yvette Schneider Testifies to ‘Complete’ and Permanent Change
The following is offered by former lesbian Yvette Schneider in response to Exodus International President (and former homosexual) Alan Chambers’ comment in the Los Angeles Times, “By no means would we ever say change can be sudden or complete.” Schneider, now a mom in St. Louis, was once a featured speaker on Focus on the Family’s “Love Won Out” tour highlighting the possiblity of change for homosexuals. Yvette can be reached at livinginvictory@hotmail.com. Emphasis is hers:
I came out of homosexuality after a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and a desire to serve and obey Him. I can say with complete honesty that I NEVER have homosexual desires of any sort – physical or emotional.
Editor’s Note: Although we criticized Alan for his remark to the Times — and who would doubt the pressure he faces from a liberal media seeking to discredit the idea of healthy change for homosexuals — we know that he and Exodus International, like all Christians, celebrate God’s healing work in her life.
The following Christian tract gives a short summary of Yvette’s path out of homosexuality:
Yvette: a Journey from Darkness into Light
By Annetta Small
“I saw myself on my hands and
knees eating stale crumbs off
a dirty floor because I could not stand
up and see the feast that God had for
me. God, please help me to stand up
and leave these crumbs alone and enter
into what you have for me,” I prayed
one day after a six-year involvement
in the lesbian lifestyle.”
—Yvette Cantu Schneider
“Are you and your girlfriend having a
homosexual relationship?” Yvette’s mother
asked her one day, suspicious of the relationship
she saw between Yvette and her closest
friend. Angered and devastated, Yvette, then
17, locked herself in the bathroom and cried.
Although the thought of such a relationship
repulsed her, deep in her heart she wished that
it were true. “Everything I need is in this
relationship,” she thought miserably.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Born that Way?, E - Praying for the Lost, GLAAD, Gospel evangelism, Lesbianism, Mental Health, News, Semantics/stealing words, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Monday, June 11th, 2007
Holsinger and Ex-Gay Community Attacked by Gay Groups
News Advisory: June 11, 2007
Contact: Regina Griggs, Director, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX); 703-360-2225 PFOX@pfox.org http://www.pfox.org/
Washington DC -– Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) today condemned the bigoted remarks by gay activists being made about the new Surgeon General nominee. Gay rights groups are attacking Dr. James Hoslinger’s nomination because his church is inclusive of ex-gays and he supports the right to self-determination regarding one’s sexual attraction.
Ex-gays and Americans who support the right to self-determination of same-sex attraction are routinely ridiculed by the very people who claim to be victims themselves. “Gay activists lobby to be included in tolerance policies, hate crimes and employment non-discrimination legislation, but work hard to deny ex-gays the right to the same treatment,” said Regina Griggs, executive director of PFOX. “This demonstrates how far the gay rights movement has moved from self-described victims to proactive perpetrators.”
“Ex-gays should not have to be closeted for fear of others’ negative reactions or disapproval,” Griggs said. “They do not think something is wrong with them because they chose to fulfill their heterosexual potential. We need to ensure the safety, inclusion, and respect of former homosexuals in all realms of society, but especially by the medical and mental health communities starting at the highest levels.”
“As a medical doctor, it seems Dr. Holsinger is aware that contrary to distortions by gay activists, no professional medical or mental health associations deny the right of any individual to seek support in resolving unwanted same-sex attractions.” Griggs said. “Indeed, these associations adhere to a code of ethics which call for their members to support the client’s right of self-determination.”
“Americans need to face the growing issue of bigotry perpetrated upon ex-gays and their supporters. Gay activists cannot claim sympathy as victims when they attack ex-gays for political purposes of their own,” said Griggs. “Tolerance is not a one-way street. All individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions deserve the right to self-determination and happiness based on their own needs, and not the political inconvenience of others.”
To view a sample of hate against former homosexuals, see http://www.pfox.org/downloads/HRC%20hates.pdf
A copy of this press release is online at http://pfox.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=191#191
PFOX leads the nation in providing outreach, education, and public awareness in support of families and the ex-gay community. They can be reached via their website at http://www.pfox.org/
Posted in Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Quotes, Media Promotion, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |

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