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Sex-Ed Curriculum
Friday, March 9th, 2007
From our good friends at MassResistance on Mar 9, 2007:
On March 5, Governor Deval Patrick appointed John Auerbach (pictured right), former Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Commission (BPH), to be commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH).
Auerbach is “married” to Boston Magazine restaurant critic Corby Kummer. While Auerbach was at the BPH, he created a “Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgendered Health Office.” The BPH also helped produce “The Little Black Book,” along with his new group, the DPH.
Note from AFTAH: Adults only, have a good look at the graphic and disgusting The Little Black Book, posted on the MassResistance website linked above, which was distributed with taxpayer money to public school children.
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Candidates & Elected Officials, News, Physical Health, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Wednesday, March 7th, 2007
Thanks to the courage of local parents at Deerfield High School in Illinois, this ad recently ran in the community newspaper, the Deerfield Review.
What teachers are preparing these students to speak? What personal information are they discussing with these students? Is it appropriate to have teachers discussing personal sexual behavior and choices with students?
Why do they target freshman classes? Aren’t most of the students who are speaking upper classmen? Isn’t this a form of “bullying” younger students into thinking a certain way about the moral issue of homosexuality?
Where are your panels of “socially awkward kids,” “fat kids”, “kids with speech problems” or “handicapped kids?”
Since homosexuality is a high risk behavior, isn’t it irresponsible as educators to promote the “I’m okay, you’re okay” message to your students? Would you have a panel of students who are engaging in and promoting drug use, having oral sex, or underage drinking?
What if a freshman is uncomfortable with an “up close and personal” encounter with gay students’ stories? What are they supposed to do? Don’t you think if these students walk out, or opt out, it will cause embarrassment to them? Won’t they be labeled homophobic or heterosexist? Wouldn’t this be hate speech?
What about those students who have deeply held religious beliefs that homosexuality is morally wrong? Where is their panel? Do you think it’s your prerogative to teach a one-sided view to these students, undermining the teachings of their church, synagogue, or family?
Why have you refused, in writing, to allow a parent of a freshman to observe this class? Why did two school board members, and our superintendent, cancel a meeting to discuss this issue with parents and taxpayers, in August of 2006, and subsequently refuse to meet?
Last year, the gay activists in your building brought in an adult gay speaker/author who promoted his sexually graphic books and his web site that links to 43 gay bars and clubs, fetish groups, and worse. Is this a responsible action by educators? www.alexsanchez.com
By encouraging gay students to come even further “out,” aren’t you creating the exact situation you’re supposedly trying to prevent – making them look and feel different? Is high school a time when kids naturally want to stand out or blend in? Some of your gay students are troubled and confused. Do you think it helps when you put them on display?
Why is there no parental notification being given to offer an opt-out for these gay panel presentations? What else is going on in Freshman Advisory that parents don’t know about?
Posted in Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Straight Alliance, News, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Tuesday, March 6th, 2007
Culture Campaign hosts God, Sex, and the Culture War
featuring Peter LaBarbera, Lora Sue Hauser, and Laurie Higgins
The Gay Agenda: No Child Left Behind…
Sunday, Mar 11, at 7:15 pm
at College Church in Wheaton, IL
In our post entitled Deerfield High School: Required Class for Freshmen Advocates Pro-”Gay” and Pro-”Trans” Propaganda, Lora Sue Hauser is quoted speaking of a card game with sexually deviant terms (Genderqueer, Intersexual, MSM, Transgender, Transsexual, Sex Reassignment Surgery, Transphobia, Down-Low, Cross Dressers, etc.).
That “game” is part of GLSEN’s “Lunchbox 2” which GLSEN advertises as: “A Comprehensive Training Program for Ending Anti-LGBT Bias in Schools.” Their political agenda for your children is clear — from their website:
…The GLSEN Lunchbox 2 is a way for us to begin to nourish the spirits of those who have lived with bigotry and rejection their entire lives. By offering educators a regimen of tools for breaking the silence and stereotypes around lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues, The GLSEN Lunchbox 2 brings us one step closer to a balanced and healthy school environment for all…
The GLSEN Lunchbox 2 is a comprehensive training program aimed at providing educators and community members with the background knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to make schools safer and more affirming places for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students.
This material is not intended only for high school student (which would be objectionable enough):
There are activities that will be particularly helpful for anyone who works in elementary school communities, others that will be helpful for members of middle school communities, and still other activities most appropriate for high schools.
TAKE ACTION — Is this material being used in your school? You have a right to know and to exclude your child from exposure to it. Ask nicely, and if you don’t receive an open and complete response, file a Freedom of Information request asking for copies of any GLSEN materials used in the school. And let us know what you find…
Posted in Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Bullying & Victimhood, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Lunchbox, News, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Monday, March 5th, 2007
Excerpted from Judiciary Won’t Allow Christian Beliefs, published Mar 3, 2007, by WorldNet Daily:
A magistrate judge in Sheffield, England, has been told he cannot serve on the local court’s Family Panel, even though he’s been recognized as having “an unblemished record and is well regarded by fellow magistrates” because he is a Christian.
“This case is a clear picture of how Christian faith is becoming privatized in society,” said Andrea Williams, of the Lawyers Christian Fellowship. “It is yet another example of the repression of Christian conscience and signals the prevalence of a secular ‘new morality’ and the erosion of Christian values at the expense of our children’s welfare.”
The case arose when McClintock realized he would be assigned to hear cases involving adoption by homosexual couples, which are allowed now under England’s Civil Partnerships Act 2002. Realizing the concerns that might arise, he asked that his religious beliefs be accommodated and he be “screened” from such cases.
He also expressed concern that children would be put at risk by the unproven social experiment of homosexual duo adoptions.
“Andrew McClintock believes that the best interests of the child are served by placing them in a situation where they would have both a mother and a father and therefore he could not agree to participate in gay adoption,” Williams said. “The imposition of secular values in every aspect of our lives will force those who hold Christian beliefs out of jobs. It will be to the detriment of the whole of society.”
McClintock took his case to the Employment Tribunal in Sheffield…
The Tribunal, however, said the case did not involve religious freedom or conscience. Further, the Tribunal concluded even if Mr. McClintock had been able to show he made his decision to resign based on his religious beliefs, there still was no case for discrimination.
“If a judge personally has particular views on any subject, he or she must put those views to the back of his or her mind when applying the law of the land impartially,” the Tribunal ordered…
A report in the Telegraph said the decision came as the government in England prepared to introduce a plan to prevent homosexuals from being discriminated against in the “provision of goods and services.” And the report noted the Sexual Orientation Regulations now could require schools to give equal weight in sex education classes to homosexual and heterosexual practices.
Posted in Adoption & Foster Parenting, Christian Persecution, Court Decisions & Judges, News, Pending Legislation, Sex-Ed Curriculum, UK |
Sunday, March 4th, 2007
The physician quoted below is credited on many websites as providing care for about 90% of HIV/AIDS patients in Utah and surrounding areas. According to her online bio, she has cared for about 2000 patients since 1983 when AIDS was first recognized, and presently has about 1000 active patients. One wonders if this eventuality is plainly delineated by those promoting homosexuality in Deerfield High School’s Freshman Advisory class, for this is tragic.
From Utah Doctor Warns about HIV-Methamphetamines Connection, published Feb 2007, by Affirmation (a pro-homosexuality group for “gay” and lesbian Mormons):
A doctor who pioneered the treatment of HIV/AIDS…Dr. Kristen Ries (pictured left), Director of the University of Utah AIDS Center, made the statement in a recent interview with QSaltLake [which is “Utah’s Gay & Lesbian News & Entertainment Magazine”].
“In our clinic we are seeing young 18-, 19-, 20-year-olds coming in newly-infected with HIV and it’s mostly related to methamphetamine,” Ries said.
…“It’s very hard to see so many young people with permanent brain dysfunction,” Ries added. “A lot of people are very disabled and will never have the quality of life they had before, both due to the effects of HIV and methamphetamine on the brain.”
Posted in Crystal Methamphetamine, Drug Abuse, Homosexual Quotes, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Friday, March 2nd, 2007
Special Event!
Culture Campaign hosts God, Sex, and the Culture War
featuring Peter LaBarbera, Lora Sue Hauser, and Lori Higgins
The Gay Agenda: No Child Left Behind…
Sunday, Mar 11, at 7:15 pm
at College Church in Wheaton, IL
From our good friends at Culture Campaign and North Shore Student Advocacy, originally published Feb 19, 2007:
A recent letter to the editor [.PDF] in the Thursday, Feb. 15 issue of Deerfield Review reveals a troubling agenda at Deerfield High School. A parent was denied permission for a one-time visit to observe a class called Freshman Advisory. She had become concerned about the content of the class after her daughter was mocked, called ‘anti-semitic’ and ‘homophobic’ for openly disagreeing with the pro-homosexual message presented. Student members of the Straight and Gay Alliance (SAGA) drew pictures of her with devil horns on her head…
Here is the letter in its entirety:
Parent Denied Class Visit
I have seven children who have either attended or are currently attending Deerfield High School. As a parent, I have the right to know what they are teaching my kids, how they are teaching my kids, and why they are teaching my kids certain information. I recently asked for the first time to visit a class to hear what they are teaching in Freshman Advisory.
I was surprised to receive a letter informing me that I would not be allowed to visit. They told me that they would send me a taped copy of the class.
First, how would I know if the tape had been edited? Second, I am an adult, I pay taxes for my kids to attend this school, and I should be able to sit in on one class to see what they are teaching my fourteen-year-old.
I have instilled morals and values in my kids, and I believe that some at DHS are trying to change my child’s beliefs to conform to theirs.
Tolerance is one of the values that I have instilled in my kids, but it is clear that tolerance is not a value shared by the Straight and Gay Alliance (SAGA) at DHS. I was shocked to learn that when one of my children openly disagreed with SAGA’s position on homosexuality, she was called anti-Semitic and homophobic. In addition, certain individuals in SAGA drew pictures of my daughter with devil horns on her head.
Shockingly, none of this was solved, and no one was punished for these intolerant and distasteful acts. I feel certain that if the tables were turned, my daughter would have been punished. Intolerance is clearly an issue at DHS. Unfortunately it is those with a non-traditional agenda who are the intolerant ones. Some students and certain staff members make it uncomfortable for more conservative students to disagree with the belief that homosexual behavior is moral.
I will do whatever I can to ensure that my children and their beliefs are tolerated. Furthermore, I do not want my children taught anything at school that should be taught only at home. Teachers should teach English, math social studies, science, and foreign languages.
The class I asked to observe is a Freshman Advisory class in which gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender DHS students discuss their sexual orientation with all freshmen. If they are allowed to share this information with freshmen, parents should be allowed to hear their presentation also.
If they are uncomfortable with a parent sitting quietly in the back of the class, then perhaps the presentation is not appropriate for the public school.
I do not want teachers having some students announce their sexual orientation to my children as part of a classroom presentation, and I do not want teachers even suggesting that my children accept the view that homosexual behavior is right behavior. This is not what I send my kids to school to learn. Something needs to change.
Ellen Waltz
Deerfield High School has some explaining to do…
Posted in Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Straight Alliance, News, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Wednesday, February 28th, 2007
Excerpted from Homosexual Activists Consider Targeting Private Christian Schools for “Homophobia”, by Gudrun Schultz published Feb 27, 2007, by LifeSite News:
Want provincial ministry of education to exert “more control” over curriculum and staff hiring
Ontario private schools are coming increasingly under the lens of homosexual activist groups for “homophobic” teaching stemming from the schools’ primarily religious foundations, a report in Ottawa’s homosexual news media indicated earlier this week.
[WARNING: The following link to the original story in a pro-homosexuality
publication is accompanied by extremely offensive advertising.]
In an article warning about the increasing trend toward private and religious schools in the province, Ottawa’s Capital Xtra objected to religious schools that teach children “only their own values.”
The article quotes Tony Lovink, a homosexual Christian teacher in the Ottawa public school system, as saying,
“All private schools tend to be at least implicitly homophobic. And I would say all religiously formed independent schools are definitely homophobic.”
[Note from AFTAH: Based on Scripture, we contend that it is not possible
to simultaneously engage in homosexual behavior and be a faithful Christian…
but change is possible in Jesus Christ.]
The Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights in Ontario said they were concerned the provincial ministry of education wasn’t “exerting more control” over the curriculum used by private religious schools. Unless a school wants to grant students government-recognized Secondary School Diplomas, Ontario private schools are free to use their preferred curriculum. Even schools that do grant the government diplomas may teach any additional material they choose, so long as the required curriculum is covered.
As well, the CLGRO objected to provincial standards that permit private schools to hire teachers based on the school administration’s own qualification requirements.
Continue reading at LifeSite News…
Posted in Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Canada, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, News, Pending Legislation, School Officials, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Friday, February 23rd, 2007
Neutral Unisex Bathroom Created for Cross-dressing Student
News Advisory: February 23, 2007
Contact: Regina Griggs, Director, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX); 703-360-2255 PFOX@pfox.org www.pfox.org
Montgomery County, Maryland – Three parent organizations are asking the Maryland State Board of Education to halt the new sex ed curriculum approved by the Montgomery County, Maryland Board of Education (BOE). Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum (CRC), and Family Leader Network have filed an appeal requesting Maryland to stay Montgomery County Public School’s sex ed plans.
The newly approved curriculum, entitled “Respect for Differences in Human Sexuality,” promotes cross-dressers, homosexuals, transgenders, bisexuals, the intersexed, and other non-heterosexuals. It teaches children about “coming out” as gay, “gender identity” for men who think they’re women and vice-versa, and “homophobia” as a label for anyone who disagrees.
In one lesson, a boy begins to wear dresses to school, calls himself “Portia,” and wants to be known as a girl. The principal gives him a key to a private restroom and a new student ID identifying him as a girl. “Although transgenderism is considered a gender identity disorder by the American Psychiatric Association, the lesson plan fails to recommend counseling for students with gender confusion,” said Regina Griggs, PFOX Executive Director. “Instead, it implies that schools should create new unisex bathrooms for cross-dressing students.”
The lesson also refers to “Portia” as a ‘she’ when the law and biology classify ‘her’ as a “he.” “This gender bending forces students to acknowledge ‘Portia’ as a female when he is not and creates gender confusion for children,” said Griggs. “This flawed educational policy is not based on medical or scientific facts.”
Despite repeated appearances by former homosexuals and a former transgender before the BOE, the Board voted to exclude ex-gays from the lesson plans although gays, transgenders, and the intersexed are included and taught to students. “Why do the lesson plans censor ex-gays when every other sexual orientation is discussed and supported?” asked Griggs. “The BOE violates its own sexual orientation non-discrimination policy by choosing which sexual orientations it favors based on politics and not science. Its discriminatory actions contribute to the intolerance and open hostility faced by the ex-gay community.”
PFOX was a member of the curriculum committee representing the ex-gay community, yet the BOE voted to teach students that it is normal to change your sex (transgender) but not normal to change your unwanted same-sex attractions (former homosexual). “The lesson plans instruct students that homosexual orientation is innate and inborn, despite testimony by former homosexuals before the BOE and all contrary scientific research,” explained Griggs.
“The lesson plans are entitled “Respect for Differences in Human Sexuality,” yet the ex-gay community receives no respect and is deliberately left out of the curriculum,” Griggs said. “The actions of the Montgomery County Board of Education are discriminatory, endanger children, and are politically motivated.”
“What happens in Montgomery County will happen to the rest of Maryland, so it is imperative to stop this ‘sex ed’ program now before it is fully implemented,” said Griggs. Concerned Maryland residents can take action at http://www.mcpscurriculum.org/take_action.shtml
A copy of this news advisory is available online at: http://pfox.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=155#155
Posted in Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Government Promotion, News, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
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