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Lambda Legal
Friday, August 24th, 2007
Click HERE to view the actual online web page for Lambda Legal’s “Little Black Book” to help homosexual “public sex” cruisers “keep out of trouble.”
By Peter LaBarbera
From AFTAH’s “We-Couldn’t-Make-This-Up-if-We-Tried” Department:
Lambda Legal, a high-powered homosexual legal group, publishes a “Little Black Book” to help homosexual men “cruise safely” in public parks and restrooms. The booklet is linked to on a homosexual “Cruising for Sex” website as a helpful tool for “cruising” men to stay out of legal trouble. Click HERE to go to the Lambda web page for their “Little Black Book, and HERE to view the PDF.
“Cruising” is a popular “gay” male term describing the search for sexual partners, including in public places such as parks and store restrooms. See the “cruising” site’s listings for Ft. Lauderdale HERE.
Typical irresponsible “gay” activism here: rather than tell men not to engage in such reckless depravities like oral sodomy in a public restroom, Lambda Legal’s Little Black Book advises, “If you cruise in parks, bathrooms or other spaces open to public view, trust your instincts, be aware of your surroundings — and know your rights.”
The Lambda Legal booklet continues (emphasis added): “While Lambda Legal and other groups are fighting against the ways police target men who have sex with men, having sex where others might see you and take offense can subject you to arrest, publicity and other serious consequences. If you feel unsafe, you should leave.”
Posted in Bathhouses, Down Low, E - Praying for the Lost, Lambda Legal, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Thursday, July 26th, 2007
Posted in Bullying & Victimhood, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Down Low, Homosexual Divorce, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Lambda Legal, Mental Health, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, South Florida, Task Force, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007
“[E]nlarging the concept to embrace same-sex couples
would necessarily transform it into something new….
Extending the right to marry to gay people
— that is, abolishing the traditional gender requirements of marriage —
can be one of the means, perhaps the principal one,
through which the institution divests itself
of the sexist trappings of the past.”

— Homosexual activist Tom Stoddard of Lambda Legal
quoted in Roberta Achtenberg, et al,
Approaching 2000: Meeting the Challenges to San Francisco’s Families,
The Final Report of the Mayor’s Task Force on Family Policy,
City and County of San Francisco, published June 13, 1990 (page 1)
(cited by Robert Knight at Talking Points on Marriage)
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Activists, Lambda Legal |
Wednesday, December 20th, 2006
Excerpted from a press release entitled Lambda Legal Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Woman Whose Job Offer Was Revoked Because She is Transgender, published Dec 18, 2006, by the pro-homosexuality legal advocacy organization Lambda Legal:
Today, Lambda Legal has filed papers in federal court in the Southern District of Texas on behalf of a transgender woman whose employment offer was rescinded because she is transgender…
Lambda Legal filed Lopez v. River Oaks in the Southern District of Texas in the Fifth Circuit of the federal court system. The lawsuit charges that River Oaks violated Lopez’s rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in employment…
Lopez v. River Oaks is Lambda Legal’s latest lawsuit in its Blow the Whistle campaign to end discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and those with HIV in the workplace. At Lambda Legal’s Blow the Whistle campaign website visitors can learn how to share their own stories of workplace discrimination or become an ally to others in the Blow the Whistle campaign. Employers, unions, coworkers, customers and clients can all serve as important allies for fairness in the workplace.
Continue reading at Lambda Legal…
Excerpted from Transgender Woman Sues Would-Be Employer, by Cindy George, published Dec 19, 2006, by Houston Chronicle:
A man who lives as a woman sued a would-be employer Monday for allegedly revoking a job offer after realizing she is transgender.
Izza Lopez, 26, filed the lawsuit in federal court against Houston-based River Oaks Imaging and Diagnostic. She alleges employment discrimination.
She is seeking damages for lost pay and benefits, and for emotional distress, pain and suffering.
The suit says company officials told Lopez she misrepresented herself as a woman. Lopez had been hired to manage appointments, it says…
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Lambda Legal |
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006
Excerpted from Illinois Pro-Homosexual Groups Launch Counterfeit “Marriage” Project, by Peter LaBarbera and Dave Smith, published Sept 13, 2006, by Illinois Family Institute
Illinois Family Institute has been warning you for a long time that pro-homosexual forces in the state would be pushing hard to legalize counterfeit “marriage”–even as they disingenuously argue that a statewide marriage amendment is not necessary because “Illinois already has a marriage law on the books.”
Well, now they have formally begun their dubious crusade to overturn that law: a coalition of pro-homosexual activist groups, including Equality Illinois, Lambda Legal, and the ACLU of Illinois, will soon be launching a statewide campaign under the name “Equal Marriage Illinois” project–a misguided rip-off of Protect Marriage Illinois.
Equal Marriage Illinois (EMI) “has been building alliances in communities statewide, and has received terrific pro bono creative work from ad agency Young & Rubicam,” according to an e-newsletter from the homosexual lobby group Equality Illinois. (To give feedback to Young & Rubicam for their promotion of counterfeit “marriage,” call their Chicago branch office at 312-596-3000.)
The campaign is a statewide “public information and dialogue campaign focusing attention on the core issues of justice and family at the center of the marriage equality debate,” according to Equality Illinois.
In other words, you’re about to be hit with a slick PR campaign to radically twist the age-old definition of marriage, in the nice-sounding name of “equality.” This latest move by the state’s rich and powerful (yet tiny in numbers) homosexual lobby only proves our point: we MUST enact a Marriage Protection Amendment, as 20 states already have, and seven more likely will this fall.
Continue reading at IFI…
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", ACLU - Gay & Lesbian Project, Equality Illinois, Lambda Legal |
Wednesday, September 13th, 2006
Another tragic and untimely homosexual death:
Tyrone Garner, a plaintiff in the historic Supreme Court case, Lawrence and Garner v. Texas (2003), which struck down laws against sodomy in the United States, has died, according to a press release issued by Lambda Legal Defense.
(Also see Tyrone Garner, Plaintiff In Landmark Gay Rights Case Dies and Lawrence v. Texas plaintiff Tyrone Garner dies.)
As of this writing, the cause of death has not been made public.
Very sad.
Update: The Houston Chronicle reports that Mr. Garner died early Monday morning at a Houston hospital, having suffered horribly from meningitis for months.
“Over the last few months, he lost the use of his legs from meningitis,” [according to Mark Roy, a spokesman for Lambda Legal.]
Posted in Lambda Legal, News, Physical Health |
Monday, September 11th, 2006
An interesting statistic is inadvertently noted in this article: 22 of the 2880 tragically killed on Sept 11, 2001, are identified as having a homosexual partner. That is 0.75% — even if that figure were doubled or tripled, it is nowhere near the 10% figure that some homosexual activists still fraudulently cite to exaggerate their numbers and clout.
Despite the small percentage, the Red Cross‘s capitulation to homosexual activist groups is troubling. Few Americans have any clue when they are giving to this charitable organization that their donation could help advance a larger agenda to radically redefine the family. At the very least, Red Cross officials should let the public know of their decision which undermines the primacy of marriage, albeit in the name of compassion. – Sonja Dalton
The excerpt below is from an article in the Washington Blade, a homosexual newspaper, “Sept 11 Introduced US to Gay Families,” by Louis Chibbaro, Jr, published Sept 8, 2006 (emphasis added):
…ESPA [Empire State Pride Agenda, a New York homosexual activist group] and HRC [Human Rights Campaign, a D.C.-based homosexual lobby group], among other groups, met with top officials of the American Red Cross, which initially limited its relief services to blood relatives or married spouses of 9/11 victims. In a development that disaster relief observers considered unprecedented, the Red Cross adopted a new set of criteria for defining a “family member” eligible for relief assistance that included domestic partners.
Agreeing to suggestions by ESPA, HRC and Lambda Legal, Red Cross officials adopted criteria such as a joint bank account, the naming of a partner as an insurance beneficiary or a joint lease on an apartment as verification that an applicant for relief was a legitimate partner eligible for relief services.
Red Cross officials went a step further by putting the new criteria in place for all future disasters such as hurricanes and floods…
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", American Red Cross, Foundations, HRC, Lambda Legal, News |

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