Health & Science

Albert Barnes’ Commentary on Romans 1

Thursday, August 9th, 2007

“The sins which he proceeds to specify are the most indelicate, vile, and degrading which can be charged on man….Perhaps there is no sin which so deeply shows the depravity of man as this; none which would so much induce one ‘to hang his head, and blush to think himself a man.'”Nineteenth-Century Christian Commentator Albert Barnes describing the “shameful sin of Sodom,” as condemned by the Apostle Paul in the Book of Romans

Below we look at the writings of Albert Barnes (1798-1870), a popular Presbyterian minister and Bible commentator who crusaded against slavery and lived to see it outlawed in the United States. Over a million volumes of Barnes’ commentaries on New Testament books were sold by 1870.

Note Barnes’s clear explication of the Biblical text against homosexual behavior (the modern notion of an innocuous homosexual “sexual orientation” hadn’t been invented yet).

Also, note Barnes’ discussion of the ancient phenomenon of homosexual pederasty in Greece and Rome.  Gee, it looks like NAMBLA (the North American Man/Boy Love Association), which marched in the early “gay pride” parades — a right which  “gay” American “founding father” and icon Harry Hay fought to defend — isn’t such an historical aberration after all? 

Ask yourself: what is the justification for discarding the historic Christian view laid out by Barnes against what the King James Bible calls the “vile affection” of sodomy? If there is none — i.e., no serious indictment to be made against Biblical truth in this area, as the leading Bible-and-homosexuality scholar Rob Gagnon asserts — then we need to get back to the basics on homosexuality. 

Thanks to the Christian Classics Ethereal Library, you can view Barnes’ entire commentary on Romans 1 online HERE, but below are some excerpts from Romans 1:26-28. Here are some passages from Albert Barnes’ commentary on Romans 1

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;  (Romans 1:26-28)

Read the rest of this article »

Practical Arguments Emphasized in John Biver Series: ‘Bad News for the Gay Rights Movement’

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

There are many practical, secular-oriented arguments against creating legal rights based on aberrant sex and gender-confused “identity.”  I encourage you to read my friend John Biver’s excellent series, “Bad News for the Gay Rights Movement,” on the Family Taxpayers Network (FTN) website.  John ( is FTN’s president, and a very smart guy who is not religious but would risk going to jail to defend my religious freedom to oppose homosexuality.  I’d do the same for him.

We who are religious should understand that you do not have to be a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Jew, to see the absurdity of revolutionizing civil rights law to accommodate historically taboo and destructive sexual behaviors that can be changed.  Please share these articles with your friends. — Peter LaBarbera 

Click on the individual links below for each article:

Bad News for the “Gay Rights” Movement


Get over your Moralityphobia


Right and Wrong isn’t Dead Yet


Privacy v. Revolution


Successes, Parades, and Leaven


The Broken Window Theory


Psychology and Morality


The Plight of the TriSexual  (A Parody)


Gender Identity Disorder


Friends, Family, and Children


Health Realities


Resetting the Proper Context


Morality and the “Gay Rights” Debate


Judge Forces Idaho to Fund Estrogen Treatment for Man Who Thinks He’s a Woman

Saturday, August 4th, 2007

Liberty Counsel


August 3, 2007

Judge Forces Idaho To Fund Estrogen Treatment for Man Who Thinks He Is A Woman 

Boise, ID – Federal district Judge Mikel Williams ruled on Friday that the Idaho Department of Correction must provide an inmate with estrogen therapy. The judge will consider continuing treatment when the issue goes to trial. The inmate believes that he is a woman trapped in a man’s body. The man, who castrated himself using a disposable razor blade while in prison, demanded female hormone therapy. He also changed his name from Randall Gammett to Jenniffer Spencer. The man is serving a 10-year sentence for escape and possession of a stolen car.

After prison officials refused estrogen therapy, but instead offered testosterone therapy to replace the hormones lost to castration, the inmate sued, alleging he was subjected to cruel and unusual punishment and other constitutional violations.

State officials said the inmate was in prison for several years before demanding treatment. In 2004, he survived an attempted suicide. Two months later he tried to castrate himself, failing in the first attempt but later succeeding. He was diagnosed with an unspecified sexual disorder and bipolar disorder.

Liberty Counsel is a nationwide legal organization with experience in litigation of transsexual legal issues. In June 2004, Liberty Counsel won a case on behalf of a Florida woman against the National Center for Lesbian Rights, which represented a woman who, after watching an MTV program and so-called “sex reassignment surgery,” changed her name from Margo to Michael, began testosterone treatment, and then had a total mastectomy and hysterectomy. This person then wanted to be considered “male” for purposes of Florida’s marriage laws. Although a trial court judge wrote an 809-page opinion claiming that gender is primarily a “state of mind,” Liberty Counsel got the ruling overturned on appeal. The appeals court ruled that “the common meaning of male and female . . . [refers] to immutable traits determined at birth.”

Mathew D. Staver, Founder of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law, commented: “Hormones and plastic surgery do not change a person’s sex, which is an immutable trait fixed at birth. Plastic surgery and hormone treatment to alter a person’s sexual appearance is no more warranted than is liposuction for an anorexic. The state should not be compelled to fund so-called sex reassignment surgery, especially when such treatment is not widely accepted, is experimental, and has not been shown to resolve the disturbed mental behavior.”

LISTEN ONLINE: CWA Discusses with LaBarbera Mayor Naugle’s Stance against ‘Public Sex’

Friday, July 27th, 2007

Ft. Lauderdale Mayor Defends Law; Opposes Public Restroom Encounters

Concerned Women for America writes:  

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Mayor Jim Naugle is under attack from militant homosexuals because of his effort to stop homosexual liaisons in the city’s public restrooms. Mayor Naugle has simply said he would enforce the law, and has considered installing robotic toilets, like those in use in San Francisco, which would hinder such activity in the restrooms of the city’s parks and beaches — areas frequented by families. Matt Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues, speaks with Peter LaBarbera, President and founder of Americans for Truth, who says this problem is a national one. [Warning: content not suitable for children.]

Click HERE to listen directly to the broacast, or HERE for the link to the CWA page containing the online radio interview.

To send a message of support to Mayor Naugle, you may contact him at For more information on this story visit:,0,5688916.story?coll=sfla-homespot-headlines.

Related AFTAH Stories:

Homosexual Male ‘Cruising’ Site Lists 13 Pages of Anonymous Sex ‘Hook-up’ Locations in Ft. Lauderdale Area Alone


Ft. Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle Refuses to Back Down to Perversion Lobby for Taking on Public ‘Bathroom Sex’


Montgomery Co., Md. Public School Officials Engage in Viewpoint Discrimination against PFOX

Friday, July 27th, 2007

Maryland public school officials silence PFOX, ADF attorneys respond

Teachers send harassing e-mails; school personnel incite students to toss PFOX fliers in trash

PFOX News Advisory: July 17, 2007

Contact: ADF MEDIA RELATIONS at (480) 444-0020

ROCKVILLE, Maryland – Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) sent a letter clarifying the law Monday to school board officials in Montgomery County, Maryland because some teachers and principals have engaged in viewpoint discrimination and censorship against Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), with whom they don’t agree.

“School officials do not have the right to engage in censorship of viewpoints they don’t like,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel David Cortman. “The board has a policy permitting the distribution of literature by outside organizations and community groups, and it is unconstitutional then for district employees to single out certain organizations for censorship.”

When PFOX distributed its flyers to students, a teacher from Thomas S. Wootten High School and co-sponsor of that school’s Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) club accused PFOX of being “like the KKK but only in the form of religion.” Using his school issued email account, the teacher wrote to PFOX: “STAY OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS AND LEAVE OUR CHILDREN ALONE!” Another teacher from Winston Churchill High School vowed that he “and many of [his] colleagues” would “fight further intrusions of your group into our public schools.” Some school personnel went as far as to place PFOX’s name on trash cans in the main lobby of the school and incited students to throw out PFOX’s fliers.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, whose decisions are binding on school districts in Maryland, held on two different occasions that community organizations have a First Amendment right to have schools distribute information to students without content- and viewpoint-based discrimination….

…A copy of the letter ADF attorneys sent to Montgomery County Board of Education President Nancy Navarro can be read at

Click HERE for the PFOX website with the rest of the ADF release and contact information for Montgomery County, Md., schools and media.

Menacing Post on Gay ‘GSA’ Website Cites ‘Shooting, Stabbing and Poisoning’ of Students as ‘Retribution’

Friday, July 27th, 2007


The above is copied verbatim off the homosexual website, July 27, 2007. This post is at the bottom of the website, which is one of several produced by

Tax Incentives for Gender-confused Self-Mutilation?

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

Fox News reports the following:

Deductive Reasoning


A 63-year-old Boston resident is suing the IRS because it is refusing to allow a $25,000 deduction — for a sex-change operation.


Rhiannon O’Donnabhain was a married father of three — when he underwent the operation at age 57. The IRS rejected the write-off — saying the tax code does not allow deductions for cosmetic surgery unless it is medically necessary. O’Donnabhain says the surgery follows a medical diagnosis of gender identity disorder, and advocates say it should be treated like other medical procedures. They say the IRS ruling is motivated by politics and prejudice.


O’Donnabhain’s case could set a precedent for the up to 2,000 people a year who undergo sex-change surgery in the U.S.


—FOX News Channel’s Martin Hill contributed to this report.

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