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Obama’s Attitudes on Homosexual ‘Marriage’ ‘Evolving’ — God’s Remain the SameDecember 29th, 2010AFTAH in the news: Obama “man without a biblical conscience”
By Peter LaBarbera It’s the Christmas holiday — the perfect time for President Obama and his veep, Joe Biden, to move closer toward the embrace of so-called “marriage” based on an unnatural sexual sin, right? Nothing like a little pandering to Homosexual-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transsexual activists to profane the Holy Season! (Read the president’s recent interview with the homosexual magazine The Advocate HERE, in which he says his “attitudes are evolving” on homosexual “marriage.” As for Biden, he calls same-sex “marriage” “inevitable”; see One News Now story featuring AFTAH below; listen to it by clicking on the audio button at the top right HERE.) Evolving? Please. Did you know that in 1996 Obama explicitly came out FOR “same-sex marriage” in a candidate questionnaire? See my article HERE on Obama’s homosexual “marriage” doublespeak. For him, it’s not a matter of “if” but “when” and “how” he gets there — and his homosexualist allies know it. But he’s slick: I still get mad thinking back to how Obama conned Rick Warren during the presidential debate with McCain — gaining bogus “pro-marriage” credentials with gullible Christians who had no clue as to how committed to homosexuality this mysterious man from Chicago really was. Of course, from a Truth and moral formation perspective — Obama’s “evolving” views on homosexual “marriage” are worth about as much as Pee-Wee Herman’s. But Obama is our president, and he can and already is using his significant power to erode the meaning of marriage in our culture — promoting sexual sin in the guise of compassion and “rights” (and abortion-on-demand as a “reproductive right”). Make no mistake, this self-described “fierce” advocate of civil unions — fresh from his victory in homosexualizing the U.S. military — is sold out to the homosexual cause, including oxymoronic homosexual “marriage.” He will advance it any way he can — beginning with the evisceration of DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act, signed into law by Bill Clinton). Read the rest of this article » CPAC’s GOProud Controversy Continues — FRC, CWA Pull OutDecember 28th, 2010
TAKE ACTION: There is nothing “conservative” about promoting homosexual behavior in the name of “civil rights.” Contact American Conservative Union (703-836-8602) and urge them to live up to their name and stop “gaying down” conservatism by embracing pro-homosexuality activism through CPAC. (ACU has allowed the homosexual activist group GOProud to be a sponsor at its Conservative Political Action Conference, to be held Feb. 10-12, 2010 in Washington, D.C.) ACU’s offices are closed for the holiday, but you can leave them a message on their voicemail or through their website contact page. _______________________________________ WorldNetDaily.com reports: Biggest conservative names bidding goodbye to CPACParticipation of homosexuals, financial mismanagement cited By Brian Fitzpatrick Two of the nation’s premier moral issues organizations, the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America, are refusing to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference in February because a homosexual activist group, GOProud, has been invited. “We’ve been very involved in CPAC for over a decade and have managed a couple of popular sessions. However, we will no longer be involved with CPAC because of the organization’s financial mismanagement and movement away from conservative principles,” said Tom McClusky, senior vice president for FRC Action. “CWA has decided not to participate in part because of GOProud,” CWA President Penny Nance told WND. Read the rest of this article » For God So Loved the World…December 25th, 2010For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.— The Gospel according to John, Chapter 3 Lesbian Chai Feldblum Confirmed as EEOC CommissionerDecember 23rd, 2010![]() Newly confirmed EEOC Commissioner, lesbian Chai Feldblum, calls the battle between religious freedom and rights based on homosexuality a "zero-sum game," in which homosexuals should win and Christians should lose. Chai Feldblum — the homosexual activist who rightly acknowledges that “rights” based on homosexuality and the religious freedom to live out one’s opposition to homosexuality cannot peacefully coexist in the law — has been confirmed as a Commissioner of the EEOC. A lesbian and top homosexual legal strategist, Feldblum calls the battle between religious freedom and homosexuality-based “rights” a “zero-sum game” — in which homosexuals usually should win and Christians should lose. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org Excerpted from The Advocate, a magazine for people practicing homosexuality:
Continue reading at The Advocate AFTAH Targeted in Biased FOX-Chicago TV Report on SPLC’s Fraudulent ‘Hate Group’ ClassificationDecember 21st, 2010![]() DePaul law student and AFTAH critic Maria Pahl offered a grossly distorted description of AFTAH's three-day Truth Academy held last August. FOX-Chicago relied on Pahl's inaccurate account to buttress its story on AFTAH's alleged "hate."
_________________________________ Fox-Chicago News Does Hit-Piece on AFTAH as Alleged ‘Hate Group’Americans For Truth About Homosexuality was the target of a biased FOX-Chicago TV report last night, pegging off the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) controversial classification of AFTAH, the Family Research Council, American Family Association, Illinois Family Institute, and other mainstream pro-family organizations as “hate groups.” The report — which was really more of a dishonest hit piece — [watch it online HERE] relied on twisted characterizations of AFTAH’s Truth Academy, held at the Christian Liberty academy in August. I don’t know which Truth Academy DePaul law student and FOX source Maria Pahl attended but in her zeal to defame AFTAH she grossly skews what the Academy was all about. The Truth Academy was three full days of lectures on many aspects of the homosexual activist agenda and its implications for larger society. I think Pahl attended a large part of it, yet here’s how she describes it to FOX, as reported by a website of an atheist high school teacher with whom she was aligned [listen about the two-minute mark HERE]:
Training camps? AFTAH’s audiotapes of the Academy — including of Cliff Kincaid’s talk, which discusses the continuing FDA ban on “men who have sex with men” donating blood are available to the public, and to FOX [see Truth Academy info HERE]. But rather than examine the veracity of Pahl’s take on the conference (or put her claims in context), FOX ran with her jaundiced and ridiculous description. Sadly, this is what passes for “news” and investigative reporting in Chicago. Mark Saxenmeyer, the FOX reporter who interviewed me and Christian Liberty pastor Calvin Lindstrom for the story, is himself an open homosexual — which he told me and Pastor Lindstrom during the interview with us for the story. Saxenmeyer said he is not a “gay” activist, but based on our conversation he clearly is a strong advocate of homosexuality. (Saxenmeyer does not reveal his homosexuality on air, which is typical of homosexual reporters working on homosexuality-related stories; the news consumer rarely is informed of the reporter’s “special interest” in stories like these.) Read the rest of this article » Part Three: AFTAH Interview with Barb AndersonDecember 20th, 2010Part Three of our interview with Barb Anderson of the Minnesota Family Council [click HERE to listen]. This segment was pre-taped and aired Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010. Anderson discusses the pro-homosexual propaganda fed to teachers through pro-LGBT seminars and workshops — which is then translated into biased, pro-“gay” education programs in schools. Anderson agrees with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera that liberal educators do not want parents to know about the radically pro-homosexual lesson programs that they are foisting on impressionable students in the name of “diversity.” She also comments on the politics of “bullying.” To listen to Part One of the interview, go HERE; for Part Two, go HERE. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Sen. Lieberman Is Wrong – Repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Is Not about ‘Civil Rights’ but Pushing Homosexuality on the MilitaryDecember 18th, 2010Will “Orthodox” phoney Lieberman walk, not drive, to the Capitol to cast his vote to homosexualize the Armed Forces?AFTAH News Release, Dember 18, 2010 Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631; americansfortruth@gmail.com ![]() Sen. Joe Lieberman's phoney piety is exposed by his emergence as a leading crusader in Congress for the homosexual agenda. CHICAGO – As most Americans shop and begin making preparations for Christmas or their religious holiday, the U.S. Senate, led by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) and Sen. Joseph Lieberman (independent), is busy securing a vote to effectively homosexualize our Armed Forces. [Call your Senators at 202-224-3121 to oppose the repeal of the law banning open homosexuality in the military (commonly called “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”).] Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, which opposes the “gay” activist agenda, said today’s vote, potentially clearing the way for repealing the military ban, is the most important homosexuality-related congressional vote ever held: “If the lame-duck Congress succeeds in ‘gaying down’ our military this weekend, it will take a disastrous leap toward “mainstreaming” deviant, sinful homosexual conduct – not just in the military but in larger society — thus further propelling America’s moral downward spiral. “This is a needless injection of sexual politics into our Armed Forces,” LaBarbera said, noting that the President’s own DoD report on implementing the Repeal reveals:
Read the rest of this article » Congress’ Christmas Lump of Coal for Troops – Open Homosexuality?December 17th, 2010Urge your Senators to vote against the hasty repeal of the military’s common-sense ‘Gay’ Ban
![]() According to a Support Plan for implementing President Obama's plan to allow open homosexuals to serve in the military, a couple of male Marines in civilian clothes could kiss and display homo-erotic affection at the local mall without any repercussions. "Standards of conduct regarding public displays of affection (PDA) are orientation-neutral," according to the report (p. 82). What about on base? Obama's radical Repeal plan would degrade the moral authority of our Armed Forces and turn the Pentagon into the biggest bureaucracy working to mainstream homosexuality (sin) that the world has ever seen. The U.S. Senate is hours, or perhaps a day, away from what I believe is the most important congressional vote on homosexuality ever taken in the USA: a bill that would Repeal the existing ban on open homosexuality in the military [Call your Senators: 202-224-3121]. If we lose and the Repeal goes forward, it will usher in a sea-change of pro-homosexual political correctness — not just on our Armed Forces, but on the rest of society, as a Brave, New, ‘Gay’-affirming Military will be held up as the new “civil rights” paradigm for the rest of America (God help us). The Homosexual Lobby knows what is at stake, which is why they have been pounding Capitol Hill for weeks on the Repeal. Unfortunately, not enough conservatives and people of faith understand the critical importance of this vote. A handful of Republicans such as Sen. Scott Brown (who has flip-flopped on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and the two Maine Senators (Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins) may join with the Democrats in supporting the fast-track legislation passed by the House Wednesday (see vote Roll Call HERE). Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid needs 60 votes to homosexualize the Armed Forces. As sure as New Years Day follows Christmas, the Homosexual Lobby would seize upon this (giant) opening and push for more and more pro-homosexuality policy changes in the military — including same-sex partner benefits, “married” housing for homosexual Service members, sweeping pro-gay “diversity” propaganda for our troops, etc. What a Christmas “gift” for our military men and women! (More like a huge, rainbow-striped lump of coal.) Please pray and do all you can to oppose this radical legislation! — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org ________________________________________ Action Steps:1) Call your Senators using the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 (www.senate.gov) and urge your U.S. Senators to vote against the Repeal of the military’s “gay” ban — and demand that a full and fair debate be held on this radical legistlation that would turn the Pentagon into the world’s largest de facto pro-“gay” advocacy agency. Here are some key Senators to call in this bill; use the Capitol Switchboard (202-114-3121; 202-225-3121) or even better: go to www.senate.gov for their contact info and call their local office numbers: Republicans:
2) Pray that this Repeal bill would be stalled in the Senate. Contact your friends and urge them to pray as well. If Harry Reid calls the House bill and gets 60 votes, this battle is over — and then (as with Obama-care) Americans will learn the radical ramifications of this legislation!) 3) Pass this e-mail to your family members, friends, and contacts — especially those living in states with key states above, and urge them to take action! _______________________________________ Background — Working Group Report makes case for NOT repealing the “gay” ban: I finally read most of the Obama-/Def. Sec. Gates-commissioned Working Group DoD report on the DADT Repeal and — although biased and carefully written and “spun” to camouflage some of the extreme results of allowing open homosexuals in the military, it STILL contains plenty of information showing how damaging the Repeal would be to our military. Here are some findings of and problems with the DoD report:
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