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B – Ex-Homosexual Testimonies
Thursday, March 26th, 2009
New York ABC radio reporter George Weber, 47, was murdered by a young, self-described “sadomasochist” with whom he had hooked up for sex on Craigslist.com. A former homosexual, David, who has become a friend of AFTAH, says hook-ups, anonymous sex and “instant gratification” are “part and parcel of the male homosexual lifestyle.”
Folks, the greatest threat of violence to homosexual men comes from … other homosexual men. The stabbing murder of WABC reporter George Weber in New York is a terrible tragedy and yet it is instructive about the perils of promiscuous “gay” life. There is simply nothing that approaches the deviance of male homosexuality — especially at its sexual fringes — as other victims of gay-on-gay violence over the decades testify from the grave.
The New York Times reported March 24:
Officials said the teenager apparently answered a Craigslist ad in which Mr. Weber, 47, sought a sexual partner. The police believed Mr. Weber planned to pay [John] Katehis for sex. The police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, said that the two had arranged to meet on Wednesday, March 18, but rescheduled the meeting for Friday evening.
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Posted in B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, BDSM, Gay Culture, Gay-on-gay violence, Health & Science, Leather, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Sex Work, Too Much Tolerance |
Monday, March 16th, 2009
How many American men would still be alive today had they never practiced sodomy?
The Ugandans are a thousand times better off inviting Scott Lively (left) to their country than pro-homosexuality, Christian-hating activists like Wayne (“Anything but Straight”) Besen.
DefendTheFamily.com Alert
The following was sent out March 10 by Scott Lively, founder of Abiding Truth Ministries and its affiliated website, www.defendthefamily.com. It has been fascinating to watch the homosexual activists — and their new, unexpected ally, Warren Throckmorton of Grove City College — seek to make a huge controversy over the illegality of homosexual acts in Uganda and the call at this conference to substitute reparative (ex-“gay”) therapy for incarceration. (Note in bold below how Lively says they distorted his advice to the Ugandans.) Perhaps the “queer” ideologues and their misguided fellow travelers ought to reflect on the massive crisis that legal and celebrated homosexuality has caused here in the United States of America — including hundreds of thousands of premature deaths linked to deviant sexual behavior — before lecturing the poor Ugandans, who are attempting to maintain a pro-Christian-morality public policy (what a concept).
At AFTAH, we preach Christian mercy and have denounced Talibanesque capital punishment for homosexuals in countries like Iran. But we also believe that if states and localities here in America (and governments abroad) wish to ban sodomy, they have every right to do so — notwithstanding polemical U.S. Supreme Court decisions inventing newfangled “constitutional rights” and influenced by inaccurate homosexual activist amicus briefs. We’ll have more on the Throckmorton controversy (see his Christianity-defying, pro-homosexuality 2007 interview quotes HERE) in the coming days, including Lively’s public call on Throckmorton to repent. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com
P.S. I wish Warren would cease his gossipy, online correspondence with activists committed to aberrant, ungodly sexuality and think about the answer to this: How many American men would still be alive today had they never practiced the sin of sodomy?
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bible, Biblical Truth, Christian, Health & Science, News, Physical Health, Sodomy, STDs, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Uganda |
Sunday, March 15th, 2009
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (Gospel of John, 11:26-26)
By Peter LaBarbera
The following are excerpts from a critical note sent to me, and then my response. Note that in the future we will direct people to handy refutations of the ubiquitous homosexual “shellfish” canard, but for now we direct you to Professor Rob Gagnon’s website. “Ms.” writes:
“… God is love. The bible preaches about “loving thy neighbor”, “judge not lest ye be judged” as well as “he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Are you without sin? If you say no, you’re lying, that that would be a sin. 🙂 .. so if you’re a sinner, and I am a sinner, and the whole world is full of sinful, worldly people, who are you to throw stones? Is it out of fear, or ignorance?
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Letters, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, March 13th, 2009
 FALSE COMPARISON: GOP Chairman Michael Steele (left) cannot change his skin color. Former “gay” Tim Wilkins of Cross Ministries already has changed his homosexual lifestyle and self-identification. Call or write Steele (202-863-8700; chairman@gop.com) and kindly urge him to avoid using liberal talking points and to stick to the conservative GOP platform. See the superb column by Ken Ervin of CWA below.
TAKE ACTION:Â Call or e-mail Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele (202-863-8700; chairman@gop.com) and kindly inform him that it is erroneous to equate unchangeable skin color with changeable homosexuality. There are no “ex-Blacks.” There are many ex-homosexuals. Also remind him of the perils of using self-serving feminist terms (“choice”) to describe abortion, the taking of innocent unborn life. (For guidance see Ken Ervin’s excellent column below and AFTAH Board Member Matt Barber’s comments on One News Now HERE.)
Steele’s Aim Off on Social Issues
By Ken Ervin
Originally posted on CWA’s website, 3/13/2009
According to Ron Gunzburger over at Politics 1, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele seems to be steering the party ship to the left. In a GQ magazine interview, the newly minted chairman dubs abortion “an individual choice,” directly opposing his own party platform, which labels abortion “a fundamental assault on the sanctity of innocent human life.”
He also demonstrates a woefully misinformed view of the homosexual lifestyle. “I don’t think I’ve ever really subscribed to that view that you can turn it on and off like a water tap,” says Steele. “You just can’t simply say, oh, like, ‘Tomorrow morning I’m gonna stop being gay.’ It’s like saying ‘Tomorrow morning I’m gonna stop being black.'”
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bible, Christian, News, Republican Party, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Monday, February 2nd, 2009
School chief is poor role model for boys; has special interest in promoting acceptance of immoral lifestyles to students
Chicago Public Schools’ new CEO Ron Huberman.
Our friend Laurie Higgins at Illinois Family Institute has done an important thing below in rationally discussing the implications of new Chicago schools chief Ron Huberman’s public embrace homosexual conduct (politically correct media translation: he’s “gay”). By questioning Huberman as a role model because he “affirms sexual deviance and … in his personal life volitionally engages in immoral conduct,” Higgins has departed from the popular Newspeak (Gayspeak?) of our age that posits “gays” as a minority and homosexuality as an innocuous trait completely irrelevant to morality and character. This is embodied by the popular phrase that such-and-such person “happens to be gay.” Let’s apply our “substitute-another-sexual-sin” test to see if this makes sense: “Jane, who happens to be an adulterer, is a terrific teacher”; or “Joe, who happens to be into incest, is a really great guy.”
Just like those other destructive sexual sins, homosexual behavior is never morally justifiable.
It is one of the modern treacheries in our spiritually shallow society that even advocates of (traditional) marriage have taken behavior “out” of the debate over homosexuality. During the Prop 8 campaign in California, one spokeswoman FOR the pro-marriage ballot measure even went out of her way to affirm Ellen DeGeneres and “gay” couples in general. How absurd that we should have to promote one evil — the acceptance of homosexual behavior and relationships — in order to fight another: homosexually-redefined “marriage.”
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Chicago, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, E - Praying for the Lost, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Meccas, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, January 29th, 2009
Lisa Miller and her daughter, Isabella.
Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel writes:
January 29, 2009; www.LC.org
Thank you for your prayers for Lisa Miller. Yesterday Liberty Counsel presented oral argument in Lisa’s case in a Vermont court. At the hearing, an individual who was appointed by the judge to make recommendations in the case gave her opinion that changing custody would be harmful to Isabella. The judge allowed Lisa to retain custody, but ordered unsupervised visitation for four days in March, over the Memorial Day holiday and for five weeks in the summer.
Lisa has been involved in a long battle in Vermont and in her home state of Virginia, to keep an unrelated woman from being given parental rights over Lisa’s daughter Isabella. Before becoming a Christian, Lisa entered into a Vermont Civil Union with Janet Jenkins during a visit to Vermont. Lisa Miller left her former lifestyle and became a Christian when Isabella was 17 months old. Since then, Janet has sought full custody of Isabella, claiming she was a parent even though she was not biologically related to Isabella and never sought to adopt her. Read more about her case on [the Liberty Counsel] website.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Adoption & Foster Parenting, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Custody, Homosexual Parenting, Lesbianism, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, January 28th, 2009
I’ve only read a couple chapters of this book, which I should have read when it came out in 2007, but I heartily recommend Dale O’Leary’s One Man, One Woman: A Catholic Guide to Defending Marriage, for anyone needing to become conversant in the arguments in defense of marriage and God-ordained (which is to say normal) sexuality.
This book is a must for any social conservative’s library. (Order it HERE.) I’ve known Dale for over a decade, and few in the pro-family movement have demonstrated the diligence, courage, dedication and intelligence that she has in answering the various propaganda myths and lies emanating from the radical feminists and their homosexual and gender-confused (“transgender”) allies. Here is a typically sensible quote from One Man, One Woman (p. 217):
It’s true that human beings can be weak, selfish, and sinful, and not every married couple will be good parents. But a male/female married couple nonetheless has built into it all the things children need for healthy development: a mother and a father to fulfill parenting roles and to model gender identity; a vowed bond of permanent commitment between two persons with sexual complementarity; and freedom from the stigma and distractions that accompany “experimental” family forms.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Academic Bias, Adoption & Foster Parenting, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Born that Way?, C - Heroes for Truth, Catholic, Catholic Pro-Family, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Health & Science, Homosexual Parenting, Mental Health, News, Pro-Family Quotes, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Sunday, January 25th, 2009
The following is a adapted from my response to “Kyle,” a self-proclaimed “gay Catholic” who wrote us through the AFTAH website. Kyle misinterprets Catholic teaching and theology on homosexuality, to be sure [see Catholic pro-family activist Gary Morella’s piece HERE, which also explains how homosexual acts violate Natural Law]. But Kyle’s rationalizations beg the question: do any of us know where our sinful inclinations — whatever they are — come from? Each of us is born into sin in this world, and the Bible teaches that our hearts are naturally “oriented” toward deception (hence young children do not need to be taught to be envious and selfish). Every one of us has done evil things, or thought evil thoughts — yes, not just wrong thoughts but evil ones (such as questioning God’s existence, or His goodness). That’s why we need Jesus Christ. Please pray for Kyle, whose letter is printed below mine. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
LaBarbera response to “Kyle”:
Kyle …
…I don’t know where my feelings of lust, etc., came from. So should I join the Lust Pride Movement and rationalize the embrace of that sin. (I’ll call myself a “Luster,” which is analogous to you calling yourself “gay.”) Grow up, Kyle. This is the cop out of the century –– and then you go on to support “gay marriage” –– an incredible blasphemy against God, who created man and woman for each other. You are responsible for your behavior –– period. Sodomy and all homosexual acts are deeply sinful, the Bible teaches (see Romans 1), so what does it mean to say your “orientation” is “gay”? Repent and believe Jesus Christ as so many FORMER “gays” – now born again of God — have done. (See Steve Bennett’s wonderful story at www.sbministries.org.) Are you born again? Do you deny Jesus Christ has the power to help you heal or at least help you remain out of homosexual sin? There is NO way a faithful Christian can embrace homosexuality. You are deeply deluded, but there is hope in the Lord, and He WILL forgive you if you humble yourself and seek him like a child, and repent and accept Jesus’ death on the cross as the penalty for your sin. I suggest you start by reading the Gospel of John.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Catholic, Catholic Pro-Family, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, E - Praying for the Lost, Gay and Christian?, Gospel evangelism, Letters, Liberal Christianity, News, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |

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