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The following is the original video shot by an onlooker who chronicled an ugly anti-Christian assault against two Christian preachers standing with signs urging repentance outside the Seattle homosexual “Pridefest” celebration Sunday, June 30 [worst physical attack starts at 2:20 on video]. Go HERE to watch this on the vide0-shooter’s YouTube (his comments linked to the video are reprinted below). Go HERE to read the Seattle KOMO-TV news account of the assault, including an update on the shirtless man arrested. (Homosexual activists have noted that this alleged assailant is not homosexual.) As AFTAH readers know, similar anti-Christian assaults have occurred at other “gay pride” parades and in homosexual urban enclaves in cities like Chicago and San Francisco. More to follow on this story.
While photographing this event, I witnessed a growing anger from some of the crowd, towards the preachers. All of a sudden a few members in the crowd attacked the street preachers. I switched to video to document the incident. I DO NOT condone what the attackers did. While I don’t agree with these preachers, it is their Constitutional right to be in public and preach. I think it is tragic that some of the people who justifiably want tolerance in their life, deny that same tolerance to others.
I commend the responding Seattle PD Officers for the professional way they handled this situation. The main aggressor was arrested. On a side note: I think it is a testament to the assailants and aggressors that the Seattle PD removes a PBR can and some liquor bottle from the top of the baby buggy this woman has her children in. Where were those children while their caretakers were beating innocent people up? Update: KOMO News has run my video. It can be seen [HERE]
Barber calls for investigation into HRC’s role in IRS-Gate…
Folks, our press conference yesterday directly in front of the world’s most powerful homosexual lobby organization, Human Rights Campaign, was a success (despite the lack of “mainstream” media present). I was touched to see that HRC had put up a “Welcome Peter” sign on their swank headquarters building on Rhode Island Avenue in Washington, D.C. (see video below). But that was just a stunt as a spokesman for the “gay” pressure group quickly reverted to the usual HRC tactic of smearing our pro-family representatives: “Fringe is too polite a term for them.” HRC spokesman Fred Sainztold the Washington Blade, a newspaper for homosexuals. (Other homosexual websites‘ coverage was more hateful.) Perhaps truth is “fringe” to an aggressive Sin Lobby. Watch Cliff Kincaid’s video coverage of the event and decide who the real extremists are. Thanks to all who participated in this event. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Kincaid’s footage is in three parts, which we will post separately: Part One is below, featuring Matt Barber’s and my presentations; after the jump is a non-verbatim text of my speech:
Speech by Peter LaBarbera at HRC press conference, June 4, 2013
Good morning, and thank you for coming.
The escalation of homosexual activist power is bad for America, and American liberty. Our bottom line here today at the beginning of so-called “Gay Pride” Month — as the banner says — is not about “hate” but that Homosexuality Is Nothing to Be Proud of, but overcoming it is. The deviant sexual revolution represented by the Human Rights Campaign headquarters behind us is built on a foundation of lies. Consider two of the “Founding Fathers” of the “Gay” revolution, Alfred Kinsey and Harry Hay.
The following release was sent out today by Liberty Counsel:
April 17, 2013
Supreme Court Ejects Foreign Suits from U.S. Courts
The Supreme Court today held that the federal Alien Tort Statute (ATS) cannot be used to challenge foreign conduct in United States courts. In Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, the High Court held that the ATS does not “reach conduct occurring in the territory of a foreign sovereign.”
The decision is a severe blow to foreign entities and individuals that have sought to use the ATS – with alarming success in the last three decades – to bring foreign disputes in U.S. courts. Liberty Counsel currently represents Pastor Scott Lively [founder of Abiding Truth Ministries] in one such case brought against him by Sexual Minorities Uganda, which calls itself “SMUG.” In its lawsuit, filed in federal court in Massachusetts, SMUG claims that Mr. Lively violated “international law” when he criticized homosexual conduct while visiting Uganda.
The Supreme Court has now accepted Liberty Counsel’s argument and has made it the law of the land. On the basis of the just-issued decision in Kiobel, Liberty Counsel has again asked the Massachusetts federal court to dismiss SMUG’s lawsuit.
Celebrated activist says most “gay” men victimized as boys have “fond memories” of early sexual experience
By Peter LaBarbera
Since its inception through “Lambda Report,” the newsletter launched in 1993 that was the precursor to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), we have been at the forefront of exposing the homosexuality-pedophilia connection, including “gay” activists’ advocacy and tolerance of sex between men and boys.
Frequently the charge leveled against this writer and any pro-family advocate who delves into this connection is that we are alleging that all or most “gay” men are child molesters. This is absurd. Recently this false accusation was leveled against me in a hostile e-mail to AFTAH. I challenged my accuser to find a single remark of mine that supports his claim that I had said that “all or most gay men” are pedophiles. He never provided any evidence, because there is none.
What I have said for the last two decades is that pederasty and pedophilia are disproportionately connected to homosexuality — as one would expect since it is a perversion. I have asked the question of why so many child-sex-abuse victims are boys (usually estimated at more than 25 percent) if a mere 1-3 percent of men are homosexual. Deviance begets deviance, so the overabundance of pathologies — sadomasochism, unparalleled promiscuity, high STD rates, pornography, extreme gender confusion, relationship violence, and past child sex abuse – among homosexuals should not surprise those who still consider facts and reason above politically-correct platitudes.
Homosexual Advocacy of Pedophilia
A shocking aspect of the homosexuality-pederasty-pedophilia nexus is the public “gay” advocacy and glamorization (or rationalization) of sex between adults and children — mostly by homosexual men but occasionally by lesbians and radical feminists.
(For example, the much-celebrated “Vagina Monologues,” by Eve Ensler, included, in its original book form, a short story about a 24-year-old women seducing an adolescent girl after getting her drunk. In Ensler’s story, the girl, looking back as a woman, later recalls her victimizer fondly. Praising the de facto lesbian-predator-rapist, she says, “I realized later she was my surprising, unexpected, politically incorrect salvation.”)
With the Boy Scouts-homosexuality debate raging once again, AFTAH launches a new series, “The Pedo-File” to expose this most insidious brand of advocacy. Here we will document both the homosexual activists’ promotion of pedophilia — especially pederasty (man-boy sex) — and the historic reality of homosexuality’s link to adult-child sex going back to the ancient world.
Folks, our response to Tim Tebow caving in to the “Gay Thought Police” is coming soon. Here is First Baptist Church of Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress’ wonderful response to the controversy Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013 at the church. It has been very encouraging to watch Jeffress (with God’s help) so effortlessly turn “lemons into lemonade” on this story. When even “TMZ Live” sides with Pastor Jeffress over Tebow on the story (a TMZ host said Tebow “wussed out on this one”), you know something interesting is afoot in the culture. My sense is that even as “gay power” grows in America — with all its accompanying intolerance and anti-Christian bigotry — there is also rising a societal disgust with speech-stifling political correctness. Maybe truly hate-filled homosexual militants like Wayne Besen (who smears Jeffress as a “hate pastor” HERE) are actually helping the pro-family movement. Let’s hope so. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth
Corkins planned to smear Chick-fil-A sandwiches in faces of his victims
Potential mass-murderer and deranged LGBT activist Floyd Corkins used the Southern Poverty Law Center’s spurious “hate” list to target FRC.
“Floyd Corkins II, 28, acknowledged in a plea agreement that he intended to kill as many people as possible during the August shooting at the Family Research Council. He also planned to target other organizations that oppose gay marriage if he wasn’t stopped.“
Corkins intended to smear the sandwiches in the faces of his victims to make a statement about gay rights opponents, he acknowledged during a hearing Wednesday.” — AP report on Corkins’ plea deal
Understandably, the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center — which outrageouly puts pro-family conservative groups opposed to homosexuality (including AFTAH) in the same “hate” category as the KKK — is laying low on this story implicating its own malicious “Hate Map.”
Here is the full Associated Press story of potential mass-murderer Floyd Corkins’ plea agreement (emphasis added). As of today (Feb. 12, 2013) — six days after AP reported on the plea agreement — you will not find it referenced on the SPLC’s list of recent “Hate Incidents” or anywhere on the SPLC site.
Notably, the SPLC maintains that it has “always oppose political violence, from the left or the right.” However, it worked hand-in-hand with — and has yet to condemn — a Chicago-based, Marxist organization (Gay Liberation Network) that expressly refused to condemn the pro-homosexual brick-attack on AFTAH’s 2011 banquet featuring Scott Lively. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Tony Perkins debating Barney Frank on MSNBC. The Homosexual Lobby is pushing hard to discredit Perkins, even twisting his words to make him appear hateful and irrational. They are lobbying media NOT to have him on as a guest. (They do the same to AFTAH and other groups opposing the “gay” activist agenda.) There remain two sides to the homosexuality debate. Journalistic balance and fairness require that media not cave in to homosexual activist pressure, nor rely on biased LGBT misinformation specifically crafted to marginalize Christian conservative leaders.
By Peter LaBarbera
In our recent post of “20 Resolutions” for pro-family advocates battling the “gay” activist agenda in 2013, Number 6 is: “Recognize, dismiss and counter homosexual activists’ lies and propaganda.” One common homosexual activist deception is to transform any criticism of homosexual behavior or “gay” activism into a general attack on “gay people.”
You will note from the video below how the leading homosexual activist media-lobbying group, GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), twists Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ words. Speaking at a May 3, 2001 conference, Perkins said:
“Those that understand the homosexual community — the activists — they are very aggressive … everything they accuse us of they are in triplicate. They’re [intolerant], they’re hateful, they’re vile, they’re spiteful…Our response to them should be one of love and of compassion….We’ve got to be very careful to guard our hearts — that we in the midst of this battle don’t become so [callous], that we realize they’re not the enemy. The enemy is simply using them as pawns. They are held captive by the enemy….”
Here is the short Perkins video courtesy of People For the American Way’s (PFAW) “Right Wing Watch” (which, unlike GLAAD, actually correctly describes Perkins as talking about homosexual “activists”) [YouTube URL: http://youtu.be/hfNVgJ4rwMo]:
Rose smeared MN pro-family leader as “spokes-turd” and Maggie Gallagher as “Gagginwhore”
WARNING: Vulgar and highly offensive hate graphic (created by Scott Rose)
The above malicious and sophomoric hate-graphic attacking (Minnesota-based) Parents Action League leader Laurie Thompson, was created by homosexual activist Scott Rose — for his now-defunct blog, “AntiGay Bigotry Scares Me.” It was the same Rose who filed a “professional misconduct” complaint against U. of Texas scholar Mark Regnerus, whose landmark study exposed the negative effects of “gay parenting.” U-T rejected Rose’s complaint, finding no grounds for a formal ethics investigation of Regnerus. Click on graphic to enlarge in separate window.
By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
The University of Texas has cleared its scholar, Sociology Prof. Mark Regnerus, of any “professional misconduct” related to his landmark study implicating homosexual parenting. Thus U-T rejects the tendentious ethics complaint by Scott Rose (akaScott Rosenweig), who bills himself as an “investigative reporter,” but is in reality a hateful homosexual activist who viciously and crudely demonizes pro-family leaders.
How hateful and vindictive is Rose? Above is a malicious graphic created by Rose for an attack-piece (since scrubbed from his own blog, which has been down for weeks). Its target is Laurie Thompson, a leader of the Parents Action League, a pro-family group that opposes pro-homosexual policies and curricula in Minneapolis schools. AFTAH has also acquired e-mail correspondence between Thomson and Rose that exposes his abusive tactics, e.g., calling Thompson a “gay-bashing monster.” (Rose writes for a homosexual advocacy website, “The New Civil Rights Movement.”)
In a further demonstration of Rose’s cruelty and penchant for nasty attacks, see the graphic further below in this article — in which he labels pro-marriage leader Maggie Gallagher, a founder of the National Organization for Marriage, as “Maggie Gagginwhore,” under a photo of a pig. This original post also has been taken offline [see graphic at bottom of this article], undoubtedly to hide Rose’s true nature as an extreme LGBT militant willing to go to absurd and lengths to vilify his opponents.