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Matt Barber on Dan Savage: ‘Tolerant Bully’May 4th, 2012![]() Dan Savage's perverse and Christianity-mocking speeches, such as one last week in a chapel at Elmhurst College, are shocking mainstream America. Dan Savage Links (also see “SavageHate.com“): “Savaging the Pope” (exclusive AFTAH video from Elmhurst College speech) Dan Savage Chides “Pansy-Ass” Attitude of Offended High School Students Dan Savage Angrily Rejects Peter LaBarbera’s Request to Take Down “Santorm.com” Hate Site ________________________ They used to arrest middle-aged perverts who get their jollies from talking dirty to children. Today, they get a television show, a nationally syndicated column, a lecture circuit and multiple visits to the Obama White House. You know: “Forward.” The irony is palpable. Dan Savage, sex columnist and founder of the LGBT anti-bullying “It Gets Better” campaign, has been outed. Not as a homosexual. He’s out and proud in that regard. In fact, Savage pushes his “anything goes” brand of sexual anarchy on kids worldwide. MTV has even given the sex-obsessed radical his own show, “Savage U” – a moral-relativist platform from which to corrupt the kiddos. Creepy stuff. Savage has finally managed to publicly discredit himself as the anti-Christian bigot and bully he’s always been. Never again will this guy be taken seriously as an anti-bullying crusader. Savage lectures teens in high schools and colleges around the country on the benefits of “non-monogamy,” the occasional “three-way” tryst and any other disease-spreading sexual impulse that might cross their impressionable, hormone-charged young minds (and many they can’t yet imagine). Well, recently, rather than just shocking his teenaged audience with vulgar, sophomoric psychobabble as usual, Savage apparently thought it’d be fun to bully the kids with whom he disagreed. While addressing a crowd of hundreds of high schoolers at the National High School Journalism Convention, Savage launched into an unhinged anti-Christian diatribe. He advised the teens to “ignore the [bulls–t] in the Bible” about sexual morality. “We ignore [bulls–t] in the Bible about all sorts of things,” he barked. Read the rest of this article » AFTAH’s LaBarbera ‘Bullied,’ Kicked out of Dan Savage Speech at Elmhurst CollegeMay 3rd, 2012Angry Savage supporter tosses LaBarbera’s belongings into aisle of chapel after he asks a critical question during Q&A — then the lies begin
WARNING: Offensive Language AFTAH Exclusive video, “Savaging the Pope!”: same video on YouTube (please “like” it) Chicago Tribune coverage of Savage and AFTAH: “Anti-gay activists takes issue with Elmhurst speech” “The Blaze” website article on growing Savage controversy: “Face of ‘Progressive Hate’… Catholic League release: “Elmhurst College Welcomes Bigot,” based on AFTAH video _____________________________ By Peter LaBarbera Dear AFTAH Supporter, The lies from the homosexual activist movement keep coming, and naturally Americans For Truth is a target of them because we’re helping to peel away the “rainbow” veneer to show the ugly reality of homosexual activism. On Sunday evening (April 29, 2012), I attended the Dan Savage speech at Elmhurst College with Grace Gospel Fellowship pastor John Kirkwood and a few other hardy Christians. (The chapel was packed, mostly with Savage supporters, many of them students.) What ensued was shocking, unless you are familiar with the hard-cored homosexual activism. Needless to say, Savage gave the type of profane, Christianity-bashing speech for which he has become notorious — in a chapel, no less. [Please watch our video excerpt, “Savaging the Pope!” and then “Like” it on the AFTAH YouTube page. AFTAH will be releasing further video excerpts of the talk.] I was prepared for the foul-mouthed, anti-Christian barbs (e.g., “What the pope is saying [regarding the threat of “gay marriage”] is that the only thing that stands between my [d**k] and Brad Pitt’s mouth is a piece of paper”…), but not for what happened next: after I asked Savage a critical question in the Q&A (about his nasty hate-site, “Santorum[dot]com”), I was kicked out of the event by Elmhurst College security. This happened after the woman sitting next to me committed an act that can fairly be described as the sort of thing that, well… that a bully would do. Read on after the jump in this version of a note I sent to pro-family leaders explaining the incident. Read the rest of this article » VIDEO: ‘Sexual Freedom’ Activist Susan Wright Tells LaBarbera: Sadomasochism Is a ‘Sexual Orientation’May 1st, 2012Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth, interviewed Susan Wright, Founder of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, on September 28, 2008, at the annual “Folsom Street Fair” in San Francisco. (LaBarbera and several other pro-family advocates were there to protest and document the open nudity that occurs every year, with police protection, at Folsom.) In this portion of amateur video shot by Diane Gramley of American Family Association of Pennsylvania, Wright affirms her belief that sadomasochism is a “sexual orientation.” (She referes to BDSM, which according to practitioners stands for “Bondage & Discipline, Domination & Submission, Sadism & Masochism.”) The first part of the video is a discussion about tolerance; start watching at 3:14 as it turns to behavior (as LaBarbera calls it) versus Wright’s view of “orientation.” YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi1DNB_SeaQ VIDEO: Dan Savage Crudely Assails Pope on ‘Gay Marriage’ at Elmhurst CollegeMay 1st, 2012Warning: Offensive Language (after all, this is Dan Savage…) Homosexual activist and atheist sex-columnist Dan Savage crassly attacks the pope and Christianity as a speaker at Elmhurst College, April 29, 2012, at the college’s historic Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel. This amateur video was shot by John Kirkwood, pastor of Grace Gospel Fellowship, in Bensenville, Illinois. AFTAH will be providing further excepts of Savage’s speech at Elmhurst. The college shot video of the speech, but had not posted it as of May 1, 2012. We will add a transcript at the bottom. Also, note AFTAH’s new website button, “Savage Hate” (www.SavageHate.com), which will document Savage’s troubling record. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org Link on AFTAH YouTube page: http://youtu.be/Chco0JkpL_A Dan Savage Video – Chides ‘Pansy Ass’ Attitude of Offended Christian High School StudentsApril 29th, 2012“We can learn to ignore the [bullsh*t] in the Bible about gay people,” says homosexual activistDan Savage — creator of the pro-homosexual-youth “It Gets Better Project” and the vile anti-Rick-Santorum hate-site “Santorum[dot]com” — was invited to speak as a keynote speaker at NSPA/ JEA’s annual High School Journalism convention, Journalism on the Edge. For the most comprehensive response to Savage’s attacks on the Bible, see Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Professor Rob Gagnon’s site: www.robgagnon.net. Savage later apologized for the “pansy ass” comment, but not for his tirade against the Bible. This video was published on YouTube Apr 27, 2012 by bandroadie95. Citizen Link article: http://www.citizenlink.com/2012/04/18/students-walk-out-on-dan-savage/ YouTube link: http://youtu.be/ao0k9qDsOvs Dan Savage Challenges Peter LaBarbera to Identify his ‘Hate Speech,’ but Key Nasty Video Remains SpikedApril 29th, 2012Atheist homosexual sex columnist errs in referring to wrong video in challenge to AFTAH president
BREAKING: View the video of Dan Savage that is going viral — as Savage attacks the Bible and refers to the “pansy ass” attitude of Christian high school students who walked out in protest. Go HERE. _____________________________ By Peter LaBarbera Talk about chutzpah: homosexual militant Dan Savage — creator of the despicable hate-site “Santorum.com” — has issued a public challenge to document his “hate speech.” Yes, you read that correctly: only in the upside-down world of “gay” activism would a man who notoriously and proudly “re-defined” Rick Santorum’s last name as “The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex” — issue a challenge to find the hatred in his recorded words. But here’s the kicker: at least one of the videos containing some of Savage’s rancorous attacks on Christians was taken down a few days ago, and remains down today (April 26, 2012). Increasingly, conservatives (like Gina Miller) are paying attention to Savage, who despite his cruel antics and anti-Christian barbs continues to be lauded in media and academic circles. He even has his own, brand new show on MTV, about sex on college campuses. If there is anything that testifies to the sham of the liberal crusade against (ostensibly right-wing Christian) “hate” and “bullying,” it is the media’s, academia’s and pop culture’s rewarding of cyber-bully Savage. Hiding his hate? When my friend and Illinois Family Institute writer Laurie Higgins wrote a piece about Savage’s upcoming speeech at Elmurst College (Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 7:00; contact Elmhurst HERE), it appeared to Laurie (and to me) that Savage had responded to her article by removing one of more of his anti-evangelical-Christian videos from YouTube. Caught up in a moment of “gotcha,” on Thursday I tweeted Savage about allegedly “scrubbing” his videos. “Who’s the ‘pansy’ now, Dan?” I asked, referencing his taunt against offended Christian students who walked out on a recent Bible-bashing talk by Savage in Seattle. (And in deference to Savage, I’d have been fairer by simply asking him if he spiked the videos.) Read the rest of this article » Two Manly Men – Mike Heath and Paul Madore – Battle ‘Sodomy-based Marriage’ in MaineApril 26th, 2012Bucking political correctness, they say the battle is ALL about the “morality of homosexuality”![]() Why haven't America's Christian men (and women) risen up in anger over the promotion of homosexual perversion even to teenagers, on primetime TV? This photo of the infamous, extended homosexual kiss on the FOX program "Glee" is blocked for decency's sake. Folks, how did we get to the point in our society where opposition to homosexuality became more “controversial” than homosexuality itself? (See Isaiah 5:20.) You might be shocked by what the Coach writes below, but then again: you need to be shocked. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org ____________________ Two Manly Men in Maine By Coach Dave Daubenmire, of Pass the Salt Ministries April 26, 2012 The boys are back in town. Not that they ever went anywhere. But Mike Heath and Paul Madore are teaming up once again to take on the sodomites in Maine. That is bad news for the gay-rights thugs, and they know it. Heath and Madore are like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Batman and Robin, or the Lone Ranger and Tonto. They are the homosexual movement’s worst nightmare. For the seventh time in recent history, there is an attempt by the deviant-left to foist “sodomy-based marriage” onto the grandchildren of the citizens of Maine. When does “no” mean no? Read the rest of this article » LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Barb Anderson and Laurie Higgins – Part Two – and More Awful Homosexual HateApril 25th, 2012
WARNING: Offensive Language This is Part Two of my interview [click HERE to listen] with Barb Anderson of Parents Action League and Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute. This discussion was pre-taped in early April and aired April 21, 2012. Note that beginning May 1, the new time for hearing the AFTAH Radio Hour live on WYLL-AM-1160 in Chicagoland is every Saturday at midnight (one hour later than the usual time). Anderson describes the incredibly nasty attacks (see graphic at right) on pro-family advocates concerned about the promotion of homosexual behavior in Anoka-Hennepin schools (outside Minneapolis). She and Higgins discuss how the Southern Poverty Law Center has named Parents Action League a “hate group,” and how a “hit-piece” in Rolling Stone magazine promoted the falsehood that a rash a local youth suicides was tied directly to “anti-gay bullying” (an assertion debunked by Anoka-Hennepin school district officials). Anderson discusses how the school district ultimately settled lawsuits brought by the SPLC and the Obama Administration— which she says will accelerate pro-homosexuality propaganda in schools. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. |
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