C – Heroes for Truth

Ravi Zacharias: A Sincere Christian Must Not Practice Homosexual Behavior

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Below is a YouTube video of world renowned Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias responding in an open forum (early this year) to the question: “Is it possible for a man or woman to live a sincere Christian life as a homosexual?” Click HERE for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries:

LISTEN: AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera & John Kirkwood Discuss Christianity versus Homosexuality, Democrats versus Republicans on ‘Gay Marriage’

Monday, September 10th, 2012

Why is Alan Chambers apologizing — to unrepentant homosexuals — for Exodus International’s past slogan, “Change is possible”?

In this broadcast [click HERE to listen], recorded September 6, 2012, AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and co-host John Kirkwood discuss several issues in the news surrounding the homosexual issue, including:

  • Exodus International president Alan Chambers’ embrace of “gay”-affirming Christianity and his appearance before the “Gay Christian Network” (at which Chambers apologized for Exodus’ former slogan, “Change Is Possible”);
  • An excellent response by Kirkwood to LaBarbera’s question: “Is ‘sexual orientation’ in the Bible?”;
  • Commentary on Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias’ compelling answer at an open forum to the question, “Is it possible for a man or a woman to live a sincere Christian life as a homosexual?”;
  • The Democrat Party versus the Republican Party platforms on homosexuality — and especially the Democrats’ formal embrace of homosexual “marriage”;
  • Sen. Dick Durbin’s (D-IL)’s overzealous response to FOX interviewer Brett Baier’s question about why the Democrats would remove the word “God” from their 2012 Party Platform (it was later restored in a controversial floor voice vote [listen at about 46:00 on the program]). Durbin asserts that “both parties are God-fearing parties”;
  • The growing push within GOP circles — including this article on conservative icon Glenn Beck’s website The Blaze — to advance homosexual “marriage.”

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

9-6-12, Peter LaBarbera & John Kirkwood



Scott Lively: Classic Liberals Discover Homo-Fascism

Sunday, July 29th, 2012

In the early morning of AFTAH’s Oct. 15, 2011 banquet honoring Scott Lively, pro-homosexual activists threw two large, concrete paver bricks through the glass door of the Christian School hosting our banquet. The message on one read: “Shut Down Lively.”

Folks, few people in the world have been have been attacked, smeared and lied about by the homosexualist movement as Scott Lively, founder of Defend the Family International (and recipient of AFTAH’s 2011 “American Truth-Teller” award). It is to Lively’s great credit that because he fears God rather than man, he has never abandoned the defense of Truth on this issue, as so many have. Will liberal elites and the media start holding pro-homosexuality activists accountable for their intolerance of opposing views? — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH)


Classic Liberals Discover Homo-Fascism

By Scott Lively, first published in WND

The brouhaha over Chick-fil-A COO Dan Cathy’s defense of authentic marriage has caused a fender-bender on the political left. Classic free speech liberalism has apparently met for the first time the new generation of homo-fascists. Heady with empowerment by President Obama and a long string of political and legal victories, the “gay” activist movement and its homosexualist allies are flexing their muscles like never before. Two such allies, Mayors Tom Merino of Boston and Rahm Emanuel of Chicago announced plans to use the powers of their respective offices to prevent Chick-fil-A from expanding its business in these two cities. Their blatant disregard for the First Amendment was so egregious that it apparently shocked a number of classic liberals into action.

Salon Magazine’s Glenn Greenwald chided his fellow-travelers on the left in a column titled “Rahm Emanuel‘s Dangerous Free Speech Attack,” remarking “You can’t cheer when political officials punish the expression of views you dislike and then expect to be taken seriously when you wrap yourself in the banner of free speech in order to protest state punishment of views you like and share.” He listed a number of other liberal journalists and groups like the ACLU who had also gone public with their criticism.

Welcome to the brave new world of homo-fascism, Mr. Greenwald, but watch your back. You’re now officially a “homophobe” because you have dared to oppose something that is favorable to the “gay” cause. Sure, you tried to cover your backside by tossing in a couple of cheap shots at the “chicken CEO” but that won’t save you from the Brownshirts. They don’t really care about free speech. They care about power. Indeed, if you had been paying attention over the past few years, you would have noticed that their official position is that “anti-gay bigots” don‘t deserve free speech at all.

Read the rest of this article »

AFTAH Interviews Professor Rena Lindevaldsen on DOMA, Openly Homosexual Judges – Part Two

Friday, July 27th, 2012

This is Part Two of our (second) in-depth interview with Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen [click HERE to listen], a professor at Liberty University School of Law and Associate Dean of the Liberty Center for Law and Policy. This interview was recorded July 26, 2012. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and co-host John Kirkwood discuss with Lindevaldsen the liberal metamorphosis of American law from being used to promote virtue to its present use to promote vice (including homosexuality). There is further discussion from last week’s interview of the implications of an openly homosexual judge, Sophia Hall, presiding over case involving 25 homosexual couples challenging Illinois’ law defining marriage as it is: between a man and a woman. Lindevaldsen reiterates that Judge Hall has a clear conflict of interest and should recuse herself from the case.

There is also a brief discussion of Sally Ride, the first female astronaut, whose passing away prompted some homosexual activists to stress that she was a lesbian. LaBarbera speculates that there will be an effort to teach about Ride as a homosexual “hero” in future “Gay History Month” celebrations — including in schools. He said that while Ride’s groundbreaking achievements have earned her a place in history, her homosexuality should not be lauded nor made the focus of her life story. See Part One of AFTAH’s interview with Prof. Lindevaldsen HERE.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

7-26-12, Rena Lindevaldsen, Part Two

First Stone Ministries Breaks Away from Exodus International over ‘Biblical Integrity’

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

The following is a statement issued by First Stone Ministries, based in Oklahoma City, OK, and headed by Stephen Black, a former homosexual [click HERE to listen to Part One of AFTAH’s 2011 interview with Black; and HERE for Part Two]:

Many of you may know that for 36 years, First Stone Ministries has been affiliated with Exodus International, a network of ministries that all proclaim freedom from homosexuality through relationship with Jesus Christ. Over the last several months, the leadership of First Stone Ministries has become increasingly aware of some changes in Exodus’s ideology and leadership that have resulted in us feeling we are unable to continue as an Exodus Member ministry while maintaining Biblical integrity and a clear conscience before God. In April, First Stone officially resigned as an Exodus Member ministry. We remain dedicated to proclaiming Biblical truth in all sexual and relational matters, and to providing a safe place for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions to find healing and freedom in Christ and to be empowered to “go and sin no more.” Pray for us as we seek to remain connected with other Biblically-sound ministries and to maintain and even increase our influence to the Church and culture in Oklahoma and throughout the Midwest. Two sources which provide a prophetic and scholarly perspective of our decision:

Time for a Change of Leadership at Exodus?” by Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D.

“Desert Stream Ministries’ Response to Exodus” by Andrew Comiskey (PDF)

LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews FRC’s Peter Sprigg – Part Two

Sunday, June 24th, 2012

The following is Part Two of our interview with Peter Sprigg [click HERE to listen], Senior Fellow in Policy Studies at the Family Research Council. This was recorded June 21, 2012. [Go HERE for Part One and HERE for the archive section containing all AFTAH interviews.] Sprigg goes into further analysis of the Mark Regnerus study on homosexual parenting. He and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Grace Gospel Fellowship pastor John Kirkwood also discuss the radical decision by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan not to defend the state’s marriage law.

CORRECTION note from program: In the beginning of this interview, there is a discussion of egregious, pro-homosexual media bias, focusing on CNN’s Soledad O’Brien. In the first of two CNN clips, we play O’Brien interviewing Dr. Fred Luter, the new — and first African American — president of the Southern Baptist Convention. LaBarbera mistakenly attributes a quote by libertarian Republican Margaret Hoover, another guest on the progam, to O’Brian. As you can see from the CNN clip HERE, it is Hoover, not O’Brien, who refers to homosexuality (“inclusiveness of gay Americans”) as “a new civil rights issue.” Then O’Brien condescendingly instructs Luter that his position on homosexual “marriage” puts him in “direct opposition to President Obama.” We apologize for the error.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

6-21-12, Peter Sprigg, Part Two


Matt Barber: An Open Letter to (Average) Homosexuals

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

Urges “gays” trapped in sexual sin to “snatch up” God’s free gift of salvation and forgiveness through Christ

Matt Barber

Folks, I love this column by my good friend, Matt Barber, who in addition to his work at Liberty University School of Law and Liberty Counsel Action is also Chairman of the Board of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).  Matt does a great job here of encapsulating the thinking of so many Bible-believing Christians on homosexuality: we really do ‘hate the sin, but not the sinner.’ (And we hate our own sin, too!) Read this column, share it with a friend, but more importantly, share it with people you know who are trapped in homosexuality or gender confusion — who think, tragically, that “being gay” or “transgender” is who they are. And then pray for them and reach out to them in the grace, love and truth of Jesus Christ. God bless. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.” (John 3:16-21, English Standard Version of the Bible)


Friday, June 15, 2012

This column first appeared in WorldNetDaily (WND.com). We have added links to the original piece:


By Matt Barber

I write this not to professional homosexuals. That is to say, not to members of the well-funded, politically powerful homosexual activist lobby. They will mock and reject my words outright. They will twist and misrepresent what I say to further their own socio-political agenda. That’s fine. It’s to be expected. It merits little more than a yawn and an eye roll.

Instead, I write this to my fellow travelers in life – average, ordinary people, male and female, young and old – who happen to call themselves “gay.” I write this out of obedience to God.

It is my hope and prayer that you will consider what I have to say and take it at face value. My intentions are pure and my motives upright. If I can plant the seed of truth in just one person, and that seed begins to sprout, then I consider this letter a success.

I pray that you are that person.

Read the rest of this article »

Heath Assails ‘Sodomy-Based Marriage’ in Launching Maine No Special Rights Campaign

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

The following are the remarks of Michael Heath, Co-Chairman of the Maine No Special Rights Campaign, on June 9, 2012, at the Lewiston City Hall Steps in Lewiston, Maine. Heath, Co-Chairman Paul Madore and No Special Rights are opposing a ballot initiative in November to legalize homosexual “marriage” in Maine:


As our society continues her descent into the gloomy depths love compels us to come together here today.  The inky blackness of evil only appears solid.  The flicker of a solitary candle reveals the deception.  Light always forces darkness to flee.  Darkness has no power over light … and love.

Sodomy, and those who practice it, choose to live in the darkness.  First they convince themselves that evil is good, and then they must convince everyone else.

The siren song of sexual pleasure entices them from the righteous course God prepared for them in eternity.  The clanging song excites them for a minute, but the pleasure always flees before the moment passes.  And so it will be with Maine.

The most unloving and intolerant act we could choose to perform would be to not engage the people of Maine in a conversation about morality, sodomy and sin.  My heart is heavy, for the institution most capable of leading this conversation is itself now turning her head in the direction of the siren’s song.

The church must repent.  It must choose clarity and courage over political correctness and sin.

Read the rest of this article »

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