Health & Science

ABC Follows ‘Born Gay’ Script to a T

Monday, March 31st, 2008

Good Morning America promotes the latest gay gene study, and marginalizes the opposing scientific voice by labeling him as religious.

By Robert Knight
Culture and Media Institute
March 28, 2008

ABC’s Good Morning America hit a grand slam on March 28 for the homosexual activist movement by airing a profoundly misleading segment that asks, “Can a Baby Be Gay?” A longer segment ran on 20/20 that evening.

Convincing the public that some people are “born gay” is a central strategy of homosexual activists, who are being aided by a compliant media that routinely fails to examine such claims. If sexual behavior is hard-wired like race, then moral considerations can be swept aside, homosexuality declared a “civil right” and governments can move against people who believe homosexuality is wrong.

The Good Morning America story follows the script proposed in the gay strategic manual After the Ball, by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. The two Harvard-trained PR experts set out to “overhaul straight America,” which was the title of an article out of which After the Ball was born as a full-length book in 1989.

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Homosexual Activists Risk Your Life — Tolerate It!

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

joesolmonese2.jpg Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s leading homosexual pressure group, says the federal ban on accepting blood donations from “men who have sex with men” is “discriminatory.”

By J. Matt Barber

Modern science sometimes serves to validate timeless Biblical truths (not that objective truth needs validating). Romans 6:23 contains two such truths. It provides flip sides to a priceless coin, offering us both a blunt warning and an enduring promise: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Far too often we toss this coin, gambling heads-or-tails with our own best interests. We all sin, but because Christ willingly paid the penalty — suffering death on the cross in our stead — we are redeemed. We need only believe in Him and the gift of eternal life is ours. We can confess our sins, repent (which includes making every effort not to repeat those sins) and move on.

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Is Jesus Powerless?

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

crosseaster.jpgBy Peter LaBarbera

My friend and Americans For Truth Board Chairman Mike Heath, who also serves as Executive Director of the Christian Civic League of Maine, sent out the message below about Good Friday and “Hate.” Mike can relate to Oklahoma’s beleaguered State Rep. Sally Kern, as like her, he and his wife Paulie have been vilified and demonized by Maine’s pro-homosexual lobby for years as outspoken Christian, pro-family advocates.

I love Easter. The Christ whose sacrificial death we commemorate and whose resurrection we celebrate on Easter Sunday is real and alive, but His redemptive work in everyday people’s lives only rarely makes Fox News. Just today I received a call from a Christian man who had left the “gay” life behind and has been married for 16 years; he and his wife are raising their children, much like countless other married couples raising families. Another wonderful ex-“gay” story that belies the homosexual propaganda myth that homosexuals can’t change, but which probably will never appear in the media.

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‘Gay’ Terrorist?

Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

gayterrorist.jpgHate speech or humor? This one has been making the e-mail rounds — quick, call the Thought Police! Something tells me that most of our humorless homosexual critics won’t be laughing (after all, jokes are allowed only when ridiculing “anti-gay fundies”), but everyone else seems to think it’s hilarious.

Is there a bomb in those high heels? — Peter LaBarbera

Disclaimer: This graphic is only a joke. Any resemblance to an actual woman is purely coincidental and highly unlikely. Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that there is an incendiary device in this “she-male’s” pumps. We at Americans For Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) have no reason to believe this man pretending to be a woman is actually a terrorist, nor are we implying that Arab-looking transvestites are terrorists or that they represent any serious threat to Americans other than to our sensibilities. Memo to PFLAG: if you are planning to organize a protest or request a meeting with me or AFTAH, do not waste your time; I will still think this is funny. Please direct all legal inquiries to Sodom, Gomorrah & Brimstone Attorneys at Law;; e-mail correspondence:; (202-555-JOKE).

Deerfield High School outside Chicago Offers Homosexual Pornography To Students

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

After almost 15 years of school advocacy and reviewing many objectionable books and curricula, I have never seen anything this vulgar and harmful to students.”Lora Sue Hauser

Click HERE to read some disgusting excerpts from Tony Kushner’s play; WARNING: they are worse than you could imagine

Kudos to my friend and extraordinary pro-family school advocate, Lora Sue Hauser, for exposing this extreme case of educational malpractice, at Deerfield High School north of Chicago. The teachers and administrators responsible for allowing this travesty — which could be “payback” for Lora Sue’s effective advocacy at DHS on behalf of students and parents over the years — should be terminated.

How did we get to the point in America where such disgusting pornographic writing could be justified as a part of a lesson plan for teenage boys and girls in school? Overly “tolerant” liberalism is corrupting our children at a rapid rate, while busy parents barely know what’s going on. Enough is enough: take action today! — Peter LaBarbera

TAKE ACTION: Read the “Angels in America” excerpts and call or write Deerfield High School Principal Sue Hebson to express — with civility — your dismay that their school, or any school, would even consider exposing impressionable youth to this vile, anti-religious, homosexual “literary” pornography: 224-632-3011;; main office: 224-632-3000.

Write or call District 113 Superintendent George Fornero ( through the District 113 website, or call 224-765-1000. The District 113 Board of Education also can be reached through their website.

Our sources indicate the class where “Angels in America” will be used is AP Literature and Composition, by Deerfield HS English teacher Jeff Berger-White. You can reach him at or by calling 224-632-3125.

No matter where you live, let Principal Hebson, Superintendent Fornero and DHS hear from you regarding this incredible breach of educational trust. Send us your letter and/or any replies that you receive:


News Release

North Shore Student Advocacy

Deerfield High School Offers Pornography To Students

March 7, 2008

Contact: Lora Sue Hauser, Executive Director, North Shore Student Advocacy
Telephone: (847) 651-8646;

DEERFIELD, Illinois — North Shore Student Advocacy has learned that Deerfield High School, in Deerfield, Illinois, is offering the books “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes” (Part One & Two) —- laced with graphic sexual content, including gay sex, pervasive expletives, religious denigration and mockery —- in English classes this spring.

Click HERE to read some disgusting excerpts from Kushner’s play; WARNING: they are worse than any normal person could imagine

“After almost 15 years of school advocacy and reviewing many objectionable books and curricula, I have never seen anything this vulgar and harmful to students,” says Lora Sue Hauser, Executive Director of North Shore Student Advocacy. “Parents, taxpayers and concerned citizens must force themselves to read these excerpts, as horrific as they are, so you know what kids are being exposed to. The school justifies this egregious choice because of its themes of hope. Evidently, all great literature with themes of hope have already been exhausted so teachers need to start offering pornography. We say – enough.”

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Excerpts from Pornographic ‘Angels in America’ Used in Deerfield High School Classroom

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

angels_in_america_not_appropriate_for_schools.jpg SURELY TO THE DELIGHT OF ‘GAY’ PORNOGRAPHERS EVERYWHERE, homosexual activist Tony Kushner’s pornographic, sodomy-celebrating and blaspheming play, “Angels in America,” has made it into a high school classroom (in Deerfield High School north of Chicago). You simply will not believe it after reading some crude excerpts below from the play. Take action by clicking HERE.

WARNING: Pornographic and Highly Offensive Excerpts Follow

Note to Readers: the following are sample excerpts from what surely is one of the most disturbing selections ever to be used or considered as a literary resource for use in a high school — or any — classroom. We understand that most readers will be shocked by this material and some offended that it has even found its way onto our website, but please consider that this will be made available to underage (teenage) children in a classroom setting.

Parents MUST be aware that the public schools are becoming pro-homosexual indoctrination and desensitization centers. How did America get to this point where outright perversion is introduced to students in the guise of studying literature? —Peter LaBarbera

Click HERE to take action by emailing or calling DHS and District 113 authorities and read the North Shore Student Alliance’s news release.

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Genetic Disorders Like S.A.D. Deserve Treatment, Not Acceptance

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

by George Kocan

I refuse to use the g-word [gay], in this discussion.  I prefer SAD (Sodomy Attraction Disorder) because it describes a pathological condition in clinical and descriptive terms.  The g-word is clearly prejudicial and self-serving.  I, therefore, refer to a person suffering from SAD, a ‘SADist’ or a SAD person.

SADists have boldly proclaimed that SAD is inherited.  The first person to do so was Magnus Hirschfeld, a SADist who lobbied to abolish laws prohibiting SADism in Germany in 1898 (1).  He claimed that scientific evidence proved that SAD was inborn and irreversible.   I do not know what evidence he had in mind.  Nevertheless, since then, behavioral genetics has advanced greatly.  The science has shown that a great deal of human and animal behavior results from genetic influence.

However, the SADists have played a trick on the public.  By asserting that SAD has a genetic basis, they have diverted the topic into a discussion about nature vs. nurture.  In my view, this is all wrong.  It does not matter that SAD is genetic.  It is still a disorder and pathology and requires treatment.  Many disorders afflicting the human condition have a genetic basis and are difficult to correct.

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WGN Story on ‘Gay Brothers’ Research Biased toward Genetic Homosexuality

Friday, February 29th, 2008

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

By Peter LaBarbera, with additional commentary below by David Smith 

Well, for those of you who saw the WGN broadcast (above) on the “gay brothers” research (, I’m sure that you were as disappointed as I was at the obvious bias — unless you’re a homosexuality advocate, of course.  While I’m glad that WGN invited me on as a critic, I got just 12 seconds compared to three separate on-air segments featuring a pair of homosexual brothers who are part of the experiment.

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