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AFTAH in the News: intolerant “progressive” LGBTQ cheerleaders have become more “fundamentalist” than Christian “fundamentalists”
HBO late-night host John Oliver’s “children’s book mocking one by the vice-president’s daughter, Charlotte Pence, promotes homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” to children.
The following piece about HBO late-night host John Oliver’s nasty stunt, featuring comments by AFTAH, is from One News Now, the daily news site produced by our friends at American Family Association (AFA founder Don Wildmon received the first Americans For Truth “Truth Teller” award in 2009).
I am struck by the sheer meanness of self-righteous “progressives” and their obsession with homosexualism (and gender rebellion), which seems to have surpassed unlimited abortion as their Holy Grail. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com
P.S. The main problem with Charlotte Pence’s response to Oliver’s mock-book is that we should never applaud a book that corrupts children, as his does (by celebrating homosexual “marriage” and demonizing those who oppose it). Also, the LGBTQ group that benefits from Oliver’s book, Trevor Project, is hardly a “charity” as it pushes for laws to shut down pro-heterosexual change therapy for minors. But who can blame Charlotte Pence for trying to pivot away from the hateful attacks of “progressives” against her father and her family?
Pence’s Daughter One-betters Late-night Host
By Steve Jordahl, One News Now, March 19, 2018
A mean-spirited late-night host is mocking a children’s book simply because the authors are related to Vice-president Mike Pence.
Second-Daughter Charlotte Pence and her mom, Karen, wrote a kids book about Charlotte’s pet rabbit, Marlon Bundo, who has become popular on social media. It’s called, A day in the Life of the Vice President.
But late night television host John Oliver appears to believe that no one with the name Pence should be allowed out in public.
I would love to say, ‘Fine, it’s a fun, sweet book about a rabbit … Who gives a [expletive]?’” Oliver expressed on his show. “But unfortunately, one of the stops on that book tour is at Focus on the [expletive]-ing Family. So, congratulations, Pence, you’ve even managed to ruin Marlon Bundo.”
Not being content to just harangue the Pences with foul language, Oliver then decided to hit where he thought it would hurt the Pences most.
“We also wrote a book about Mike Pence’s rabbit that has also been published,” the vitriolic host continued. “You’ll notice right away that our rabbit has a bow tie, so there’s that. Also, our story is about Marlon Bundo falling in love with another boy rabbit because our Marlon Bundo is gay.”
Focus on the Family Vice President Paul Batura says the ministry is honored to have the Pences stop by.
“I’m not shocked that late-night TV would spoof or would mock, but I think it sort of goes to a new low to do it with a children’s book – to try and politicize something that’s clearly positive and fun and innocent, really,” Batura shared.
Meanwhile, Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth insists that celebrating homosexuality has become the Holy Grail to the left.
“Ironically, they despise biblically faithful Christians, but they’re more fundamentalist in their anti-faith than most Christians are with their faith,” LaBarbera insisted.
Shining above Oliver, Charlotte Pence is taking the high road. On her twitter feed, she has a picture of Marlon with a bow tie. On it, she wrote, “Not gonna lie, I do look pretty fly in a bow tie. The only thing better than one bunny book for charity is TWO bunny books for charity.”
Obsessed with Mike Pence and Corrupting Kids: in HBO host John Oliver’s world, it’s a really good thing to teach toddlers that rabbits are “gay” and that only meanies (like Vice President Pence) are against homosexuality-based “marriage.” Photo is from his recent HBO rant against the VP.
Folks, this email article is by Micah Clark, the very able president of American Family Association of Indiana — the state where Vice President Mike Pence served as governor before being chosen as Donald Trump’s running mate. Clark cites an important piece by Matt Walsh of The Blaze, “The Left’s Insane Hatred of Mike Pence Is Nothing But Anti-Christian Bigotry,” regarding the escalating pro-LGBTQ campaign demonizing the VP. I discussed the same phenomenon on VCY America radio HERE and with Christian talker Janet Mefferd HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
I rarely send two emails in a week, particularly when the legislature is not in session. However, in the past couple of years, I have become increasingly concerned about a growing hostility toward religion, (and Christianity in particular) in our state and nation. Some of our biggest and most rancorous battles at AFA-IN now involve the defense of our religious freedoms.
I am sure that you remember the vitriol and hatred against people of faith on display during the RFRA [Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act] battle. You may also recall that two years ago, Indiana State Senator Travis Holdman nearly succeeded in passing two bills that not only would have opened up bathrooms and locker rooms to sexually confused men, placing women and children at risk, they would also, “decide who enjoys [religious] liberty and who will be denied liberty” according to a Liberty Council legal review of SB 100 and SB 344.
I want to pass along two articles that came out this week pointing out the bigotry against Christianity that has escalated with the election of Indiana’s own Mike Pence. The first article can be read here from The Indianapolis Star editorial cartoonist and columnist Gary Varvel. He observes:
“In this age of tolerance, there is one group that the preachers of tolerance will not tolerate – Christians.”
Changed Life: Stephen Black of First Stone Ministries and Restored Hope Network once lived his life as a “gay” man [see his powerful video testimony HERE]. Now he helps others leave the homosexual lifestyle. Stephen will give four presentations on understanding homosexuality and reaching out to those trapped in sexual sin and gender confusion—in the love and truth of Jesus Christ. Full banquet details HERE. Sign up for just $25 for both days HERE.
Dear AFTAH Supporters,
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is holding its annual banquet this Friday, Oct. 20, followed by a “Teach-in” Saturday, Oct. 21. There will be a total of four presentations by our keynote speaker, my friend Stephen Black, a godly Christian man who came out of homosexuality and now helps others do the same. [See his powerful video testimony HERE.] We also have an “all-star” Q-&A panel Saturday featuring: Denise Shick, whose father told her he wanted to be a “woman” when she was a young girl; stellar writer Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute; and AFA-Pennsylvania pro-family warrior Diane Gramley.
This Teach-in is ideal for anyone with loved ones trapped in homosexual and/or transgender lifestyles. Like all our events, it will be highly educational and spiritually uplifting—loaded with information that you can put to use in your life and relationships. It is only $25 for both days and will be held at Grace for Life Bible Church in Naperville, Illinois, Oct. 20-21. Full details are HERE.
WHEN: Banquet with casual dinner (catered by Portillo’s) is Friday, Oct. 20, 6:00-9:30 PM. Doors open at 5:30 PM Friday, and 8:30 AM Saturday. Teach-in seminars led by Stephen is Saturday, Oct 21, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. A casual lunch will be served Sat., and the Q&A panel begins at 1:30 Sat.
WHERE:Grace For Life Bible Church, Naperville, Illinois (west of Chicago), 7S201 S. River Rd., Naperville, IL. [at the corner of River Rd. and Aurora Ave.; entrance is on River Rd. across the street from “Safety Town” and the Naperville PD.]
COST: Just $25/person to attend either or both events. Table of 10 at banquet for $250. Separate gift offerings will be taken both Friday and Saturday. Mail check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522 — or pay online HERE
RSVP and AFTAH contact info: americansfortruth@gmail.com, or call 312-324-3787.
AFTAH Reboot
This year’s banquet is a little different from past ones in that it launches what is essentially AFTAH’s “reboot” as an organization. For the last year, I have been writing full-time for LifeSiteNews.com, an excellent pro-family news site for which I will continue to write blog articles. But my Americans For Truth work in the last year has been limited mainly to doing dozens of interviews on conservative and Christian media relating to LGBTQ issues [see HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE]. Moral-minded conservatives are big fans of AFTAH because we are direct and honest in speaking the truth about homosexual-bisexual-transgender activism, in the love and grace of Christ.
Beginning at the Friday banquet [casual dinner catered by Portillo’s], I will again be devoting my full energies to AFTAH, which I formed more than two decades ago (an offshoot of my “Lambda Report”) and has always been my first love when it comes to opposing Big Gay and its cheerleading media enablers. (We veterans of the fight against the LGBTQueer lobby could tell Donald Trump a few things about “fake news.”)
Our website will return to doing that for which AFTAH is known (and which drives LGBT militants and the Left crazy): telling the hard truths about homosexuality and “transgenderism” that so many others—even people on our side—are often unwilling to tell. Yes, that includes publishing disturbing (albeit boxed-out) photos of unsavory “gay” events that remind us why, for centuries, homosexuality has been regarded as deeply immoral and an unnatural perversion.
A Nation of “My Truths”: Barna Research Group graphic shows high percentages of Americans (including Christians) who believe in subjective morality. See full Barna story on the new, “self-fulfillment morality” HERE. Click to enlarge.
If you are familiar with the story of Noah’s Ark beyond a Sunday School flannel graph, you’ll likely recall that the times in which Noah lived were described as days of exceptional evil across the earth. This saddened the heart of God. Many observers think that we are living in days of global evil again. I am not sure if we are in similar times, but there’s no doubt that the mass killing of Muslims and Christians all across the globe from civil wars and radical Islam saddens God’s heart.
In parts of the Bible, similar times of exceptional evil are described as times in which “everyone did what was right in their own eyes” or according to themselves. Morality was in the eye of the beholder. Nothing was off limits anymore because it was up to each person’s heart, no matter how confused or depraved, to determine. How else can one explain the insanity of Lot’s offering his own daughters up to crazed men in Sodom under the guise of good manners and cultural norms?
In this backdrop, a new study from the Barna Research Group may concern many while also explaining much of the evil in America. Entitled, “The End of Absolutes: America’s New Moral Code” Barna’s research finds that the vast majority of Americans (80 percent) express concern about our nation’s moral condition. Every demographic shares this concern, with 89 percent of elders, 87 percent of baby-boomers, 75 percent of Gen-X’ers and 74 percent of Millennials expressing concerns about America’s moral condition. Although 90 percent of Christians express concern over our moral decline, even 67 percent of adults of no faith say they have concerns about America’s values.
In addition to allowing men in female restrooms, Target backs radical LGBT “Equality Act”; boasts 100% perfect score on HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”
Folks, today I sent the following letter to Target using their online Contact Form. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
TAKE ACTION: Contact Target at 800-440-0680 or using their Online Contact Form; and sign the AFA “Boycott Target” petition if you plan to join the boycott. If you do, make a point of going into your local Target store or calling the manager to explain why you and your family will no longer shop there.
TARGET: 100% Pro-Homosexual-Transgender Agenda: Target boasts online of its “perfect” ranking on HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index.” The biased LGBT “Index” punishes corporations for giving to pro-family causes–and rewards them for funding “gay” and “transgender” groups and events. This graphic is taken directly from the Target website.
Why My Family Won’t Be Shopping at Target Stores Anymore
May 2, 2016
By Peter LaBarbera
WARNING: offensive descriptions of horrifying transsexual “sex reassignment surgeries”
Dear Target,
My family and I are joining the Target boycott and will no longer shop at your stores. It is preposterous that all Target stores now allow men to use female restrooms—a sex predator’s dream. Girls have the basic right not to have their private spaces invaded by men, for ANY reason.
My family has done a LOT of shopping at Target over the years, but no more. One of my five children even worked at Target–but now I will not allow my two teenage kids to apply for a job there given Target’s leftist, politically correct corporate policies. Target has chosen to be contemptuous of common sense and Americans who are motivated by faith, decency and traditional morality. So we in turn choose to no longer support Target with our consumer dollars.
“So, the policy that [Target] headquarters sent down was whatever you identify yourself as is the restroom that you are welcome in” — Gianna, Target staffer
TAKE ACTION: Contact Target at 800-440-0680 or using their Online Contact Form; and sign the AFA “Boycott Target” petition if you plan to join the boycott. If you do, make a point of going into your local Target store or calling the manager to explain why you are no longer going to shop there.
Folks, here is a short video produced by Coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries confirming Target Corporation’s official policy allowing males to enter women’s restrooms in all Target stores nationwide. Target is one of the leading corporations pandering to the LGBTQ Lobby–see this AFTAH article on their endorsement of the radical LGBTQ “Equality Act.” American Family Association now has more than 1.1 millions signatures on its petition to Boycott Target over it’s pro-transgender bathroom policy. Kudos to Coach, and more coming on the Target story. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
P.S. A corresponding “Buy-cott” at Walmart stores–giving consumers a pro-family alternative to Target–is problematic because Walmart (90% ranking on homosexual group Human Rights Campaign’s corporate scorecard) has shifted to becoming an aggressive supporter of the LGBTQ agenda. See our AFTAH article HERE on Walmart’s sponsorship of the child-non-friendly 2015 New York City homosexual “pride” parade.
Here is Coach Dave’s description of the video:
Published on Apr 25, 2016 Coach Dave’s Video Challenging Target’s Bathroom Policy! Remember to visit http://www.coachdavelive.com for additional Videos, Articles, and Baptizing in the word! If you enjoy these videos, make sure to SUBSCRIBE & Share with your friends!
I hope Bryan Fischer is wrong and that Justice Ginsburg was instead defiantly affirming the fiction of a “Constitutional right” to homosexual “marriage” at the immoral ceremony over which she presided. We’ll know soon. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Ginsburg Tips Her Hand – The Fix Is in on Sodomy-Based “Marriage”
It’s time for social conservatives to prepare for a post-apocalyptic world. The Supreme Court will issue a ruling in late June imposing sodomy-based “marriage” on the entire country. It’s a done deal. The fix is in. You can take it to the bank.
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on April 28, and then, according to custom, immediately adjourned to vote. So the results were known to the other members of the Court by close of business that day. The only remaining matter was for Chief Justice Roberts to assign the writing of the majority opinion.
Under normal circumstances, the results of these immediate Supreme Court votes are a jealously guarded secret. No one is supposed to breathe a word. No one is supposed to know the outcome until the ruling is actually released, which will almost certainly be at the very end of the session in late June.
But we now know the result of the vote beyond any shadow of doubt. How do we know? Ruth Bader Ginsburg told us over the weekend.
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd was a guest last Sunday at a homosexual “wedding” ceremony presided over by Justice Ginsburg herself.
The wedding took place in a glitzy setting, the Anderson House in the Embassy Row neighborhood, which houses a club for descendants of soldiers, both French and American, who fought in the Revolutionary War.
Here are the telling paragraphs from Dowd’s column (emphasis mine):
“But the most glittering moment for the crowd came during the ceremony. With a sly look and special emphasis on the word ‘Constitution,’ Justice Ginsburg said that she was pronouncing the two men married by the powers vested in her by the Constitution of the United States.
“No one was sure if she was emphasizing her own beliefs or giving a hint to the outcome of the case the Supreme Court is considering whether to decide if same-sex marriage is constitutional.
“But the guests began applauding loudly, delighted either way. Justice Ginsburg, who has officiated at same-sex weddings in the past, also seemed delighted…”
Well, the guests may have pretended to be unsure of the significance of Ginsburg’s words, but we don’t have to be. When she emphasized the word “Constitution” and did so with a “sly look,” Ginsburg was most emphatically not “giving a hint” about the outcome of the Supreme Court’s vote, she was telling us as plainly as possible.
Ginsburg was informing us that the Supreme Court has already decided that marriage based on what Massachusetts’ state law still calls the “abominable and detestable crime against nature” is now a right guaranteed in the Constitution.
No Justice: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is hardly impartial on the issue of homosexuality-based “marriage’ (just as she isn’t on abortion). According to AFA, Ginsburg has “officiated” at five counterfeit same-sex “weddings.” Justice Elena Kagan has also performed sodomy-based “marriage” rituals. AFA says both “activist” justices should recuse themselves from SCOTUS cases on the issue.
American Family Association) Press Release
Friday, January 16, 2015
Kagan and Ginsburg: Recuse Yourselves!
American Family Association Says Supreme Court Justices Should Step Down on SCOTUS Marriage Cases
[Note: AFTAH has added quote marks around the word “marriage”–as in same-sex “marriage”–in all non-quotation references to the term in the original release–to preserve the natural, age-old understanding of the word.]
TUPELO, Miss.—The issue of same-sex “marriage” in America has divided the country this past year, with state, district and federal courts issuing ruling after ruling.
In light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s announcement that it will hear the issue, American Family Association (AFA, www.afa.net) says Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginsburg should recuse themselves from making any same-sex “marriage” decisions because they have both conducted same-sex marriage ceremonies.
“Both of these justices’ personal and private actions that actively endorse gay marriage clearly indicate how they would vote on same-sex marriage cases before the Supreme Court,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “Congress has directed that federal judicial officers must disqualify themselves from hearing cases in specified circumstances. Both Kagan and Ginsburg have not only been partial to same-sex marriage but they have also proven themselves to be activists in favor of it. In order to ensure the Court’s integrity and impartiality, both should recuse themselves from same-sex marriage cases. Congress has an obligation to Americans to see that members of the Supreme Court are held to the highest standards of integrity. The law demands it, and the people deserve it.”
AFA sent an Action Alert to its one million-plus supporters, asking them to write a letter to their members of Congress, urging them to remind members of the nation’s highest court of their charge to maintain impartiality. Title 28, Part I, Chapter 21, Section 455 of the U.S. Code titled “Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge,” states that “Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”
Kagan performed a September 21, 2014, same-sex “marriage” ceremony for her former law clerk and his partner in Maryland. And Ginsburg performed a same-sex “marriage” ceremony at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C., in August 2013.
OneNewsNow.com, AFA’s news service, also reported that Ginsburg has officiated at least five same-sex “marriage” ceremonies.