Public Indecency

Is the ACLU Crazy, Evil … or Both?

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

anthony_romero_aclu.jpg ACLU’s homosexual Executive Director, Anthony Romero. Read the ACLU’s outrageous, pro-bathroom-sex legal brief here:
By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, could any of us on the Right make up something this nutty, this extreme? The ACLU is defending DEVIANT SEX IN PUBLIC BATHROOMS as a “privacy right.” This was too much even for lefty MSNBC “Countdown” host Keith Olbermann, who makes a living slamming conservatives. Here’s a paragraph from their amicus brief in the Larry Craig case (emphasis added):

Sex is a constitutionally protected liberty interest. … Thus, the government may make sex a crime only where it has a constitutionally sufficient justification for doing so. … [cites the Supreme Court’s 2003 Lawrence v. Texas decision striking down Texas’ sodomy law].  The government does not have a constitutionally sufficient justification for making private sex a crime. … It follows that an invitation to have private sex is constitutionally protected and may not be made a crime. … This is so even where the proposition occurs in a public place, whether in a bar or in a restroom.

Activists courts are the tool that the Left has used to advance what pro-family attorney Jan LaRue calls America’s “unholy trinity”: abortion-on-demand, pornography, and homosexuality.  If killing one’s unborn child (with his or her own, separate DNA) can be justified as a “privacy” right; if owning or buying even child pornography can be defended as a First Amendment “right,” then hey, why not homosexual perversion in bathroom stalls?
We know enough about the ACLU to assert that even if a homosexual activist (Anthony Romero) were not running the organization, it would have joined this case.  “Sexual freedom” is the Libertine Left’s new clarion call to legalize and expand the “rights” of even the most outlandish perversions: sadomasochistic house parties; the hetero “swingers community”; the “right” of sex businesses to set up shop in your neighborhood; “polyamory” (multiple-partner “marriage,” anyone?); and, yes, even public bathroom sex.

Can you picture the liberal protesters chanting: “FREE LARRY CRAIG”!! “FREE LARRY CRAIG”!!

Wackiness aside, if America’s modern history has taught us anything, it is to take the Left’s legal gambits and cultural aggression seriously.  Using the courts, the ACLU lawyers and their comrades in the Homosexual, Radical Feminist (Abortion) and Porn Lobbies are destroying America, in the name of freedom.

Think about that later this year when you vote for our next U.S. President, who will pick the nation’s highest-level judges. God help us.  

P.S. Click HERE for a great piece on the ACLU’s folly by Brenda Zurita of CWA’s Beverly LaHaye Institute.

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Sex in Bathroom Stalls, Privacy Expectations and the ACLU

Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

And the Punch Line Is …

aclu-agenda-stalls.jpg Will the ACLU’s bathroom-sex agenda stall?

By Brenda Zurita

Reprinted with permission from CWA’s Beverly LaHaye Institute, Jan. 16, 2008

Due to the current Hollywood writer’s strike, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has jumped in to fill the gap existing in late-night monologues and sit-coms. If only that were true there might be a joke in there somewhere.

Alas, the title refers to a brief filed by the ACLU in the Larry Craig case in Minnesota. Yes, the senator of the “wide stance” fame has a new defense argument, courtesy of the ACLU.

The Associated Press reported that the ACLU is arguing there is an expectation of privacy when people have sex in public bathrooms.

Hmmm, when I enter a public bathroom I have the expectation of toilet paper being in the stall, not a sex encounter. And privacy in a public bathroom is at a minimum. The gap around the door frame and the open space between the dividers and the floor and ceiling provide only a modicum of coverage. Not exactly a rendezvous spot for randy patrons expecting privacy. It does however make an excellent place for exhibitionists to meet.

Imagine taking your child to a public restroom and hearing two people engaging in a sex act six inches away. Again, due to the construction of the average public restroom stall, there is little that is private. Having an expectation of privacy there is laughable. And what about the expectation of people using the restroom for what is was intended and not being subjected to sex acts?

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CWA Posts Video of AFTAH’s Folsom-Pelosi Press Conference

Friday, December 28th, 2007

folsompressconferencepixcwa.jpg Click HERE to watch an online video of Americans For Truth’s press conference in Washington, D.C., calling on Nancy Pelosi to take action against illegal nudity and perversion taking place on the streets in her district.

Our good friends at Concerned Women for America (CWA) have have graciously posted an online video of Americans For Truth’s Dec. 5 press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.  At the event, we showed our video exposing the illegal behavior involved in the sadistic “Folsom Street Fair” in San Francisco — and called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) to denounce it and take measures to stop such illegal activity in the future. Note that our six-minute video of uncensored footage from Folsom is not included in the online video.

As we expected, the major media was a no-show at the event, although FOX’s Hannity & Colmes the Michael Savage Show later covered it.

CWA’s Matt Barber (an AFTAH Board Member) spoke at our event; Barber first broke the story about Folsom’s anti-Christian promotional artwork, which Speaker Pelosi has refused to denounce. Also shown speaking at the Press Club event are Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera and Grace Harley, representing PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays). Harley is a Christian woman who came out of “transgendered” lifestyle.  Click HERE to view the press conference.

WATCH VIDEO: Hannity & Colmes Expose “Folsom Street” Depravities in Pelosi’s District

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007

Hannity stunned; Colmes tries to shift issue away from Pelosi 

Well, FOX’s Alan Colmes was carrying water for (Democrat) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in tonight’s FOX “Hannity & Colmes” segment featuring Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth. But despite his attempt to make ME the bad guy, we succeeded in alerting people across the nation to the shocking depravities that occurred in broad daylight in Speaker Pelosi’s district.

For the record, Alan: we would welcome Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s — or any public official’s — condemnation of the grotesque “Folsom Street Fair”; and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is linked to Folsom because he praised it as a “wonderful and exciting event” in an official welcoming letter in the event’s program

Note Sean Hannity’s near disbelief at our report (and he didn’t even see the video excerpts from the sadistic Folsom “Fair“). This is the reaction of normal America, which remains largely ignorant of the perversions that occur in big cities like San Francisco that celebrate homosexuality. We’ve as yet gotten no response back from Speaker Pelosi:

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

AFTAH Calls on Speaker Pelosi to Condemn San Francisco Public Nudity and Perversions, Anti-Christian Bigotry

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

nancy_pelosi.jpgpony_perversion_folsom-street-fair-2007.JPG TAKE ACTION: Write or call Speaker Nancy Pelosi and urge her to do the right thing by condemning the public nudity and perversions — and blatant anti-Christian bigotry — that occurred in her Congressional District at the “Folsom Street Fair” in San Francisco September 30. Contact Speaker Pelosi at 202-225-0100 or through her online contact page. Educate others about liberal tolerance run amok in San Francisco.



Americans For Truth is delivering the following letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) by courier today. On Wednesday, I will be in Washington, D.C., “speaking truth to power” at the National Press Club, as AFTAH publicly airs our video footage (shot by Allyson Smith) of the obscene “Folsom Street Fair” (See this link: WARNING: OFFENSIVE IMAGES: “Tolerance Gone Wild in San Francisco”) — with its police-tolerated public nudity and street orgies — held in San Francisco September 30.

Most of the city of San Francisco lies within Pelosi’s Eighth Congressional district, which she has represented since 1987. Speaker Pelosi is second in line to the presidency of the United States, behind Vice President Dick Cheney.

Americans For Truth is calling on Speaker Pelosi to publicly condemn the Folsom event and to use her considerable power to help stop similar affronts to public decency from occurring in San Francisco. We are also asking her to denounce the anti-Christian bigotry of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — a San Francisco group of men who dress in drag as mock “nuns” — which works directly with Folsom organizers and is a major beneficiary of that sadomasochistic event.

For a reminder of just how bizarre and offensive the Folsom event is — and what San Francisco is willing to “tolerate” — see our photo-story (WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES WITH NUDITY COVERED), “Tolerance Gone Wild in San Francisco.” Unlike the Folsom photos that we posted on our website, the shocking video footage we will show to the media Wednesday will be uncensored — just as it was allowed to occur without police intervention on September 30th.

To view Speaker Pelosi’s adoring speech to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the world’s largest homosexual lobby group — in which she boasted about San Francisco values — click HERE. — Peter LaBarbera


Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

December 3, 2007
Via Courier

Ms. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker
House of Representatives
United States Capitol Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Madam Speaker:

Because you frequently extol San Francisco’s values to the rest of America, we are compelled to call your attention to what actually takes place at the Folsom Street Fair and other egregious and offensive “gay pride” celebrations in your Congressional District.

I was in San Francisco with a videographer on Sunday, September 30 and verified but a small segment of the most immoral and outrageous sexual behavior that ever disgraced the streets of any American city. On Wednesday, December 5, at 1:00 p.m. at the National Press Club in Washington, we will release the un-retouched DVD of the public debauchery which we videotaped during the city’s Folsom Street Fair just two months ago. Included is raw and unedited verification of:

• Large numbers of men walking on public streets either fully or partially naked;
Groups of men engaged in orgies on the public street, including acts of oral sex and mutual masturbation, as crowds waked by and snapped pictures.
• Fully exposed men “greeting” other men by grasping other men’s genitals and massaging them in full view of passers-by. The police stood by and did nothing;
• A man sitting on the curb in broad daylight masturbating as crowds of people gawked and took pictures (he even posed for photos with others as he sat there naked and aroused);
• Theatrically dramatic sadomasochistic whippings and floggings – drawing blood and turning the willing “victim’s” skin bright red;
• Abundant flaunting of female nudity and real or simulated sexual acts;
“Master-slave relationships” in which one man or women would “walk” their subservient “slave” with a dog-collar and chain. Others imitated animals (dogs and ponies) as yet another “fetish” on display: we talked to one woman whose mouth was bridled like a horse;
Blatant anti-Christian bigotry in the form of “The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” men dressed in drag mocking Catholic nuns, greeting incoming attendees at Folsom; one male “Sister” wore a shirt that read “Bottom for Jesus” (“bottom” refers to his position in anal sex); entrance stickers featured a twisted, S&M-fetish version of DaVinci’s “Last Supper” painting;
Young children with their parents witnessing this perverted and revolting spectacle.

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PFOX: Proposed Md. ‘Gender Identity’ Bill Would Have The Effect of Legalizing Indecent Exposure to Minors

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

PFOX News Advisory:  November 8, 2007

Contact:  Regina Griggs, Director, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX)

New “Gender Identity” Law Would Have The Effect of Legalizing Indecent Exposure to Minors

‘Weekend Transgenders’ to Use Women’s Shower Rooms and Bathrooms?
Montgomery County, MD — A bill before the Montgomery County, Maryland Council puts girls and women at risk by opening women’s restrooms and locker rooms to men who dress as women, warns Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX).  The bill virtually eliminates gender distinctions by allowing Montgomery County residents to choose if they are male or female even when the choice conflicts with their biological sex. 

The bill, slated for a vote on Tuesday, Nov. 13, would add ‘gender identity’ as a protected class for ‘transgenders.’  It would guarantee the right to use public facilities consistent with the person’s gender identity “publicly and exclusively expressed or asserted.”  No sex change is necessary.
As an organization that aids former transgenders, PFOX can attest that many transgenders prefer to dress and act publicly and exclusively as a woman or man on weekends and then as their birth gender during the work week.  These are known as “weekend transgenders.”  Pedophiles could also put on a dress and assert they are exclusively female in order to get near naked children in swimming pool locker rooms. 

When asked if the proposed law would apply to weekend transgenders, Council member Duchy Trachtenberg refused to answer, instead insisting that “transgender people face serious discrimination … in public accommodations.” 

“There’s a good reason why transgenders face ‘serious discrimination’ when using shower rooms and toilets that don’t apply to their gender,” said Regina Griggs, executive director of PFOX.  “It’s because they don’t belong there.  What parents want their daughter to use the public pool’s locker room with a naked man who cross-dresses full-time or part-time?  This bill in effect legalizes indecent exposure to minors in these kinds of situations.” 

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Catholic ‘Drag Nun Bingo’ Parish, Most Holy Redeemer, Participates in San Francisco Pride Parade 2007

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

By Katherine Tomasi and Allyson Smith

Despite millions of dollars in sexual abuse claims–the vast majority of which are homosexual in nature–that have bankrupted some U.S. Catholic dioceses, and in defiance of a recent U.S. Bishops’ document stating that Catholic ministers must not advocate behaviors contrary to Church teaching, a San Francisco parish notorious for its promotion of homosexuality participated in that city’s “gay pride” parade Sunday, June 24.

Catholic blogger ‘Catherine of Siena’ of the Threshing Grain blogspot reported that Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in San Francisco’s homosexual Castro district planned to march in the perverted procession, with the theme “Pride Not Prejudice,” now in its 37th year  and unarguably the mother of all “gay pride” parades.

Most Holy Redeemer’s home page at greets visitors with the message, “During the month of June we welcome in a special way our many LGBT visitors to MHR . . . Happy PRIDE!”

According to its June 17 bulletin, MHR planned several events in conjunction with the pride parade, from asking for volunteers to man an AIDS support group beverage booth near the main stage to hosting a “pride parade dance rehearsal” and sign-making party for its young adult group.

An MHR parade contingent “send off” occurred after the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass, on the same day Catholics worldwide celebrated the Solemnity of the Birth of Saint John the Baptist, who called sinners to repentance and was beheaded for publicly rebuking King Herod and his brother’s wife Herodias for adultery. Most Holy Redeemer was the only Catholic parish listed on the 2007 pride parade lineup.

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As We Predicted: Homosexual Activists Mock US — Not Gross Folsom Street Fair

Monday, October 8th, 2007

child_watches_bathhouse_booth_folsom.JPG Lesbian activist Pam Spaulding chose to use the above Americans For Truth photo of a child in the midst of the unbelievably perverse “Folsom Street Fair” to bash AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera — without mentioning the child.

By Peter LaBarbera 

It wasn’t tough predicting that homosexual activists like Pam Spaulding would take a look at our photo-story on the raunchy “Folsom Street Fair” in anything-goes San Francisco — in which men were allowed to walk around totally nude and even have “gay” sex in the streets — and vent their anger and ridicule at … US!

And so they did. Click here to read Pam’s piece attacking our Folsom piece, complete with the usual round of bashing comments from her online fans. The most curious part of Spaulding’s blog post is her attempt to slam me for my photo of a child viewing the booth for the Berkeley bathhouse Steamworks (see above). Pam writes:

By the way, Steamworks, a bathhouse that Peter has intimate knowledge of (since the Chicago branch is where he has gone undercover to report on man-on-man depravity), has an almost magnetic draw for LaBarbera (“where men go to engage in anonymous sodomies with other men”) — he managed to photograph a Steamworks booth at Folsum [sic].

Now Pam, now let me explain the reason I shot and posted that particular photo: see the young boy at left in the photo, in the black jacket? He should not be there. He should not be in the middle of a street fair where men were walking around completely nude and masturbating in the streets. He should not be within 10 miles of adults engaging in public street sex, or whipping one another. He should not have to see the sickening spectacle of human beings leading around other human beings (their “slaves”) on dog collars.

By the way, Pam has her facts wrong (shocking, I know): I’ve never gone “undercover” at the Steamworks bathhouse in Chicago. Last year, when I was at Illinois Family Institute, we held a Christian outreach outside of Steamworks, in the heart of Chicago’s “Boystown” homosexual neighborhood, urging men not to go inside. Later, we held a protest outside of Steamworks during the Chicago “Gay Games,” opposite pro-bathhouse forces led by the Chicago-based Gay Liberation Network. We have opposed such sex clubs because they are dangerous for men and also for women whose husbands/boyfriends go there to engage in secret homosexual sex on the side.

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