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Homosexual activist Wayne Besen — shown here shouting through a bullhorn into the window of a Boston church — which was hosting a meeting of ex-homosexuals — is curiously called upon by the media to discuss tolerance and “hate.” Many pro-family advocates see Besen as one of the most mean-spirited militants in the LGBT movement. Besen works closely with the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
God willing, the last few weeks could go down as a turning point in the struggle against the intolerant, aggressive — and often very hateful — Homosexual Lobby in America. First, as many of you know because you participated in it, Americans rallied by the hundreds of thousands behind Chick-fil-A in what I’m calling the first national repudiation of pro-“gay” political correctness in a long time. Then, those of us whose news was not filtered by the liberal media [see this report by Media Research Center] learned of the anti-Christian (politically motivated) “hate crime” at the Family Research Council — which might have been a bloodbath had hero Leo Johnson not stopped “gay” activist Floyd Corkins from going on a shooting spree.
I used to work at FRC, in the same building at 8th & G Streets NW, in Washington, D.C., where gunman Corkins walked in carrying 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches and 50 rounds of ammunition. It lends a whole new meaning to the term “Culture War” to realize that people you know — wonderful Christian advocates like Peter Sprigg [interviewed recently by AFTAH: see Part 1; Part 2; and Part 3]– could have lost their lives at the hands of a sexually-confused, homicidal hatemonger. (Corkins volunteered at a D.C. “gay” center — a fact conveniently left out in some major media reports of the attack.)
As you can imagine, this story hits close to home for those of us engaged in cultural battle against self-styled “queer” militants. Just last October, AFTAH, Christian Liberty Academy, and our pro-family honoree Scott Lively were targeted with a brazen brick attack by pro-homosexual activists, accompanied by a bizarre, al Qaeda-like threatening manifesto published on a left-wing Chicago website. But what happened at FRC takes it up a notch and shows the truly dangerous implications of the Gay Lobby’s fanatical propaganda campaign to redefine historic, Judeo-Christian sexual morality as “hate.” Of course, Floyd Corkins is responsible for this crime, but homosexual activists, the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and the “gay”-cheerleading media are responsible for indulging a preposterous and evil narrative that equates Christian pro-family groups like FRC and AFTAH with racist fringe groups like the KKK.
The following is DL Foster’s speech at the Jan. 17, 2012 AFTAH press conference outside the Southern Poverty Law Center, featuring African American and pro-family Christian leaders condemning the SPLC’s “hate group” politics. Foster is a pastor and the founder of Gay Christian Movement Watch, based in Atlanta:
This is Part One of AFTAH’s interview with Professor Ken Howell, Senior Fellow at the School of Catholic Thought of the John Paul II Newman Center, which resides at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Prof. Howell was fired (and the reinstated) by the University of Illinois (Champaign) last year for teaching the Catholic “Natural Moral Law” understanding of homosexuality. This interview was pre-recorded and aired Nov. 5, 2011. Howell explains the circumstances surrounding his firing, and how he ended up at UIC (but not actually teaching for UIC).
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play.(Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
Pastor John Kirkwood of Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, IL.
We are catching up on posting AFTAH Radio Hour interviews. The following is Part Two of my interview with Pastor John Kirkwood [click HERE to listen] of Grace Gospel Fellowship (www.gracebeliever.com) church in Bensenville, Illinois. It aired October 1, 2011. (Listen to Part One HERE.) Kirkwood describes what got him involved in the movement to resist the pro-homosexuality agenda: watching the angry homosexual protests against Mormon churches due to the Mormons’ leading role in fighting Prop 8 (an amendment to preserve traditional, man-woman marriage in California). John, who describes himself as an Acts 17:11 Christian, has a radio show on WYLL-1160 AM Chicago at noon on Sunday, “In the Arena.” He describes how homosexual activists are ripping off Christianity, from stealing the rainbow and turning it into a symbol of “gay pride” — to singing “This Little Light of Mine” — a song taught to young children about believing in Jesus Christ — to celebrate “coming out” (declaring one’s homosexuality publicly). I discuss the boundless perversions of proud homosexuality, citing this San Francisco photo. Kirkwood says that because Christians are so biblically illiterate, in the realm of sexuality (and other areas) the Church is “becoming the world…There is a vacuum in the Church of integrity.” He discusses Romans 1, evolution and homosexuality, and the idea that Bible-believing Christian speech is causing “gay youth” suicides. Kirkwook also addresses one of the common cliches homosexuals use against Christians, such as the common line, “Jesus never said anything about homosexuality.” — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play.(Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
AFTAH in the News: Another victim of ‘homo-fascism’
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Homo-fascism is escalating, and good people — and the national interest — are its tragic victims. The idea that Americans should be smeared as “hateful” because they take a stand against oxymoronic “same-sex marriage” — when citizens in 31 states voted to defend traditional (real) marriage — is beyond absurd. (In fact, it is hateful!) The name of the game is INTIMIDATION — and after so many years of practice, the “gay” activists are quite good at it. But their strategy could not work without the liberal media acting as a de facto arm of the Homosexual Lobby.
Of course, my heart goes out to Peter Vidmar — and all victims of homosexualist intolerance — but at some point leaders will have to stand up to the “gay” bullies or America will cease to be a free land. You can call or write Vidmar (760-603-8010) using THIS FORM, or send him an e-mail at info@speakersoffice.com. To call Congress to voice your strong opposition to the Employment Non-Discrimination Act— a federal “sexual orientation” bill that would surely create thousands of new “Peter Vidmars” (always in the name of “tolerance” and “gay civil rights,” of course…) — call 202-224-3121 (Senate) or 202-225-3121 (House). Or go to www.Congress.org. [More info on ENDA: Click HERE for a GovTrack report on the 2011 version of ENDA, HR 1397; click HERE to read my piece: “14 Good Reasons to Oppose the ‘ENDA Our Freedom’ Bill”]
Stay strong: the homo-fascists may be winning now, but Americans will see through their schemes, and fight back against their evil agenda of demonizing religious people by equating the defense of historic Judeo-Christian values with “hate and bigotry.” — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org; americansfortruth@gmail.com
American Family Association’s “One News Now” reports:
Gold medalist resigns, thanks to pro-‘gay’ criticism
Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow – 5/12/2011 [Click HERE to read story online; to listen to the report, click the microphone icon at the upper right of the story on the One News Now page.]
Pressure from homosexual activist groups has compelled the head of the 2012 U.S. Olympic gymnastics team to quit.
WARNING: Offensive descriptions and photos of materials that should NOT be promoted to college students
Books on display at "Leather Library" exhibit hosted and sponsored by University of Chicago. Book at center, "Macho Sluts," combines S&M, incest and pedophilia. Other books promote sadistic perversion and public sex. Photos: Peter LaBarbera; click to enlarge.
[First of several reports on U-Chicago’s corruption of students]
TAKE ACTION: Call the University of Chicago at 773-702-1234 and ask for President Robert Zimmer’s Office. [e-mail him at president@uchicago.edu]. Let him know that you are appalled that the Universiity is promoting sexual sadism and deviant pornography — even pedophilia — to its students. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that U-Chicago could be the first of MANY colleges to host the perverse “Leather Library” exhibit — but it also could be the last if this academic abuse causes the appropriate controversy. So make your voice heard on this today.
Keep this story alive: Lastly, contact Sun-Times reporter Kara Spak at kspak@suntimes.com [312-321-3000; press #5 twice] and: 1) thank her for doing the story; 2) tell her that most Americans would be outraged to learn of this academic abuse; and 3) urge her to keep following this shocking story of U-Chicago directly promoting S&M to students in the name of “diversity.”
University of Chicago Promotes Sadomasochism and Pedophilia to Students — in the Name of Diversity
CHICAGO–The University of Chicago provided nearly $3,200 to a “kink” student group for a traveling sadomasochistic “leather library” exhibit at the University that eroticized pedophilia, incest, and the most deviant pornographic perversions known to mankind.
Americans For Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) sent a reporter yesterday to the exhibit – at the University’s International House – and came back with photos of the shockingly perverse offerings of the “Carter Johnson Leather Library,” including:
The lesbian porn book “Macho Sluts,” by Pat Califia, which includes a story about a mother who engages in sadistic, violent “sex play” with her own 13-year-old daughter;
“Gay” male pornographic fiction books with pederastic themes, including one 1975 book, “Small Town Boy,” about a 15-year-old boy who meets up with and is sodomized by an adult businessman visiting from New York City;
Photos and posters depicting the twisted violence and “consensual” degradation and cruelty of S&M – including one of a woman caning her ball-and-chained male ”slave.”
The University of Chicago "leather" exhibit featured dozens of homosexual porn fiction books like this one, "Small Town Boy," about a 15-year-old boy who williingly is sodomized by an adult man visiting from New York City.
Joe Jervis is in the business of "Defamation" -- he especially hates Christian conservatives who criticize homosexuality -- and yet he got an "Outstanding Blog" award from GLAAD, a "gay" "anti-defamation" group.
Culture warrior Matt Barber — one of the many people who have personally suffered at the hands of pro-homosexual activists — had this to say about GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) giving its 2011 “Outstanding Blog” award to radical, hateful homosexual activist Joe Jervis and his “Joe.My.God.” blog:
“So GLAAD, a self-described anti-defamation group, gives an award to one of the most vicious, vile and vulgar anti-Christian bigots on the planet and expects to be taken seriously? Hey, while we’re at it why not give Muammar Gaddafi the ‘Humanitarian of the Year’ award. Or how about a Nobel Peace Prize for Barack Oba… Oh, wait….”
Barber is Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action, an Associate Dean at Liberty University School of Law, and Board Member of Americans For Truth. By the way, we’re delighted to report that the devious Jervis is wasting his money on the purchase of the web domain “americanfortruth.com” (no “s” after “american”) to steer unsuspecting visitors who intend to reach AFTAH (www.americansfortruth.com) to his mean-spirited blog. We’re pretty sure pro-family people won’t be persuaded by his particular brand of anti-Christian “defamation” — although Jervis does help us keep up with homosexuality-related news. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
April 21, 2011 [WARNING: Offensive content in video]
This man in drag and member of the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" is wearing a shirt that says "Bottom For Jesus" at the sadistic-sex-celebrating Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco in 2007. "Bottom" refers to the receiving position in anal sodomy. Every year on Easter Sunday, the "Sisters" hosts the blasphemous "Hunky Jesus" contest. See video below, and click on photo above to enlarge.
CHICAGO – This Easter Sunday in San Francisco’s Delores Park, Christianity-spoofing homosexual drag queen “nuns” calling themselves the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” will stage their annual “Hunky Jesus” contest — mocking the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ — as shirtless men in “crucifixion” costumes parade on stage in an atmosphere of haughty, homoerotic humor.
The profane and shockingly insensitive spectacle illustrates the secular, pro-“gay” Left’s hypocrisy in demanding “respect” for homosexuals and transsexuals — even as they cynically mock Christ and true religion on the holiest day of the year for Christians, says Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).
“There’s nothing that delights arrogant, pro-homosexual liberals more than making fun of Bible-believing Christians – as evidenced by this blasphemous Easter ‘contest,’” LaBarbera said. “Of course, it goes without saying that these defiant champions of ‘tolerance and diversity’ wouldn’t dare hold a ‘Hunky Muhammad’ contest during Ramadan — so it seems even envelope-pushing, in-your-face, pro-perversion libertines know their limits. (Muslims: beware: LGBT activists will end up hating you as much as they hate Christians.)” [Watch YouTube below; press release continues after the page jump and video:]